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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 30, 2024 7:30am-8:00am MSK

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this was true back in the 19th century, when a fire safety system in the theater also existed, but it only worked during performances. after the tragedy at crocus city hall , public events were canceled across the country, but the doors of museums, cinemas and shopping centers opened again. security measures have been strengthened, a special anti-terrorist regime has been introduced at some sites, for example, you can no longer enter the armitage with a backpack, storage lockers are also not available, in tyumen at the entrances there are metal detectors in shopping centers. mandatory security check before shopping. in the khabarovsk territory, store employees conduct training evacuations every day, and russian guard soldiers are on duty nearby. in addition, large-scale inspections of fire safety systems are underway, both in the regions and in the heart of the capital. the bolshoi theater is a kikordsman. over the past 100 years , not a single serious fire has occurred there, and this is not a matter of vision, but of the precise work of specialists. they admit to ensuring security in the main cultural site of the capital, it’s the same as hold the egg on the tip of the needle.
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there are wooden floors everywhere in the theater. few people know, but the big theater has its own iron curtain. the structure weighs 24 tons and is lowered from the ceiling only during a fire. fireproof slabs, like a barrier, do not allow fire from the stage, where there is a lot of scenery, costumes, and equipment, to penetrate further into the auditorium. tell me, how much does it cost to protect a large theater from fires? well, of course, these are millions of rubles. the theater was equipped with the most advanced systems. finding spectators within the walls of a large theater it is absolutely safe under the golden vaults of more than a thousand modern sensors, for example, these infrared ones pierce the hall with rays, and if there is smoke along the way, they sound the alarm, special installations spray water and powder from the ceiling, where it is undesirable to use them, fire extinguishing gas enters. during the last reconstruction in 2011, engineers were faced with a difficult task: to camouflage all fire protection systems so that the interior
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of the theater would not be disturbed; it would seem that ordinary doors, but when the alarm goes off, the doors automatically slam shut and prevent emergency exits from becoming smoke-filled. at this moment , clean air is supplied to the stairs using ventilation. the hall of the bolshoi historical stage alone can accommodate almost 2,000 spectators, and the staff is about 3,000 people. then, the eighty-sixth fire department also monitors how personnel comply with safety requirements and handle candelabra and smoke machines. this building. accordingly, not all people know the layout of the building, there is also a large fire load on the stage, this is scenery, lighting devices. the latest training sessions took place as usual in the cultural heart of the capital, no violations were identified, and the theater again plunges into its usual bustle. ivanov, lead
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the duty department. now we will take a break for a few minutes, there is still a lot of interesting news ahead, do not switch gears. refresh and renew yourself with the big spring sale at the megamarket. buy household chemicals with cashback up to 40%. a deposit is the best interest rate in a savings account with clear conditions; it is a reliable and profitable way to increase. your savings with a rate of up to 16% per annum, quick registration in the sberbank online application, deposit - the best interest rate, more profitable with prime. they say that life is like a journey, take it with the jettuk crossover, your new companion on the path to discovery and vivid impressions. bold design, functional interior and comfort technologies. choose your jetur. special conditions for purchases in march.
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grandma, what a hat, 10 minutes to a new job, many new vacancies every day, avito job, you will find not just a job, but your place. the legal program is with you on duty, we continue the release. literally several pensioners lost everything at once, the spoils of swindlers who presented themselves as employees of the special services, and the housing became the savings of their victims. elderly people in turn. were sure they were helping andrey ivlev will tell you how to catch certain criminals, what techniques scammers use and how to avoid falling for their bait. this is a tiny room, a bedroom and a kitchen at the same time, a window sill replaces a table, a dilapidated stove instead of a stove, a country house, in fact a temporary building, by the river on the outskirts
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of sestraretsk, leningrad region, now the only place of residence of the seventy-year-old faith of the state. the pensioner sold her two apartments in st. petersburg to give money to scammers. pensioner withdrew all her savings from accounts, impostors, recommended that she urgently save the property, while they were forbidden to tell anyone about it, the money from the sale of apartments was almost 30 million rubles. the powers recommended putting vera in a special safe deposit box. i cannot answer the question why i did this.
