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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 29, 2024 5:30pm-6:00pm MSK

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a certain agenda, finding victims in our country to commit an offense against the law, and this victim turned out to be me.
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the pobasmanny court arrested the ninth person involved in the case of the terrorist attack in crocus city hall, and he was charged under the article of terrorism. our correspondent boris ivanin continues to work at the courthouse; he again gets in touch with the facts. hello again. what is known at this moment and what, if we talk directly about the ninth person involved, what exactly is he suspected of, what is he being charged with. uh-huh, yes, colleagues,
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hello, once again, georgiy, natalya, well, just a few minutes ago the hearing ended here in the main court, if you see, the press is still gathering at the entrance, which just left the courtroom, just a few minutes ago they made this decision to arrest the ninth defendant in the high-profile criminal case, he was arrested for 2 months, also until may 22, and i will explain why, the ninth person involved, his name is nazrimat luftuloi, he was detained on the same evening when... the people inside were checked for documents, and this is what turned out to be inside this cordon, and he refused to present documents, began to behave inappropriately, to be rude to the police, he resisted, for which he was actually already arrested for 15 days, while he was in the detention center, the investigators were just establishing his connection with the terrorists according to
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the official he has not worked anywhere, he is not married, he has no children, he understands russian, although here in the courtroom today he asked for an interpreter. also, investigative actions were carried out today in the village of putilkovo near moscow, where the terrorists rented an apartment and, according to the investigation, they set up a base there to prepare an attack on the crocus city hall concert hall. today they brought two of the direct perpetrators of this terrorist attack, shamsidin furiduni and muhammad sabir fayzov, the youngest. participant in the attack, who,
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let me remind you, resisted arrest and was wounded, the apartment itself belonged to the cook alisher kasimov, this is the eighth defendant in the criminal case, who several days ago, here in the basmanny court, was also arrested for 2 months, he himself true, he does not admit his guilt and claims that he did not know the attackers until the moment he rented out the apartment to them, he just needed money, he posted an ad on the internet, the tenants, according to him, allegedly did not arouse any suspicion... besides they offered a good amount, but in this apartment, this is a spacious three-room apartment, searches have already been carried out, and today investigative actions with the accused lasted about an hour, and evidence has already been found there that proves the involvement of these direct perpetrators of the terrorist attack in committing this monstrous crime, information on financial transactions seized from the arrested mobile phones was also analyzed, and this information... precisely
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confirms the connection of the direct perpetrators of the terrorist attack with ukrainian nationalists, and such data were stated during an operational meeting in the investigative committee, which took place the day before, under the leadership of... the head of the department , alexander bastrykin, well, here's more news today from the basmanny court building, an appeal was also received here from the lawyers of alisher kasimov, the eighth person involved in this case, also two more defendants had previously filed an appeal against their arrest, these are the brothers - the islomovs, dilovavar and amenchon, dilovar, let me remind you, they were detained together with their father israel, delabar, let me remind you, and not long before the terrorist attack. the owner of the same white renault logan in which the terrorists first drove up to rokus city hall, and after the terrorist attacks tried to escape in the bryansk region in the same car, delovar, just shortly before the attack, sold this car to the terrorists, the entire family of islamist brothers and his father
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are accused of supplying money to terrorists, but the four attackers who shot unarmed people in crocus city holly, they... let me remind you, were arrested in the basmanny court on sunday, also for 2 months, they are all serving one and the same article 205 of the criminal code of russia, this is participation in a terrorist act by a committed group of persons, and the maximum punishment is life imprisonment, well, the investigation of the security forces is now working to uncover the entire accomplice network of terrorists, apparently, this is not the last detention, and they are far from the last to be arrested, nine people have already been arrested, and connections are also being studied. from ukraine, the direct perpetrators of this terrorist act, since it was in ukraine that the terrorists tried to get to after the attack on okrokus cityhall and were detained not far from the state border in the bryansk region. well, on the ukrainian border, let me remind you,
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a window was ready for them from that country, as the special services say, and there they were preparing to greet them as heroes, but now these, with permission, as heroes, as has already been said many times, will receive a fair punishment here in russia. colleagues, yes. boris, thank you, our colleague boris ivanin was on direct line from the basmanny court building in moscow. in the meantime, the investigation continues to work not only at the site of the terrorist attack, but, of course, in crocus city hall. our correspondent maria valieva is near the concert hall. yes, she is once again coming into direct contact with the facts. maria, hello, once again, your colleague has just told about the progress of the investigation, that the ninth person involved in this case has already been arrested, who is suspected of involvement in organizing this terrorist attack.
