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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 29, 2024 11:00am-11:31am MSK

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and let's start the issue with the situation in belgorod: the russian air defense system shot down a drone and 15 ukrainian armed forces rockets in the sky over the belgorod region. due to the ukrainian shelling, residential buildings, gymnasium buildings and the building of the belgorod arena sports complex were damaged. our correspondent igor pikhanov is monitoring the situation in the region. attacked
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the regional center, shelled belgorod with a vampire multiple launch rocket system. most of the shells were shot down in the air by air defense units, but some still fell on residential sector, this is where one of the shells hit, even the metal elements of the czech -made shell remained in place, the shell hit the playground, the blast wave caused fragments, a large number of cars were damaged in this... parking lot, as well as the glazing of a residential apartment building, commission employees arrived , special municipal, they are assessing the damage, repair and restoration work will begin soon, also in a neighboring microdistrict, a shell fell directly into the apartment, fortunately, at that moment the owners this apartment was not a house, but after the explosion a fire occurred and the housing was destroyed, several more shells fell right under the windows of residential buildings. fortunately, during this night shelling, none of the residents of belgorod.
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and its suburb was not damaged, 12 cars were damaged, the glazing of seventeen apartment buildings was damaged , a shell fell near a birch tree, well, three and a half nights, well, we live in this house, our windows were broken, the children were very scared, they managed to hide, thank you siren, the car cut everything, knocked out the doors, knocked out everything, the whistle of this you could hear the rockets, boom, everything, then it all fell down, my husband tells me, this is ours, everything, this is shelling, every day, it came from the other side, the woman below was killed, our windows , thank god, were not damaged, at that moment, everyone was hurt, many from that side, it was flying from that side, we were delayed by the window, our booth, this electrical panel, it just sort of saved us, our window, there are the same people there, their windows were damaged, it flew into the kindergarten on the corner, here there is a hole, well now here, from a well-deserved regional situation since march 20, the operational headquarters announced
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a vacation for schoolchildren from belgorod and suburban settlements due to regular shelling, only about 9,000 children will rest in other regions, they are accepted by sanatoriums , recreation centers, and local authorities continue to evacuate people from dangerous border areas, this is mainly grainar district, people are placed in temporary accommodation centers, they are located both in the belgorod region, and also in other regions of the country, in temporary accommodation centers in the voronezh region, yaroslavl region, circassia, there are more than 1,000 of our adults; more than 2,000 people from the grivoronsky district are in temporary accommodation centers in the belgorod region. yesterday i met with entrepreneurs, there were many questions, we will continue our work on monday with meetings with entrepreneurs, with banks, as well as with the tax inspectorate, as well as with the ministry of land property relations, this is a request from the business itself, we will try to tell them again. form
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of support that exists. repair and restoration work is currently underway on site. work, they go in an oval mode. igor pikhanov, mikhail vitkin, ivan kuznetsov, vesti belgorod region. in orenburg and more than twenty other districts of the region, a high alert regime for floods was introduced. several villages and villages were damaged, dozens of bridges and roads were closed. now rescuers are eliminating the consequences. vyacheslav kampe will tell you more about the situation in the region. situation c. flooding in the orenburg region really remains difficult; over the past 2 days , reports of flooding have been received from seventeen municipalities, literally the day before i was working in the belyaevsky district, the urta burtya river overflowed its banks, and in just 2 hours it flooded the nearest village of zhanatalap with steel snow, several houses, two farms and a school were drowned. rescue workers from housing and communal services worked at the scene; they urgently tried to backfill and strengthen the only road. which connects the village with
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the regional center, even evacuation was required; four people, including two children, were rescued from a heated house; if we speak for the region as a whole, the count there are already, of course, dozens of flooded houses and... and evacuated people , 15 bridges are closed to traffic, overflows have been recorded on some roads, there has not been a tragedy, in the komandak city district a pensioner decided to pump out water from a heated cellar using a submersible pump and a metal ladle, as a result an electric shock occurred, and the rescuers who arrived at the scene had already confirmed the death of the woman, it was not possible to save her, the capital of the orenburg region is also under attack, melt water is flooding the streets, and the problem is urgent for all areas. cities , road sewers can't cope, there is a lot of water, in the industrial part of the regional center, in the berdy microdistrict, melt water flooded two snt, there, too, several dozen houses were under water, three temporary accommodation centers for evacuated people were deployed in the city, this morning the weather is favorable ,
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a little frosty, but the forecast for the weekend is above 10°c, so the situation may worsen. vyacheslav kampe, state television and radio broadcasting company orenburg. french. the services recommended canceling the opening ceremony of the olympic games due to security threats. they warn of possible risks in holding a river parade, which is part of the event. as reported by the main directorate of internal security, the ministry of internal affairs of the fifth republic should move to the so-called plan b. intelligence officers fear terrorist attacks and the activation of extremist sleeper cells. let me remind you that the games start in paris at the end of july. after the terrorist attack in the moscow crocus city hall level. the threat in the republic was raised to the maximum, now there is a short advertisement, and afterwards we are waiting for our correspondent's direct connection from crocus city hall, my friend
