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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 29, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm MSK

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residential buildings, gymnasium buildings and a sports complex were damaged, a new shelling of belgorod, how severe the consequences were and how the air defense system worked, the details of the conscription at the general staff told how it would be...
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the recruitment of conscripts for the spring campaign was organized, where they would serve for how long. a week since the tragedy, how many victims of the terrorist attack are in hospitals, what is happening at the scene of the emergency and how is the investigation progressing? several villages were damaged, dozens of bridges and roads were closed in the orenburg region to eliminate the consequences of the flood. what situation by this time? “russia’s contacts with its closest partners should be built taking into account each other’s interests,” said vladimir putin. the president held a meeting of the security council via videoconference. the main topic was relations with the closest neighboring countries. when building relationships with our partners in the international arena, we always tell you that the most important thing for us is the relationship with our closest partners. with our
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friends, with our neighbors, this is traditionally the case, yes the level trade, economic, political ties with our neighbors, it is constantly growing, we always proceed from the fact that these contacts should be built on the basis of mutual interests, taking into account each other’s interests, and i propose today to consider one of these areas: it is for us seems to be very important, it is traditional, well , the minister of foreign affairs, sergei viktorovich lavrov, now owed this. spring conscription recruits will not be sent to new regions in the northern military district zone, this was announced today at the general staff. the recruitment campaign starts on april 1 and will last until mid-july. the service life will be, as before, 12 months. margarita semenyuk talks about plans for the upcoming draft and the results of the previous autumn draft.
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draftees will not serve in new regions of russia and participate in the northern military district, this was reported by the general staff of the armed forces. at the point of deployment of armed forces units in new regions of russia, these are the donetsk and lugansk people's republics, kherson, zaporozhye regions, or to participate there in performing special military tasks operations, military personnel undergoing military service upon conscription will not be sent. the conscription starts on april 1 and will last until mid-july in the far north from november 1. until december 31st. the service life, as before, will be 12 months. a third of the conscripts will be sent to training formations and military units, where within 5 months they will master modern military equipment and receive a military specialty. upon completion of training, in accordance with the acquired skills, they will be sent to troops. the russian armed forces continue form scientific and sports companies, staff research and production units. all conscripts will be sent to perform military service at permanent stations. deployment of formations and
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military units of the armed forces and other military formations on the territory of the russian federation. the results of the autumn conscription have been summed up. all instructions of the president of russia have been fully implemented. so now 130,000 people are serving. the most organized conscription events took place in the republics of buryatia and north ossetia alania, krasnoyarsk, stavropol territories, volgograd, voronezh, moscow, rostov, sakhalin, samara. on april 15, conscripts will be sent to military units, the next day the direct line of the general staff of the russian armed forces will operate, specialists will answer questions regarding the conscription of citizens. margarita semenyuk, news. a new sports and recreation complex has been opened in the oramenka district of moscow; it is a real sports palace.
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congratulations on the opening of the sports palace, this is not a fleet, a real palace, i hope that you it will be comfortable to practice here, sorry, champions, most importantly, healthy people. another victim of the terrorist attack in crocus cityhole died in the hospital, but he received serious gunshot wounds, health minister mikhail murashko said. according to the moscow region health department , 70 people remain in clinics. since the terrorist attack in the concert hall. a week has passed, and our correspondent, maria valieva, joins the broadcast from the scene of the tragedy. maria, hello, what 's going on with you now? yes, yuri, hello, we still continue to work next to crocus city hall, we see that now in the area that is cordoned off,
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the number of investigative committee cars has increased, the number of police cars has increased, and at the moment there is an investigation underway in putilkovo near moscow. actions have now brought one of the defendants in the criminal case, variduni shamseddin. previously , nineteen-year-old muhammadsabir fayzov was also brought to the same apartment. investigative actions were carried out with him yesterday, and an official statement was also received from the ministry of health message that one of the victims died in hospital today. doctors continue to provide assistance to the victims in crocus cityhole. 98 victims have been discharged from hospitals. unfortunately, another patient died in the hospital, having received severe gunshot wounds and was in extremely serious condition. 69 victims are being treated in hospitals of federal institutions,
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hospitals in the moscow region and moscow. one of them still remains in critical condition. the condition of the victims, including two children, remains serious. three people are in moderate condition , 19 patients are preparing for discharge in the coming days due to improvement in condition. the spiritual leader of russian muslims, mufti, sheikh ravil gainuddin today awarded fifteen-year-old islam khalilov, a fifteen-year-old schoolboy who led more than 100 people from a burning building during a terrorist attack. glad to see you.
