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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 30, 2024 10:30am-11:01am MSK

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they pose a threat to the security of the united states or its allies. in 2003 , this doctrine was used to justify the invasion of iraq. according to washington, saddam hussein collaborated with al-qada and had weapons of mass destruction that he could provide to terrorists. no one ever found the weapon. russia can't afford it anymore.
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they did not lead to the hopeless drama that is unfolding in palestine. the only bet is on the power of intimidation, a double-edged weapon. this week, by the way, the conflict between the netanyahu government and the biden administration has formalized. for the first time, the united states did not veto a un security council resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire. in israel, this was regarded as aiding terrorists and they vow to see the matter through to the end. regardless of anyone. terrorism has unfortunately become an integral element of international politics, and the more upheaval there is in it, the more comfortable it is for any kind of radicals and extremists. fishing in troubled waters is their strong point. trais, in essence, are opportunists, opportunists of the highest class, they always go where they think there is a weaker place. place, today, as
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it seems to me, you can’t get into your head, of course, but you can imagine that the leaders of a number of terrorist groups, radical groups, see, believe that the attention, political, material, military, financial, of the main international actors who they carried the last ones there on their shoulders for several decades. carried out, pulled out the fight against terror, now it’s diverted to another place, and in a serious way, this is the time to come now bite, bite here, bite there and so on. after an advertisement about the birthday boy, without whom almost no international crisis now occurs, about the north atlantic alliance. do you want to become a modern individual entrepreneur and not
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aggressive darkness, nato came to our aid, we live freely, we straightened our shoulders, peace again behind nato. sorry for the clumsy translation, as best we could. song about nato. it was performed in 1959 on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the north atlantic alliance by bing crosby, one of the most famous pop vocalists in america in the 20th century. heartfelt. next week, nato, the beloved child of the cold war, celebrates its anniversary. your crowning anniversary, that’s what they call 75 years of marriage. the blog welcomes an extremely crowded family. just recently. sweden at its founding was 12. the date itself is april 4. we'll talk again. in anticipation let's ask ourselves this question. but nato and the cold war are inseparable things, or is a new generation coming that is not under
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the inescapable impression of the confrontation of the 20th century. nato still exists, its allies are in korea and japan. this has its own logic, and it will all remain there, no matter what age the president and his team will be, and that is, this system may fall apart at some point, but this is a complex process, and not just a matter of generational change, after the korean war america turned japan in permanent ally, south korea has become a key ally, taiwan is the same, it all continues. in europe, nato, as it was created in 1949, has only expanded, so that the structures that were somehow created around china and russia, and there, this, in my opinion, in general, we can say that this is
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not even a new cold war, and continuation by inertia in that one, in nato, of course, they will say that it is not their inertia, but ours, russia will not understand. that the world has changed , we need to look at security differently, so who needs whom more as a threat? in general, i i think russia, even more than china, plays a very important, important role somehow in the self-awareness of the west, and even more now than the eighties, nineties, that is , maybe now the generation does not remember the cold war, few people even remember there the sixties, when it was at its height, but... a liberal order, an order based on rules, you can somehow ridicule these terms, they are in some sense absurd, a free world, but an order was built somewhere in the fifties year, but quite serious, and led by america, in
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in the nineties, when the soviet union collapsed, we didn’t return, but in the forty-fifth year there was order , and the un, that’s order. the liberal one continued to exist, but the soviet one, that is, russia and china, did not find a place in this order for various more or less obvious reasons, but this order also did not become universal, even without an enemy it did not become, but somehow has not spread to the whole world, and then what to do with the universality of liberalism, why the universal liberal order on...
