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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 29, 2024 9:00am-9:30am MSK

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in the sumy and zhytomyr regions, local media report attacks on targets in the area of ​​kiev, lvov and krivoy rog. transbaikalian paratroopers stormed fortified positions in the ssu in the artyomovsk direction. dnieper artillery groups are working in zaporozhye. footage from the contact line in the report by anton stepanenko. 400 billion for the implementation of the national project in the field of tourism. the main directions were discussed the day before at a meeting with the president. how much? and due to what the contribution of tourism to the development of the country should increase, our economists have calculated. night in belgorod was turbulent; according to the ministry of defense , 15 ukrainian armed forces rockets were destroyed in the region. according to the regional governor, there were no casualties. the consequences of the shelling will be studied in detail in the coming hours and then reconstruction will begin. according to preliminary data...
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but 17 houses, more than a dozen cars, as well as a gymnasium building and glazing of the belgorod arena. in the orenburg region, the consequences of the flood are being eliminated; several villages and villages were damaged due to melting snow, dozens of bridges and roads are closed. in some areas introduced high alert mode. we will learn more from our correspondent in the region , vyacheslav kampe. he is in direct contact with the studio. vyacheslav, hello, what is the situation in your region?
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this is not always, that is, the elements came at the moment, unfortunately, there was a tragedy, a pensioner in the urban district decided to pump out water from the cellar, which was flooded, using a submersible pump and a metal one, as a result, an electric shock occurred and the women, in place the rescuers had already confirmed death and could do nothing help, under attack, melt water floods the city streets, the problem is relevant for all districts,
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in the zaporozhye direction of the special operation , russian geocinths are hitting the enemy, crews often change positions, attacks are corrected with the help of drones. about the work of the artillerymen of the dnepr group in a report by anton stepanenko. the uaz, with great difficulty, makes its way along the mud ruts that the trucks dug in the field. at some point he stops.
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the closest gap was in the area of ​​20 m from the gun, a dig hit. without loss? certainly, the camouflage of firing positions is checked regularly, they themselves lift the drone into the air and see from what distance the guns can be seen. does the enemy know where you are? at this stage, most likely yes, since they are working for us. do they work often? they work infrequently, of course they lag behind us in accuracy, but they work. position. they change it often, but
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they work on this one just once, the new one is already prepared, they’ll work it off and go. sergeant nikita, even in his armor, is obviously wiry. his position at the gun is called. projectile, at we have a projectile, there is a loader, let’s say i’m a projectile, i give a projectile, they send it, the next one comes a cartridge case, how much does it weigh, it weighs, well, around 48 kg, it’s up to him to carry shells of 20-30 pieces, about 10 meters , shells are not stored directly at the gun so that they don’t detonate in case of a hit, such is artillery loading, running with weights, write something on the shells, but we write, for example, for donetsk, for lugansk.
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stepanenko anton, venokurov, valery. news, zaporozhye front. western countries again disrupted a meeting of the un security council on nato aggression against yugoslavia. russia requested it for the second time in a week, but with the submission of france, great britain, and the united states, the majority of members of the international organization did not vote for the agenda. the representative of the fifth republic said that no one agreed with him on the discussion of the crisis in the balkans, and in general the topic of yugoslavia is not relevant today. according to the first one. the united states does not want the security council to discuss the extremely inconvenient issue of north atlantic aggression
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alliance against a sovereign state, in this case against yugoslavia. colleagues, this is already clear to everyone, there is no need to try to hide behind an unconvincing argument, to put it mildly, but the supposedly... purely historical nature of this issue, the situation in kosovo and how un security council resolution 1244 is being implemented, or rather not being implemented, is under active consideration security council. an updated national tourism project should be launched next year. it will become an incentive for the development of not only the industry itself, but also construction and industry. vladimir putin stated this at a meeting on the creation of federal year-round resorts.
