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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 30, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm MSK

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the owner left the apartment back in march '22, the neighbors put out the fire, one room was completely burned out, there wasn't even any furniture left, they managed to put out the fire in the kitchen, but the soot couldn't be wiped off, but in principle everything is fine, everything is beautiful, everything is fine, i see , what will people do now, the roofs will be there, the roofs won’t leak, i think everything will be fine, there’s electricity, everything here was neglected in such a way that god forbid, now i’m looking, there...
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that when they start repairs, they’ll try take into account the historical origin of the first floors of the building, the facade from that part, scaffolding has already been installed from the outside , plastering work is going on there, we will restore, we will strengthen, we will clean up all these, everything that is exposed, the fittings are working, they must be cleaned, closed and must be preserved . 146 years ago, the houses of old mariupol had their own name as living individuals: the nilson house on semenishin street, the building with the spire of the millionaire kharadzhaev, the neo-gothic gamper castle, named after the doctor and public figure sergei gamper, who rented an apartment here. he treated people here hosted in this house, the house itself is very interesting. in such a gothic style,
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it was built, and many perceived it as even a church. after the death of the doctor in 1911, the house survived both a sausage production workshop and redevelopment into a communal apartment for the poor. during the great patriotic war , wehrmacht soldiers were quartered here, and in 2022 the house was occupied by militants of the azov national battalion, but now it has certainly suffered.
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it was quite very beautiful, this is what the apartment looked like before today’s renovation: tiles were laid on the floor, the walls were covered with wallpaper, when the builders removed them and tore off the plaster , secret doors and passages were revealed, well , you see, it’s arched, but you can see there was a concrete passage, but i’ll tell you more , this is what’s above me, this is all being removed, and here you can see the entrance was via the stairs to second floor. the kitchen is here, so there is no roof here, well, they took it off, the roof was everything, it’s here, during the years of independence the house was rapidly deteriorating, in the nineties they repaired the roof , but this turned out to be not enough, it was still recognized as unsafe, but no one of the residents i still haven’t left my apartment , that’s why i live here, so that the house can be restored to all its architectural aspects - in the style,
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gootic style, as it should have been, we don’t demand here that the atlanteans stand and hold some kind of visors, that’s right, but let them do it easily, restore all these architectural nuances, restore the buildings according to the old plans of life and of course take into account the wishes of the owners, a total of eight families live in the house, but everything there should be basically new, because they have everything it was dilapidated, rickety and also, due to the arrivals , everything was destroyed, well, here is the entrance to the apartment, since the entrance to the apartment, but it is closed, you have to knock it out and it is not clear what is there, then here is another entrance to the apartment, here is another entrance in front of you , here it is once again, the entrance to the apartment , and here there should have been an entrance to the apartment , but here is another opening, but here it is destroyed, it all needs to be restored again, and this is where svetlana lives, yes, and here svetlana lives, yes this is her entrance, this is her...
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it’s hard to imagine what’s on the second floor here once there were three apartments, the partitions were demolished, the walls were cleared down to the foundations of the house. here we, of course, will make light partitions, taking into account the fact that there were wooden partitions, wooden partitions, here we will have partitions, we will probably have plasterboard partitions, so as not to load, yes, these are the beams, ceilings, at the request of the owners the walls will be painted or covered with wallpaper, new plumbing will be installed, for the first time in its existence, the first of the 19th century , the gamper house will be renovated while preserving its historical features.