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what explains the emergence of these populists, political opponents, they turn out to be agents of an external force, this threat is a... outside, which is on the border of the western world, it explains why to exist, this is the western liberal order, the borders within which it existed, it is generally not clear how this liberal order within these borders with these institutions must function, and russia gives this meaning and gives these goals, now in the west there are, of course, different political voices, and this is all very painful, but at least the elite. unanimously repeats that in general we have an obvious the mission is that there is an aggressor at the gates,
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democracy must be defended, peace must be restored, those who are against, of course, but the illegitimate part, this is the order that we are building, we defend. nato's strategic concept is a formal document that defines the long-term goals, nature and core security objectives of the alliance. the current concept was approved at the madrid 2022 summit. there were eight of them in total, and the first four were secret documents from the cold war, they began to be prepared in october 49. in the first concept it was said that nato's main function is. containment. the key is interchangeability among member countries and standardization of equipment. each
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state will participate in defense in proportion to its economic capabilities. the outbreak of the korean war made adjustments. in response to it, a second edition of the concept appeared. the number of troops has been determined and a unified command has been created. dwight eisenhower was appointed its leader. the alliance sought to shift the defense elements as much as possible. further east, largely because the issue of troop numbers was key, the ussr had superiority in conventional weapons, so already in 1952 they began to consider the possibility of increasing the effectiveness of defense without additional costs, in other words, to focus on the use of nuclear weapons, which had not yet been included in nato strategy. thus, in 54, a third concept appeared - a strategy of a massive: nuclear strike. in response to aggression, the alliance could be the first to use nuclear weapons to deter
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the advancing soviet forces. it was necessary to rely on the nuclear potential of the united states, in europe had doubts that the president would sacrifice an american city for a european one. the second berlin crisis in sixty-one showed that the nuclear deterrent did not deter the ussr from action. as soviet nuclear capabilities grew, n.a.t. in the field of nuclear deterrence, the concept of mutual assured destruction began to be used; in october sixty-two, the cold war reached its peak during the caribbean crisis, so the united states began to advocate strengthening the non-nuclear component of nato and the transition to flexible response strategies. the fourth document was finally adopted in 68, after france left the military organization. it had two main features: flexibility and escalation. a retaliatory nuclear strike is
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a last resort. flexibility in response should not allow the aggressor to predict exactly what actions the alliance will take, which means that its steps will be associated with an unacceptable level of risk. escalation made it possible to gradually increase the threat of the use of nuclear weapons. harmel's report later appeared, known as the report on the future north atlantic alliance. along with defense issues, it talked about finding ways to reduce tensions, and to solve the underlying political reasons dividing europe, the term dialogue appeared. in general, the fourth concept lasted until the ninety-first year. there will undoubtedly be fanfare during the anniversary. the most powerful and successful. alliance in history and so on, but the real mood is not entirely festive,
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the ukrainian front is crackling, forcing the most desperate, like emmanuel macron, announce their readiness to get involved in a fight themselves, to the horror of other allies. german artist pepsch gadscheber, is it worth sending troops to ukraine? the difference in positions, a man who looks like the german chancellor writes. emmanuel, something needs to be discussed, this is an urgent matter, peter schrank for the british magazine the economist, the drawing is called macron's plan for europe. a man resembling macron snatches the banner of the european union from the hands of angela merkel. another british magazine sectator, and an example of how in the foggy albion imagine a napoleon complex. that's what the drawing is called. burkhart mohr and his bereavement. the german-french engine of european economics politics
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is consigned to the dustbin of history. did you say something, emmanuel? says a man who looks like scholz. emmanuel rossa from italy. the european union goes to war with the burden of all its problems. migrant crisis, inflation and climate change. balevar can't stand everyone. the most nervous situation is created not by the enemy russia, but by the main ally of the united states, or rather, the prospect that donald trump will lead them. nato and especially europe, as they now say, did not get into him. for trump, america is number one, this is the most important thing, america is already very powerful, there are a lot of territories there, the americans, and also in a strange way, are the main force in the history of mankind, but they remain very provincial, unlike, say, the british, they, no there are schools
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of experts in other languages; few people are interested in geography and cultures of other countries. so i think a lot of americans would be pretty comfortable going back to own borders, it took a lot of work, in the forties to somehow interrupt this tradition of getting the americans out, and it was necessary to put forward these universal arguments, then also these connections with europe, that simply instead of great britain , all this continental europe came, somehow a new owner came and inherited it all, but i think that the old world is possible, you can move away from it a little, and a huge part of the electorate will be very pleased, is this somehow possible in a geopolitical sense, it’s not clear, because these structures exist, it’s difficult to destroy them in any way, there will be a political price, there
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will be some opponents who will take advantage of the moment, and so it’s difficult to predict here, with us it’s purely like... trump, of course, is a great terrible one, but not a magician and not even an emperor. it won't turn american politics inside out. however, europeans' concerns are not out of nowhere. a rethinking of the role and place of the united states is inevitable, not because of this or that president, but because the world is changing and interests will be formulated. the american empire, if you call it that, in a paradoxical sense, it is both expansionist and defensive, that is, it is the largest empire in the history of mankind precisely because of this defensive logic, so it’s not that we just
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mastered the continent there, then maybe the philippines and further and further like in russia there is the british empire and so on. and it even returned a little to a continental scale, gave up the philippines, and then suddenly somehow reached the global level, and firstly because of the second world war and because of the threat of the nazis, and then because communists, the idea is that there should be one liberal order on a global scale, but what is it...
