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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 29, 2024 3:00am-3:30am MSK

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and it was me who was the victim. but outwardly, it seems like we are following all the rules, but here on the agent we write this , we write this, all this, a lot of this, this is silent.
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it is, so to speak, not loud, it is quiet, but it is there, it is present, and we must understand that it is, in this sense, ideology, again we return to this issue, so i paid attention, even the respected investigative committee, if only i was an ideologist, excuse me, i would say that the word nationalism should not be used in formulations. ukrainian, this is wrong, you have nazis, you have fascists, because nationalism in itself, it doesn’t always wear some kind of radical form, well, i love it there, i don’t know, wear embroidered shirts or there, i don’t know what’s there, there’s vodka, that’s this is different, and this penetrates into the consciousness of people, this is something, a fascist, a nazi - this is what causes rejection. this is an elementary
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psychological model, which generally normal ideologists should interpret in this way, then you form some kind of this, you don’t say that all of ukraine, the ukrainian people are not fascism, well, those who took, today they control, and this is so, those who seized power in ukraine, and not the nazis, and not the fascists, that’s exactly it, so, it seems to me, this needs to be...
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won, biden also seems to have defeated him, that’s why for them, these are the goals, they were quite, so to speak, logical, and here it is clear that this is also, so to speak, well, i would say, the third part of what... was also developed under reagan, and under reagan, the collapse of the soviet union , now these directives are all on national security, they have already been published, they are also placed them themselves, but there were three directives that outlined the plan for the destruction of the soviet union, the end of the eighty-second beginning of the eighty-third year, the first plan, the first place was the destruction of the economy, the second place was the pressure on the soviet union in military terms, we then with dushmans fought in afghanistan. there, and the third is the transfer of the struggle between the powers inside the soviet union, and first of all, the heating up of all conflicts in central asia, now the same thing is being repeated, but it didn’t work out here, this plan didn’t work,
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our economy hadn’t collapsed, which means something had already gone wrong, of course, a second military solution with a collapsed economy, no matter how our armed forces on the front line felt, we would have had nothing. was not enough, we would not be able to quickly compensate for it, that is, here is a second military defeat for you, and of course, a military defeat in our country results in all the internal unrest that occurs to the point that ultimately, what they want to achieve is destruction putin's government, yes, the destruction of the ruling one, the current one is ours the establishment, well, that is, in short, the removal of the president, neither one nor the other, nor the third worked. absolutely, i have already said that this is not the last terrorist attack , i am sure that this is not the first terrorist attack that was being prepared, the simple fact is that we prevented, yes, that a number of our people worked, but i was very struck by the fact that where - then in nizhny novgorod some guys are poisoning this humanitarian aid, everything else
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, i would like to say one very important point, that it turned out that they achieved this terrorist attack, yes, this is a terrible thing, we lost people, this is a tragedy for... so many families, but they achieved the opposite result, they achieved that the rest of the world is outside the area of ​​influence of the united states, i mean the west, it supported us. i’ll give you an example of an ordinary person, i won’t name him , because i need to ask his permission. this is our student, our chinese student, his grandfather is a businessman, and now he took and transferred a million rubles to help the victims. in this terrible terrorist attack, you know, the man who, well, he a foreign student, he pays with us, he generally studies with us for a fee, but nevertheless, such compassion in words, in letters that the faculty receives from our students, foreign students, has led to
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a completely different situation: what the west expected , apparently, this did not divide society, but on the contrary , it even attracted international attention; many countries supported us. well , i don’t know, but the westerners there through the mouth, through the lip, in general, expressed some kind of sympathy, usually through the foreign ministry, this is also characteristic such is what you say, the loss of any diplomatic etiquette, all this has become obsolete a long time ago and does not work, this is exactly what they did not succeed in the west, i think, but the fact that it was invested and it’s not invested now, it was developed then under reagan, they’ll just apply this scheme over and over again. now they are using the same scheme, it’s no coincidence that i don’t agree that there is a war psychosis in america, so i don’t notice it, but in europe they gave birth to it, in europe there really is military psychosis, very serious, you can treat macron as you like, but macron
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is now one of the oldest european politicians, he remains, the most experienced turns out to be, yes, yes, the most experienced, merkel, who was there all the time, so to speak, standing above him , it was holding back there
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, i don’t understand why we didn’t knock it down, yes, i just really don’t understand why we don’t knock them down, these are different strategies, they still show what you and i, strategic bombers carry nuclear weapons for weapons , they show the europeans, no, nothing, nothing. i don’t care about these people, but we have to blame them, this is what, this is the fact that the europeans have
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completely signed up for the american program, this has always amazed me, constantly, every time europe proves again that we are ready, sacrificing our own interests , which, in fact, they had, 3-4 years ago they still had interests, but in 3-4 years these interests have been practically leveled out, the americans understand why. karan georgievich asks a question: you see, since the forties, the americans have two major principles that are repeated by any administration in its foreign policy, they remember, they fought hitler, they fought stalin, that is, they will fight any country that can unite eurasia. we have one country that is now laying claim to this, i just didn’t ask the question, no, okay, not a question, when it came to the chinese threat yes... to world economic relations, and china