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an eighty-four-year-old pensioner from orenburg also does not understand why he became a victim of scammers, he says that previously, various pseudo-investigators and pseudo-bankers had already called him. every time he hung up, he didn’t believe it, but he believed this one, he was also a scammer they offered to send money to a secure account, but not by transfer, but in person , he says, and she bribed him, the so-called bank employee turned out to be this resident of the city of orsk, he was quickly restrained by the police, already in court, during the election of a preventive measure, the alleged accomplice of the swindlers said that he was simply worked as a courier for people unknown to him who contacted him via the internet, they explained to me the structure of the work, what would be needed about... what to come to the addresses given to them, go where they said, pick up, well, they will give me money or documents in bags or something, and also transfer them to where they will say who the courier worked for, the operatives are now finding out, they do not rule out that the criminals could have acted from abroad, this has happened many times already ,
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ukrainian telephone terrorists first openly called potential victims and, under various pretexts, forced them to send them money, now it seems they have chosen a new tactic, they began to use intermediaries. the fsb of russia again asked not to believe calls from so so-called pseudo-law enforcement officers who send photos of their ids. russian security forces never do this. also not worth it. transfer money to all kinds of safe accounts, and after any dubious call you need to contact the police, but it’s better not to answer unfamiliar numbers at all. professor ekaterina vaskaya is sure that the main thing is not to allow yourself to be deceived, otherwise all recommendations will be useless. i always say when i am asked a question: can you be deceived? i say: of course, it’s possible, even someone can deceive me child, if i allow myself to be deceived, we allow ourselves to be deceived.
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will challenge the deal for the results of the investigation vera vladimirovna is waiting in a country house near the river, which is about to emerge from the accident and according to the schedule, the ulyanovsk court sent to jail a gang of fraudsters who profited from car insurers, swindlers, including even those active at that time the police staged fictitious accidents and received millions for car repairs, and before the so-called accident they installed the cheapest and broken parts, read more galina hungureeva. the courtroom of the trans-volga court in ulyanovsk is completely sold out. of the six defendants , only one can boast of personal space, and that dubious pleasure
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is in a cage, the rest are humble silhouettes with masks on their faces in black hoods, meekly agreeing with the verdict of the court, the verdict of the court is clear, understandable, salik, the verdict of the court is clear, understandable to you. standing as if at repentance, the six even seem harmless, but all participants in the criminal community created a criminal business based on car setups, this is operational footage from the arrest; during the searches, a large sum of money was found on them. in the interior of the car of one of the scammers, probably the same forged documents about fake road accidents. they purchased foreign cars in deserted places and caused accidents with them. false documents were then sent to the insurance company to the state traffic inspectorate. young ambitious people started their impact business in 2019; twenty-two-year-old maxim chemedronov organized a simple enterprise. here he is in the footage, also behind bars. in 3 years staged 33 accidents, ruined car insurers for... 11 million rubles. the swindlers developed their business according to all corporate
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canons. two of them were looking for fake drivers, they had their own auto expert and even a kind of recruiting manager, timur boginin. i was looking for suitable employees of the ministry of internal affairs so that, for a conditional 10,000 rubles. documented a non-existent accident. the then-current road patrol inspectors , valery shubin and dmitry tsarev, decided to take on criminal part-time work. the latter agreed to cooperate with. as a result, a number of mitigating circumstances will be applied to him, and when the court imposes punishment, the remaining five defendants did not admit their guilt in full . a pre-trial agreement was also concluded at one time by the leader of auto swindlers, maxim chemedronov, when it smelled like something was cooking, without hesitation, he handed over the entire chain of accomplices, for which in august 2023 he received less than he risked, and was sentenced to 8 years in a maximum security colony. among the remaining six defendants, the most severe sentence of 17 years in prison was received by the former
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traffic police inspector valery shubin, and his former colleague dmitry tsarev will go to a colony for 9 years, and will also pay a fine of 75,000 rubles. the remaining members of the criminal community received sentences from three to 10 years in prison. galina hungureeva, mikhail shirin, lead the duty department. punishment has overtaken the murderers in the kaliningrad region; the court has sentenced two monsters who killed an elderly veteran couple 17 years ago.
