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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 30, 2024 2:30pm-3:00pm MSK

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car from a brick, on march 6 a hailstorm or two flew into my house, so we were with our family, and my son and that same thing, his children and wife, well, everyone was in the basement, well, we survived, it caught fire, my son and i were extinguishing the fire there there was still a roof at the top, and on the twenty-fifth, when the third hail arrived from here from the direction of sverdonetsk, well , as if our son had already said, let’s... leave, we packed up and left, at that moment there was a ukrainian army in severodonetsk, everything is still here ukraine was standing, we were leaving, it was completely ukraine, well, here’s my mother’s house, please, that's all, that's it, that's my curse, yes, that's mine, she was here until the last, she left in april, he was sitting in the basement there with the neighbors, the house that valery ivanovich personally built with his family, survived, but suffered greatly from ukrainian artillery. why
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was the private sector being shelled every day from hail, a completely non-point weapon, no one here understands, here was an arrival, there is no angle there, the second arrival was in the bedroom, on the second on bricks this is still the same thing, too, the wall there was also completely swollen, we had nowhere to run, we didn’t want to run away from our city, we were born here, as it seems, and grew up, so we decided to stay with... well, no , we’ve already left, because we’re already out of here it was as if they had made it so that if we hadn’t come out, we should have been left there under the house in the house, we would have fallen asleep, because the bombing of the house was special, we think so, because the car was driving like that yellow, there were desiccants driving around, laughing and pointing fingers at us, that is, we understood that we had nothing more to do here now, why did they do this to you they treated us, i don’t know, they all treated us like that all the time. were suspected of sympathizing with
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russia or are we suspected here, you can say the whole russian people and that they came to us and teased us with muscovites, well, you are bendera people , but why should we touch us here ? if there were such craftsmen because well... we somehow laughed, sat, well, what a trap they say there, but here they have no time for people, they don’t care about that, i asked people like this, well, there is a western krai, what is your education, what is he like there, that he needs me there, i say, well, why, then i wouldn’t work at the border department if you didn’t have an education, in our department every second person has a higher education, so i say, how much do you have you, i understand, i’m telling you, here’s a son and a daughter, i’m saying, yes, i have a son and a daughter, how...
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we are located on the territory of the tandem plant, which was organized in 2007, well, which suffered quite a lot from the fighting . what was happening here? well, a tank brigade was directly based here, which hid here, went out, i was shooting, everything was flying here, but the plant was badly damaged, the tank brigade was badly damaged.
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well, here the story is silent, because at that moment i was in the city, it is not clear who fired from here and at what time, but i think that he fired in that direction, because ours often attacked from there, in that direction? the razhezhansky chemical plant, or as they say here, the krasitel plant, created back in 1915, was completely destroyed and rebuilt again after the great patriotic war. then more than one was shot on the territory of the plant. 300 foreigners under the ukrainian government, the plant gradually fell into disrepair, until in 2019
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it was declared bankrupt. in fact, it was destroyed, dismantled, looted, but this is the nineties. then those workshops that survived were...
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either to leave, but most likely i won’t leave, because, like, there are no prospects here at all , i just don’t want to stay in such a country anyway, if it’s better, then don’t worry, what ’s worse, well, in ukraine, in general, it’s worse or better, as you think, well, i can’t say, but i say, it’s worse, there’s no pension, that’s all growth, wages, gas, wages are not growing, that’s all, but there are more young people working here now? that is, they don’t work abroad there is no work in people’s answers , caution is clearly visible for 8 years, openly declaring sympathy for russia or antipathy for the kiev regime was dangerous, well, starting in 2014, at that moment i remember it very well, and
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the ukrainian armed forces entered the city, their counterintelligence began to work, everyone who was somehow involved in helping the militia at that time. they arrested them all and i had to move out with my brother, to leave my hometown, i first went through zhankoy, to the crimea, and from there i left for irkutsk, at that moment i was an employee of the internal affairs bodies, and we helped within our own limits, somehow assisted the militias. 8 years old, i was, one might say, forbidden to come here, but i didn’t even take the risk, so i talked with my parents, my mother came to me, my father is with him, he is a disabled person of the second group, and he walks, but with a stick, here he is unfortunately
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i couldn’t come, that is, all the people are here, even there we can see the filming, so so-called... ukrainian journalists who ask people here how they feel, i am sure that this is all played out, because knowing the population here their attitude towards the regime, at that time they were called a junta, well , to put it mildly, negative, to put it mildly, well, it immediately played the role that people disappeared, that is, there are many such cases, they are actually the same shootings of peaceful protesters in...
