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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 29, 2024 8:30pm-9:00pm MSK

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for the acquisition and, accordingly , production of various elements of green energy and an extremely hostile attitude towards traditional energy, the latter was based not only on the fact that biden is very closely associated with those companies that produce electric cars, so to speak , electric battery panels, and so on, but with the fact that... as a rule, states that produce traditional energy resources are controlled by republicans, the majority of the population there votes for republicans, so it was beneficial for him, well, to put a blow to the economies of these states and to the political prestige of republican leaders, as a result of which these measures led to a slowdown in energy production , including...
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dollars per barrel, and this somewhere leads to the fact that russian oil export revenues are, well, declining by 40%, but naturally this affects the total volume of oil on the world market, as you actually said, and this leads to the desire of other players, naturally, to take advantage of this situation.
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in a couple of minutes, meet the popular moscow writer nikolai rebinin!
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“it’s scary, no, it’s hard to get used to, crazy passenger, about 10 years ago i saw through the window how they were beating him, and i didn’t intervene, i betrayed him, now i have to find him, there is still hope, there is always hope.”
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we look before everyone else, four children, ex- husband, at work, endless stress, vasnetsova, why are you always nothing but problems, let’s subscribe and watch.
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anyone can get an interest rate on a deposit at gazprom bank. the rate is up to 16.5% per annum on a deposit for 6 months. get real income from a reliable bank. open a deposit with gazprombank. this has never happened before, russian cold, 150 g of invisible, rich taste in one glass, try it, real plumvir, russian cold, great, incredible taste, we are going on vacation, and we are going, the third year, this is how a vtb savings account will open, the rate is 16%, save up faster, this week ends the quarter, it’s time to sum up not only this week, the beginning the year as a whole turned out to be turbulent, including the record price
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of american stocks, an important indicator for world markets, but for us, of course , the records in the commodity markets are more important; global political instability is reflected in the actions of investors... they pulled up to the eternal values ​​that cannot be created by pressing a few buttons on a computer, i mean the issue of so-called world reserve currencies, this. in recent years , it has become increasingly out of the control of world bankers, which is what forces them to take extreme measures, launch epidemics and organize wars around the world. under these conditions, the demand for gold is breaking records. the troy auction rose above the level of $2,200 and above, this is the absolute maximum. gold in the first 3 months of this year showed, as i said, a historical high, well this is if you measure prices in us dollars. of course, the cost is noble. metal reflects, although in reality we should be concerned about the prospects for the american currency, because
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we are seeing a repetition of the phenomenon that we have already seen many times in recent years: gold is becoming more expensive, at the same time bitcoin is becoming more expensive, in essence this means a weakening of the american currency in commodity terms, because oil is also is becoming more expensive, this is very important, because gold in reality demonstrates the depreciation of the american currency. this is a reduction in cost american canadian currency, well, our gold started the last twenty-third year at about 1,950 dollars per troy ounce, now it’s already more than 2,200 dollars per troy ounce, it has risen in price very much, well, except for the general increase in value in dollars gold gold for this century, because at the beginning of the 2000s there were 280 dollars per troy ounce. this was the price, some time will pass and it will be possible to say that gold has risen in price in
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dollar terms 10 times in this century, these are signs of the depreciation of the american currency, that is, over a long period of time, the dependence between the dollar and gold will certainly be restored, the unreasonable policy of the american financial authorities, which is expressed in the use of the dollar for purposes other than its intended purpose, that is, as... a weapon, i mean those sanctions that the americans impose on their opponents, and this is not just about us, at one time the popularity of the dollar was built, so to speak, on its apoliticality, remember the saying: the dollar, it and it in africa, the dollar, forever green, that is, it was meant that the dollar and everywhere you can pay for everything anywhere in the world, this is the basic function of the so -called world reserve currency, now the united states, cutting us off from the international... payment system due to other sanctions, they are sawing the branch on which they are sitting, since other countries
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are very closely monitoring the actions of the american authorities, drawing appropriate conclusions, just in case, when buying gold, it has been a universal value for many centuries, yes, in the last 50 or so years bankers tried to make a commodity out of it , underestimating its value through various manipulations, various methods are used for this, but now we are not talking about that, it’s just... we see a fact: since the beginning of this year, central banks have sharply accelerated the process of buying physical gold, especially here china stands out. well, it's true that central banks in other developing countries are also buying gold at record rates. the world gold council predicts this year will be the highest demand for gold in a decade. global dollar weakness is forcing investors to look for more reliable assets to invest in. of course they are.