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criminal case, he was brought here, investigative actions are currently being carried out inside, we are all closely monitoring what is happening here on the territory next to crocus city hall, look, there are dozens of journalists here, both russian and foreign, now the site for the there is a big memorial service, construction materials are constantly being brought here, the site is located directly opposite the spontaneous memorial. which was formed next to crocus city hall, people continue to come here, they continue to bring flowers, touching notes, light candles, let me draw your attention, here there is a note from magnitogorsk, where it is written that magnitogorsk is mourning with the whole country, here we see paper figures,
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these are cranes, more than 30,000 people took part in the crane action, which was organized here. next to the spontaneous memorial on march 24, here we see that condolences from all over the country, from saratov, from kostroma, from tambov, flowers were brought from the representative office of the league of arab states, in moscow, every minute, that’s literally true, every minute people come here, they continue to bring flowers, foreign citizens come here, this is a tragedy. which occurred on march 22 at crocus city hall shocked millions of people not only throughout the country, but all over the world, everyone comes, brings their condolences to the families of the victims and wishes a speedy recovery to those who suffered as
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a result of the terrorist attack, colleagues, maria valeeva, thank you, our correspondent maria valieva is now in the vicinity of cityhole, where it formed, as we have seen for several days now. people come to a spontaneous memorial for those killed in the terrorist attack, which took place on the 22nd, but we continue to monitor the information that is received by the news agencies for the investigation, so there is... a link to the case materials that were read out in the basmanny court. so, the case of the terrorist attack in the crocus city hall concert hall in krasnogorsk, near moscow, is under the jurisdiction of the department for investigation of war crimes of genocide and rehabilitation of nazism of the investigative committee of the russian federation. and also with reference to raa news, the ninth person arrested figuran. in the case of the terrorist attack in crocus, he partially admitted his guilt. he stated this on the news. advocate. on other topics: armenia's foreign policy is causing concern in
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russia, especially the country's obvious intentions to move closer to the west and, as a result , worsen relations with the russian country. we are talking especially about the upcoming high-level meeting between armenia, the european union, and the united states. it is scheduled for april 5 and should be held in brussels. and, despite what they say in yerevan, the meeting is not aimed against any.
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ties with moscow, weakening the existing mechanisms of regional security and economic cooperation. russian ambassador to armenia sergei kopyrkin also noted today that the united states views relations with it in the context of the confrontation with russia, and that the short-sighted actions of the armenians. armenia cannot count on any bonuses from the fact that it makes certain anti-russian decisions, and in general today, especially recently, it is building its foreign policy in unfriendly towards the russian federation. that is, nikol pashinyan , by and large, acts against the national
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interests of armenia and the armenian people. let me remind you that the day before it also became known that armenian banks will stop servicing and accepting russian mir cards starting tomorrow. the only exception will be vtb bank. armenia, they will continue to work with our maps in yerevan. previously, tas sources stated that the local central bank made this decision out of fear of united states sanctions. armenia blocked the broadcast of original programs vladimir slavyov’s evening for sladimir and sunday evening at the multiplex of the rtr planet tv channel, deputy minister of high-tech industry of armenia avt pagasyan announced this on his social networks. the reason is formulated vaguely and sounds like this. based on facts of constant violations recorded in the region. in response to the expulsion
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of the russian diplomat, moscow declared one employee of the moldovan embassy to be nongratta. the russian foreign ministry protested to the ambassador of moldova in connection with the ban on the entry of the russian delegation to participate in the conference of the un international food organization in chisinau. with details anastasia ivanova. tell me, you 're already leaving, right? at all? yes, we're leaving already. in the near future, they are unlikely to want to return, despite all the gracious hospitality of the belarusian side, they have only one thought: to go home as soon as possible. only on the third day, due to public outcry, the lithuanian border for moldovan children was finally open, but in the first hours at the same border it was like this: we can’t return to moldova in any way, we are guarded by machine gunners, children they want to go to the toilet, they won’t let anyone out, we just stood at this customs for 5 hours. help us, advise us. and just save our children. in a trembling voice , the head of the children's group asked for help, help came literally. everyone
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who was on the bus was taken away by representatives of the administration of the border village of tsodenishki, grodno region of belarus. when we first received this information, we contacted our district committee, they quickly got involved in such coordination work, contacted the border guard department control, there the deputy chief himself directly initiated assistance. together with the children, somehow tried to support them, tried to sleep, but we noticed a bright light and that some problems were happening, the parents were worried, our leader was in tears, for a sane society children are the future, but for the baltic polish authorities a threat to the national security. the moldavian children's choir went to perform in poland and gave several
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concerts, including for orphans. we passed through romania, hungary, slovakia, stopped to belarus, there too. concerts were held, but they couldn’t return back to moldova, both polish customs officers and then lithuanian ones didn’t let them in, it was absolutely normal for them to keep children under a gun, they mock and torture children with one goal, so that european citizens would be afraid to come here, their own border guards were afraid of their own authorities, the peoples of europe will sooner or later see the light.