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any other ideas? of course, let's pay the bills. yur, without a qr code for a long time, with vtb online, the camera calculates everything itself. happened? of course, we also received 10% cashback from a free vtb debit card. vtb, together everything will work out. another victim of the terrorist attack in crocus cityhole died in hospital. this is a citizen of belarus who reports his death to the embassy of the republic in moscow. thus , the number of victims of the terrorist attack increased to 144. exactly a week has passed since the terrorist attack in the concert hall. now our correspondent maria valieva joins the broadcast from the scene of the tragedy. maria, i welcome what is happening now in the city hall district. yes, daria, greetings, right in front of the spontaneous memorial they have already begun to install a stage for
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holding a large memorial service, people also continue to come here every minute, bring flowers, children's toys, light candles, express their condolences to the families of the victims and wish a speedy recovery to the victims, to all those who is now in medical institutions. the deputy chief physician of the hospital in krasnogorsk told us how many people were admitted to them as a result of the terrorist attack, and what condition they are in now are there? immediately after the terrorist attack , 21 victims were brought to us and turned to us, in fact, probably already from 20-30 we began to accept victims, of which five patients were treated at the trauma center and they were sent to outpatient care. reason, and 16 patients in varying degrees of severity, moderate severity, severe, extremely serious
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condition, were hospitalized in the hospital. the victim camilla is already on the mend, the girl can give interviews, she talked about what happened on 22 march in kroku cityhole, i came to the concert with my mother and sister, they were sitting on the balcony, as soon as they heard shots, they immediately ran to the building. tion exit, they went down somewhere, but the door there was closed, it was impossible to get through, they climbed a little higher and saw that the men had punched a hole in the wall. camilla, one of the first, went down there, suddenly fell into some room, she stayed there for about 40 minutes, constantly called her mother on the phone, and at some point a rescuer, a girl, answered the call explained to him: well, i snuggled in this pipe and
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there was fresh air from one pipe, that is, i could breathe, at least there was some oxygen, when i calmed down a little, i called my mother, the man answered and said that he had found her phone, and he handed the phone to the rescuer, i began to explain where i was, but it was very difficult to explain, that is... that i was in some hole, in some hole, and after a while i began to hear some rustling, and i i realized that i looked up, shone a flashlight, and there was already a fire above me, that is, even if i miraculously managed to climb up, i would have burned, i would not have survived, according to the investigative committee, the terrorists who committed terrible crimes had connections with ukraine, the funding came from there, from there...
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also the usa and great britain and ukraine, this was beneficial for western intelligence services in order to sow panic and destabilize the situation in ours. country. dasha. maria. thank you. maria valieva was on direct line from crocus cityhall. lack of a principled response from the council of europe in connection with the terrorist attack in kroku city hall - this is another shameful page in the history of the organization. this was stated in the russian foreign ministry. according to maria zakharova, this position calls into question the ability of the council to contribute to ensuring
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international stability, as well as its impartiality and the relevance of relevant tools. the official representative of russian med emphasized that strasbourg’s line confirms that today’s council of europe is full of political hypocrisy and double standards. maria zakharova noted numerous personal condolences from european diplomats. attempts to turn countries of the global south against russia are doomed. sergei lavrov said that behind zelensky’s peace formula lies the genocide of the inhabitants of crimea and novorossiya. emilia mirsaev has all the details. switzerland announces the so-called zelensky peace formula, this was announced in our media. sergei lavrov, in an interview with izvestia holding, said: bern is using innocent points like food and energy security to lure countries to a meeting of the copenhagen format and convince them to support ukraine, but behind the beautiful neutral formulations lies the desire to arrange show executions of the residents
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of crimea, the minister believes. this is simply an invitation to genocide, so our colleagues from... africa, asia, latin america must still understand where they are being invited. dozens of countries are boycotting this summit, despite all the efforts of the west, and even the president of ukraine admitted this. in an interview with cbs, he tried his best to reach those politicians who did not want to hear him. the rhetoric, as usual, is primitive and absurd, support me now, or the russian bear will come to you. to europe, to the usa. so far , russian missiles have not reached the united states, but tomorrow they can reach any country. this is despite the fact that the kremlin categorically denies speculation about the possibility of moscow’s military aggression against european countries or the united states. the russian authorities consider this complete nonsense, which is beneficial only to kiev for begging for military assistance. zelensky seems to
