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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 29, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm MSK

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and it will become even warmer +11:14. on sunday the weather will clear up and warm up to +14:16, well, on monday tuesday the may warmth of twenty degrees is expected. we expect the temperature records of 1983 and 1951 to fall. why spring for cars? the fact is that the average daily air temperature, starting today, will exceed +5°. it is believed that from this moment. it is safe to change winter tires to summer tires, and by the middle of the first ten days , permanent snow cover will disappear in the capital. this is russia 24, the main thing by this hour. contacts russia and its closest partners should.
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in fact, crocus cityhole is under the jurisdiction of the department for the investigation of war crimes, genocide and rehabilitation of nazism, the investigative committee, i look at what cases were previously also considered by this department, in particular, the case of the explosion on the crimean bridge, also handled by these specialists, in general since 2014, this department has been dealing with cases of the use of prohibited means and methods of warfare and genocide. what data do you have about the progress of the investigation in crocus? by this time?
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yes, colleagues, greetings again, but it is clear why the investigation of the criminal case was transferred to this particular unit of the investigative committee, since the cases being investigated, as you yourself said, are exactly those cases where there is, well, excuse the taftology , the ukrainian trace, where it is obvious, here there are certain hints in the terrorist attack - in the cityholli crocus exactly in this direction, and as you correctly said, indeed the ninth arrested poet... in a high-profile case partially admitted his guilt, this is luftuloy nazrimat, he is 24 years old, after all, how became it is known, definitively, that he did not work anywhere in moscow officially, he is not married, he is here - he lived in a hostel on shchelkovskaya, and was detained exactly the same evening when the terrorist attack occurred in crocus cityhold, right there, directly at the crime scene , because he aroused suspicion with his inappropriate behavior, after he was asked to present documents, he began to a...
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resist the police officers, be rude, be rude, for which he was detained for 15 days, arrested, and when he ended up in in the detention center, investigators established and established his connection with a group of terrorists. so, he is suspected of financing terrorists, and this scheme itself is now being unraveled, investigators are unwinding it, and there is already exactly what i said earlier, a ukrainian trace, there is already confirmed evidence that amounts of cryptocurrency money were received directly performers. terrorist attack from ukraine, this is evidenced by the mobile phones confiscated from them, financial transactions on these devices were analyzed, and, well, also, investigative actions are now continuing with the direct participants in this attack on crocus city hall, in this very building, today one of the attackers was brought there to the scene of the crime, this is rashibalizod said krami, the accused was brought under... heavy security, he was
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handcuffed to police officer, it was an investigative experiment, it showed how, on that ill-fated evening, terrorists arrived in a car to... the experiment continued, investigative activities also took place today at another address in in the village of putilkova near moscow, this is the krasnogorsk district of the moscow region, there, let me remind you, the terrorists rented an apartment, where, as the investigation suggests, they just organized a base for preparing their monstrous attack, and brought it there. two more direct perpetrators of this terrorist attack - shamsidin fariduni and muhammad sabir faizov, he was also on a gurney, because he was wounded during detention, when he began to resist law enforcement officers, these investigative actions near the house in the apartment itself took about an hour, well
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let me remind you that the apartment belonged to another defendant in this criminal case, the eighth, who was arrested by the cook alisher kasimov, he was also taken into custody for 2 months here in the hall. ottoman court on tuesday, he really did not admit his guilt , he insisted that he knew nothing about the impending terrorist attack, allegedly did not know the terrorists, he simply rented out an apartment to them through an advertisement on the internet, then they allegedly did not arouse any suspicion, and besides, they offered good money, the apartment was, let me remind you, there was a mortgage, this apartment was already a few days ago searches were carried out, as investigative actions were now taking place, then we found evidence there that confirmed the person involved. terrorists to this monstrous crime, well , their connection with ukrainian nationalists has also been established, judging by those money transfers, this was discussed during an operational meeting in the investigative committee the day before, it was conducted, let me remind you, by the head of the department, alexander basrykin, here’s more news