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memory of our entire society, our entire people. this morning , classmates of islam came to the spontaneous memorial that formed near crocus city hall and brought flowers to honor the memory of those killed. every minute people continue to come here, bringing candles, flowers and children's toys. yes, this is truly a terrible tragedy, my condolences, we came here today to support russia. it’s a brutal relationship, of course, you can’t do that, is it really possible to treat people like that, i feel very sorry for the people , it’s very sad, for no reason, they came to watch
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the concerts, that’s what happened, it’s very unfortunate, you understand that such events are possible in our century, but at the same time, it is valuable to see so many people come here. commemorate. according to the investigative committee, the terrorists who committed the terrible crime on march 22 in crows city hall had connections with ukraine and received funding from there. also, the testimony of the detainees indicates the involvement of kiev in this terrorist attack. the fsb announced this earlier. russia, however, the west has followed its line and continues to follow it, saying that... only the terrorist organization islamic state, banned on russian territory, was involved in this terrorist attack, the head of ministry of foreign affairs sergei lavrov, the west is doing this very intrusively in every possible way
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, constantly saying that kiev has nothing to do with it, colleagues, yes, maria, thank you, my colleague maria valieva was in direct contact with the studio. the lack of a principled reaction of the council of europe in connection with the terrorist attack in krokuholi is another shameful page in the history of the organization. this was stated in the russian media. according to maria zakharova, this position is called into question. council to contribute to international stability, as well as its impartiality and demand for specialized tools. the official representative of the russian foreign ministry emphasized: strasbourg’s line confirms that today’s council of europe is full of political hypocrisy and double standards. maria zakharova noted numerous personal condolences from european diplomats. french intelligence agencies have recommended canceling the olympic opening ceremony due to security risks, they warn. about possible risks when holding a river parade, which is part of the event. as reported in
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the main directorate of internal security of the ministry of internal affairs5 should move to the so-called plan b. intelligence officers fear terrorist attacks and the activation of extremist sleeper cells. let me remind you that the games start in paris at the end of july, after the terrorist attack in the crocus city hall near moscow, the level of terrorist threat in the republic was raised to the maximum. the head of the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine kuleba tried to adjust. everyone was asked to leave and then negotiations continued in a closed format, following the results
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of the ministry of foreign affairs of india posted a short text message stating that the negotiations took place; at these negotiations , the prospects for the development of relations between ukraine and india were discussed without any specifics. an open and broad conversation with the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine dmytro kuleba this afternoon. our discussions focused on the ongoing conflict and its wider implications, exchanged views on various and... initiatives in this context, also spoke about global and regional issues of interest to both of us, reaffirmed our commitment to strengthening common relations, including bilateral cooperation. perhaps some official comments will be made a little later, but in general the purpose of the ukrainian delegation’s visit here to new delhi is clear. it must be said that dmitry kuleba arrived here for the first time on an official visit to the indian capital, and here in del he is going to pay attention to the discussion.
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and india, for india is much more important than the relationship between india and russia, here, of course, in india there is a little misunderstanding about this. we understand that between russia and india have many interactions in the field of economics and technology. a sovereign state that has the right to freely choose partners for its development. india and russia are close, i mean india can influence russia's behavior and that is one of the reasons why india's voice is so important in this conflict. at this stage , there is nothing to expect from india's relations with russia. ukrainian-indian relations in this sense have much more prospects and meaning. in india, many are confident that kiev will not be able to win over to their side. and here, of course, you need to understand a little.
