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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 30, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm MSK

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the future, but as soon as the conversation turned to children, alexander lost his chain, well , actually, there was the first slap in the face on the sofa, i then threw away the sofa, this is where i went, this is where i remember, this is how i walked, well, open the door, here, about here, it hit me in the back of the head, he’s left-handed, and he hit me somehow, well, somehow he hit me so that i flew my head into this corner, hit my head several times, against this corner
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of the wall, i ran here, but while i was opening the door, actually this lock, and he caught up with me, and i open the door and it hits the back of my head again, so i fall, you know, he kicks me several times in the hallway, that’s what the neighbor saw through the peephole opposite, well, that’s it, and then i passed out, it turns out , according to the actress , after the incident, the mother of the aggressor contacted her and asked for him:
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a decision, yes, ah, in which the words of kolya are not confirmed, to put it mildly, by anything, i recommend that you contact the police, the authorities there, and there to receive all comments on this issue, but she has medical certificates, well, certificates, what else is there based on these certificates, after that there was an examination that did not reveal what mrs. kalita stated. that’s why then you wrote her a text message saying that i’m sorry, please, and your mother also wrote her a text message, you’ll excuse me for god’s sake, i ’ll repeat it again, i don’t comment on this story, for all questions, please contact the competent organs, with this i say goodbye, goodbye, goodbye. let's return
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to the terrible story of olga simonova, let us remind you that she killed her tyrant husband and spent 5 years in a colony. now simonova performs in comedy shows and podcasts, and also sells her own course for women who, by the will of fate, ended up in a pre-trial detention center or colony. the main consumer of these stand-up services are girls under thirty, i have to warn them about that.
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i don’t drink five of them, well, in prison, in general , a lot of things are prohibited, but that’s how i got out. i served 5 years for the murder of my husband, it so happened that i had a difficult relationship with my husband, first he beat me, and then i beat him once, and found out that i do better. on the one hand, olga simonova is an unhappy woman who suffered humiliation from her husband for many years. on the other hand, as proven in court, she is a cold-blooded killer who tried to hide the traces of the crime by hiding the knife. let's not forget that now she makes money by parasitizing on the story of her own tragic fate, receiving money for a story about the murder of her husband, and the audience applauds her. it’s also scary that in the woman’s monologues there is not a drop of regret about
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what happened; it seems that she never she corrected herself and did not repent of this terrible crime and, on the contrary, believes that she did the right thing, so... only this is absolutely not the case. killing the aggressor is not a solution, and clearly not a reason for pride. the problem of domestic violence is not new, but it is still relevant. it is not customary to talk about this loudly. as a rule, women are ashamed or afraid to wash their dirty laundry. from the hut, bruises and abrasions are masked with cosmetics, they do their best to pretend that everything is in order in the family, this is our next film dedicated to the problem of domestic violence, and one can say that a cure for this disease has not yet
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been found. our film crew works in a crisis center for helping women and children, those who at some point despaired and decided to share what happened with professional psychologists come here. the most important thing for girls and women today is status, status: normal family, good job, everything i’m doing well, but behind closed doors such problems happen; as a rule, all our clients who come to us say that, first of all, we don’t they wanted to harm children, so that they would know at school , surrounded by children, that... such a problem, i didn’t want to know that, what my colleagues and employees found out at work, that i had some problems in the family, when is this still possible? hide, as you say, the first, second, third, fourth, fifth year, but if the relationship is more and more destructive, if there is already physical violence in the family, and you
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can’t cover up the bruises with foundation, as the crisis center specialists note, physical violence is usually preceded by constant insult.
