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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 29, 2024 3:30am-4:01am MSK

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well, don’t think that it’s all over, they have weapons, they have a lot of fpv, in certain directions, they have enough shells to cause us trouble, in the kharkov direction they got really impudent, they used front-line aviation, but we’re there they shot down one helicopter, but they used several , they also used their own planes to attack the crimea, and it was a massive attack, so... until the final defeat, victory, very much, this is all for now, let’s say, politely, not at all is visible in the near future, on the front especially doesn’t like it when the rear begins to say that that’s all, no, the guys there are doing the hardest man’s work, it’s very, very difficult, low bows and words of gratitude to them. the first bombs fell on
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yugoslavia on march 24, 1999 at 19:45 local time. no one could believe that the country could be attacked at the end of the 20th century. what the west did was completely unacceptable; they directly started a war, essentially in the center of europe.
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it is clear to everyone that russia is not a country of gas stations, there is a perspective, even more brutal, yes, ours more brutally, there will be more than exactly what the numbers help, you are incomparably original in your questions, what is in general with production, raw materials and exports, what is it... our product.
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by the way, this rarely happens, but it does happen when the minister of foreign affairs does not agree with a russian representative.
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first, let him cancel his decree, this is this topic, the topic has already appeared, as for may 20 and what will happen on may 21, let's wait until then, maybe there won't be any need to admit anything, well, i think that after these
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words, someone then you have to shudder so much, so the word is very shocking, well, in the case of goncharenko, not on - but not on, he just sits on it all the time, his tradition is to sit on someone else all the time, you know , yes, well, what to do, this kind of half-poker made its way into the rada, an amazing person, by the way, besides the fact that he is the executioner of odessa,
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you have to understand, here is his biography, this is a man who betrayed his own father, that is, he began his political career by selling and betraying his own father. also another figure, so the apple tree is not far from the cherry, rare scum, well, on the other hand, it’s obvious that putin is to blame for everything in ukraine, but about this, i think not many in russia think that even this part in the ukrainian consciousness is vladimir vladimirovich’s responsibility, the men were at home, sleeping near the women, because that men are sitting in the trenches, they don’t...
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and this is not yesterday, this war did not fall from the sky on a beautiful morning, that’s what the french geopolitical scientist, caroline gallacterus, says. what does aid to ukraine mean? because i really agree with helping ukraine. but are we going to
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help her by continuing to send her weapons that fuel a conflict in which she has lost the advantage militarily and also fuels the conflict. in which other forces will be involved with significant economic, military consequences and consequences for our security. we are effectively undermining any possibility of peace, discussion or negotiation. we are in some kind of delirium, which, in my opinion, is very far from the security needs of ukraine. we never ask the right question about how much government.
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fell from the sky one fine morning because vladimir putin, in his madness , decided to invade ukraine. this is a whole series of events, but its repetition will take a lot of time. look at the events that are happening there, how you need to look at the ukrainian government, at the ukrainian president, firstly,
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zelensky is absolutely, well, he is from the child of hell, but he is a continuation of the trend and this trend, in fact, remember, all the presidents, all the presidents of ukraine came on the wave, let's be friends with russia, we will brothers, we will still hug there, yes, who didn’t talk about it, kravchuk didn’t talk about it, kuchma didn’t talk about it.
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they understand that mobilization in ukraine , total mobilization is inevitable, it will happen, it will definitely happen, and no one will refuse it, and no anglo-saxons will release the ukrainian government from these clutches, forcing them to carry out this mobilization, they just know, they are throwing hot chestnuts at each other friend, shouting about who is to blame, but goncharenko, poroshenko, tymoshenko, zelensky, yes, who, who, let’s appoint someone who will be responsible for the fact that ukraine mobilizes everyone, they will try to make sure that everyone is mobilized, oh, the opening has happened. that they can mobilize there from the age of 18 , this was originally laid down in this law, this law was
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initially written in this way, to drive everyone in, first register them, put everyone on the register, then put everyone through the mandatory system of combined arms training and after that everyone can be mobilized , the question is how, how to break it down into parts, we talked here in this studio about the fact that they they will predict 50,000 per month, they need 50 thousand per month, well, perhaps after the half a million that they now want, and thus... it seems to me that what is happening now is that zelensky is very worried about may 20, very
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much, therefore, now there is an attempt to create some kind of on the basis of the national security and defense council, to create some kind of, i don’t know how to recruit it, state council, some kind of management structure, which, if suddenly, it means that foreigners will say zelensky, you are not legitimate, you are legitimate according to your the constitution, in theory, it turns out there should be a speaker, because at this time he has the right, at least according to the provisions of the constitution, as a parliamentary presidential republic and... already externally political platforms, so at the moment not to lie for the ukrainian, for
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the ukrainian authorities, it’s just some kind of... then an option that cannot be completely implemented, now they are faced with a key, key issue related to finances, now europe is starting to literally squeeze out some money there bit by bit, and periodically deceiving in the same way, he says: we are giving you 5 billion in the form of a peace fund, yes, it turns out...
