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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 30, 2024 4:30am-5:00am MSK

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we are talking about the use of human voice generation in various fields, including the use of artificial intelligence. do you think it’s time to regulate this area somehow by law? i believe that the time has already come, we see how... voice synthesis is used in various fields, for example, audiobooks, which are voiced there by various voices, once even famous people. navigator, every person, i think, uses this technological innovation, unfortunately, unfortunately, the use of voice synthesis not only goes in a positive direction, but also... it is successfully used by scammers,
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they synthesize the voice of relatives or friends, they try to lure out some financial information, some personal data, personal data, and this is dangerous. another area is the announcers, when colleagues from the announcers’ union came to us and said how unlawful, illegal content was voiced in their voices.
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friend, or it’s someone else, another piece of advice, it’s better to cut off the connection and call back the phone number who called you to clarify this information, whether it was him, or whether someone used his voice and is trying to find out some personal information from you, and i urge everyone to be wary of any requests that ask for some of your personal information or financial data or money. another question of personal data, now they are very actively talking about the need for financial responsibility of operators who own personal data in the event of a leak, please tell us more about this, how can this issue be controlled? currently we are currently developing a bill that will be aimed at ensuring that damages are compensated in case of personal data leaks, now...
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sensitive and they already require higher-order guarantees, so we plan to prepare a bill that financial information, this data would be more took into account all the details, it is not simple, it requires discussion with the professional community, but i am sure that if adopted, it will be very...
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effective in reducing the number of telephone scammers who use personal data, they steal financial resources from our citizens, well, that is, in this way we somehow... data, which is also important, the development of the insurance market, insurance services in this area will also be stimulated, so these are probably the key areas that will bring law for our citizens. it technologies are actively penetrating all spheres
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of human life and industry, from everyday life to production. the opportunities opened up by information technology and tools for processing large volumes of data have become actively used to solve key problems of the state. including anti-corruption issues. senator alexander navyukhov told us about what modern digital technologies in the field of anti-corruption are being implemented today, and how effective they are. digitalization has affected all spheres of human life, in the areas of doing business, ah, processing transactions, and organizing leisure activities, and people leave a large digital footprint in all areas of their activities. on social networks, on the internet, and here we are we see the need to use these technologies in the field of anti -corruption in russia. since 2022 , the posiidon system has been successfully operating, which is aimed at creating anti -corruption mechanisms, identifying all the risks that
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are associated in this area, and i would like to note a number of new innovative approaches that are being developed today and is applied by representatives of the auditors of the accounts chamber. more than 130 modules have been developed, which are now effectively implemented in assessment, verification of transactions, and performance efficiency government authorities, one of the important elements is the introduction of new technological phenomena such as artificial intelligence, which effectively helps reduce the burden on inspectors, identify risk areas during transactions, and of course... this is one of the most effective ways that in the future, it will be introduced, well, essentially, into all spheres of human activity. are new digital technologies being developed to minimize corruption risks? the world does not stand still, and the colossal number of challenges that are emerging today, including cryptocurrency, electronic transactions,
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a host of other new phenomena that today need to be regulated by law, it is very important to apply the developments that are available today. there are, and our foreign ones, including colleagues, i know that representatives of china and the brix countries are quite actively developing in this direction, and here it is important to create interdepartmental interaction, blockchains, which allows us to create a system of transparency of all transactions, all purchases that happen in our country in order to exclude any kind of manifestation of corruption, and in my opinion, we are at a very important... stage in the formation of such a system, and i want to note that in recent years, the majority of citizens of our country, they formalize all their transactions and see everything, what is happening in the sphere of some economic factors, based on the personal accounts that
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the federal tax office generates today, so these are the developments that our country has today, the possibility of using a system of public services and integration through interaction interdepartmental such data centers are... probably one of the most important elements of modern anti-corruption efforts. the president instructed, addressing the federal assembly, to work out a regulatory framework in the field of protection of cultural heritage sites and formulate a program for their preservation. this topic is most relevant for the upper chamber. just last week, valentina matvienko instructed to take control of historical buildings in the yaroslavl region, noting that some of them require special attention from the federal center. in committee on...