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this is the era of the timber-frame culture, all the vessels changed their color under the influence of high temperature, the temperature was so high that some vessels simply melted, like this, photographs and documents of the museum were dried right on the floor, the fund lost more than 50 thousand items. now we, our task is to take all this into account, that is, we are now compiling, we have a commission working to identify preserved items, and we are compiling lists, lists by groups, items that have been preserved about them
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, have registration designations, items that preserved, but no, accounting documentation, because unfortunately, our documentation was also lost and... objects that were not preserved, by the way, we started exhibiting the regional museum, if 2 years ago we could not even think about it, because for us the task was, i say , to provide the residents with basic conditions, now we have started the krovey museum, we made , first of all, a park, which also overlooks the center, we made part of it, we made a completely azov university, which also... miraculously, school paintings from the alexander men's gymnasium on georgievskaya street survived. since the twenty-third year, the mariupol
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vocational college has been located here. this is what we managed to preserve after all these barbaric actions, after the looters in our educational institution. the history of our educational institution begins in 1901, which was opened due to the fact that metallurgical plants began to operate in the city, and it was necessary, personnel were needed that would be trained to work for these enterprises. in the twenty-second year, the building was damaged by military operations, fighters of the azov detachment set up a military base here, of course everything was there. in a terribly sad, sad sight it was, yes, destroyed from the edge where the gymnasium with the library was, several hits, generally speaking, were in the building of our institution, restoration work in the college began
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in the twenty-third year, in one of the destroyed walls they found message to descendants, here the builders discovered the capsule when the renovation began, here is the capsule, unfortunately... it turned out to be empty, although it should have been in 2001, well, they put a message there, well , they were sitting here, these soldiers of the armed forces of ukraine opened this capsule, in the twenty-third year we put a new message in this capsule for future generations, who should open it in 20 years and read what we wished for them. for several months, builders got rid of debris and cleaned off old plaster. behind which they discovered an unusual space, these are fragments that were used for the heating system, stove heating, it was accepted it was decided that, due to the use of central heating, it was covered with masonry after the great patriotic war. the educational institution is experiencing its third
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birth, in 1899, it was put into operation. then there was destruction during the great patriotic war, now there is restoration after the events of 2020, we have more serious hits here in this building, not only here, here behind the wall, there was the office of the deputy director, which was almost completely destroyed , wall stucco and... depicting soviet workers will be restored and painted, the baleriefs of mayakovsky, tolstoy, lomonosov will not be dismantled, they will be put in order right on the spot, the chandeliers will have to be sent to the workshop, they are well preserved, but still lacking details, the staircase remains historical, here it is, as in tsarist times was done, plan to restore it in the same way, ensure that it exists, but we have the whole thing ready and will continue to serve. after finishing the renovation, when this place takes on such a cool look,
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new, clean, modern, then here of course it will be a pleasure to study. georgievskaya street - the building of a former synagogue, built in 1882. the unique architecture is crumbling before our eyes; it was only in the twenty- third year that the buildings were added to the list. directly with the status of an architectural monument, we had three more objects , architecture, then we had six objects , conditionally they are considered there as newly discovered, this is a former distillery, this is a former synagogue building, these are, well, these are ruins, let’s say , that’s all, what was left of her at one time, and nilsson’s house, this... is our very the city's chief architect, a highly revered figure in mariupol. only nine historical
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buildings today are officially protected by local authorities, despite the fact that there are several hundred 19th-century houses in mariupol. most of them are privately owned and the owners do with them whatever they see fit. georgievskoe 16, a building from the end of the 19th century , the owner built on the second floor, covered it with siding, until 2022, there was a sauna there, the building is across the road, the owner , of course, is great, he keeps the facade in a beautiful form, but this protruding part is a remake, the appearance of the building of the late 19th century has been changed, there were attempts to recognize some buildings as architectural monuments in 1994, there was a decision about this by the city council of deputies, then 172 objects were included in the list, but the initiative remained only on paper, the department...
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legislation, all costs for maintenance, maintenance, repair, architectural monument are borne by the owner, that is , naturally, there is a city, region, federation, they can accept some large social facilities, but as for private at home, well, that’s all, well, all this burden falls on the owner. again, this is one of the reasons why the owners don’t want this, because then they won’t be able to sell it, because there are restrictions, that is, well, this is such a, well, the story is very complicated. unfortunately, many of the houses from the list from 1994 are no longer there, and those that remain may not be restored, they are in very poor condition. buildings that can be saved are included in the masterplan. mariupol. the document was developed by the moscow united institute of spatial planning. these are
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recommendations for the design of a new engineering grid, architectural concept, proposals for the color scheme of buildings, their number and number of floors. along the italian street, lost buildings are indicated in gray at the top. we restored their appearance based on information from open sources. the buildings that have survived, we propose to preserve. but we propose to replace the lost buildings with a slight increase in the number of storeys, that is, if the houses had a roof height of 9 m, here we propose construction of buildings 15 m. residents will have kindergartens, schools, clinics within convenient walking distance, that public transport stops will be within easy reach, that public transport routes will be convenient, that
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there will be a sufficient number of sports playgrounds in the courtyards, that the percentage of landscaping will be is also high, the restoration of mariupol is under the personal control of the deputy prime minister of the russian federation, marat khusnulin. we drew up a master plan for mariupol until 1935 inclusive.