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in fact, i’m not sure that this is really the case, then we are now talking about futures, and the price of the beans themselves, in general, is quite stable; rather, it seems to me that the situation here is that the market for chocolate and chocolate products was quite stable at over the past 2-3 years. and producers are simply interested in raising prices and thereby
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increasing their income again. well real prices of course, they will come closer to futures, but this will happen a little later. in the meantime, the increase in the cost of cocoa by the final producers of the product is not really directly taken into account, but it is clear that it is only a matter of time when chocolate and other products made from it will become more expensive, indefinitely. it is completely unclear what entrepreneurs should do in this situation, because the obvious option is to buy now, while it lasts. while there is an opportunity, because further it will most likely be more expensive, but this will even increase short-term prices for cocoa will thereby inflate demand and inflate the price at which they will be sold, but we must prepare for the fact that there will be less raw materials, and the consumption of cocoa beans in the world is not falling in any way, we eat a lot of products related to cocoa powder, with cocoa butter and with chocolate
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in general, accordingly, more and more manufacturers will most likely begin to save, begin to use... so, the markets in the first quarter continued their growth, first of all this concerns, as i already said, commodity assets, we will monitor the development of the situation; let me remind you, this is connected with the ill-considered policy of the biden administration in the field of international economics. now advertising, then we will continue. alpha friday, super cashback every week from alfabank. this friday , get 50% cashback when you pay with any of our cards in yandex food. and if you don’t have a card, order a free alpha card and receive a superkick on alpha fridays. not just
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we pay every hundredth. alfabank is the best bank for business. touch the croc star burger on fire tastes better, we are going on vacation and we are going for the third year, so open a vtb savings account, the rate is 16%, save up faster. with yota you can accelerate, with yota you can do everything to the maximum. 50 gigs in 2.0 minutes for 399 rubles. you can yota alpha friday - supercake every week from alfabank. this friday, get 50% cashback when you pay with any of
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our cards in yandex food. and if you don’t have a card, order a free alpha card. get a supercake on alpha fridays, it’s not just profitable, alpha is profitable. in mina this week announced that nato is preparing in eastern europe for a conflict with russia. of course, such alarming statements have certain grounds. so on wednesday a meeting of the eu military committee was held in brussels, and there were other events there. are taking place in europe, europeans are racking their brains about how they can stop russia’s aggression against europe, which does not exist, and about the militarization of europe, let’s talk with our guest here. in the studio , the head of the russian delegation in vienna on military security and arms control, konstantin gavrilov, konstantin, thank you for coming, and of course, hello again, we already
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talked a little before the broadcast, but the next forum, round of the security forum has ended, and as i understand it, this discussion has continued, which we are talking about we often talk to you about whether there were any new moments, new moments i could from...
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so naturally, black business, we try to pay attention to this, then the chemical weapons that the ukrainians use, well, that is, they continue, they constantly somewhere it pops up, something they throw this one irritant gas, bezet there and so on, well, yes, it seems like the soldier does not die directly, yes, but this, but these are convulsions, this is, well, the person is being eliminated. uncombatable formations are withdrawn, well, not so often, but they don’t do this, vasho in the organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons is doing this, he raises this topic, i
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know, it’s close to me, i myself worked there for 13 years, that’s what i know, but there are some real mechanisms that could fix these applications, well, first of all, but we fix it, and so, for this to be an international gathering, well, we should be in favor.
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grab, well, here come bombers, for example , ours, they fly in neutral waters , as expected, nato members fly, so that there are no problems, these measures could be developed here on the forum, we already have distances there, that is, we there are proposals, we have proposals, they have categorically refused to discuss them for many years, that is , so far there are no arguments, especially after the start of the special operation, there can be no such thing as usual. that is, we cannot yes, now we will only discuss ukraine, well , ukraine, of course, a lot depends, the future alignment in the world depends, they
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understand perfectly, and we understand perfectly well. we understand that after the results of the special operation, i am convinced of the positive results, the whole world will change, including europe. konstantinevich, well, this is a change in the world, it is clear that it should happen for objective reasons, our president talks a lot about it, these are objective factors, but not everyone wants to accept them, especially in the west, that is, this is a blow to hegemony, yes, the vampires' point ends, as vladimir putin said, and so on. a rat, it’s dangerous, very, very dangerous, what should we do with it? well, yes, yes, drive the horses , now they will accuse us, that we want there to be aggression in europe and so on, they will accuse you, our president has made it absolutely clear that we don’t need war, we are not going to attack anyone in europe, but the goals of our special operation, on which the future of russia and other
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countries depends. we will bring it to its logical conclusion, and all goals set must be achieved, this is clear to everyone, and if they try to do something, then we have enough means, any means, to stop it, to punish the aggressor, which means the hunted rat needs to be euthanized somehow, but this is a very bad technique, of course, here too, probably i really wouldn’t like for everything to develop like this, because it’s just a joke, right?
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they barely reach one and a half million all together including the usa, this is at the moment, yes, but you rightly noted, and you said before, they are increasing, increasing, investments are coming, investments are coming , the whole problem is that all these productions, they are private, they have, well, yes, it’s hard for them to warm up this all, investments when they go, when they get ready, that is, we still have no so much time to... achieve the goals set with ukraine, then they will snap even more, by the way, let’s pause for a second, we’ll continue a little later, konstantinevich, let’s continue the conversation, we talked about the fact that production is increasing, you just said it, and you
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said we have time, as far as we are concerned you... this week there was such an interesting statement from the baltic states precisely that macron had made a mistake, that he had not agreed on anything with anyone, and this is such a rebuke, just my elephant, because it is clear that militarily the baltic states are not even about anything.


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