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in this project, but we keep control over all regions of the russian federation. in addition, the committee has already carried out an analysis of the state of cultural heritage sites, both federal and regional. and what particularly concerns the constituent entities of the russian federation today are those objects that have already been physically lost today; there are about 77 objects of regional significance. more than 2,500 are also physically lost, here’s how to
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exclude them from the register today, how to arrange them legally further work, we systematically discussed these issues and came to the decision that such an analysis should be done in each municipality in the region and the relevant ministry must bring the relevant methodological recommendations to exclude such objects from the register, both federal and regional. the next very important issue is the presence of administrative barriers for those who today are tenants or owners of cultural heritage objects; there are contradictions in the legislation, therefore we also discussed a number of proposals for its improvement with our colleagues, received support from the relevant
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department, and we will introduce and work on these initiatives already in the spring session. about 700,000 schoolchildren will take the unified state exam this year. it will be held in all russian regions in 54 countries abroad. right now , it’s a busy time for schoolchildren to intensively prepare for the unified state exam. there's not much left until the first exam. a little less than 2 months. and now is the time to remind you that you can get additional points for your unified state examination results. one of the ways to participate in the federal project code of the future. these are more than forty programming courses from leading russian it companies and universities. schoolchildren from eighth to eleventh grade and college students from all over russia can apply for free education. oksana podturkina will talk about this, as well as other ways to get extra points. educational project code of the future is a federal program for aspiring programmers, which provides 2 years of study, full-time or
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remotely. the algorithm for enrolling in courses is simple: go to the state services portal, select the training format and fill out the form. this can be done either by the teenager himself or by his parent or guardian. to submit an application, you will need a confirmed government services account and a passport; if you don’t have one yet or the child was born abroad, then a birth certificate. as well as a certificate of study at school or technical college. or college entrance test, and then its result will be sent to personal account or to the email associated with your account. 12 universities are participating in the experiment, and the rules of the game are determined in each of the twelve universities. since january 20, all the necessary materials that are of interest to applicants have already been posted on the websites of these universities. in each university this is from two to 10 points. how many additional points does the university give for participation? in the project the code of the future, this is decided by the academic council of the university, written down in the rules
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of entrance examinations in the admission rules of each university separately. but additional you can get points for the unified state exam in other available ways, there are eight in total. so, you can become a volunteer, be a promising athlete, pass the gto standards, and also graduate from school or college with honors. some universities award additional points for final essays. participation in the olympiad for schoolchildren and victory in the olympiad of opportunities also provide an advantage. belimpik military service. privileges apply to participants in a special military operation. each university has developed a program to attract such students to the university, and of course, those support measures that will be provided by the university for svo participants. first of all, the admission rules indicate a separate quota for svo participants. this is a separate quota that constitutes a certain percentage of the total number of places for a budget-funded form of education.
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it is aimed at supporting the development of agricultural enterprises, as well as providing the country’s domestic market with high-quality food that is affordable for residents. about how the new region is developing, what other... projects are operating in kherson region, let's talk with the senator who represents the interests of the residents of this subject in the federation council. igor kostyukevich. today , almost all programs operate in the kherson region and begin their movements. it’s clear, the first, of course, is a russian village, what’s great is that as part of this project
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, absolutely new equipment for servicing agricultural areas was supplied. enterprises, at the moment, the history of subsidies and subsidies for villagers is developing quite well, there are also new ones challenges, this is after the explosion of the novokokhovskaya hydroelectric power station, a story related to the irrigation of fields, taking into account the fact that the russian village project, it is flexible, which allows it to meet a variety of challenges, quite clearly indicated that... there should be more than a million working specialties, new highly qualified professions, when we go to secondary schools and see destroyed, practically looted labor rooms, we really want them to be full-fledged, for both boys and girls, that’s the story
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people's integration lies in the fact that the management of enterprises and heads... of various state corporations, the ministry of education of the russian federation have shown interest in this, now in the near future four new equipped labor classes will appear in the kherson region, so everything takes place here, to be honest, in my opinion, quite smoothly, although there are many problems, and in many problems. what is needed, of course, is a targeted approach; you need to approach it, well, almost individually, and there is a lot of work. residents of the kherson region that have become part of russia today can apply for various social benefits, including maternity capital, receive free medical care, undergo medical examinations, what other types of support can residents of the new region count on? i’ll answer this question differently,
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i’m talking with one of the pensioners, the question is: tell me, how are you, what are you? he says: in principle, everything is fine, we are advised, we receive benefits, we receive subsidies, he says: there are a lot of papers to fill out, i say: everything is right, it’s money budgetary funds that you are counting on, throughout the russian federation the applicant principle applies, that is, declared, received. in the kherson region, this is complicated, say, by the fact that it is necessary to convey maximum information. for residents of new regions , what kind of subsidies, what kind of benefits can you count on ? with
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the support of the government of the russian federation, these are things like, say, free coal.
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package of social support measures for families with children. their specialty is targeted assistance. we work with families individually. we are doing this as part of the anti-poverty program. well, let's give an example. we help parents find work and become entrepreneurs. either this or that, but they must receive funds . solve the housing issue, place children in schools that are convenient for them to attend. kindergartens, thanks to this the number of people with low incomes decreased from 40 to 23 thousand, we provide support without taking into account.
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transport, we also help families with many children improve their living conditions up to 2 million rubles. one-time payment for the purchase or construction of an apartment. all school- age children have the right to a discounted voucher to health institutions in the region. we have transferred many services to a proactive mode, families do not have to additionally provide the necessary documents, run along the corridors, present some certificates, through special mobile phones...