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tourism needs to be launched next year, said vladimir putin. it is necessary to double the number of annual trips across the country to 140 million by 2030, and also double their contribution to the economy, it should be. in the next 6 years, budget funding for the national project will exceed 400 billion rubles; funds should be provided for in the budget for the entire period; this will help businesses calculate long-term investment programs. it is expected that the updated national project will stimulate development not only for tourism itself, but also for construction and industry. as part of a specialized national project, i propose to form a separate federal project for the production of domestic products for tourism. spheres, what is it? we all understand well, cable cars, cabins, alpine skiing rotrucks for ski resorts, rides for amusement parks, water parks and so on. here we need our own technologies and new production capacities, hoping that
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the ministry of industry and trade will launch specific support mechanisms within the framework of the department’s existing tools. well, meanwhile, popularity is within. over the past year, the number of trips increased by almost a quarter and approached 80 million. investments in the industry increased by a third. business invested more than 800 billion rubles. 12,500 new rooms have appeared to accommodate tourists, this is a plus of 10%. the tourism industry has become very investment-intensive and profitable. last year's profit, the profit of the tourism industry. almost 280 billion rubles. this is approximately two and three times more than in nineteen, that is, we see that it is growing and becoming attractive from a business point of view. therefore, new major points of attraction for tourists within the country are now extremely relevant.
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this problem is solved by the five seas of lake baikal project. federal year-round resorts are being created in nine regions, st. petersburg, kaliningrad and zaporozhye. regions, crimea, krasnodar territory, dagestan, irkutsk region, buryat in the primorsky territory. the total area of ​​the facilities is more than 13,000 hectares, and the length of the beaches is 70.5 km. comfortable conditions for recreation will be created there in all price segments, 10 million tour trips are expected per year, and more than 100 billion rubles have been allocated for infrastructure development in the national project. also, if necessary, we are ready to allocate part of the proceeds from increasing duties on wine from unfriendly countries to support seaside resorts. we have an agreement with anton germanovich, because we direct half of the growth from this source to support tourism and additional funding. national project. however, resource requirements big. we proceed from the fact that large
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infrastructure, roads and railways, airports, energy facilities, will be built through development programs of line ministries and departments, and the corresponding facilities will need to be gradually included in these programs. the resorts will create more than 86,000 jobs, and benefits and preferences are provided for business. facilities in the kaliningrad, irkutsk regions, buryatia and dagestan. will become part of special economic zones. in the primorsky territory, a priority development area free port of vladivostok, but in zaporozhye and crimea, free economic zones. the regions are now at different stages of preparation; the bulk of the resorts will have to be created from scratch. as stated in the ministry of development here, dagestan has advanced further than others. there is a master plan, a development concept, a planning project, and infrastructure design has begun. the first residents should appear before the end of this month. deputy prime minister dmitry.
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russia will actively develop not only resorts, but by 2030 tourism infrastructure must be created in all national parks, said vladimir putin. daria, thank you maria, maria grigorieva spoke about the prospects for the development of tourism in russia. services have recommended canceling the olympic opening ceremony due to security risks. they warn of
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possible risks in holding a river parade, which is part of the event. as reported by the main directorate of internal security, the ministry of internal affairs of the fifth republic should move to the so-called plan b. intelligence officers fear terrorist attacks and the activation of extremist sleeper cells. let me remind you that the games will start in paris at the end of july after the terrorist attack in cropus city hall near moscow. terrorist level. that's what uzbek pilaf, japanese sushi or your favorite porridge, now is not someone's national
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pride, but yours personally, national, rice is ours, well, credit card debts are hanging , interest is dripping, you need a holva, you take out credit cards, transfer the debts to the holva , divide it into 24 months, conveniently repay, make purchases or get rid of credit card debts, easy with holva, magnet, dumpings korolevskie 2349. magnet - the price is what you need. buy osaga at website compare and win a car. only until april 26th you can insure one car with us and win a second one. or a million rubles. choose osaga or any other insurance and take part in the draw. compare on your side. for a trip, go there with the jettour crossover, your new companion on
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firebirds are not easy. but get an interest rate on a deposit in gazprom banks. anyone can. the rate is up to 16.5% per annum on a deposit for 6 months. get real income from a reliable bank. open a deposit on if you have rice national in your kitchen, it means that uzbek pilaf or japanese sushi is no longer someone’s national pride, but yours personally. hello buddy. as promised, today we are preparing pilaf. it’s faster and more convenient, thank you for teaching me, this is someone else who taught whom, vtb, together everything will work out.