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the defense of alisher kasimov, the owner of this apartment in putilkova, appealed his arrest, filed an appeal, now it too... here in the ottoman court they are considering, also here they are considering an appeal from the brothers and father of the islomovs, the brothers delobar and amenchon, their father israil were also taken into custody 2 months before may 22, they are suspected of aiding terrorists, that they also supplied them with money, a car, the businessman was the owner of the same white renault in which the attackers drove up to crocus city hall - and then the businessman tried to escape in the same car just shortly before the attack in march, i sold this car to one of the direct perpetrators of this terrorist attack, but these four attackers themselves were also detained until may 22, let me remind you that this happened in the bosmanian court on sunday, all of them were charged with the same count of charges, paragraph b of part the third article 205
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of the criminal code of russia, this is participation in a terrorist act that was committed by a group of people and i emphasize the maximum punishment under this article is life imprisonment, well, the investigation... will obviously continue, since the investigation and the security forces now they intend to establish the entire network of terrorists. for now, this is all the latest comprehensive information of the day. colleagues, yes, boris, thank you, our correspondent boris ivanin was on hand from the basmanovo court with the latest details of the investigation into the progress of the terrorist attack in krokusekhol. one person was killed and two were injured in a ukrainian drone attack in belgorod this afternoon, the head of the region, vyacheslav glodkov, announced. i might add, last night. the city was subjected to massive shelling by ukrainian militants, 17 were damaged apartment buildings, a sports complex and a gymnasium were also hit. according to the governor, more than 300 residential premises have been damaged in belgorod in recent weeks. ukrainian tets and ges received
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serious damage in six regions after massive attacks on the russian armed forces. what could be the consequences for the economy and how long will it take... ukraine faced large-scale destruction of its energy infrastructure in march on the night of the twenty-ninth damage in six areas, plus a massive attack on the 22nd. according to ukrenergo, thermal and hydroelectric power plants in the central western parts of ukraine suffered damage. in the dnepropetrovsk region there is an emergency power outage on the kharkov hourly schedule. odessa switched to an emergency source; last fall , due to faulty infrastructure, according to the country's state statistics, electricity prices jumped by 70%. no one can predict what will happen now. tariffs of the past, we raised tariffs last year as a result of large-scale attacks on
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energy. without this decision, we would not have been able to restore our infrastructure, and accordingly, we would not have been able to get through the winter the way we did. now we are talking about raising tariffs.
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ukraine could print the west could give a problem in the equipment in ukraine, a very specific voltage class, accordingly, the loss of any power transformer of an ultra-high voltage class for ukraine is a problem, there is nothing to replace these transformers, they are not produced within the country, they cannot be introduced from anywhere seems possible except... russia. the history of electrification of ukraine is inextricably linked with the soviet past. in the twenty-first year, these are four large
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nuclear power plants. 15 thermal power plants, 43 combined heat and power plants, eight large hydroelectric power plants and three pumped storage power plants, plus alternative energy sources. at the end of the twenty-first year, ukraine produced 156.5 billion kilowatt-hours; nuclear power plants accounted for 55% of the country’s total energy balance. and chp is a little more than 20%, the rest is gs, gs renewable energy. by the fall of 22, ukraine lost 21% of its energy capacity - reported the international energy agency, and president zelensky claimed that by that time 30% of the country's power plants had been destroyed. on average, 65% is the amount of electricity in the unified energy system that is generated by nuclear power plants. everything else is thermal generation, that is, wind, sun and hydro, that is, in the unified energy system there is
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constant power, yes, that is generated by nuclear power plants and there are maneuvers that are generated there, this is thermal first of all, hydro, there is sun and wind, exactly it is now almost impossible to assess the current state of the ukrainian generation, since kiev has introduced the strictest censorship and classified any profile data, but has already admitted that repairs and restoration will take more than two... years, if there is anything to restore, in fact it may be the construction of new infrastructure. alfabank for business. register a business with alfabank in march and receive 100,000 rubles. we pay every hundredth. alfabank is the best bank for business. what is your dream car, the answer is very simple, it there should be everything, style, dynamics, and
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first class comfort, on any road and for my whole family, cherry tigo 8 promax, dream bigger, cherry, you want to become a modern individual entrepreneur and not pay a commission from a transfer to a cash account, then open an account for business on for msfresh products we grow, collect and deliver fresh vegetables, mushrooms and herbs. mmfreshness from garden to shelf at the speed of freshness, only online magnet. you can find tires conveniently and quickly, there is a search by car brand, we are going on vacation, and we're going. 16%, accumulate faster. it's important for us to be visible. time of day and night, our work is a race against time and the elements and we
