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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 30, 2024 3:30am-4:00am MSK

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hello, kirill vyshinsky is with you, and this is the “typical new russia” program. our name says it all. we are talking about a territory that has returned to its historical roots. about novorossia, with the help of a careful look at history, we will try to reveal the uniqueness of its present day, find typical recognizable signs of the past, that’s what we’ll talk about today: thank the turks for odessa, or how to manipulate, why is local history strategic in novorossia?
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century, then it just grew and called itself a port, somehow everything worked out on its own and became ukrainian. one thing is not clear: if the fortress was turkish, and odessa was founded by catherine, then where are the ukrainians in this story? today in kiev they like to talk. about the historical role of the zaporozhye cossacks in the development of new russia, they talk about the original belonging of these lands to the zaporozhye army, and therefore to its heir, ukraine. they say that russia came to novorossiya in the 15th century with almost everything ready, taking away flourishing lands and cities from the freedom-loving cossacks, who developed and colonized them. but dig a little deeper into local history. and it turns out that besides
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military settlements on the borders, winter roads for hunting and fishing, or small villages near salt mines on the lands of new russia, the zaporozhye sich nothing more. powerless before the contents of the archipelago and the research of local historians. more details in the story by anna efimova. small rooms filled with objects from different eras, shelves
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filled to the brim with cardboard boxes. there are thousands of artifacts here, from everyday items of kievan rus to elements of uniforms for the army of tsarist russia and much, much more. just curious things. related directly with the history of russia and proving that mariupol was previously a russian city. andrey latkin, curator of the funds of the mariupol museum of local lore , shows what survived the fire during the battles for the city in april 2022 in the ssu, retreating, they set fire to the building. the flame destroyed 80% of the funds, which remained every day scrupulously, at the risk of their lives , museum employees pulled them out from under the rubble, and burned out the lost ones. completely the arms, lower part of the face, neck, chest, this is france, 14th century, at one time he was worthy of anyone - the best museum, but not every museum had such items. in mariupol there were also others,
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once the fund consisted of over 70,000 rare exhibits, all the survivors were sent for temporary storage in donetsk, the damaged artifacts were preserved, now they are awaiting restoration. at the same time , the publication of the art branch of the museum is being restored. i understand that revolutions are made in capitals, but civil war is going on throughout the country. when i was doing excavations at the krovichi museum, i heard people passing by, looking at the building, saying, that’s it, there is no more history, history has burned, and as you can see, history cannot burn completely. the most amazing thing is that books miraculously survived that fire. antique library of the 18th centuries, atlas of semenov, tianshansky, picturesque russia and many other publications, to study them in detail, we go to the russian state library. the appearance of odessa drew special attention from zuboi to this city, first created by russian hands on the shores of the black sea. the whole
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history of the novorossiysk region from 1731 to 1823 . the work of apollo skalkovsky is the story is impartial, without cuts. this is not just about the pro-imperial development of the southern steppes. the uniqueness of this book is that it contains dozens of archival documents, exclusively originals, under one binding, many of them have not been preserved in other sources, for example, a map of the ascension governorship, created by catherine in early 1795 and lasting only a year, this is territorial -the administrative unit was abolished by paul i, on these pages the duke himself, the duke of rochelle, for which his contemporaries nicknamed him herodotus novorossiysk territory, so that he could work peacefully, access to all archives was opened to him personally by count varantsov, on the first spread
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there is gratitude to the governor general, the founding of kherson, odessa, nikolaev and dozens of other cities, the creation of infrastructure, here, for example, is a note with the proposals of the tauride governor general... on the development of travel links with the southern coast of crimea. historical parallels with the construction of the tavrida highway suggest themselves and many many other measures that st. petersburg took and which centuries later, in the so-called ukrainian historiography they will call nothing less than imperial oppression, and the russian empire a prison of peoples, although the very history of novorossiya and its multinational settlement refutes this. we see almost the entire map, the ethnocultural map.
