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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 30, 2024 11:00am-11:30am MSK

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believed in the fulfillment of the state defense order at the enterprise in the altai territory, where production volumes increased by 3 and a half times, they are modernizing the line, and building a new complex. a serious challenge for western exporters, russia intends to create a brix grain exchange, how will this affect the world market? rivers are overflowing their banks, bridges and roads are blocked, and spring flooding is occurring in eighteen russian regions. the situation is difficult in altai, tursk, kaluga, and orenburg regions. at a crocus near moscow, where a little more than a week there was a terrorist attack back, security measures have been stepped up. today, on the ninth day after the tragedy, commemorative events will be held there, there will be a church service. in direct contact with the studio, now my colleague elizaveta khramtsova, elizaveta, i welcome what is happening at crocus city hall at these minutes.
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vera, hello, this bright, warm , light spring day strongly contrasts with the atmosphere that reigns at the site of the tragedy, even last saturday people from all over moscow began to come here with flowers, with lamps, with toys, among the dead there are children, in order to be here, such a spontaneous memorial has appeared here, all these days people continue to come here, and today ... the day after the tragedy, especially a lot of families, on a day off people consider it right to come with the whole family with children, with children and tell them what tragedy happened to our country, do not protect your child from this grief, and today we have the opportunity to talk about our feelings, we just experienced such a shock, we also have children, and even more so we have a son-in-law works here, this is their father. grief
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you will never forget this, we experienced it, and the shaman’s daughter was at the concert too, it could have all happened then, remember, this will never be forgotten, of course, it is very difficult for children to know what happened, what is happening here in russia , and they also mourned with us, with the adults, they are also imbued with grief, like all of us, well, it’s hard to say what... and my wife and i came specially from the other side of moscow, so we are grieving, very hard. on the territory of the crocus complex , security measures are still strengthened, there are a lot of cordons, and for in order to come here to the site of the tragedy, people need to go through metal detectors, but everyone, of course, is sympathetic to this...
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situation, for those who want to stay here longer, volunteers have set up a point, offering tea and snacks, well for those who may not be able to cope with their feelings and emotions, doctors are constantly on duty here, today is the ninth day after the tragedy, an orthodox malebin, a memorial service in memory of those killed, will be held here in the next few hours, orthodox christians believe that on the ninth day for the human soul there comes a moment of purification, well, we... in our prayers in our thoughts, now we ask that by meeting with its creator, the human soul finds consolation, and no matter where we are today, physically, here in krasnogorsk or in any other corner of our country, our heart, of course, is here, near a pile of twisted metal, which until recently was a crocus. vera, elizaveta, thank you, elizaveta khramtsova, at the memorial events about crocus sitehollo, where a little. there was a terrorist attack more than a week ago. in
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in the stavropol territory, three suspects of preparing a terrorist attack were detained, according to the fsb public relations center; the detainees were planning to carry out an explosion in one of the places where people were crowded. during the search, components of a homemade bomb and damaging chemicals were found. for this purpose, judging by the footage, they were going to use nails. the head of the russian ministry of defense checked. the progress of the state defense order at enterprises in the altai territory, so sergei shaigu visited the plant where it produces components for aircraft, anti-aircraft and grenade ammunition, rocket system ammunition and cartridge belts. in some areas, according to the minister, there are questions regarding the organization of work. the country has allocated a huge amount of money so that you can produce here what we need, a lot of money, everyone is watching, everyone is doing everything to ensure that this equipment comes here. and
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you have for such a quantity, here there are more than thirty, three adjusters, what are you setting up here, they have to work in three shifts here, we are in yours, here, they have a buffet here it should be. the head of the enterprise reported to sergei shaigo about the growth in production volumes . according to him, in 2 years they increased by 3 and a half times. they are actively developing their production base and launching new sites. at the same time, the number of employees doubled, and the level of salaries increased by a third on average. recently, it opened its own training center, where they plan to train at least 200 specialists by december. a new production and storage complex is currently under construction. the minister instructed.
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machines are arriving, i would like to note the next thing, first, is that the funds have been allocated in full, and no questions arise regarding financing here, the presidential decision, which was... made in july last year, is being implemented, second, all the equipment that we need to carry out technical re-engineering here. third , construction materials are available for all objects purchased. we have only one point left that prevents us from completing in a timely and planned manner the tasks that we are facing. before us, these are questions related to design. who missed our deadlines for almost six months, these organizations must answer for such failures. i would like to note right away that, in general, technodinamika fulfills, and in some cases exceeds, the program of the twenty-fourth year, with all its responsibilities, the joint-stock company technodinamika
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copes with its responsibilities. in ukraine we reached bulgakov, brodskov and glinka. they were recognized as a threat to national security and outlawed. this is the decision of the local institute of national memory, according to its experts, the author of master margarita despised ukrainians for their desire for independence, and glinko allegedly introduced the idea of ​​a common culture between ukrainians and russians. claims were made to the decembrists; they were accused of believing that ukraine should exist as part of the russian state. now square is calling for the dismantling of the monuments and renaming the geographical objects of the symbols. quote from russian imperial policy. new rules for obtaining driver's licenses come into force in russia; the rules will go into effect on monday, april 1, for example, the timing of retaking the exam will change, those who have not passed it three or more times will be able to make another attempt in the interval from six months to 9 months, another innovation, and the number of allowed penalty
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points, for a number of errors, the number of penalty points assigned has been reduced, so, if a driver candidate starts driving without... fastening his seat belt, he will be given four points, and the exam will continue. the exam sheet specifies errors when assessing the skills of confident use of controls vehicle. this will reduce subjectivity when assigning penalty points. the number of penalty points increases, in the presence of which the exam will be considered as given.
