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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 30, 2024 8:30am-9:01am MSK

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estimates, their age is up to 8 thousand years, but what is most surprising is that it is white wheat, which means that such white bread here in the oases, in the foothills of kapidag , began to be prepared 80 centuries ago, 8,000 years ago there was already a developed civilization of farmers who were one of the first in the history of mankind to cultivate... on earth not there are so many places that rightfully correspond to the status of the cradle of civilization, rumored to be ancient mesopotamia, ancient egypt, the indus valley, enza and huangje, one of such very special places is the foothills. in turkmenistan, it has developed here
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the oldest farming society known as the anau culture. agricultural civilizations began as a chain of oases. such a belt from the nile delta through. palestine, the northern part of syria, iraq, iran, this is the so-called fertile crescent. further north lived primitive people who were hunters and gatherers. anau seems to be located a long way from this crescent, but people have always settled near water everywhere, most often in river valleys. what an ancient civilization in the karakum desert. everything is very simple: from the kapedag mountains, they are behind me, in those distant times, thousands of years ago , huge streams descended and... the land along the slopes became fertile, and here, in this place, dozens, if not hundreds of ancient settlements were formed. all our historical civilizations, which are the bronze age and beyond, they were all formed on the banks of rivers, cities, which, for example, the egyptian civilization in nili, the mesopotamian tiger-ephrates, the indian indo, and the chinese there huanghe, yanse, and we
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have , which the bronze age formed the margush civilization, which belongs to third, second millennium, which is contemporary with those civilizations , differences even in ceramic life, even from domestic animals, you can also see that the uniqueness of these this culture, of course , all over the world in other places , wheat, grains, wheat or bread are also found, but... they are gray, perhaps black bread, but here it is proven that they are white wheat. in honor of these very grains of wheat , a whole museum was built in anao. this building is in the shape of an ear of wheat. the museum is called akbukdai, that is, white wheat. however, we let's get ahead of ourselves, the story of the discovery of the anaovo culture is incredibly fascinating.
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it all started in 1884. it all started with the head of the trans-caspian region, general alexander komarov, a great expert and connoisseur of history. archeology, when general komarov arrived in this area, his attention was attracted by two large, clearly man-made hills. now we are just at one of them. the general suggested that these could be scythian burial mounds and decided to study them. the hill was literally torn in half, however, except for broken shards and of incomprehensible ancient dishes, nothing was found, no skivian gold or other ritual funerary valuables. but the tsarist general komarov was a very man... firstly, he ordered all the shards collected here to be sent to st. petersburg, and also wrote a note about the find, which was published in the newspapers, and then the story begins to twist. many years later, this note came to the attention of the american professor
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rafael pompelli. he was immediately seized by the idea of ​​conducting more detailed excavations in turkmen soil. it's 1904 the big game continues in asia. receives permission in st. petersburg for an expedition to turkmenistan. by the way, this was the first foreign archaeological expedition that was allowed into turkmenistan. at the same time , pompellier himself is not an archaeologist, but a geologist, so most likely, he was personally interested in the underground resources of this region. by that time , oil development was already in full swing in the caspian sea, but this region along the kapidaga ridge remained little studied. pompelli is partly a cover story. certainly takes it into his own out of scientific interest the team of one of the most famous archaeologists of his time, gubber schmit, the same one who participated in the excavations of troy. but if at that time everything was already more or less known about troy, then the discoveries made by vanau truly opened a new
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chapter in the history of the formation of human civilization. indeed, for that period of time, this is indeed a very highly developed culture, it is one of the... monuments that show that agriculture appeared, at this time very interesting ceramics appeared, even they were made by hand without a pottery wheel, when you hold them in your hands, you won’t even suspect it, because the quality of the ceramics itself is very good, very good clay, it differs from the ceramics of other cultures in that there is an ornament applied to it, mainly it consists of triangles in various ways, decorated, arranged on this ceramics, a little later, already in the fourth millennium, black ceramics are also found, very much smoothed to a shine, which is also characteristic of iranian monuments, here
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bricks are already being used that are not at all similar to ours, they are almost 50-49 cm long, 30 cm wide, that is , outbuildings in some regions of central asia are still built with such bricks. it is also typical for the anaovo culture to decorate the walls in rooms; they are plastered on top with various ornaments that decorate the room. before this, buildings were made of much simpler metal ones. they did not use any products, they buried their dead in houses, and very close to them, that is
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they seemed to leave them in their family, and even when sitting down to a meal, they left their own food for them, such traditions did not exist before, that is, this shows more highly developed societies than they used to be... large-scale excavations began only in the seventies years when soviet archaeologists made an amazing discovery: the ruins are not just settlements, but a system of proto-cities scattered over an area of ​​160 km. remains of buildings and found household items suggest that the onau civilization was one of the most developed on the territory of central asia in ancient times. ancient cities were characterized by a very interesting development model.
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the carrier could not be recreated, built. since ancient times, this land has been called the crossroads of seven roads. migration flows passed here, collided and communicated with civilization. ancient rome, china, persia, india, europe - this is a multi-thousand-year history of continuous dialogue and relationships between different cultures, civilizations, even entire worlds. as turkmen scientists say on this land, successively replacing each other, existed at least. various states. already in the middle ages
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, the anao fortress was built near the remains of ancient settlements. the fortress rises on a hill about 10 m high, with a circumference of about 300 m. unfortunately, the structure was almost completely destroyed by the terrible ashgabat earthquake of 1948. but even today you can see the remains of the fortress walls and a filled-in ditch. early finds in the fortress indicate the parthian origin of onao. for centuries, the fortress was in the hands of the arabs, then it was destroyed by the mongols. the main attraction here is the 15th-century siidaleddin mosque, also almost completely destroyed by the earthquake. restorers managed to restore part of the portal and the neighboring burial place of the legendary ruler dzhemaleddin. today it is a place of pilgrimage. the main success was the restored mosaic depicting two writhing dragons against a background of apple tree branches. it was also possible to establish that.
