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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 29, 2024 6:00am-6:30am MSK

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in belgarad was damaged due to ukrainian shelling.
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targets on approach to the city. an air raid alarm sounded in ukraine that night. they warned about the danger several times. in the morning it was announced throughout the territory. before this, in particular for residents of kiev, poltava, sumy, zhitomir and a number of other regions. ukrainian media write about explosions at critical infrastructure facilities in the dnepropetrovsk region. the same messages come from cherkassy and khmelnitsk. artillery areas of the
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vostok group of forces are destroying the position of the ukrainian armed forces on south-donetsk direction. the strikes are carried out by crews of hurricane multiple launch rocket systems. although the distance to the targets is large, after firing, the fighters quickly change firing positions, as the enemy is waging a counter-battery war. and our war correspondent eduart punigov with details. guys, as they say, it will point and charge. south donetsk direction, second line of defense. rszzo uragan is in a combat position. a couple of minutes to prepare, clarify the coordinates and the calculation opens fire. in this sector of the front, rocket artillery plays the most important role. role, prevents the enemy from conducting maneuvers, destroys hangars with equipment and ammunition. the shells fly almost 40 km. beyond the horizon, aerial reconnaissance confirms an accurate hit... vsu, i’ve been working for almost
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a year, i’ve already had a lot of experience, since june of 22, we’ve been working on a hurricane, well, the car is unpretentious, we’re working on the road, we’re working on it, we’re getting from home, now we need it urgently leave here, the enemy is constantly engaged in counter-battery warfare, the vehicle returns successfully, but the soldiers have no time to rest, the commander receives the coordinates of a new one. targets, the installation is immediately prepared for reloading, right now the crew is preparing for the next combat mission, a car with another batch of shells has just arrived here. the weight of each projectile is almost 300 kg; they are loaded into the installation using a special crane. hurricane is sent back to the firing position. the crew's task is to provide fire support to assault groups on the front line. group artillerymen. vostok
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are on duty around the clock, regardless of weather conditions, targets change many times a day, this crew alone accounts for dozens of casualties goals, including western technology, let him believe us, victory will be ours, soon we will all return home, we will celebrate. eduard pungov, alexander botkin, lead the south donetsk direction. and now footage from telegram channels - this is brazil, where a flowing skyscraper caught fire. but the flames quickly engulfed the upper floors, burning structures are scattered throughout the nearby streets, firefighters are trying to cope with the fire ; the reasons for the burnout of the victims have not yet been reported. western countries again disrupted a meeting of the un security council. russia requested a meeting to discuss nato's aggression against yugoslavia in 1999. agenda of the russian federation.
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in yugoslavia. colleagues, this is already clear to everyone. there is no need to try to hide behind, to put it mildly, an unconvincing argument, but rather the supposedly purely historical nature of this issue. the situation in kosovo and how it is being implemented, or rather not being implemented , un security council resolution 1244 is under active
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consideration by the security council. for the development of domestic tourism in russia until 30 years they plan to allocate approximately 400 billion rubles. the main directions were discussed at a meeting with the president, so the infrastructure for travel according to the plan should appear in all national parks of the country. what other prospects? anastasia efimova will talk about this. move on, literally and figuratively. this is exactly how the president formulated the priority vector for tourism development. a separate meeting was devoted to the topic this thursday, and not surprisingly, the updated national project should be launched at the beginning of next year. targeted measures for the development of the tourism industry should be included specifically in the profile national project, the volume of its budget financing in 2025-30 will be at least 403 billion rubles. i draw
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the attention of the government, funds for the implementation of our project should be provided not only in the budget for 2025, but also in the planning period for the twenty-sixth. a separate federal project for the production of domestic products for the industry, the same cable cars, cabins, rotrucks,
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rides for amusement parks. this will be a serious incentive for the creation of advanced developments, which is critically important in the current situation. we have. it’s impossible to buy everything, it’s clear that you have to overpay for something along complex logistics routes to deliver something, but where you can produce it yourself, you need to take advantage of this situation to do everything so that our own russian business can do this, we need them support, and jobs will be additionally occupied, and
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technology will develop. about the project creation of the federal year-round seaside resort, the governor of zaporozhye reported at the meeting.