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sports are being restored in mariupol objects. work is currently underway at the zapadnaya stadium. the football field will have a new surface and irrigation system. in addition, the stands will be repaired and lighting will be installed.
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irina efremova will tell you more about how the reconstruction is going. the lighting tower is not yet operational, but it offers a view of the entire stadium, the grassy football field and the rusty stands. this is how the old treadmill is being dismantled; before this , special equipment had already worked here; now the old asphalt is being removed. most of the distance has already been successfully passed. we don’t get tired, we change, we try to do it faster. our team is united, as you can see, together, collectively, someone takes a sledgehammer. someone is lifting it up with a crowbar, adjusting it so that it is easy to break it, the dismantling of the stadium building has already been completed, now it is awaiting major repairs, the stands are still being dismantled, but soon more than 3 thousand people will be able to root for their favorite team on them. it is also planned to restore the athletics area on the field, the football field itself, the fence,
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the light tower will be repaired, on which there will be lighting will be installed, and a new digital display will be installed. the work will be completed in years. this year, football matches will begin to be held at the new site in september, by which time they plan to renovate the high-rise buildings around the stadium. irina efremova, dmitry rud, lead donetsk-mariupol. in the us, the former head of the bankrupt crypto exchange ftx received 25 years in prison for fraudulently stealing $11 billion. the court found sam benkman fried guilty of seven criminal charges. why do lawyers think a sentence of 25 years is too much? soft? anything to say to ftx clients? samm bankman fried's parents immediately tried to escape from the journalists. the irony is that both are lawyers, professors at stanford university, and they are also being sued with accusations. their son’s clients claim that the parents knew full well that
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the cryptocurrency exchange was originally created as a financial pyramid. moreover, just before bankruptcy. sam gave them a bonus of 10 million dollars and a villa in the bohemians for 16 million. no need to rent, please show respect. the judge sentenced benkman fried himself to 25 years in prison with confiscation of $11 billion. the thirty-two-year-old financier, of course, does not have that kind of money. he knew that he was committing a crime and his only regret was the unsuccessful bet that they would not be able to catch him, but he was not going to admit guilt. in november, a jury found benquan fried guilty of embezzling billions of dollars from client accounts, defrauding creditors and investors, and laundering funds. the investigation established that the founder of the crypto exchange spent money from others. money for luxury entertainment, and also donated generously to democratic politicians. in 2022, the year of the midterm congressional elections, he became the second most important donor to the democratic party, second
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only to soros. his deliberate, ongoing lies demonstrated a brazen disregard for clients' expectations and disrespect for the rule of law. and all this so that he could secretly use clients' money to expand his own power of influence. the scale of his crime measures. not only the amount stolen, but also the extreme damage caused to the victims. in in some cases, their entire savings were wiped out overnight. the organizer of one of the largest scams in us history does not admit guilt; he claims he simply had poor control over his finances and was very trusting. apparently, he was confident that influential democrats would help him avoid responsibility. in front of the jury he behaved quite impudently, and only when he realized that he would definitely be imprisoned did he try to placate the court. clients.