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connections are closer than with the rest of the world, but the logic of order is the defensive position of the entire liberal world against... and a threat from the outside, it universalist, this liberal philosophy,
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it is impossible for a real liberal to say that we are french, the french in france, that we are closing the borders, protecting our christian catholic culture there, maliere and everything else that is beautiful in america too, so destruction these borders, these... to some extent, american power rested on these historical civilizational close traditions, and again it is not for nothing that america
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is friends with europe more closely than with africa, that now we are somehow conducting an experiment, if we throw it out completely all this entire foundation, civilizational, cultural, historical, but is it possible to lead a free one?
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the strip russia will receive direct communication with its largest seaport on the baltic sea after st. petersburg, which also does not freeze. i can help you
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ensure that the russians already have a plan to attack these areas. for a long time , the suvark corridor remained unnoticed, but 5 years ago students at the academy of military arts drew attention to it and conducted the first defensive exercises here since 1938. last year , the presidents of poland and lithuania met in this area. they stressed the need for cooperation to strengthen nato's eastern flank. more and more often i ask myself: is this place safe, and it is safe thanks to the daily calm but vigilant service of the polish, lithuanian nato soldiers. ordinary residents are not reassured by such assurances; nedviga has been working at the local market for many years, selling vegetables and fruits. previously, this business was profitable, but today large western retail chains are selecting clients and cutting them off. my husband served in the navy, he knows how to use weapons, but these young people are helpless, they spend more time on their mobile phones, yes,
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they organize shooting games, but virtual ones, it’s not the same, in the sub-walls there is only one reliable and sealed shelter, it accommodates 130 people, although some time ago the government made an application for the phone, from which you can find out where to take shelter in case of war, but most of these objects are...
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this was an international review, see you.
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i know that he launched very important processes, he always had a heart for all our fighters, he helped in word and deed then, now i know that he is helping from heaven. here are
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the prayers, guys, the memory of him continues his path, his children, this is very difficult, we will hold on, we will continue what he wanted do for our homeland. russia remembers the victims of the city hall terrorist attacks, today is the ninth day, since the tragedy , commemorative events and a church service will be held near the concert hall. the minister of defense checked
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the implementation of the state defense order at the enterprise. a serious challenge for western exporters. russia intends to create a brix grain exchange. how will this affect the global market? rivers are overflowing their banks, bridges and roads are blocked, and spring flooding is occurring in 18 russian regions. the situation is difficult in altai, tursk, kaluga, and orenburg regions. u crocus near moscow, where a terrorist attack took place a little over a week ago, security measures have been strengthened. today, on the ninth day after the tragedy, commemorative events will be held there, there will be a church service. my colleague elizaveta khramtsova is now in direct contact with the studio. elizabeth, i welcome what is happening at krokusatikholo at these moments.


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