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joe biden was invited to congress to testify about his family's business schemes. the representatives' oversight and accountability committee is investigating the biden clan's corruption case. the republicans are now in control. the committee is trying to prove the involvement of the american leader in crimes; the head of the white house and his
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relatives are accused of trading his name. republican james comer says americans deserve to hear from its president. a rally was held in new york against joe biden's policies in the gas sector. dozens of pro-palestinian activists took to the streets. they chant slogans for biden, freedom for palestine is not welcome here either. the demonstration unfolded from the theater and concert building, where donations for biden's election campaign had previously been collected. protesters are calling on residents to boycott the elections. they consider him guilty of inciting the palestinian-israeli conflict and call him a deceiver. and now economic news.
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approximately two and three times more than in the nineteenth year, that is , we see that the industry is growing and becoming attractive from a business point of view. the development of new twenty-five master plans for russian cities can start as early as this year, the house of the russian federation reported. they propose to expand the program to 200 master plans and divide it into five stages, and by the thirtieth year it is necessary to prepare 55 projects. the optimal period for... developing a document is about a year, the start of the first stage of work is possible from july 2024, then
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exists after the execution of the order of the president of the russian federation to develop master plans for the development of strongholds in the russian arctic zone. currently, projects are being developed simultaneously for 16 territories. gakhran will purchase diamonds from alrosa on a regular basis. the first transaction will be carried out in march, the ministry of finance reported. received diamonds. then it will be implemented; the specific timing will depend on the current market conditions, the ministry explained. let me remind you that the group of seven announced restrictions on imports diamonds mined or processed in our country from january 1 of this year, well, from march 1, sanctions extended to russian stones that were processed in other countries. the european union has also introduced similar restrictions. and at the end of the issue, let me remind you of the exchange rates for today: the dollar is 92 rubles, 26 kopecks, the euro is 99.70. and while that’s all for me, for
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m-fresh products we grow, collect and deliver fresh vegetables, mushrooms and herbs. m-freshness from garden to shelf at the speed of freshness, only online magnet. well, credit card debts carry interest. what do you need? kholva. you take out credit cards, transfer the debts to the bank, and divide them into 24 months. you can conveniently repay, shop or get rid of credit card debts easily. at avito work it’s easy to find your place. dad, you'll be home soon. i soon. now i won’t be late, mom, guess who started a new job today, grandma, what a hat, 10 minutes to a new job, many new vacancies every day, avita work, you will find not just a job, but your place. one of my friends decided to relax in a place where there is no connection.
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today we are testing our birthday, you did you make a wish? of course, i wished for it, it’s a good discount, that’s how much you wished for, up to 50%. go to mvideo and eldorado. mvideo and eldorado, chief technology expert. cheese,
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oh, they forgot the cheese. it's good that we have each other. will they show us on tv? happiness, tell your wife that you caught it, we are catching luck by the tail, well, i can’t, i have delivery, we work, we enjoy life, we are friends and take care of each other, magnet, 30 years with you, we take loans, it’s easy to apply, we are in sovcombank, we take out loans, but we got them quickly, we’re at sovcombank, what loans? a number of villages and villages in the orenburg region were flooded with melt water, several people were evacuated, in one of the settlements , while trying to pump out water , a pensioner died from electric shock, reporting by vyacheslav kampa. the mother-in-law doesn’t even know that the house was flooded,
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they haven’t said anything yet so as not to be upset. move along... the only road that connects dzhenatalap with the regional center, active work is now underway to strengthen the banks so that the village is not completely cut off. by noon, the influx of water was stopped, under several houses, a school and two farms were flooded. everything is flooded, there is water in the cellar, all the jars with pickles are floating.