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in the crimea in kiev, meanwhile, they are talking about the critical state at the front in the light of the successes of the russian army and the lack of new trenches from washington, they are not going to finance the square, but they are persuading europe, which really does not have resources, to do so, our correspondent emil mirsaev from berlin about professional independent workers . russian the armed forces are confidently moving forward, mikhail podalek, an adviser to the head of zelensky’s office, complained in an interview with the german publication bilt, admitted. kiev will not be able to resist this. we are on the defensive, and the russians are putting pressure on us. they are moving further and further. in addition, we are seeing them continue to arm themselves, fortify themselves, and mobilize supplies. we cannot solve the current gun shortage. therefore, without american military assistance
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, the armed forces of ukraine will steadily retreat - this is a statement by vladimir zelensky. if there is no us support, this means that we will not have air defense. missiles for petriot, for the sake of funds. electronic suppression of 155 mm artillery shells, this means that we will retreat step by step, small steps. much more specifically, french experts, they are already making forecasts, the next... point that will be under the control of the russian army, kramatorsk, in order to hold it, the sssu simply does not have enough personnel. ukrainians cannot defend themselves without troop rotation. everyone who wanted to fight at the front, have already gone to serve. the men remaining in ukraine will have to be forcibly mobilized; they will be less motivated, and many of them have already left the country. apparently, understanding the hopeless situation, zelensky for the first time allowed peace negotiations without the return of ukraine to the borders of the ninety- first year, he now says. already about the territories in 2022, but while talking about theology, he simultaneously fantasizes about attacks on crimea
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with american long-range missiles from takams, although the ukrainian armed forces actually don’t have them, and don’t it will happen, hope american journalists who soberly assess the situation. according to doug bendu, escalation with moscow is a losing strategy for washington. it is one thing to wish kiev well, but quite another to start a global nuclear war for its sake. the us is not responsible for the deaths of thousands of russian soldiers. that in the russian-ukrainian conflict does not justify the risk of war with russia. it is also unprofitable purely economically. kiev, having fallen into corruption due to washington’s abuse, is mercilessly squandering american taxpayers’ money. recently it turned out that the deputy head of the presidential office was dismissed due to corruption. and the us department of defense itself is burning through budgets. from the latter , pentagon inspectors discovered that they had overspent almost $400 million in funds allocated to help ukraine. the white house continues to persuade europe to finance the ukrainian conflict, hence
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scholz’s latest utopian statement. we all strive for a more peaceful world, which is why we support ukraine in its fight for a just world for as long as it has. required. we do this also for our sake, for our safety. but where to get the money is a big question, especially since the gas crisis has not yet passed, said the federal network agency of germany. already in april , gas prices for consumers will rise again. economists are confident, and this despite the fact that last year ordinary germans and medium-sized businesses were forced to use almost 20% less gas than in the pre-sanction period. in the coming, possibly cold winter, berlin fears that germany may be forced to become an energy donor for other eu countries, and therefore the germans must save even more, and now. the dissatisfaction of the residents of germany and the energy policy of their government with sanctions against russia has never been a secret to the cabinet of ministers. there has been inflation in recent months. has brought many companies to the brink of bankruptcy throughout the country, but listening to its citizens for
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the german authorities means ruining relations with the united states, which prefers to profit from the ukrainian crisis at the expense of the eu. emil mirsaev, maxim akimov, vesti, berlin, germany. what can negatively affect the liver? constant stress, unhealthy. and nutrition, ecology, this can lead to inflammation and destruction of liver cells. the two components of phosphoglyph help not only restore liver cells, but also fight the cause of their destruction, inflammation. phosphoglyph. now there are 96 capsules in an economical package. a deposit is the best interest rate in a savings account with clear conditions; it is a reliable and profitable way to increase your savings at a rate of up to 16% per annum. quick registration in the sberbank online application. contribution is the best percent.
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russia. intends to create a brix grain exchange. the emergence of such a platform could become a serious challenge for western exporters to reduce their share in the world market. dmitry morocco will tell you more about the initiative. despite international restrictions, russia is ready to strengthen its position in the global food market. one step in this direction could be the creation grain exchange within the framework of brix. as the chinese edition of the south china morning post notes, this will strengthen moscow’s influence as a key grain supplier. the us, canada and australia may face difficulties maintaining their market share and negotiating favorable trade terms, experts conclude.