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here we are our sports ground with the guys, we often trained here, our place of youth, so to speak , passed here, it's right my dear, this. the sports palace, the territory of the sports palace, nearby is the technical school where i studied, here we are even after graduation, when i came, the guys and i gathered and trained constantly. how much time has passed, nothing has changed, they just painted it, but nothing has changed. the pace of return to the city of rubezhan is determined by the still remaining danger
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of shelling and domestic reasons. in foreign countries , educational institutions and the traditional locations of the vseushniks were severely damaged. in the spring of the twenty-second year the european the viewer was regularly told how the russians were shelling schools, while forgetting to mention that there was a ukrainian military or ammunition depot in the building, there were firing points in the windows, and snipers on the roofs. this is our curator. in the lugansk people's republic, this is the city of stakhanov, already literally at the end of may, at the end of june of the twenty-second year, children who were during the hostilities in the city, they received certificates, they passed tests in the city of stakhanov and already received standard certificates lugansk people's republic, as the northern military district moves forward and the border moves away, we have fewer arrivals at first.
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now there are already about 18,000 residents in rubezhnoye, the movement of the front has made it possible to speed up the process of
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housing restoration, and even more rubezhnoe residents will soon be able to return to their homes. in the private sector, construction materials are allocated upon request, calculated, issued, and people are not left out in this matter. for destroyed housing, if it cannot be restored, compensation is issued, and for property , compensation is also issued. this process has been established it’s working, there’s a process going on with transport in our city, we’ve opened two routes around the city, the southern part of the city, the central part, it’s all serviced, people move around, there’s transport, people move around, that is, these two routes are enough to to cover the entire area, for now, yes, but when restoring several sections of roads, this is still impossible, they are conducting military operations, but we will add to the route.
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then when i came here, i was in the voronezh region, i came here, there were only one or two cars passing there, now ok, oh, excellent, excellent, comfortable, well, that’s how they come in, comfortable, that’s it, they came in, the most important thing is that our driver is very good, generally good, that’s what about the drivers in general, they’re great, it’s ok in the market, shops, you can take the bus time... get on the bus, get on, leave, please, shop, go, buy, buy what you think you need, as if it’s dried up, i
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mostly went by bicycle from the private sector to the bicycle, and in the winter then by bus, yes now it's drying up again bike, i’ll go to the market to visit stores where i need to buy money, this is also just such a sport, of course, wow! pass - in the city we have organized a temporary accommodation center with heat, that is , electricity, gas, water, everything is there, there is glazing, people can go there at any time in case of... loss of housing, or when there are even cases when people come to the city to apply for compensation and don’t have time to do it, we temporarily place them there, well , plus everything, restoration work is now underway, you see, the roof is now being replaced we've already installed plastic windows everywhere, well , we installed the windows a week ago, we started upholstering
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them earlier, now a new area appears, new apartments, the process is underway. this is encouraging, at the temporary accommodation center natalya is involved in the fate of each ward, she and her family spent the entire period of fighting in the city, immediately after liberation she began to help her fellow countrymen in everything she could, look for relatives, sort out humanitarian aid, and my husband and i waited , when all this happened in 1914, yes, we helped, that... blocked it, well, somehow it turned out that they were lying there, they didn’t bring us tanks, there was no way for us to be defended, so that we would be together with the lpr, somehow they thought, this is a year or two, and we will join russia, it dragged on, you see, for these whole 7 years,
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my husband and i respectively stood in the corridor, i was closer to the door, he was closer to the bedroom, and so... it was some kind of good landing, he says, in my opinion, we got hit in the roof, i say, well, well , in my understanding, it should then break through, even though there is an attic there, well, it’s okay, everything seems to have survived it, then after a couple of weeks, it probably started to rain, we we went to bed, i heard something like drip-drip-drip, i thought what nonsense, but in the morning and in the evening you can’t get up and go anywhere, because come on, come on, there’s sniper attack everywhere on our roofs, we... ... on the roof, in the attic, and we had a hole in the ceiling, on the roof, one and a half meters in diameter, hail, part of the hail, part of it that did not explode was lying on another entrance. natalya knows the pain of every ward, she herself took us to everyone, told us who she was worried about, showed