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after the evacuation of four people and stabilization of the situation, the emergency mode was changed to a high alert mode. there is a guard on duty, consisting of five people, if the situation worsens, we are ready to immediately evacuate people, as a rapid river of melted water arrives quickly right under the windows, this is orenburg, such a picture awaited the residents of several snts at once, energy builder, gardener, 15 areas were flooded, they carried out, they carried out the child, they carried out the cats, they carried out the dogs. i was given high rubber boots, i went out in boots, i don’t know from the water what can be saved or not, i took the documents, three temporary accommodation centers have been organized for the evacuees in the regional center, inside there is a supply of medicines, water and food. at the moment there is a family of three people there, in kuvendek the flood led to a tragedy, a sixty-seven-year-old pensioner, and the participation
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it seemed to her that one mechanism was not enough, she also began scooping up water with a metal ladle, from an electric shock... don’t be afraid, well, where to go home, you have to get there somehow, in two days reports of flooding came from seventeen municipalities, to a single 314 rescue calls were received, 26 residents were evacuated, 10 of them children. in the region, 15 bridges are closed to traffic, and 14 overflows across roads have been recorded.
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a high alert regime has been introduced in sixteen municipalities. vyacheslav kampa, leopold efemenko, ekaterina polityka, gleb kolugin, conduct the orenburg region. the khabarovsk territory is developing innovations in agriculture, so on one of the farms all cows were provided with fitness bracelets. gadgets look and of course. not like regular sports ones, but they perform the same function and help monitor the health of animals. anna leonova will talk about digital technologies in this area. here at fitness everyone from the nursery group to those who have given birth to offspring more than once, collars on cows are actually bracelets. children are monitored heart, height, number of servings eaten, and for older people, their well-being, volume and quality of milk. due to the chips on the collar, the robot determines. identifies her, what kind of cow it is, when she was last milked, whether she needs to be milked now, or whether she still needs to take a walk and rest. digitalization in barns on every corner, instead of three milkmaids, a robot is working in this pen, he himself
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prepares the cow for milking, first water procedures, rubdowns and the cow is ready to give milk, everything is recorded on the screen, including how many liters the t-shirts gave today, zoyki and stars. the main difficulty is to initially train a cow, that is, when she gives birth, she is milked there; we have special milkmaids with brushes. and these are special brushes that wash it, you see, it goes through several times, front, back, now the enterprise has 600 heads, some have already been transferred to digital, in the future there will be a complete modernization to increase the number of livestock, so far 200 tons of milk per month are supplied to two large processing enterprises in the region, also for the production of craft cheeses, are in line other dairies in the khabarovsk territory also stand behind high-quality raw materials, if there is no subsidy, that is, get it, we get it, we help regularly. without delay, 12 rubles per liter of milk, this amount of subsidy is received at the initiative of the governor, producers who work for the food security of the region, the support measures
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for such innovators from livestock farming from the state do not end there. the new calf barn is also being built with public funds, this is a grant that the vector company won on a competitive basis this year will launch, which will of course increase the entire production base plus. land, the enterprise is reclaiming 500 hectares of land, over these 2 and a half years , the enterprise has also reclaimed nature in addition to its treasury, the enterprise fully provides itself with feed, being in a flood zone, they have introduced another digital technology: satellite monitoring of fields allows you to monitor where the water arrives and the crops must be evacuated urgently. with such innovations and digitalization in barns, personnel is still needed, so the region agreed with the pacific... with the university to open a veterinary faculty to launch short-term courses for farm employees, the state, in turn , is launching a large-scale project in the regions to
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build rural housing, including with the participation of far eastern mortgages. anna lenova, konstantin krutikov, vesti khabarovsk. when you pick up a profit debit card, you will immediately open up all the possibilities. and hot areas, understanding the real state of affairs at the front. the main contingent that goes to ukraine are those who have not settled down in homeland. who are they? boris
