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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 30, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm MSK

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and so it happened, this is how it happened, we survived, thanks to the guard, alexey, who did not abandon us during difficult times. foreigners, all the doctors who met us there, many thanks to the psychologists who worked with us, on my birthday i was discharged from the hospital, kodova, i express my deep gratitude to everyone for their support,
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support and moral, all people still call and ask, how are we, what are we, and i’m very sorry that many died, i express my condolences to the relatives, to the kids who stayed there, thank you, i don’t know what you can say, here you go. hello, my family, loved ones, caring people who have gathered here today, i am the head of a small family, it so happened that on that fateful day we also ended up in crocus, thanks to
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the lord, we managed to escape, we ran out of crocus, and here is our family that same white renault overtook the terrorists; my son ilya suffered the most. he flew 5 m away, literally 100 m from here, he lay without breathing. thank you very much to all caring people, ordinary people, our relatives, who provided first aid, who found a free ambulance, thanks to those doctors who worked magic on him all night, thank god, he had already undergone a second operation, he was transferred from intensive care. sister, now, i think, all the worst is behind me, i want to take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude to all the doctors, all the magicians from the spiransky children's clinical hospital, my little son
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is a hockey player, it was a revelation to me how close-knit the hockey community is, my wife and i really amazed we get daily support from such clubs as kaliningrad yantar, admirals from vladivostok, our giants cska, spartak, dynamo, torpeda, guys, low bow, you can’t imagine how it treats my son when he sees idols who say hello to him, who help who are coming. they give up all their business, preparing for the playoffs, guys, you have no idea, i want to end with the words of the hero from the cult film brother, i found out that i have a huge family, it’s you, low bow to you, condolences to everyone
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dead. crocus petals that come off a flower,
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ballet, vrovsky’s choreography will have a big premiere, but now this music is playing here and music in general unites us here at the crocus in krasnogorsk, all of this. life suffered from this inhuman tragedy, they found consolation. and, of course, in connection with
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the music, i would like to remember that this hall was named after muslim magamaev. and to those terrorists who are trying to intimidate the people of russia, i would like to respond with the words from the song of the great singer: the night will pass, it will pass, it’s a bad time, the sun will rise. anton. yes, this will definitely happen. lisa, thank you, i’m in direct contact with the studio. there was our correspondent elizaveta khramtsova. an event in memory of the victims of the terrorist attack on march 22 is taking place at kroku city hall. so, we continue our broadcast. the russian military repelled 64 counterattacks in the control system in the avdeysk direction. in a week, the enemy lost over 1,800 troops and 13 tanks there. in the donetsk direction, ukrainian losses exceeded 2,300 people. the latest information on the progress of the special operation was reported. from march 23 to march 30 armed
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the forces of the russian federation carried out one massive and 57 group strikes with high-precision long-range land-based and sea-based air-based weapons, including zircon hypersonic missiles and kinzhal arabalistic missiles, as well as unmanned aerial vehicles against ukrainian military facilities and the infrastructure supporting them. complex, decision-making centers of the armed forces of the security service of ukraine, workshops for the production of unmanned boats, arsenals, fuel depots, air defense, energy facilities, as well as temporary deployment points for units of special operations forces of foreign mercenaries. strike targets achieved: all designated targets hit. rocket troops, artillery, unmanned aerial vehicles. groupings of troops over the course of a week , four combat vehicles of rocket fire systems were destroyed, including the mars-2
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made in germany, the vampire made in the czech republic and the grad. five radiation stations for detecting and tracking air targets p-18, three counter-battery stations made in the usa, as well as 18 stations electronic warfare radio, note, enclave n and bukovel hell. within a week, 18 ukrainian military personnel surrendered, aviation shot down 11 storm shadow cruise missiles made in great britain, three neptune anti-ship missiles, four adm-160 malt aircraft guided missiles, made in the usa, two converted to hit ground targets . s-200 anti-aircraft missiles, two hamer aircraft guided bombs, made in france, 171. hurricane, as well as 1208