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such an image of dragons can be found in tour buildings, nowhere even in central asia, even in the middle east at a mosque - this is a very rare occurrence. one of the legends says that two dragons helped local residents find a treasure, well, initially the local residents helped them, one of the dragons could not completely swallow a mountain goat, its horns got stuck in its teeth, so the local residents helped,
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they sawed it there, pulled this out, and after that they helped find the treasure somewhere in the mountains, caves, and with this they built such a huge structure in the 15th century, the semalaldin mosque. legends and the east is full of legends. among them there is one that talks about incredibly fast beautiful heavenly or paradise horses. there are pictures of them. for example, there are about 30 pitroglyphs on mount aermachtou, which is located 30 km from the city of ozh. in kyrgyzstan. agree, the resemblance to rock paintings is obvious, these neck curves, long legs, grace, everything is exactly like that in modern horses, of which
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turkmenistan is so proud, it becomes obvious that these are the horses that are carved. for the turkmen horseman, a horse at all times
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was the closest friend of a real shrine on the edge of the harsh karakum desert, all the grass is from... now it is still green, but by may it is already fading, so the horse was often kept on a leash in the yurt and fed by hand, in especially extreme heat or cold, it was even wound up inside, so the foal grew up like a member of the family. as a result, the akhaltik horse has become a horse with an extremely fine mental organization; he is smart, proud, incredibly loyal and attached to his owner. it’s as if the okhaltikins don’t jump, but rather skim over the ground without touching it with their hooves. this is a special akhaltikan gait. it is clear why the ancients believed that this horse was a hybrid of a snake, cheetah and eagle. well, what
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turkmen riders perform on khaltikin horses is, without exaggeration, a separate species. art, such jigetovka is more than just the result of training, it is an illustration of that very thousand-year-old spiritual connection, where there is complete trust and absolute mutual respect. turkmen horses were widely used to improve the genetics of horses bred in the middle east. east, with the participation of turkmen horses, a number of cultural breeds have also been created and are being improved in russia. in 1935 , the ashgabat-moscow horse race, unprecedented in history, took place. we covered 4,300 km in 84 days. almost a quarter of the entire journey passed through sand and rocks, and 350 km through the
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karakum desert. the run demonstrated the endurance of turkmen sky horses over long distances. by the way. and even in the ussr during the period of collectivization, personal affection, the connection between a horse and its owner, was preserved, as in a comedy film, my friend melikush, directors saenkhanov and karpukhin shot a film on the old hippodrome of the racing society. the hero adores the magnificent collective farm horse melikush and does everything... to prevent his pet from being taken abroad for auction. in real life, a horse named melikush was nevertheless taken abroad. it was a gift to queen elizabeth ii of great britain. the monarchy was especially delighted. from the shine of the horse, the court did not even believe that it could be a natural color and ordered it to be thoroughly washed, after which, contrary to expectation, melikush began to shine even
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more, today to see the beauty of the akhal-teke horses, feel the atmosphere of ancient civilizations according to the tradition of the cultural capital of the turkic-speaking world, every year a city is named that has left a mark in the history of the turkic peoples. kazakhstan’s astana, kyrgyz osh, our kazan have already had this status, but the doors to this festival are open to absolutely everyone. the history of anau itself is a continuous dialogue of cultures spanning thousands of years. president serdar berdumuhamedov dedicated his new book to the city of anau, a work entitled “culture from
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the depths of millennia”, which talks about the formation of an ancient civilization in turkmen land. scientific symposia and festivals are planned throughout the year in anao and ashgabat, and even more tourists are expected here. this year, special attention is paid to another symbol of turkmenistan. anniversary of the birth of the outstanding poet and thinker makhtum kuli fragi. makhtum kuli is an unsurpassed master of words; all his work is literally permeated with the ideas of humanism. all his works are a call to unite people. with his poems, he tried to calm human hearts in especially difficult moments and strengthen their faith in the best. the following quatrain is usually attributed to the patriotic direction in makhtunkuli’s work, but since he is a global phenomenon, then it is in the universal human context that the following is true. tribes live as one family, for that there is only one tablecloth, here brotherhood is a custom and friendship is the law for
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glorious families and powerful tribes, here brotherhood, custom and friendship are the law. see you next week, as usual in the center of asia, take care! hello, my friend, as promised, today we are preparing pilaf. hey, hey, oil is not the first day. oh, i need money home translate. by the way, it’s better to transfer from vtb online. it's faster and more convenient. thank you for teaching me. this is who else taught whom. vtb, together everything will work out. refresh and renew yourself with the big spring sale at the megamarket. buy pet products with up to 50% discount. find out your credit score on the compare website or app. it's free.
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9:00 am
three suspects of preparing a terrorist attack were detained in the stavropol territory, as reported. fsb public relations center, the detainees planned to carry out an explosion in one of the crowded places. during the search, components of a homemade bomb and chemical substances were found. damaging elements. judging by the footage, nails were going to be used for this purpose. the head of the russian ministry of defense checked the progress of the state defense order at enterprises in the altai territory. so sergei shaigu visited the plant where.


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