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one and a half times to 287 million. they accounted for 2/3 of all financial transactions within the country. this is stated in the annual report of the central bank. they noted that interest in the central bank’s financial message transmission system is also growing. it is already used by more than 550 participants from twenty countries. as for the financial results of the regulator, the annual profit of the bank of russia exceeded 140 billion rubles. last year , the central bank recorded a loss. share of low-carbon generation. in russia at the end of the year reached 37%. we are talking about renewable sources of nuclear energy, the ministry of energy said. they noted that by 2030 another 12 gigawatts of green capacity will be commissioned, these are solar, wind and hydropower. as president vladimir putin previously stated, russia must achieve carbon neutrality by 2060. the net profit
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of low-cost carrier pobeda in the twenty-third year increased by 42%. exceeded 21 billion rubles. this is a record result for the entire period of the company’s operation, its report says. revenue immediately increased one and a half times to 92 billion. the bulk of the available funds from the victory will be used to maintain the airworthiness of aircraft. as for transportation, 13 million passengers used the company's services. and rebuilding a collapsed bridge in baltimore will cost up to a billion dollars, the associated press reports. the work can last up to several years, the agency notes that the economic consequences of the collapse of the bridge can affect all world trade, the direct damage from its destruction is $81 billion, let me remind you that the bridge in the baltic sea collapsed on the night of march 26, crashing into one of its supports container ship. it was economic news, briefly. the moderators of the ukrainian
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website peacemaker took on the volunteers. in they made their base 47 young volunteers. the united russia guard and the volunteer company, helping residents of new russian regions and the military. the personal data of these people was freely available on the internet. and this is what the head of the central headquarters of the young guard of united russia, alexander amelin, said in an interview with our channel. from the very first days of the special military operation, we were in the liberated territories, helping our residents, we worked as volunteers. and in the twenty-second year we entered... the necessary work necessary for our country, this mark of our enemy, they included our guys in this website, this emphasizes that we are moving in
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the right direction, on the right path. on the front pages of french publications: increased security measures for the summer olympic games. natalya gonchurovova will tell you more. there are only a few months left before the olympics in paris, and tension is growing in french society. bif reports that the authorities of the fifth republic are ready to move to plan b and cancel the ceremony game openings. this opening ceremony is complete madness. security officials and senior officials told everything about this to the country's leader emmanuel macron and the mayor of paris. more and more terrorists are appearing on the radar of the french authorities. they are radical, prone to violence, and their attack can happen very quickly. the difficulty of the job is that we constantly have to.
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teams from france and germany. now , during a friendly football match between the country's special services, they are considering several options for the opening ceremony. including those that will require the involvement of foreign security forces. in total, over 2 thousand foreign security forces will arrive in the fifth republic to ensure security during the main sporting event of 4 years. however, french intelligence fears another scenario involving the use of weapons that were supplied to ukraine. it is brought into the country illegally and it is very difficult for the security forces of the fifth republic to control such turnover. a huge number of weapons are sent, not all of them reach their destination, there is a darknet where they sell not only rifles, but also manpads, all this has become available to criminal organizations that
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do not have a lot of money. the authorities of paris have moved on to a global cleansing of the city in time for the olympics. orlian mayor serge grouard accused officials in the capital of moving homeless refugees from disadvantaged areas to other provinces of the country. so in the fifth republic, given the location of stad the france, this is one of the most dangerous places - the suburbs.