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ivanin will talk about this. there are fewer and fewer foreigners willing to die for the kiev regime. they are melting away, like all western support for ukraine. all that remains are the unfinished scum, for whom there was simply no place in their homeland, in peaceful life. at first they went to the western combat zone, more or less prepared. mercenaries, although then there was enough frost and neo-nazis, now, instead of military experience, only cannibalistic views, like this fighter, the so-called selected company from the fifty- ninth motorized infantry brigade of the ukrainian armed forces, he, note, he rejoices at the terrorist attack at crocus city hall, there should be a lot more of this in russia , russian people need to realize that what they do in the world has consequences, they need to change the situation from the inside, but for now i hope we will see a lot more of this,
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graduated from school , cleaned swimming pools there, his people accused him of domestic violence and forbade him even from seeing his own children, but in ukraine he continued his atrocities, in a drunken brawl there he tried to kill another mercenary. there are no mercenaries from european states, they are collected all over the world, and the most interesting thing is that ukraine has also lowered the requirements for the admission of future soldiers of fortune, it turns out that those who go are those who... do not know at all how to get money, in principle, do not know where they are going, why, these are the people drug addicts and alcoholics, generally the social dregs of society in their country, arrive in ukraine. those who did not find themselves in russia also went to fight in the country of ukraine, such as dani akel, here he is, in the form of a terrorist organization banned in our country, the so-called legion of freedom of russia, although there are several more
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years ago dani served. in the russian army here is this photo, it was russia that sheltered him when he and his father fled from syria from militants, he grew up without a mother, an unloved, offended child who constantly demanded attention, youth parties with hookah gradually gave way to uncoordinated rallies with anti-state slogans, paddy wagons, courts, where he arrived on roller skates, went downhill like that, dani was expelled from the university, and after the start of a special operation to protect donbass, he deserted, illegally crossed i asked for the state border myself. is she really so excited that she’s going to kill her own fellow citizens? dani took the call sign of an apostle and believed in some kind of special destiny, but his journey from a fetid diaper to a stinking savon, as the american writer robert penorren wrote, was short-lived. in march, the apostle ascended to heaven, but he hardly went to heaven; in the comments to his latest
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bloodthirsty posts on social networks they write: history teaches nothing, history simply punishes such people who, therefore, give their homeland, give to the country that gave them blood , which gave them education, it is a thirst for adventure, or maybe it is some kind of internal... own dissatisfaction with such traitors, even in ukraine , the attitude, one might say, is the most unpleasant, however, professional mercenaries are running out in the west, therefore, they recruit everyone, vacancies are publicly available, on the website of the french ministry of labor they are looking for fighters for the crew of armored vehicles, applicants need to be able to drive , shoot and go regularly in the attack, commanders are promised salaries even in 2 seconds
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more for... participation, as said, in external operations, but what kind of operations are these, because france is not currently conducting any military operations where such military specialties would be in demand, experts say. they need to recruit from somewhere a contingent of people who would agree to go to conduct hostilities. in france there are also many different marginalized segments of the population, those recruiters who are trying to find people in the zone of military conflict, they also seem to be considering... similar candidates in order to send a military conflict zone as such fairly cheap cannon fodder, but if emmanuel macron finally reinvents himself as napoleon, the consequences will be disastrous for paris, because macron, as they say, is no longer a cake, but french interventionists who can be sent to the zone of the ukrainian conflict, the same fate awaits the rest of the western mercenaries, the ukrainian black soil, and they are talking about this, even those legionnaires who managed to show up there at the front were wounded, but
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miraculously got out of this meat grinder, now... you have no rations, no weapons , get ready to go to moscow, okay, let's write it down as missing, no, that won't do, i came for him, i have to find him, markina's hope, you look very much like him, sergei gorobchenko, tell him that he had no brother, they killed alexey shevchenko.


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