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unmanned aerial vehicles. what can negatively affect the liver? constant stress, unhealthy diet, environment, this can lead to inflammation and destruction of liver cells. the two components of phosphoglyph not only help restore liver cells, but also fight the cause of their destruction. quiet chocolate layer, inside is beautiful , perfect, planbier, airy, natural,
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on the occasion of the easter weekend, the german chancellor issued an address, scholz called for further support for ukraine, but is everyone ready to continue? admitted that without us help, the ukrainian army will be forced to retreat. if there is no support from the united states, this means that we will have no air defense, no missiles for the patriot air defense system, no electronic jamming systems, no
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155mm artillery shells. this means that we will be returning, step. one step at a time in small steps. vladimir zelensky complained to journalists that kiev had learned from the conflict in 2 years. if the armed forces of ukraine does not conduct counteroffensive, then russia will move forward. earlier, in an interview with cbs news, for the first time during the conflict, he allowed negotiations with moscow to take place. if kiev can reach the border in 2022, that is, before the start of a special military operation. the russian foreign ministry responded to this statement. maria zakharova emphasized the illegitimate situation. the ukrainian leader is nervous, he has elections on the horizon, or no elections are on the horizon, even though vladimir zelensky has started talking about negotiations in the european union, at any cost they will try to prolong the conflict. the head of the german foreign ministry, anna lena berbak , accused moscow of unwillingness to reach an agreement and attempts to involve nato in direct confrontation. in addition, she stated that the west cannot be
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allowed to defeat ukraine. it is impossible to imagine what will happen if ukraine loses the war, if moscow wins. european security and international order will also be jeopardized. in europe , optimism about the ukrainian conflict is rapidly fading. german economic affairs minister robert habeck said that he no longer hopes for this to end soon. confrontation. every day is a day of death, and there is no end in sight. on the contrary, russia is completely switching to a military economy and massively increasing arms production. i was initially in favor. supply of weapons to ukraine, now i also advocate that we continue to support them with more and more military equipment, but the head of the nato military committee does not agree with the general panic. he said that he sees no signs that moscow could attack one of the countries of the north atlantic alliance. he emphasized that in his opinion there is no threat of a direct
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start of training. zero of the main command post received an order from the supreme commander to the use of strategic weapons set the sign of combat there is a combat alert missile attack bossman dive to a depth of 50 m spherent 3° to the stern combat alert missile attack missile attack missile attack combat alert missile attack-2 for battle preparing the ready seventh so the battle is ready. ready for launch in silos from the first to the sixteenth there is a transfer of the missile system to combat mode started during preparation for the tent from the first to the sixteenth first minute opp no ​​comments senior commander's assistance begin control normally for launch conditions closed by the crew duk vips readiness number one to the crew duk vips readiness number one torpedo tube 1 2 3 4 switch to standby mode, open the covers of the school from the first to the 16th, the crymaliers are
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ready. 10 9 8 there is a section of irreversible operations six 5 4 3 2 1 there is a start first there is a start second there is a commander one there is a commander two there is a start third there is a start sixteenth point commander salvo missiles have started there is a commander fate two posts course of evasion from the salvo point report
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approaching the city mormansk, and then this is the murmon region, now we will next we will go to the main naval base severomorsk.
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loud, well done, commander's voice, this is the missile deck of our cruiser, which means here, well, as you can see, there are 16 missile silos, yes, these are missile silos. by and large, this
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is the end of the world, yes, this is what, uh, a weapon of armageddon, well, yes, it’s a transport container, yes, well, there’s a rocket in it, it’s packed, but the transition from a transport state to a combat state, it’s just carried out quickly , very quickly, well, just so that people understand who they are being rude to, yes, i think that in in america, those who make decisions, they are all fine. it turns out that serving on such ships
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is a high honor. yes, i can say this, let’s make a comparison.


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