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there is enough evidence, the brutal crime occurred in 2007, two thugs entered the veterans' house in the village railway, they were driven solely by the thirst for profit, defenseless pensioners. who had no chance of resisting, the monsters were merciless. first, they attacked an eighty-three-year-old pensioner, struck her blow after blow, after which they strangled her, tore off her jewelry, then cold-bloodedly dealt with her eighty-four-year-old husband. in the apartment they beat them, inflicting at least eleven traumatic impacts on the grandmother in different parts of the body and breaking six of the grandfather’s ribs. after which they strangled
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the victims and stole their gold earrings, gold chains and cash. funds in the amount of 134,000 rubles. operatives traced the murders in 2022. this is footage from an investigative experiment. one of the fiends at the crime scene tells the investigators how it all happened. where to go next, when and what happened here. for a long time, this crime remained unsolved, in particular because the couple lived alone and led a mostly inconspicuous lifestyle. thanks to well-planned investigative actions and operational search events. as well as the use of new methods of expert research, the investigation was able to completely restore the picture of the murder that occurred in 2007. finding themselves in the dock, the once accomplices of zubov and rivenka turned into bitter enemies and began to shift responsibility onto each other. their cases were tried by a jury and they returned a guilty verdict. in the next 13
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years, murderers will be brought to maximum security colonies. alexander mostovay, mikhail shirin and dmitry manyshev. news. duty department, main legal topics of the week, a unique investigation in the final episode of our program today 18:15 minutes. the criminal trail of the nineties of gangster st. petersburg. arrests in high-profile cases from past years continue in the city. i'm not hiding anything, i'm just a star, or what? as the chairman of the board of the society for the protection of the rights and freedoms of disabled people, he may be associated with the criminal group of the authoritative businessman andrei volov. who were dealt with by the accomplices, abducted without fail, taken out of town, tortured, for example, for those who did not want to pay for the so-called roof, who else was detained in recent weeks in st. petersburg, do the killers remember where they hid the bodies of their victims decades ago, only we have an interview with a possible murderer who held a high position in the tax service? tell me, how can you live for 30
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years with the knowledge that you have committed a crime, go to work, how many more murders have remained unsolved since the nineties because of... the battle for mineral water in the case of a raider seizure of a mineral water production plant in stavropol, a high-ranking official was detained official ninanomdevelopment and the former chairman of the krachaev-circassian government. what conditions did they impose on the owners of the enterprise and how did they practically stop its work? was it difficult to defend... for the production of healing water, a palace of premium cars, what else did the operatives see during the searches and how transparent is the business of extracting mineral water from the stavropol territory ? , investigation by bulat shakiev. in one glass box, everyone from small pawnbrokers to the leaders in omsk are trying a gang of probable drug dealers, almost twenty people.
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why is this process called almost unprecedented? the amount of work that the police officers did was... very worthy, they did a great job. how did the gang members poison the residents of the region and who made a fortune out of people’s grief? drug laboratories on the outskirts of remote villages, payments only in cryptocurrency. the approximate cost of all this equipment is 15 million rubles. communication only through messengers, many gang members did not even know each other personally, and a large-scale special operation in which more than 300 were involved at once police officers, report by fyodor eliseev. a sentence for a blogger-auditor; a former reality show star was sentenced in chelyabinsk. the tv hero believed in his popularity, hired solid security, and imagined himself as an arbiter of justice. he organized inspections of the establishment and caused scandals, one of which ended with shots fired. details from ekaterina lekhamanova. in the central district
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court of chelyabinsk , scandalous blogger alfred javadov is preparing to hear the verdict. his mother is crying in the courtroom. but the accused continues to maintain his image in front of journalists, and he doesn't seem to realize how serious it is. this is not the end, either we are the winners, or the game is not over yet. javadov first built his career on television, and was a scandalous participant in an equally scandalous reality show. but he was unable to maintain the ratings and left the project, but the habit of living in the format of ostentatious hysteria remained. alfred javadov worked hard on the image and launched a personal project, albeit on the internet. a menacing pseudonym, a black mercedes, a gold watch on the floor of the arm of an entourage that is obviously imitating an employee law enforcement agencies, by the way, the blogger calls them their own security service. who hasn’t died yet, behind every aisle, who allowed himself to do too much or allowed himself to engage in prostitution or such devilish moments? in
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this composition of javad fonj, alfred moscow organized regular checks in the city’s establishments, flaunting some influential connections. our work, as many know, is very dangerous and extravagant, phenomenally unusual. monitoring is carried out by me personally, we make test purchases, check, and monitor. for example, in this video the blogger searched in supermarket overdue: take your hands off, what are you pulling, what are you pulling, i say, i’m taking my goods, i say, put your hands away, i say, take your hands off, but here at the local strip club there are moral principles. in our country we will not engage in such satanic activities. for the sake of views and likes, the blogger could throw his hair on a plate or shout that people in the establishment were being fed poison, but at some point he completely lost the boundary between reality and the show. the video captured how javadov fired from... from a gas pistol in the face of the owner of the establishment. it turned out that before this he had allegedly demanded money from the cafe management. at the first