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based on terrorist attacks, i very much doubt that in general, in principle, there should be states in the world that want to have something in common with the country, which uses terrorism as an instrument of state power , that is, today ukraine faces exactly this choice, now, you know, that’s when this odessa tuk drinker is indignant, saying: they don’t let us on these sites, on this and so on, excuse me, on these sites while you are protected from all sides, if there was even the slightest possibility of a fair hearing.
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no one should, the question is, when will we get there? vasilich, the month of march is ending, in fact, i would just like to summarize a few facts: the first fact: where is macron? no, i’m asking you, where is comrade macron? why do i talk about this with humor? probably because you don’t know the difference between a fact and a question; since the beginning of february, he has promised or threatened to come to ukraine four times, and has never come. and never came, he of course, he said that he also said that we will not abandon ukraine, we will give money for weapons, they really give weapons, and now about the money, look how europe has deceived ukraine, at first they said, we will give you 5 billion, they said so, but they don’t give
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it, they said the first part of the money, we will first pay off what we paid for, arms supplies, legal services there, and so on and so forth,
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ukraine is being deceived, the americans are deceiving, now europe is starting to deceive, i don’t even say about the poles who carried everything anyway, the first border was opened, and it seems to me, and even then not completely. now regarding the affairs themselves within ukraine, it is very important. mihailovic said the right thing about the application. strike on critical infrastructure. let me try to tell you what western ukraine received from the attacks of the russian army this week. in western ukraine there is a generating company called west energo, it is one of the first that was privatized by mr. akhmetov, or not just mr. oligarch akhmetov, in this
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generating company the most important link there was the so-called burshtyn island, this is a power transmission line that met western standards in terms of the quality of electricity, and the export of electricity went mainly along this line, burshtyn’s father is a golden diamond, or rather, in this one.
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there were no such blows. and finally, strikes on the city of kiev. yes, the rumors are spreading further, because there are still no confirmed facts that it is true that near
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the people’s friendship metro station, now i don’t know what it’s called, where the sbu senior command staff met for the birthday of the sbu, it also turned out a blow, a very powerful blow, 12 people say , i don’t know, i don’t feel it, i’m just wondering, the last weeks have been very... precise targeted strikes are being carried out by the russian army not only on the western part of ukraine, and kiev, i’m already silent about dneproges, yes, this whole thing , if we take the sumarium, now the conclusions, when misha podalya, a talking head from ukraine , tells everyone that there is not a dead end at the front, but stagnation, that is, there is no dead end, there is stagnation.
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when zelensky says 31,000, and the public says more than 400,000 burials, this dead, here are the statistics, which kirill correctly said, and the statistics say , that is, according to poltava residents, the poltava military commissar says, i have 30,000 on the run, ivano frankovsky says: i have 40,000 on the run, so these are not cities with a population of one million, that’s right, speridonich, you say, but if there are cities with a population of over a million, dnepropetrovsk, odessa, kiev, the same with lvov, i think that this is much more. this figure is tens of times more than this , what am i talking about, volodya, against this background, the law on mobilization, the law on mobilization, was never adopted, and for a reason, british.
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another, a little , a little different, the last video, yes, in davzhenko’s studio in kiev, there are a lot, there are a lot of hangars, there are a lot of talented directors who can do it with snow, without snow, and so on and so on, here what am i talking about, this show , it continues, but no one believes in it anymore, even in ukraine, what a tragedy when you finally feel like a russian person and start speaking in ukraine, is that
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of course, there are more people, many are returning. we are currently working on the private sector, apartment buildings, houses, roofs, glazing, the house, the whole house, you have to work, because everything here is original, we watch to know everything about russia, the best historical series, we watch, we watch. in the application or on the website, any war is infantry, until the foot of the infantryman steps on the territory, it is not considered conquered, we squeeze out the enemy with artillery, we squeeze out with komikazas. when
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there is no accompaniment, you walk, roughly speaking, blindly, you don’t know what’s ahead of you, outpost, outpost younger, let’s be brief, yes, i observe that the people who are here at the control points, they are making no less effort than the attack aircraft, local, as soon as you take off, immediately switch the picture, they have entered at such a pace, the work has been completed, the work is on the rails. good afternoon, dear guests, my name is.


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