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never get tired of practicing this. he personally called the speaker house of representatives of the us congress michael jones. asked for a new weapon, what kind exactly, american journalists have an answer. 5.7 pvtriot systems from the usa will protect industrial platforms in ukraine. in addition, zelensky insists on the supply of artillery, since kiev, quote, has almost none left. the forecasts of the supreme commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine regarding the success of his army are extremely pessimistic. a month ago you said that you would lose this war without... american support, it’s true, it’s all so simple, ukraine will lose, but it won’t be at all it’s just that we won’t lose in one day, we will gradually lose our territories, this will become a big challenge for us, how to turn everything into five? ukraine will not withstand a new offensive by the russian army, the head of the kiev regime emphasizes; it seems that zelensky
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has finally realized his true role in this conflict, to serve as a marketing one. in most cases, 80% of this money, well at least more than 75%, remains in the united states. this ammunition comes to us, but production is carried out there. as a result, defeat in the ssu is already a cell, as the western press predicts, according to
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according to the british newspaper evening standard, russia's firepower is five times greater than that of the ukrainian army. kiev has already lost 385,000 troops on the battlefield, journalists summarize, and political scientists are wondering: when will the independent authorities put their own people at the forefront. emil mirsaev, news. joe biden was invited to congress to testify in the impeachment trial. congressmen intend to understand the origin of $24 million that came from foreign sources to the us president personally, as well as his business partners. davidov will tell you the details. biden's presidency is not called obama's third term for nothing. he shadows the current owners of the white house. the day before we flew to new york on the same plane. there are no greater political heavyweights than barack
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obama and bill clinton; they see what ratings the current president has and understand that he is in a difficult situation. obama and clinton can better explain what biden needs now than biden himself can do. ladies and gentlemen, presidents of the united states. the meeting is closed to television cameras. and the only footage was taken by spectators, spectators paid up to $500,000 per ticket, and in one evening a record $25 million was raised for biden’s campaign. this evening is all about money, corporations are pouring money into joe, a puppet they control. at the same time, in the courts, they are taking money from trump so that he cannot pay lawyers. biden's election campaign is not for you voters, it is their revenge. rich sponsors are in the front row, tickets to the goal match.
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condemning due to the threat of nuclear war with russia hall, how spectators interrupted the presidents, and the fighting in palestine. on the street around radio city music hall, it was a hard day for the nypd, all the officers took to the streets to see off colleague jonathan diller. a thirty- one-year-old patrolman in queens was shot and killed by a seasoned criminal who had been arrested 21 times before and was released by a humane new york court. "we must stop this, we must return to law and order, we must do a lot, because this cannot continue, this is happening too much
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often, gangsters don't respect the police, and the police are the best people we have. trump came to the farewell ceremony for the policeman and visited his family. biden didn't even call. new york is a city of contrasts, the republican fox news channel emphasizes with a split screen. in megapolis."
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with difficulty, but he makes his way along the mud ruts that trucks dug in the field, at some point he stops, he won’t go any further, and there’s no need for it, the last half a kilometer to the artillery positions on foot, so as not to declassify the place where the battery of hyacinths is deployed, even at close range you will not immediately notice the 152-mm hyacinth, it is so well camouflaged in a bare forest belt, camouflage is the key to the survivability of the gun and crew. therefore, they don’t save effort on this, the enemy launched fire at our position, the closest gap was in the area of ​​20 m from the gun
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, a dig was hit, without losses, of course, the camouflage of firing positions is checked regularly, they themselves raise the drone into the air and see from what distance the gun can be notice does the enemy know where you are? at this stage , most likely yes, since they work for us, they often work, they work. often , they are exactly behind us, of course, but they work, they change positions often, this is the last time they work on this one, a new one has already been prepared, they will go to work, sergeant nikita, even in armor, is apparently wiry, his position is with the gun it’s called a projectile, we have a projectile , we have a loader, let’s say i’m a projectile, i give a projectile, they send it, the next one comes a cartridge case, how much does it weigh, it weighs around 48 kg, this is for him. shells of 20-30 pieces per 10 meters, shells are not stored directly at the gun so that they do not detonate in case of a hit, such is artillery loading, running with
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weights of shells. write something and write, let’s say, well, for donetsk, for lugansk , for the boys, for the boys, of course, for those who are not with us, we write, because we have to give an answer, as it were, such inscriptions are obligatory, because personalized shells are for those who can no longer respond to the enemy themselves, they can, so they don’t miss, otherwise it’s not like a boy, volga, i’m granite, how did you work on the target? granite, i'm volga, i'm observing a hit, anton stepanenko, vinokurov, valery, vesti, zaporozhye front,
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, action, we had nowhere to run, we didn't want to run from the city, we didn't want to run away from our place, the arrival was just in time and our car burned down, they are giving out compensation, we have already received 180,000, of course people are getting more, many are returning, at the moment we are working in the private sector, apartment buildings, roofing, glazing, the house, the whole house, we have to work, because everything here is original. we watch to know everything about russia. the best historical series. let's look, look. in the application or on the website. in russia april 1st.
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the most organized event


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