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now, as you know, the world's largest stock exchanges. they are under the control of western countries, and as i understand it, in this regard, the idea arose to transfer that part of exchange trading that would be of interest to countries brix for a friendlier atmosphere. the creation of an exchange could be a worthy response to attempts by western countries to limit transactions with russian grain. this week, the european commission announced that it is going to introduce duties on imports from russia and belarus in the amount of 95 euros per. ton, tariffs of 50% will also be established on oilseeds and their processed products. first of all, this is an attempt by eu countries to protect their own farmers, whose products are more expensive, from competition. russian grain and pulses crops are offered at a lower price. we do not want russia to receive any
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profit from the eu agricultural market, including grain. therefore, tariffs on imports of russian grain. canada, russia accounted for 6%. at the same time , our deliveries during this period increased significantly, from july to december they amounted to 2,200. 30,000 tons, which is more than two times more than for the same period in twenty -two. however, the eu is not a significant sales market for russia. most of the supplies go to turkey, egypt, iran, and others eastern countries. therefore, our exporters will not suffer much from the new duties. but for some european processors, the ban on the import of russian agricultural products could become extremely unpleasant. first of all
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, we are talking about the markets of italy and spain. the first thing that will hit their market is grain. the hard varieties that we produce for their processing are from both italy and spain, first of all, it is extremely necessary, of course, they can find it somewhere else, but it will be more expensive, ours is still cheaper, therefore what they do, they do according to the principle of the european commission: we will harm our mother, we will freeze our ears, but the situation with restrictions on the supply of oilseeds looks even worse for the eu than with grain, so... russia exports and supplies it to the eu countries. if the eu authorities introduce duties, this... could seriously hit european livestock farming and the cost of feed, then there is a short advertisement on our broadcast, and then watch a special report
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dedicated to the memory of vladlin tatarsky, he tragically died a year ago during a terrorist attack, friends and relatives of the writer, volunteer and military officer remember what he was like. it’s easy to build an ideal house, so just imagine, and the rest will be done by a house-click, from a dream to a house, one house-click, appetite anywhere, only dad will tame it, sausages, let’s do it again, and now cattle, there’s more.. of course, let's pay the bill. yur, without a qr code for a long time, with vtb online, the camera itself calculates everything. so how did it turn out? of course, we also received 10% cashback from a free
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on the evening of april 2, 2023 , vladlen tatarsky died at his creative evening in st. petersburg. on the first anniversary of the tragedy , we came to the dpr to communicate with the family and friends of maxim fomen, because vladlen tatarsky is a creative pseudonym. hello! come in, welcome to our apartment, where maxim, famin, and ladlin tatar lived.
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where he was born, this is aunt nelya ibragimovna, he called auntie, i am mother, ravilya ibragimovna, the mother of the writer and volunteer, or as his readers were called, the political instructor of the special military operation meets us in makeevka, his childhood passed in this apartment, the character of a person was formed here he lived at the front and supported the russian army; pay attention, he always carried a machine gun. that is, since childhood he wanted to be a military man, he was, he was wearing rubber boots, he was about three years old, his father’s jacket, a fur hat, which they used to keep for those returning from the army, but here’s my dad, and he walked around here with a soldier’s belt , tied himself up, and walked around, organized everyone, there they marched, there among themselves they played, he was born, of course, so fair,
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white, smart, he knew fedorin gurin from maydoder for a year and a half, for a year and a half, this is an aunt witness who also nursed him, you take a book, we know that he doesn’t know how to read yet, he takes a book, i read to him and i think i’ll say it differently, but he doesn’t, it’s not written like that, i understood everything, and every line there was a piece of paper...
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he was on a different shift and had to go to her work to pick him up, he didn’t want to stay at home, he went with the grandmother, there some healthy man attacks the grandmother, he ran ahead of the train there, well, as a child does, he doesn’t walk by the hand, he runs forward, there a man attacks the grandmother, some kind of maniac, but he turns out to be more than one woman beat him on this bridge and he defended himself for his grandmother, hit him in... a new place, ran up and told his grandmother, we run, and that is, in this way he saved the grandmother and the grandmother was not beaten by this man, how old was he? six, well, it was 2001, we got jobs as helpers at a construction site, we were plastering and painting this building, we
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were just starting our working day. daytime is given to you today from the st. george's hall, now behind us are not just some abstract allied forces, behind us is russia with nuclear weapons, today i congratulate everyone, everyone who lived up to this moment, here is the room in which he wrote his...
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i recorded the evening vladlena, vladlena, here, here he sat down like this, this famous flag that he hung on the wall, guys, evening vladlen, i’ll quickly tell you about the situation, after school maxim fomin studied at a mining technical school, worked in a mine, continuing the family dynasty, his father and grandfather, i read a lot in my free time. he loved dostoevsky, he always said: “mom, re-read dostoevsky, because when we were young, we read everything, and then there was no time, no time.” just reread it, it says a lot about christ, how about we and him? i talked about these topics about spiritual things. most of the family library is history books,


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