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submitting an application so that she does not submit these applications, this is such a common occurrence, because they have no right not to accept the application, but they begin to dissuade them, they say that he is a good man, for some reason there or the children will then have problems with finding employment there if dad will be convicted, some law enforcement officers prefer to brush aside such statements, they say the situation is not serious enough, for example, there were beatings, but did not cause significant harm to health, very... cases of violence, they end either she in prison, he in the grave, or on the contrary, he is in prison, she is in the grave, and we know such cases, that is, when it does not stop, it grows, it begins, perhaps, with slut beatings, but sometimes it ends very tragically,
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an illustrative story of the twenty-three-year-old student vera pekhteleva from the kemerovo region, in january 2020 vera pekhteleva. i came to my ex- boyfriend’s apartment to pick up my things. vladislav kanyus tortured him for several hours and inflicted 56 stab wounds. the girl begged for help, the screams were heard by the entire entrance, the neighbors called the police seven times, but no one came, the recording made at the police department explains why: there are no outfits in the city at all, no outfit at all, everyone, and you and i will be to blame. the police showed up only after the murder, when the neighbors. in desperation they broke down the door of the apartment, from the materials of the criminal case i directly understand that
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there was a real opportunity to save my niece, they had time, time to react. the message to the duty station was received early in the morning, it was recorded by the operational duty officer of the leninsky police department, mikhail balashov, but i didn’t send an order to check the information, supposedly there were no free cars, and the records got leaked online. from the surveillance cameras installed in the duty department, the car was his colleague dmitry taritsin, who took over , but later also did not send the order. together with the two officers , three female dispatchers, maria dunaeva, anna panomareva and kristina yudintseva, were in the dock. as a result, the murderer vladislav kanyus was sentenced to 17 years in prison, and the former. they got off with a suspended sentence. victoria
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valetenko, a young mother from minusinsk. the woman turned to the police and asked social activists to help her find her three-year-old son and five-year-old daughter, who were forcibly taken away by father tyrant. wherein. he almost ran over the woman himself with a car, he snatched the children from me , he just took a three-year-old child like that, threw him into the front seat of the second one, he also threw him, i tried to stop him - i grabbed him, screamed there, help, of course , leave the children, in the end he somehow drowned me and hit the gas, i for a while, then there was a ride, i held on to it.
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after publishing this story on social networks, investigators opened a criminal case, the chairman of the investigative committee, alexander bastrykin, took it under personal control, the children were found quite quickly, according to...
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she was subjected to violence by her ex-husband, the rector of one of the st. petersburg universities, we told the channel , how for years they allegedly asked a lady to tell her story, but for some reason she refused, the famous lawyer anatoly kuchereno recommends nothing to women don’t be ashamed and don’t remain silent under any circumstances, hitting doesn’t mean loving, i often hear that no one does anything.
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bodily harm to a citizen, so in any case, as a rule, if such a telephone message is received, the police always have a reaction, the district police officer must always react accordingly, invite his wife, for example, and accordingly take from her an explanation of what happened and why. in this
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program we only touched on a few stories. women who were subjected to domestic violence found themselves in a difficult life situation, they were not afraid to find the strength to tell the whole world about their difficulties. as for the men who were accused of domestic violence, for some reason they did not want to participate in the filming of our program. this is how we saw the problem of domestic violence. this was our investigation from moscow. it's up to you to draw conclusions. see you on the russia-24 tv channel.
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the best interest rate is up to 16% per annum in sberbank online. at this moment , an action in memory of the victims of the terrorist attack begins near crocus city hall. a minute of silence will be announced at 19:52. it was at this time on march 22 that terrorists opened
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fire on the spectators. our correspondent, elizeta khramtsova, works at the people's memorial. hello, anton, a bright, warm, bright day here has given way to a chilly evening, it rains periodically, but despite this, hundreds of hundreds of people are now at the walls of the cityhall croque, from minute to minute, exactly at 19:52, the funeral ceremony will begin here, at 19:52, march 22... they managed to shoot dozens of people, and also set fire to the building, many people died from suffocation or sunbathing, and on saturday last, he appeared here
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people's memorial, no one held any special events here, people simply at the call of their hearts, at the call of their hearts, began to come to krasnogorsk from all regions of moscow, from other regions of russia, in order to express their grief, it is obvious that all our feelings are all our attempts to somehow share the pain with those people who... lost their loved ones here in this terrible tragedy, cannot in any way alleviate the suffering of people, but in this way all of russia speaks about how much it suffers, how it worries about those hundreds of families who have lost their loved ones. today there will be music at crocus, this evening a symphony orchestra conducted by maestro valery gergiev will perform here, the artists are already preparing to take their places, and in fact... frequent music is what should always happen here. more than 200 events took place at this site throughout the year. events, from new year's matinees and business conferences to, of course, concerts
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, just such an evening was planned here on friday, on march 22, the group had a picnic , two concerts were scheduled, and in general , collecting a crocus for any russian artist is a sign of quality, this is a sign that you are loved very much, now for us, the word is crocus. we haven’t heard the address, these are the countries of the so-called west, they nevertheless, despite political contradictions, share universal human feelings with us, people experience
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our pain with us.
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