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talking about the conflict with russia, we understand that the ukrainian army literally trembles before russia. kuleba constantly said that everyone who supports moscow, including those who buy oil from it, are enemies of ukraine. western countries have long criticized moscow, introducing sanctions against it, while india has long ago made it quite clear to everyone that we respect the sovereignty of any country, but close ties, including economically in the field of security with russia, are very important for us, but the west habitually uses double standards. we support energy sanctions, and we also stated this. kiev is now looking
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for allies for its initiative, which is primarily to counteract moscow, and not to search for any peaceful solutions to the fact that it is impossible to defeat russia by military means, indian elites also say. we believe that every conflict eventually ends with people coming to the negotiating table because conflicts end. i mean you can too. resolve the conflict on the battlefield, but we do not think that this conflict will be resolved on the field battle. a peace summit is planned to be held in early summer in switzerland, kiev is insisting in every possible way that this summit take place. without the participation of russia, but here in newdeli they say that talking about peace without the participation of moscow, to put it mildly, is wrong. evgeny davidov and vladislav dadonov, news from newdeli. the prosecutor's office is seeking to turn over the shares of the pasta manufacturer makfa and several other assets to the state.
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nika yankovaya found out who owns the business and what is the reason for the demands; she joins the broadcast. nika, hello, how much is makva valued at? yur, greetings. this is a systemically important enterprise, it is the largest in the country, and its capitalization is about 22 billion rubles. to convert state income from the shares of russia's largest pasta manufacturer makva and a number of other assets, a corresponding claim was received by the central district court of chelyabinsk from the prosecutor general's office. the department considers the enterprises to be of corruption origin, since their beneficiaries, mikhail yuryevich and vadim belousov , were engaged in business while working in the authorities state power. speaking. about the value of the asset, then these prices go for tens of billions, in this case it is worth noting that the capitalization of the company, according to preliminary estimates, is about 22 billion, in general, if you look at the company’s revenue, it is more than 30 billion rubles. it is also worth noting that there are
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other assets that exist in other regions, which together result in income and revenue. yes, for more than 40 billion. mikhail yurevich at the beginning of 2000 was a state duma deputy, then the head of chelyabinsk and the governor of the chelyabinsk region. vadim belousov was a deputy of three convocations of the state duma from 2011 to 2023. during the audit , it was established that they actually owned a group of commercial companies, information about which they did not declare. and they used their high position in power to achieve their own business interests, as the high office says. managed assets through. relatives and trusted representatives, we are talking about agro-industrial, shopping and entertainment, hotel, motor transport and media assets in different regions, the main of which is makfa. manufacturer of pasta a list of the system of constituent enterprises of the agro-industrial complex of russia has been included. according to estimates from the prosecutor general's office, makfe's capitalization is 22 billion rubles. the first bakery almost 4 billion rubles.
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the annual revenue of enterprises exceeds 31 billion. according to. cases, and quite quickly, such court proceedings last from a year to a year and a half, the first instance usually takes place in 3-4 months, then in order to appeal this judicial act to the appellate instance, about another six months pass, based on the results of the trial the appellate instance and the transfer of the costal complaint to the court of the appellate instance takes about another six months, where , of course, the defendants are not going to appeal to the supreme court of the russian federation, but in principle there is another 2 months allocated for consideration somewhere. another recent high-profile case was in february , the arbitration court of the sverdlovsk region approved the transfer of the chelyabinsk electrometallurgical plant plants into state ownership. privatization in the nineties was declared illegal. assets belonged
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businessman yuri antipov. the illegal enrichment of the businessman was initially appreciated almost. 26 billion rubles, and then the amount increased to 105 billion. in addition, demands were made against the former business partner and antipov’s family. in consideration of the penalty, the prosecutor general's office asks to seize the benefit of the state, including the ivanovo foundry, an enterprise of the oriand agricultural holding , the largest wine producer in the country , kuban wine. in february, the moskovsky district court of st. petersburg satisfied the claim of transferring to the state income all shares of the largest car dealer in russia rolf and papers company founder sergei. it was proven that the assets were obtained in violation of anti-corruption laws. earlier in december, the company was transferred under the temporary management of the federal property management agency. deprivatization in russia is not of any mass nature at all, there are isolated cases when the state takes property into its own hands, but there is a separate case, for example, in kaliningrad
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, the commercial seaport was taken into state ownership recently, but more widespread cases are associated with preliminary meeting judicial in the central district court of chelyabinsk is scheduled for april 9. yes, nika, thank you. nika yanakovaya spoke about the requirements for the transfer of some commercial assets to. in favor of the state. kiev has an acute shortage of artillery and air defense systems, the pentagon said, but the allies almost sent aid to kiev quote: they emptied the storerooms, we are talking about canada and
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vatavi states this. well, what the allies have already sent to the armed forces of ukraine is not at all suitable for battles in ukrainian realities. british challenger 2 arrived in ukraine without additional armor. the same situation with american weapons. why is the west setting ukraine up like this? maria the speedster figured it out. stuck in the mud. they shoot poorly and are not suitable for ukrainian realities, american publications bombard the british military-industrial complex with words, those challenger 2s that london so pompously sent to kiev in battle are a complete problem. a rifled gun wears out quickly, the machine cannot fire more than 500 shots without replacing the barrel , you can’t install a new one in the mud on the battlefield, without additional armor, the challenger’s body is too vulnerable, well, along with it it’s too heavy for the spring thaw. ammunition is not compatible. other tanks in the ssu have to maintain a separate logistics system just so that the british gifts can somehow shoot, forbes writes, but the main
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sensation is something else, london supplied these tanks to kiev to motivate the allies, pure pro forma, but a cunning didn’t work, they don’t give good weapons to kiev, they send decommissioned junk and abrams, which russia cracks like nuts, analysts say. m-777 howitzers transferred to ukraine.