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violated the place it occupied, so china can develop according to certain patterns, it must fit into the american global economy, if he starts to leave here, that means that’s it, he ’s a threat, and it’s no coincidence that in every document they are the main threat for them, we... it also seemed to me, well, listen, we are the only country in the modern world, which can turn the united states into dust, or, to put it mildly, destroy it, but china now does not have such capabilities, and as the americans themselves believe, until the year thirty-five such capabilities will not be faster, another thing is that they are increasing at a very rapid pace, but nevertheless themselves americans count until the thirty-fifth year from this side, that is, from the nuclear side...
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china has it, the united states tested it on march 17, the yemeni houthis even have it, anzaar even has it, but there are no americans, so they tried to carry out three launches, they had three failures in ninety in twenty- two, in september of twenty-three they postponed the launch, on march 17 they carried out, but the reports are true. no, no, no, the report was about a successful launch, everything was successful before that, where and where it came from is another matter flew , she was with the b52, well, where is she, where did she end up, nowhere, this is just part of it for now, this is a successful launch, so what the united states transferred to its main enemy, and there besides the usa, vtr, more china has no opponents, the main adversary, the main organizer...
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talks about the f-16, when he finally explains, i say finally, because
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all the time this question was asked, well, where, where are these red lines, what putin says, what are the goals, what needs to be understood, these words are that it was not we who were approaching nato, but nato was coming towards us all the time, moving in our direction, and we weren’t threatening, they were threatening us, and what should we look for from you and what should we do from you is the answer to so many questions. number one, which, i think, today is just discussions that are now taking place in different, different forums in europe and in germany, will give answers to... in these, in these forums these discussions will be answered, these questions will be answered, that stand there will be clear, these are the goals, and the most, most important thing, of course, the red lines, for the first time, in my opinion, i don’t know, maybe i’m wrong, but for the first time in recent months, vladimir putin said quite clearly, we will destroy planes at those airfields if they
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fly from them, well, somehow i’m not quoting exactly, but somehow, if they fly from there to ours . with his position with his behavior lately, when he talks about the fact that he does not name the red line, but he said very clearly, before this it was possible, you can interpret this participation in the war, not participation in the war, in different ways, but in this case i’m talking about german german soldiers on the territory of ukraine about possible deliveries
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of taurus, he said categorically no, here putin said that in principle this position... not only strengthens it, it just makes it, well, unbending, an absolutely clear, clear position, if anyone - today he criticized scholz, this is very important to understand, now in germany there is such a struggle that can end not just in the collapse of the coalition, it can end in the collapse of one coalition with the creation of another, which will pursue a completely different policy, if today we say that germany is not pursuing the policy that should have been introduced by a country that after the second... world war does not have the moral right to participate in some kind of war, then another coalition may appear, putin says these words, of course, this is very understandable, this very correct, because literally the day before yesterday the chairman of the commission or committee on foreign affairs of the bundestag, who is also a representative of scholz’s party, mikhail roth said: “i am resigning, i will see
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out the end of my term, i will resign, because in my own party they don't understand me he is, in principle, on the side.” scholz’s party is becoming stronger, because this committee chairman will be replaced by another who will carry out scholz’s instructions without opposing it, this means that scholz’s line is receiving some kind of definite continuation, the continuation, in my understanding, is correct in the direction of non-participation or possible participation in the war, in this case there will be attempts to keep germany
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on the edge, then the next step is already an abyss, so here this. this is a very important moment, and in parallel with this, there is such a general as ben hodges, whom you all know very well, he once again made such an interesting statement, he said, if ukraine loses, then the first loser will be germany, well, i’m very i was surprised, of course, by these words, firstly, what right does a retired general have, who is on german territory, and should have been in the united states a long time ago, and yet he gives instructions and says that germany will lose, and i... today i understood what we’re talking about, it’s about the fact that hodges would really like germany to lose, so he ’s pushing germany to participate, realizing that germany has no further chance to survive, germany only has a chance to survive in one, if they pursue an independent policy, and he really wants
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this independent policy not to exist, today i read the information about the united states of america, maybe i... i’m wrong somewhere, but they are trying or will introduce some kind of that from mothballed nuclear reactors, and they say: it’s much cheaper than building new ones and generally using gas and all these other things, and under pressure, including the green democratic line of the united states of america, germany destroyed its nuclear energy industry, they closed almost all of their nuclear reactors, they got away from it, moreover, they ruined their lives by refusing cheap gas from russia, they actually... bet everything on the americans, the americans said: no, we won’t supply you with liquefied gas in crazy volumes either we are going, here these words of scholz, the words of hodges, of course, are very appropriate.