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take to ensure that the security of provincial towns is not compromised as a result of this redistribution of law enforcement agencies, how can we guarantee security throughout the territory? well, in addition to all the problems in preparation for the summer games , a corruption scandal broke out. franz-info released material about the inflated salaries of the leaders of the organizing committee of the olympic games. according to the publication, more than a dozen officials paid themselves more than their salaries. she exceeded. 2000 euros per person per year, the remuneration of the general director was 260,000 euros. translated into rubles - this is more than 27 million. now, in addition to preparing
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the games, sports officials will have to work with lawyers to avoid punishment on charges of financial fraud. natalya goncharova, news! well, now about the weather, the news is excellent, in a few days it will be +20 in moscow. it’s even hard to believe, weather forecasters promise powerful warming throughout the entire european part of russia. we will discuss the topic in more detail with evgeniy tishkovets, presenter and specialist at the regional centers. he's live. evgeniy, hello. evgeniy, welcome. today we started talking about the onset of some kind of automotive spring. what does it mean? and is it finally possible to change from winter to summer? good afternoon. today in moscow the final fifth phase of spring has truly arrived, the finological, or as it is also called, the automobile, when... quickly,
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well, here is the actual result: the east of european russia is drowning in the power of floods , the volga region and the southern urals. in the saratov region alone, three dozen settlements have already been cut off from the world. rescuers are doing everything to prevent catastrophic river floods, blowing up ice on dangerous areas. the most difficult situation at the moment is in the orenburg region. a high alert regime has been introduced in twenty municipalities, including the regional center. on monday, the snow depth in the city was 26 cm, now there are only eight left. the berdy area is flooded with meltwater. according to local journalists , about 500 private houses were cut off. children's
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things, toys, that's it. completely, this is my kitchen, this is my refrigerator, as for the central regions, snowdrifts are also melting quickly here, in moscow, for example, yesterday turned out to be the warmest day since the beginning of the year +10.2, the snow cover, which at the peak of winter snowfall exceeded 60 cm, had settled to 15 cm by this morning. from the point of view of floods , the situation. in the capital region is still relatively calm, however, sudden snow melting leads to certain problems, such as these pictures from solnechnogorsk, right in the center of the city, as if two children were stuck in a swamp, the ground was so soft, rescuers pulled the children out of the trap and in the nearest spring days will only intensify the onslaught. on saturday the main rains will be european territory of russia will take place in the interfluves of the volga and don mosaically in the volga region, central russia, the volgovyad
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region and... duralya, as well as in kareli and certain areas of the komi republic, murmansk and arkhangelsk regions in the mountainous regions of the caucasus, where precipitation is expected in a mixed phase with wet snow. on sunday , the influence of the western wing of the central asian anticyclone will be felt, which will clear the sky of rain clouds and provide residents of most of the russian plain with predominantly sunny, dry, warm weather, that’s how air flows over european russia will be oriented. residents of our country will begin to breathe air from athens and ashgabat. need i say that the temperature will skyrocket? well, in the coming days, i repeat, the central asian anticyclone will push clouds out of the region. the dynamics of the coming warming are impressive, so if in the central federal district by sunday it will be +12:17, then at the beginning of the week the thermometer will reach a height of twenty degrees. but in crimea
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, a real summer is expected. you. weekend +19:24, but at the beginning of next week it will warm up to +24-29, which is close to the 1947 record. st. petersburg will feel the impact of the cyclone this evening, it will rain in the city, tomorrow it will continue in two days on the banks of the niva, a third of the monthly volume of moisture will fall. on saturday afternoon +6:9 on thermometers, but then the weather will improve and intense warming will begin. on sunday at 13, on monday, tuesday up to +17-18°, as if at the turn of may-june. in moscow today there were light rains in places, by 15:00 the air had warmed up to almost +8. in saturday, light precipitation is also possible in some places, and it will become even warmer, +11:14. on sunday the weather will clear up and warm up to +14:16, well, on monday tuesday the may warmth of twenty degrees is expected. we expect
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temperature records to drop. 1983 and 1951. why spring for cars? the fact is that the average daily air temperature, starting today, will exceed +5°. it is believed that from now on it is safe to change winter tires to summer ones. in addition, by the middle of the first ten days the permanent snow cover will disappear in the capital. this is russia 24, the main thing at this time: russia’s contacts with its closest partners should be built taking into account each other’s interests, said vladimir putin. the president.


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