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many small medium-sized businesses in russia's are essentially family-run companies where spouses and relatives work. however, such concepts as family business or family company are not yet enshrined in law. will this be done in the future and what support measures such companies can now count on, in the material of marina pavlova. this mexican village was created by the spouses alena and artyom. inside , chocolate rivers flow along cocoa belts. the idea of ​​creating a craft workshop appeared. daughters, well, basically it started with that i, of course, wanted to feed my child the best, the best and the highest quality , and because of this, in principle, i
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organized a line of healthy sweets, at that moment my husband and artyom paid attention, together we began to study the history of chocolate, alena and artyom were so carried away by the process that they themselves began to create chocolate using 19th-century technologies; manufacturers control every step from the type of cocoa beans to the finished product. it contains three main ingredients: cocoa butter, cocoa beans and panela sugar. the chocolate is ground in melanger for 72 hours and only after that the main work begins with it. the creation of healthy sweets is closely monitored by the couple's daughter, sofia. today i’m working as a taster, but that’s it for now. i want to become like my dad and mom, skaty. the couple note that the development of the family business was not without support measures. we took out a loan, they gave it to us on very favorable terms. we took advantage of the second support, it was shooting a video, advertising our company, we only paid 30%, the rest was from the state. to many
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russian entrepreneurs are helped at my business centers; in 5 years they have opened throughout the country, they provide services at all stages of business development, from the birth of an idea to the registration of a business. they help us travel to exhibitions in other cities, provide legal and consulting assistance, and help. design a sign for our eco-market. alena severobaikalsk came up with the idea of ​​her own business while she was on maternity leave. at that time there was neither a business plan nor the opportunity for large investments. young woman i decided to start planning weddings, my husband supported me. the number of orders increased and the couple opened their own workshop, made interior items, and set up retail outlets. this allowed us to have a lot of experience, including working in different techniques. we worked with leather, wood, plastic, plexiglass, that is. they began to broaden their horizons and paid attention to such a niche as the production of souvenirs, and this coincided with the fact that in the city of severobaikalsk in our city,
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that is, the tourist flow increased. so alena and pavel launched souvenir products and soon opened an eco-market, where they present not only their works, but the creativity of craftsmen from north baikal and neighboring cities, whose products reflect the traditions and culture of baikal. and for some, the history of business begins with a joint hobby, such as the pekarev family. at first, for tatyana and mikhail, climbing was not just a hobby, but then it became a matter of life. at first , the couple were trainers, and over time the idea arose to open their own climbing wall. now hundreds of people work here. we accepted in this climbing wall was a gift with the help of an investor, yes, they did almost a major, well, such a serious renovation here. and now on september 1 , 5 years ago, this room received a new stream of children. and with my climbing wall i came up with the idea to develop adults. like many metropolitan family entrepreneurs, tatyana and mikhail use the services of the small business of moscow institution. they provide a whole range
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of support measures, ranging from financial. ending with educational programs, there are quite a lot of services, their more than thirty, for example, a service on how to place a sign correctly, verification of contractors, we have a legislative business called daige, there are also now four free co-working spaces in different parts of moscow, and these are free workplaces for entrepreneurs, there is access to the internet, there are meeting rooms . at the same time, in our country, many people do business far from cities and dedicate themselves to work in their native land. engage in crop production, livestock farming, produce farm products, improve rural territory. there are more than 160,000 peasant farms in russia, many of which employ families. the state provides them with assistance every year. starting from tax breaks and ending with state grants, which are allocated directly to peasant farms, and the conditions for receiving such grants are precisely running a family business in the countryside. in
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other areas of business. such features are not provided for, so far there are such objective prerequisites, as it seems to me, in order to introduce them at the legislative level the concept of a family business, well, they don’t exist yet, because the state is quite consistently implementing a policy program to support small businesses in those industries that are considered strategically important. senators, however, do not rule out that support for entrepreneurs who belong to small-medium-sized businesses can be expanded, it is only necessary... a clear request in which industries and in what volumes is this most needed. marina pavlova, alexander shedevr, andrey litvin, senate program. senators will consider issues next week innovative development of the industry and manufacturing industry. they will discuss comprehensive protection measures against the spread of infections for children's summer camps. they will consider the interaction of federal executive authorities with youth organizations. issues of development
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of the big data market will be touched upon. see you in a week. see you on the senate program. fedor mikhailovich dostoevsky. it was as if he foresaw that in the 20th century there would appear a layer of people who were called foreigners and whom he described in the person of his hero, pavel smerdyakov. friday is the day.
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.
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the russian army repelled 13 attacks in so; in the donetsk, south donetsk and avdeysk directions, our units improved the situation.


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