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people who left after the outbreak of hostilities continue to return. if in april of the twenty-second year there were 70,000 people in the city, now there are already 270,000. contribution - it’s faster and more convenient, thank you for teaching, this is someone else who taught whom, vtb, together everything
3:47 pm
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3:50 pm
the royal family in britain is a stable supplier of scandalous news and various kinds of incidents, but now a truly dark period has come for the british monarchy, and for medical reasons independent of the crown. the king and his daughter-in-law kate middelton have been diagnosed with cancer. both were diagnosed with it in the same london hospital, where they were staying at the same time. charles ii underwent prostate surgery here. the princess of wales had surgery on... her stomach, if that's all right with charles simpler, and his illness was announced immediately, although without any specific details, then skate middelton the situation turned out to be more confusing, if not
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ridiculous. these have been incredibly difficult months for our entire family, but i have had a fantastic team of doctors looking after me for which i am so grateful. in january in london i had a major operation on the cavities and at that time it was believed that my disease was not cancerous. the operation was completed. successfully, but after it tests showed the presence of cancer, so my doctors advised me to undergo preventive chemotherapy and i am now in the early stages of this treatment. this recognition of the princess was preceded by months of fever in the british press. kate middelton has not appeared in public since the end of december. the lack of any information about her condition gave rise to the most incredible assumptions, not only in england, but beyond its borders. on air from a popular spanish tv show , a version was voiced that the princess almost died as a result of an operation in london. the operation went well, but then complications arose, the situation became more and more
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critical, the doctors had to make a very dramatic decision, they put her in an induced coma. her life was in real danger, so the concerns of the royal court were understandable. it was about saving her life. on social networks they discussed the version of a serious rift between. and kate, the prince was persistently accused of having an affair with a family friend, forty-year-old rose hanbury, despite all denials. it's not just the tabloids' endless pursuit of sensations. the royal family itself added fuel to the fire with its difficult to explain actions. the publication of a photograph of kate middelton, allegedly taken by prince william, turned out to be a real pr failure. the photo was supposed to convince doubters that the skateboard was doing well. it turned out the other way around. leading. british publications, having forgotten about the crisis of life, migration and other topical topics, began to disassemble the image into
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megapixels; the most diligent experts found up to 26 corrections in it. look at the cuffs, with the left hand sleeve is there something wrong. why do this, there were traces there after wiping your nose? that's the point, the photo was hastily edited, or it's a fake photo, we don't know yet. here we see lightning on kovta kate, which has split into two, questions arise again. well , louis’s fingers, i don’t think i can do that again, and there’s something wrong with the color, in the place where the finger once was. maybe it's the winsers' sign, the family sign, it's his three cousins. it got to the point that the director of the world news service, agence francepress, said: that kensington palace, the main residence of the prince and princess, does not deserve to be a source of information.
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or pay a visit here, this is where they were caught recently, someone smart even managed to shoot a short video. in this recording, william and kate, as if nothing had happened, walked with filled bags. speculation began on social networks whether it was them or not. take a closer look at the photo and you will understand that this is not kate, she has completely different cheekbones and face as a whole. artificial intelligence generated an image and not in the best way, it the cover-up becomes increasingly awkward and equally alarming. what was it?
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such noise, do you think people are interested in it, culture, such culture. three employees of the london clinic where kate was treated were suspected of trying to gain access to materials about her illness. an internal investigation is currently underway here, and it is possible that scotland yard will get involved in the case. who and why needed to steal information about the princess’s health condition is still unknown. another question remains open: was it possible to do everything? avoid this? at least without releasing fake photos and keeping silent, thereby only creating a stir. even after kate's frank admission of a serious diagnosis, please leave her completely alone
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in... britain and the whole world enjoyed this performance in the 20th century, there was little left of the comedy, but there were no fewer viewers. officially, the functions of the monarchy in britain are representative, but now there is a shortage of performers. charles ii and kate middelton are busy with treatment. prince harry left for america long ago and with scandal on family matters does not participate. the king's younger brother, prince
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andrew, is suspended. due to allegations of sexual abuse of a minor. the main roles are now played by the king's wife , camilla, and heir to the throne, prince william. charles ii wants to return to full activity, and of course he is still active in his duties as head of state. every tuesday he meets with the prime minister, staying up to date with government affairs. he looks through official documents. the only thing he doesn't do is appear in public, which... quite understandable during a course of chemotherapy, when it is necessary to avoid any infections. all this is happening against the backdrop of difficult processes for the british monarchy. the fragments of the empire in the caribbean are threatening to finally leave the power of the crown. jamaica generally intends to demand reparations from london for the years of the slave trade. republican sentiment is strong in australia, and in britain itself, according to polls, the number of supporters of preserving the monarchy is now less than
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half. 45%. 31% would prefer to see an elected head of state, while 24 would not decided on the answer.
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representatives of about 130 diplomatic missions of international organizations took
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part today. in memory of the victims of the terrorist attack at crocus city hall. there on the ninth day since the tragedy.


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