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need someone who is fully involved, who feels the power to help, there are sums at stake and we accept the challenge, jettur t2 is a hero by nature, hurray, we’ve finally arrived -that’s how you grew up, and now to the point, this is for you, granddaughter, here’s where it all comes from, you ’re retired, and you applied for a pension at vtb, and there the rate for pensioners on a vtb savings account is up to 18% per annum, how skinny you are became. okay, dad, i want to be like my grandfather, rich in retirement. vtb, together everything will work out. combat veterans began receiving the first electronic id cards. this is a completely new multifunctional plastic card. it combines three
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important documents at once. egor grigoriev knows what the advantage is and how to obtain such a certificate. we will take a photo of you, a photo, a handwritten statement, and after 7 days the electronic id is ready, it is due to everyone who has the status of a combat veteran, who fought in afghanistan, chechnya or syria, of course, participated in the north military district. the card is more convenient to use in the sense that it is indestructible. the original id is a paper cardboard shell, which, with constant bending and straightening , becomes unusable over time. and this is not the only disadvantage of losing a paper id; it can be restored many times over. her than an electronic card. a passport with a photo is required upon presentation. the main advantage of the new type of document is the presence of a chip with additional information. an electronic card is a single medium information and identification of a combat veteran , and a social and bank card. the salary comes on it, using the card you can use, for example, free public transport and receive other benefits. the document is small and, if
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necessary, can easily fit even into a pocket. system of electronic certificates of veterans. military operations is just beginning to work, every day there will be more and more services in it. in the next 2 weeks, for example, they promise to decide how to attach a social card to it moskvich. subjects of russia, depending on regional legislation, will fill the preferential card portfolio. work continues with all regions to increase the range of social guarantees and services that will be connected. the specified card is equivalent to the paper id of a combat veteran on the reverse side. country of the card shows personal data, combat veteran id number, tax deductions and for housing and communal services, money for treatment, medicines, insurance and pension payments, all now in one card in one mobile application, caring entrepreneurs can also join the electronic id system, give veterans a discount on goods or services, as well as increased cashback, by the way,
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there are already more than thirty such organizations, if i take with me some... list of documents , there is a high probability that i could lose something, leave it somewhere, forget, it’s still an action, i have free travel when purchasing any ticket, i had to show my passport, show proof of actions in paper version, now only one electronic id will be enough for me, more than 80 thousand people have already applied for electronic ids, and it is not necessary to go to the bank branch, the documents can be filled out on... the website also has mobile offices, they can come to remote points, including rear areas of the northern military district. the information is sent for confirmation to the ministry of defense in order to confirm it. within a few hours we receive confirmation and send accordingly release certificate. the issue is free of charge, and further re-issue of this
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certificate is also free of charge. the old combat veteran certificate does not lose its status. by bus on the border with lithuania. the renaissance party held a rally with these demands. it should be added that just a few hours ago lithuania allowed the passage of a bus with a children's musical group from moldova and then the young artists were returning from tour. the bus was kept at the border for many hours, they were guarded by machine gunners, and... frightened and well, exhausted children were not even allowed out to go to the toilet, from where help did come, and how the children’s choir suddenly became a threat to national security, anastasia ivanova found out, tell me, are you leaving for sure, but we’re already leaving, at least in in the near future they are unlikely to want to return, despite all the gracious hospitality of the belarusian side,
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their only thoughts are to go home quickly, only on the third day due to public outcry, the lithuanian border for moldovan... children it’s finally open, but in the first hours at the same border it was like this: we can’t get back to moldova in any way, it’s kept by machine gunners, children go to the toilet, no one is allowed out, we just stood at this customs for 5 hours, help us, advise us and just save our children. in a trembling voice , the head of the children's group asked for help, help came literally, everyone who was on the bus was taken away by representatives of the administration of the border village of tsodenishki, grodnin.