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ukraine is putting pressure on the united states, give, give, give, all this resembles an aggressive robbery, when gangsters attack a bank and demand to give them everything, but we must understand that all promises to return the money to us are fake, not beggars, but if nato gets involved into this conflict , it will ruin us even more, the militants are constantly sending videos to kiev officials, to those who sit on the budgets, divide them, get rich, but speak russian, not a word of language, you are completely cut off from the rules. you, your immaturity, disregard for your own it really amazes the country that instead of spending people’s money on the needs of the front, you
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spend it on alleys, on squares, on all the stuff that won’t help us in any way, despite the fact that you know that western partners give us much less military aid , and there is nothing else to help the allies, the eu’s bins are empty with economic problems. without a doubt, our forecasts were not very good, but no one disputed them when they were formulated, france's budget deficit was over 5.5%. the conflict will not be resolved without the disarmament of ukraine, the leader of the political movement believes get up france, nicolas duponian, pumping kiev now with weapons of war, europe will bitterly regret in the future, he said. peace is possible if ukraine is demilitarized, if it remains in... its place and does not move forward, and if we understand in the little minds of western people that this war is the suicide of europe in the 20th century, playing into the hands of china, making us economically
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dependent from the usa and giving islamism strength in our south. if we don't understand that there are priorities and choices that need to be made, then europe will disappear from history because of the absurd conflict. kiev is in a carriage, demanding money, the last hope for france, but the promise of paris is like the french... they also talk about the historical cultural heritage and tourism opportunities of the region. the exhibition presentation program pays special attention to the theme of patriotism. now
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the news. the central bank extended the restriction on transferring funds abroad for six months, the limit through money transfer systems is 10 thousand dollars, or the same amount in another currency. as for account transfers in foreign banks, here the maximum volume million dollars per month or its equivalent. the bank of russia limited the sending of money abroad in march of twenty-two, then the limit was set at $500 per month. armenian banks stop servicing mir cards. the decision is associated with the risks of secondary us sanctions. according to tas, if the republic did not renounce peace, it could be left without international cards. at the moment , only vtb armenia has reported the continuation of work from the system; the bank will carry out all operations with russian cards in full volume. the net profit of the low-cost airline pobeda in the twenty-third year increased by 42% and exceeded 21 billion rubles. this is a record result for the entire period of the company’s operation,
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says its report. revenue immediately increased one and a half times to 92 billion. the bulk of the available funds from the victory will be used to maintain the airworthiness of aircraft. as for transportation, 13 million passengers used the company's services. rebuilding a collapsed bridge in baltimore will cost up to a billion dollars, the associated press reports. according to the deadlines, the work can take up to several years. the agency notes that the economic consequences of the collapse of the bridge can... affect all world trade, the direct damage from its destruction is $81 billion, let me remind you that the bridge in the baltic sea collapsed on the night of march 26, a container car crashed into one of its supports, which lost control. it was economic news. short.
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ours burned down, they are issuing compensation, we have already received 180,000, people, of course, are receiving more, many are returning, at the moment we are engaged in the private sector, apartment buildings, roofs, glazing, the house, the whole house, we need to work, because everything here is original, we look to know everything.
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