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what had been done, the story of eighty-three-year-old maria semyonovna, the head of the point noted as one of the most tragic, and i was in the kitchen, i remember, and my husband was near the window, the first one cut his hair, i don’t know how it happened, there was such a hole in the window, the second shot, that’s it, he’s gone, a sniper, the window is broken , completely, and heating, well, that’s all, that’s all, that’s all, everything, and i’m running, so-so-so-so-so-so , i climbed by the legs, kolya-kolya, move, i pull, pull, pull , i pull, well, there’s a meter there, i reached the hall, and there’s a sofa, i’m on this sofa, i quietly climbed and quietly lifted it,
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the chair, well, how should i say it, i don’t know how it turned out, you know, it didn’t work in that case, and she raised it. i’m a person, i remember that i fell, that’s me well, i remember that i fell, i don’t remember anything else. maria semyonovna's neighbors helped her then, alas, her husband was already dead, she herself took a long time to recover before she could start walking and even talking. now he’s waiting for his home to be restored so he can visit
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his husband’s grave, and like all foreigners, he’s waiting for peace after what he’s experienced. home is home, no matter what it is, with some problems, with questions, you have to work, because here everything is native, the state must have leadership with a firm hand, do not listen to either america or europe, each state must live for itself, for its people, but we have maidan, it is impossible, it is impossible, leadership.
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as if children could run freely, not be afraid of anything, this is the kind of city i want to see in the future, an apartment, a wife, a bunch of grandchildren, what else does a person need for happiness, to calmly meet old age, there are grandchildren, all this is all good, god willing their health, above their man, yes, it’s just here restore everything, well, i can already see that the work is underway, my heart is already rejoicing, everything is in place, this is my nut, again, which i told you about, i planted it for about two years, together with my father, my father has such views that he’s like this plant a tree, build a house, give birth
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to a son, here he is, how old is he, the same age as me, he survived, he was touched by shrapnel there, but he survived, all is well, good, this is the most important thing, that we survived, and we can handle everything else , we will. work, the most important thing is to work, in general, do not be indifferent, friend friend, now everything is fine, thank god, my mother has already settled down, she works as a doctor in lugansk, my father is with me, well , everything has taken a hit with her health, because covid has played its part, and he is almost blind in one eye, but well, right now, well, cheerfully, everything is fine, he runs relatively in his own way. well, thank god, we’re restoring the house, well , life will get better, we’ll come back,
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during the bombing, i saw everything with my own eyes, the city was alive, at that moment the peacekeepers, as they called themselves, were sending missiles at this uranus, which was rained down on yugoslavia in the living city. the hegemons tried to perpetuate their dominance. the war in europe did not start in 2014 or in 2022, no, for them there was one rule: everything was allowed to them and that they could do everything.
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i don’t know why you were given the title of hero of the soviet union, mikhail anatolyevich vasenkov, 1942, russian, your face is such that you could be passed off as anyone, well , practically, i was such a simple wooden guy, and you didn’t know this mikhail, no, no, she molded you into a latino, yes, she did you are a person who has a latin-american character, latin-american habits, he told me, you better...
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any war is infantry, until the foot of an infantryman steps on the territory, it is not considered conquered, we squeeze out the enemy with artillery, kamiks squeeze it out when not escort, you are walking, roughly speaking, blindly, you don’t know what’s ahead of you, outpost, outpost, yangel, come on quickly, yes, i observe that the people who are here at the control points, they are making no less efforts. than attack aircraft, local, as soon as you take off, immediately switch the picture, such a pace entered, the work was built, the work is on the rails, i ’m not a fighter, i came for my brother, here all the feelings are heightened to the limit, happiness has resurrected me, she loves me, call sign
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passenger . at the crocus near moscow, where march 22nd.


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