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moment he seemed to say, immediately says something like 5.00 dollars. this situation became the reason for inspections, followed by the detention of an auditor with a black beard. by the way, his security service disappeared somewhere at the same moment. criminal cases were initiated against the suspect under article 213. while javadov was making money from scandalous video reviews, conscientious entrepreneurs were counting serious losses. from these business is suffering for bloggers, well, any ordinary person sees, listen, what horrors are happening in this beauty salon or in this restaurant, of course, he won’t go there, and even repost, and if there are a lot of subscribers, this video can actually become viral and spread all over the internet and... in general, businesses can be closed. according to the law, there are many restrictions for such self-taught auditors; their rights are no different from ordinary visitors. if
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a person comes to you and says that i am with the revision, if he performs, for example, journalist has some of his own tasks, then he must have a written task, in addition to the licensed status of, so to speak, a journalist. and of course, if it’s just a blogger, then he doesn’t have the right to just come into the kitchen. vadovo is charged only with hooliganism and causing moderate bodily harm after he shot at the owner of the establishment. the blogger does not agree with the verdict. according to the script of his own reality show, it was a self-defense scene. the state prosecutor demanded that the blogger be sentenced to 8 years in prison, but the court chose a milder punishment. as a result, javadov received 5 years in prison. in addition, he will have to pay moral compensation to the victim. but there is a high probability that it is. this is far from the end of the story, because other entrepreneurs who have lost client profits after the blogger’s scandalous videos may also go to court. ekaterina
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likhomanova, dmitry forolov, conductor, duty department. guess half the fortune tellers in novosibirsk passed a new verdict on the charlatan clairvoyant, who managed to deceive his victims even that he was her. the fake medium margot extracted millions from naive ladies, promising to solve problems in their personal lives, but miracles did not happen, and... she, that is, margot himself, was caught by the security forces. word to andrey kugatov. smooth legs, bright tattooed eyebrows, unique margot, aka dmitry pashchenko, is hearing a verdict today, a particularly large-scale fraud. previously, he told strangers information about his magical abilities, namely the gift of clairvoyance, which is necessary for carrying out occult rituals. like a bored girl psychic repeat offender smiles and yawns. according to investigators, dmitry transformed himself into a lady, wooed gullible siberian women, made promises. solve problems in his personal life through connections in the world of magic, but greed sent the pseudo-psychic a third eye, he was caught when he was extracting the sixth million rubles from another victim. to the question: “aren’t you ashamed,
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” dmitry’s female appearance seemed to answer us. she should be ashamed, she realized, understood that i was deceiving her, she didn’t realize, anna admits, in order to get rid of grief in her personal life, was ready for anything, in the disguised psychic she saw not only a savior, but a friend in misfortune. the mercantile margot received six-figure sums from... for a whole year, supposedly each money transfer strengthened anna’s position in the astral war for her family happiness, i always thought that i was a smart woman, well, life showed me that this is far from the case, i am naturally now in credit dependence, of course, i am now reaping the fruits of my recklessness, the fruits without recklessness, an apartment in collateral, a credit seal for the next 10 years and missing jewelry, the clairvoyant also took them, saying that the gold needed spiritual purification, but the superpowers of the clean man exhausted themselves as soon as he took the pen. initials , well, i’m not literate, well, we know how to write a surname , initials, well, i wrote the surname, and the initials, what is the number, no, initials, now the balding margot
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sees her future clearly again, 3.5 years since... strict regime , anna is still afraid of the illiterate transvestite , while she gives testimony under her arm, she holds a fig, protects herself from the evil eye, when a person loses everything, it’s probably hard, well, i got it a good lesson in life, a wonderful lesson in life, andrey kugatov, andrey svatusa , conduct the duty department of novosibirs, the entire operational feed of legal news in telegram channels conduct the duty department and an honest detective, also our investigation, we watch daily releases on the platform, go to the broadcast tab, turn on the honest one detective. and our release is now complete. maxim ovchan was in the studio. don't miss our final episode today at 6:15 p.m. see you.
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hello, i am boris sakimov, and i am oleg skepanov, and we are the creators of the russia 2062 project headquarters of free thought. together with experts , we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years.
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we start with reports on the progress of the special military operation in ukraine. paratroopers and members of the southern group of troops destroyed the fortified positions of militants in the artyomovsk direction. the attack was carried out by fpv drone crews. the operators took them to...


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