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the independence of our days went deep to the ancient ukrov and even proved the greek origin of the ukrainians without, in their opinion , the barbaric moscow admixture. such books began to be published especially actively after 1991, an entire generation grew up on them, the result is on the face, which, in particular odessa, where nationalists are destroying monuments to the founders of the city, is now rapidly losing. donbass did not allow this to happen, however, there is still a huge gap in educational programs. but it is necessary to make up for it, we helped historians of the luganda people's republic create
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a historical and cultural standard on the history of the republic, specialists primarily from lugansk took part in its creation, this made it possible to create such a good document on the program document for the study of history native land, on which educational and methodological literature and history courses will be created in the future. moreover, starting from september 1, 2025 , a lesson on the history of our region will appear in schools throughout russia. in a sense, this is an appeal to the best traditions of soviet local history education, in particular, which have stood the test of time and which many still remember with nostalgia. history, as you know, begins with the study of one’s family and one’s land. and where this does not happen, it, unfortunately, ends. about the meaning
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restoration of historical local history in novorossiya, we will talk with our regular expert, historian and political scientist, rastislava myshchenko. rastislav, good afternoon, good afternoon. rastislav, i closely monitor the ukrainian media space and recently a huge number of pseudo-regional programs have appeared there, which tell what is happening in the donbass, in novoros. from time immemorial there lived turks, crimean tatars, zaporozhye cossacks, only to them, in fact, this region owes prosperity, dawn, cities, roads, factories, etc. further, and until such a wave of little-historical studies simply overwhelmed everything that is connected with history in ukrainian, in the ukrainian blesphere on the internet.
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and a specific view on global problems, as far as historically, the turks could not live there from time immemorial, just as the cossacks could not live there from time immemorial, because the appearance of the cossacks is generally recorded in the history of zaporozhka, ukrainian historians themselves write that the first organizer the battle was baida vishnevetsky, excuse me, this is the 16th century, until the 15th century there were russians in the history of new russia the state entities that existed there and there was a separate principality. and there was a common russian state that belonged to novorossiya, the territory along
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the dnieper and the territory along the don were also constantly developed by our ancestors, they were given the white vezha fortress, which was taken from the khazars at one time and there was a permanent russian advanced outpost there, this is all novorossiya, yes, it was not inhabited on a permanent basis, with the exception of individual fortified settlements, because this is a steppe road, tribes were constantly moving along it. steppe peoples moved from mongolia to europe, this happened over the course of centuries, another horde is moving, which means that slavic settlements are disappearing again, but nevertheless this is... a constant constant attempt to exit and develop this very steppe, our ancestors were moving towards the black sea all the time, i repeat, since ancient times. what can be contrasted with this ukrainian pseudo-local history concerning novorossiya, especially in conditions when there are still battles going on there and the line of military contact is
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not hundreds, but tens of kilometers away. the history of this place with the history of the big homeland, by the way, that is why always, not only our political opponents, but any opponent, he always tries to strike a blow at this small history, and if they tell you that your ancestor there was not russian, but some kind of cossack, or maybe even a turk, then in this case you begin to look towards ankara there, and you yourself don’t
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notice, but how you begin to consider this little role of yours as if the piece is no longer there.
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and any state’s military history is part of his national consciousness, because this is the formation of an idea of ​​how the state was created about the exploits of his ancestors, therefore novorossia, in terms of history, in terms of nurturing interest, love of history in terms of nurturing patriotism, is a super-fertile land. thank you very much for the interesting story. and a little more about historical local history: all last year in ukraine they actively fought against the so-called imperial legacy, they demolished monuments and busts of alexander sergeevich pushkin, and even dismantled memorial plaques. total in ukraine, 36
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sculptures have already been destroyed or demolished in chernigov, vinnitsa, bila tserkva, nikolaev, poltava, kiev. dnepropetrovsk and other cities, demolished in those places where the poet visited, which local residents were always proud of, and where he had never been, pushkin was not, for example, in shanghai, but his bronze bust was installed there back in 1937, and in most of the more than 600 places in the world where the name of the russian poet is honored, there are his sculptural images; for some reason they are not honored, they are demolished only on... pushkin for novorossiya - a symbolic figure, almost legendary, because his southern exile, in which the writer spent 4 years, essentially became a journey through the southern edge of the russian empire, and the lands of new russia. the journey began in ekaterinoslav, continued in the caucasus in crimea, passed through
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kishinev and ended in odessa. during this time , the poet wrote many lyric poems. there is a similar one on primorsky boulevard in odessa. a bust in the former yekaterinoslav, hidden and saved during the great patriotic war from the german occupiers. residents the modern dnieper was dismantled in the winter of 2022 . in december twenty-third, a commission of the state council of odessa recommended demolishing the pushkin sculpture. on the street named after him and eliminate the memorial sign “pushkin’s shadow” at the intersection of deribasovskaya irishelevskaya. about what pushkin meant for novorossiya and what
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trace it left in his work, in the story of olga mokhova. 1817, graduate of the tsarsko-selo lyceum alexander pushkin was assigned to serve in the collegium of foreign affairs. same thing. the emperor was angry, the fate of the young poet seemed predetermined, but for him vasily zhukovsky, nikolai karamzin and immediate superior ivan kapadistria intercede. he understands that the man is a very talented, young man, yes, a young man who just wrote ruslan and lyudmila.