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with a statement where he feigned some remorse. sam's defense also pressed on pity. lawyers constantly pointed out that their the client suffers from autism, and also promotes the effective altruism movement, fashionable in the west, when young businessmen earn a lot of money, promising to spend part of it on causes that are important for the planet. sam wasn't a ruthless financial serial killer who gets up every morning to hurt people. his intentions were misunderstood. timid sam loved luxury, his friend caroline ellison wrote: “this whole fuss with cryptocurrency is a scam, and she is in the dreams of the emperor’s grief. to withdraw money
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, the financier, among other things, used an intricate scheme involving passports stolen from thai brothel workers. he distributed bribes generously. as a result, about 11 billion dollars disappeared. lawyers say there is very little chance of mitigating the sentence, but benkmanfried can count on a conditional parole." standing, but it is not at all easy for tourists to overcome it in the off-season; the period of ice drift can seriously adjust the plans of travelers; according to weather forecasters,
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the shell on the border river will begin to collapse soon if we are talking about an autopsy, then this is the third ten days of april 26-27 date is possible 3-4 days earlier. if we are talking about the end of years of income already, then we add at least 10 days. the pontoon bridge that tourists crossed. in winter, it will no longer be possible to use the bus in the coming days; from about april 1 , they plan to replace the buses with hovercraft, which means that instead of fifty people , only about a dozen will be able to transfer in one trip. we have a planned four flights with a passenger capacity of about 12 people, but of course this will all depend on weather conditions, on interaction with the chinese on the other hand, throughout april we will have poms walking around, while two cougars have been announced. we ask you to refrain from traveling both for tourist groups and passengers themselves, and to postpone your trip until the beginning of may. tourists now buy tickets at the box office the same day, but on april 6
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, they will be able to purchase a travel pass a day before the flight; customs officials are preparing for the difficult inter-navigation period. in preparation for work during the inter-navigation period, our unit is fully staffed, we work as before, we have two shifts during the period. we work from 8:00 to 21 hours without a break for lunch, without days off, in principle, without holidays, we work completely seven days a week. in case of unforeseen situations, specialists are ready to work overtime; last year , more than 105,000 tourists passed through the blagoveshchensk passenger checkpoint; now, on average, about 1,300 people cross the border per day; it is noteworthy that the majority of those going to china are residents of other regions of russia, sakhalin, kamchatka and cities... in siberia, through the amur region , travelers are leaving for the far east from under heaven. last fall , lyubov kovaleva and her husband went to harbin as part of a tour group. the trip was memorable
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on the way back. in the off-season , a traffic jam developed on both sides of the border, the hovercraft could not cope with the flow of people, the spouses had to buy new plane tickets due to delays, the woman is still seeking compensation. literally 2 weeks ago i received all the answers. the insurance company said that in this situation it does not see any insured event and grounds for payment or any compensation no, the travel company also replied that... the ticket was purchased by you yourself, and not by the travel company, well, the transport company replied that all flights were carried out according to schedule, according to the schedule, and if there were some difficult weather conditions, that’s also all was within normal limits. in order to prevent a repetition of this situation, the regional authorities, at a meeting with the heads of travel agencies and transport companies, called for special attention to be paid to
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the formation of groups. number of no more than 15 people, sending children was recommended postpone until the time when ships begin sailing along the amur river. passenger transportation will take place in difficult, limited conditions, both in terms of comfort and in terms of the number and volume of traffic. we encourage everyone to reschedule their trips if possible; there is a risk of staying in china for several days until the active ice drift passes. the summer navigation season traditionally starts in early may, when passengers will begin to be transported across the border. spacious ships, and the trip will no longer result in unplanned expenses and protracted waiting. galina makushchenko and sergey bitkov, conduct the amur region.
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fyodor mikhailov dostoevsky, it was as if he foresaw that in the 20th century a layer
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of people would appear who are called foreigners. whom he described in the person of his hero pavel smerdyakov. friday is the foreigner's birthday. these same people, there is nothing to respect them for . they are enemies, but they are pathetic. we are concentrated and angry. they seem to retain all their shares in the west, and many of them have property and invested funds. do you have any property in germany? yes, y me here. they all broadcast a certain agenda, finding victims in our country to commit an offense against the law, and that victim turned out to be me.
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now about the weather, weather forecasters are encouraging with forecasts that in the coming days the first + 20° will be recorded in the central regions of the country. true, experts clarify that such an absolutely anomalous temperature regime for the turn of march and april also has its big disadvantages. let's talk about this in more detail with ekaterina grigorova, our meteorologist. ekaterina, good morning. what are the disadvantages are we talking about floods? it’s absolutely true that there is still a lot of snow on the russian plain, it will again actively melt, but not everywhere today we are experiencing warming; there are regions where snow cover, on the contrary, is increasing. let's start our review of the weather situation in russia with the urals, where it is now the most difficult. real winter snowstorms have returned to the region. for example, chelyabinsk. visibility in the city that night was reduced to 700 m.


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