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we say russian all the time, by this i don’t know if everyone will understand me, but when we mean not only russians by birth, not only ethnic russians, we
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mean all those who consider themselves russian, so there is even such an internal division in our conversations, well, you ’re russian, but you’re a russian tajik or you’re a russian jew or you’re something else, well, personally , i don’t like it, i’d still get away from it, i myself am like an ethnic tajik or a jew. call yourself whatever you want, but when there are some public discussions, it still seems to me that we need to move away from this specification, because each individual person has his own understanding of who he is, and let him remain that, but as a citizen countries, he is russian, in this regard , you know, with me there, when various people argue there , including bloggers, when they have nothing to say at all, they say, well, whatever you want, well, he’s a jew, he’s going to israel now, well yes, what will he do, go to israel, yes, why don’t you go to israel, they ask me, why don’t you you’re going to israel,
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i’m not a fighter, i came for my brother, here all my feelings are heightened to the limit, happiness has resurrected me, she loves me, call sign passenger, i’ll come back for you, you hear, today.
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colonel general of the mordovians was awarded the general's saber. nikolaevich, this is the highest rank in our country, and you certainly deserve it, so words of gratitude not only from me, but
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naturally from all those whom you are protecting today, protecting at all borders, he does it with dignity, confidently, and therefore the supreme commander-in-chief of the country appreciated andrey's work a person who... a journalist, here is now avdeevka, so, well , he covered up our colleague, a journalist, it’s nice that the award found a hero, and of course, it’s nice that the homeland highly appreciated the talented russian commanders, the endless lies of the kiev regime got even the westerners ...
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no one in the west is in a hurry to condemn them; the renewed banderaites are enraged by any statements that do not call for the destruction of russians. i have recently stopped following the activities of such an institution as the united nations. now this stubborn, general secretary, travels around israel, accusing israel of genocide of the peaceful
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palestinian people. “this is the same peaceful palestinian people who make the meaning of their existence , the meaning of their life, the physical extermination of jews as an ethnos of the nation and the state of israel, we have exactly the same mirror neighborhood, only from the outside, and the russian federation, so why the hell do we have that reaction of the security council un, nothing depends on them, nothing at all, complete discredit of world institutions, i don’t understand this and don’t share it, the enemy is the enemy, or you are his destroy you, or he destroys you, what kind of civilian population is this, whose propaganda from infancy, from the age of three, in kindergartens, then in schools, raises a generation of residents whose raison d’être is the destruction of the state.
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sympathize, someone explain to me? how can we treat these orcs in the north with a feeling of some kind of compassion, this is not this, this is another, the khokhlov are killing them - this is one thing, now this is a civilian population. why is he so nervous? it almost didn't work out, something happened not this way? but let zelensky listen, if you listen to zelensky, then in general everything is wonderful, everything is stabilized, he told cbs news, looking at the fact, looking at the fact of the shortage of appropriate weapons, then look at the fact that we are starting to prepare.
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the front is not felt, let me remind you that they marched on belgorod with forces significantly superior to our group, there really were a lot of them there, they lost a lot and still abandon people , there are still quite a lot of them in the north, there are a lot of women, while women are used as a separate division for management in piwi, as i told you, therefore -


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