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stayed for 18 days, the result was the poem robber brothers, based , according to the poet himself, on real events, but after shopping one day in the dnieper, the poet fell ill , the doctors recommended that he be treated first in the caucasus, and then in the crimea, so in the fall pushkin ended up in the former capital of the crimean khanate. at that time, bakhchasaray retained its outline a real eastern city, where the houses were built on two floors, and the balconies were decorated with wooden ones. cut bars so that it was impossible to see the inhabitants of the house. bakhcesarai at that time was a trade and craft center, where
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all trading life was concentrated on the main street. the same street led the poet and his companions to the khan’s palace, but pushkin was disappointed with what he saw. he told about this in a letter to his friend delvig. the palace itself is decaying and clumsily remodeled, the fountain of tears is spoiled. even before arriving here, alexander sergeevich knew the legend about unhappy. vikhan crimea to his concubine about how, after her death, he asked the court master to make the stone cry. according to legend, in one of the courtyards of the palace, pushkin picked two roses and laid them at the fountain. since then, but every morning the employees of the reserve museum bring here a red rose - a symbol of the khan’s love, and a white one - a symbol of sadness. in 1824, the poet wrote a poem to the fountain of the bahcesarai palace, and its lines later inspired the composer alexander.
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another certificate of immortality, which appeared in the southern period of pushkin, odessa stanzas from the travel of eugene onegin, the splendor of the south, port trade, discord on the streets and evenings at the opera in odessa, an ardent poet. lived first on italian street, then on debasovskaya, served in the office of the governor-general of novorossiya, count varantsov, and was not particularly bothered until may 1824, when he was sent to kherson for statistical data, which was suffering at that time from the locust invasion. after 5 days he returned to odessa without completing anything, without completing anything, but he had to write a report, this is known report in poetic form, soroncha flew in, uh. sat down, sat, ate everything and flew away again. a squabble over letters and resignation letters ensued. pushkin was sent under the supervision of local authorities to the family estate of the mikhailovsk, pskov province. there he
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will remember odessa and ask his friends to send news about her. the so-called southern exile left a mark not only on pushkin’s poetic heritage. from the bndr, the poet brought a story about dead souls and convinced nikolai gogol to write a big book about russia. there they told him a story. about what's in bendery people practically don’t die, only military men die, there was a military settlement there, the trick was that in bessarabia there were a lot of people resettled from other areas, when they arrived, they took the names of dead peasants, so there were dead souls, there was no pestilence there, and pushkin seemed to remember this story; on his journey from ekaterinoslav to the south, pushkin saw and called. and the don steppes, he has never been to lugansk, although here there is a special connection with the sun of russian poetry: a native of the city, author dictionary of the living great russian
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language vladimir dal met with pushkin three times to several, and not only to himself, but also to the characters of his works, the mold for copies of the famous moscow sculpture of the poet, which was installed in the park opposite the cultural center named after him, was made on a 3d printer from polymer materials , caring local residents participated in the fundraising, thereby continuing the tradition established once upon a time by the residents of ekaterinoslav and odessa residents. olga mokhova, anastasia popova, valery savelyev, typical new russia. that's all it's about
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we wanted to tell you today, kirill vyshinsky was with you, see you soon, meet the popular moscow writer nikolai rebinin, your brother in donbass. you have to go there, you have to go, it’s just for the passengers to ride here, i’m not a fighter , i came for my brother, in a couple of days you’ll go there, to a gray wife, behind this line you’ll become different, and then what, that’s where my childhood and youth were, and now it’s darkness, that’s it, we’re leaving, it’s scary, no
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, “it’s hard to get used to, my passenger, about 10 years ago i saw through the window how they were beating him, i didn’t intervene, i betrayed him, now i owe him to find, there is still hope , there is always hope."
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look before everyone else, four children, ex- husband, at work, endless stress, vosnetsova, why are you always nothing but problems, subscribe, look.
4:00 am
welcome to asia, here the heart of the continent beats. army russia repelled 13 attacks in so on donetsk, yuzhnodonetsk, and in the vdeevsky directions, our units improved the situation.


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