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for a sane society, children are future, but for the baltic polish authorities a threat to national security. the moldavian children's choir went to perform in poland and gave several concerts, including for orphans. we passed through romania, hungary, slovakia, stopped in belarus, there were also concerts there, but we couldn’t return back to moldova. both the polish customs officers and then the lithuanian ones did not let us in; it was absolutely normal for them to keep children under the gun. they are mocking.
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countries will take our power into service, they like these three states so much, so they are trying to copy their actions, one thing is clear, the politics of the polish and lithuanian authorities has taken precedence over
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humanity, if the bus comes from belarus, you are immediately an enemy, despite the fact that in a few days you were received in the same warsaw, everything that is needed know about european-style pseudo-democracy, and the pro-humanism of the slavic people, we conclude that in the hands of belarusian friends... our people feel safe again and feel happy, satisfied and that they are loved. anastasia ivanova, alexander porkhunov. news. an exhibition dedicated to the mogilev region opened at vdnkh in the pavilion of the republic of belarus. visitors were presented with industrial achievements and also told about the historical cultural heritage and tourism opportunities of the region. the presentation and exhibition program includes special attention to the theme of patriotism. rjd is starting to implement the third stage of development of the eastern test site. four key, one of the largest railway facilities in russia, will be built on bama. well, which
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ones did taras kucherenko recognize? will start on bama construction of the second severomuisk tunnel. the first longest railway tunnel in russia, its length is about 15 km. it was built over 26 years. the new facility will be built much faster. the construction was signed by russian railways and the bam stroymost tunnel, also on the list is the second kadarsky second kuznetsovsky tunnel and a new railway bridge across the amur river in komsomolsk on the sea, objects that are complex in many respects. the severomoisky tunnel is the longest in russia, 15 km, the kadarsky tunnel is the highest at 996 m. above sea level, and kuznetsovsky is the easternmost, the bridge over the amur is the largest on the highway. in addition to large infrastructure facilities, 2.0 km of new tracks and 1,500 km of artificial structures will be built, this will ensure an increase in cargo carrying capacity
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to the east. today, the need for russian goods on the asian continent is enormous; it will be necessary to ensure a certain volume of transportation in 2030 - 210 million, in 2032 - 270 million. but this is primarily the vanino-sovgavan direction. increase to 270 million tons, that’s almost 90 million tons growth, and the first boom, let me remind you, was 29 million tons. bam is one of the largest railways in the world, today the total length from tayshet to the soviet harbor exceeds 4,200 km, together with branches and connecting lines of more than 5,500 km, construction will be carried out in difficult climatic... conditions. russian railways, as one of the largest transport companies in russia and the world, has extensive experience in implementing large
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infrastructure projects using. combined road and railway adler alpka service and many others. it is symbolic that the year the agreement on the construction of the largest facilities on okra was signed coincided with the fiftieth anniversary of the start of construction, in which almost the entire soviet union once participated. the experience of veteran railroad workers will be taken into account. if we compare the situation that we had at the beginning of the construction of the severomuysk tunnel, then of course the difference is significant. we got there when there was no
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road. no energy infrastructure, that’s all for today there is, and we hope that taking into account new technologies, taking into account the use of tunneling complexes, the deadlines that will be laid down in the project, in the regulatory documents, i mean the construction contract, we will fulfill this, build four key objects on bama is planned for 8 years. taras kuchurenko, anton fedotov, vadim klivanov, lead. the first bombs fell on yugoslavia on march 24 , 1999 at 19:45 local time. no one could believe that the country could be completely attacked at the end of the 20th century. century. what the west did was completely
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unacceptable, they started it right away. it is clear to everyone that russia is not a country of gas stations, russian digital solutions can be taken to new heights, there are prospects, ours are more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more than exactly what digital helps, you are incomparably
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original in your questions. and what about production, raw materials and exports in general, what kind of product is it?
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alfabank for business. register your business
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with alfabank. in march and receive 100,000 rubles. we pay each.


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