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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 30, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm MSK

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today is 9 days since the monstrous terrorist attack in crocus cityhole. an action in memory of the victims was held at a spontaneous memorial next to the concert hall. according to the latest data , 144 people became victims of the terrorist attack, more than 500 were injured. my colleague elzeta khromtsova works at crocus city hall. she communicates directly with us. elzeta, greetings, we are waiting for details from you. hello anton. 19:52 at this moment on friday, march 22 , the first shots were heard here in krasnogorsk and today is the ninth day after this inhumane of this inhumane crime of this terrible tragedy, at exactly 19:52 here, first a minute of silence began, then a funeral ceremony, and today here in krasnogorsk, as it should be, music sounds, was performed...
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barely holding back tears, that terrible evening here, natalya skisova recalled today, she received tickets to a picnic concert as a gift, today the woman thanked those people who helped her run out of the building, in fact, if they saved her life, and she calls this salvation a miracle, we survived, thanks to the security guard, alexey asanushkin , who didn’t leave us in difficult times, when he was... feeling bad, he still came back for
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us and took us out of there, i’m grateful to him for not leaving my children without a mother, i’m also grateful to alexey kolobanov, who pulled me out of the smoke when i fell, when we ran to save ourselves, i fell, lost consciousness, he pulled me out, i am also grateful to the traffic police, who helped us along the way, when i fainted, the hospital named after... inozemtsev, everyone to the doctors who met us there, and the family of igor tolpykin that evening was approaching the crocus cityhall building , when the criminals were already trying, already hiding from the scene of this terrible crime, they rammed a whole family in a car, eight-year-old ilya, igor’s son, suffered the most, the most, the boy is now, fortunately, recovering after two operations, here it is... the family says that in
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many ways the key to this recovery is that millions of people, including the hockey community, and ilya loves hockey very much, wish the boy a speedy recovery, we receive daily support from such clubs like kaliningrad yantar, admirals from vladivostok, our grandees, cska, spartak, dynamo, torpeda, guys, low bow, you can’t imagine how it heals. my son, when he sees the idols who say hello to him, who help, who come to the hospital, drop everything they are doing, preparing for the playoffs, guys, you have no idea, i want to end with the words of the hero from the cult film brother, i learned that i have a huge family, it’s you, low bow to you, a national memorial appeared near the walls... of crocus, back in
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last saturday, people from all regions of moscow and other regions of russia came here, bringing flowers, toys, lamps, today during the funeral. it was raining at the ceremony, but people did not leave, had difficulty finding words, expressed words of condolences to those who lost their loved ones, they could not remain indifferent, not come here, a great tragedy, a great pain, both for the whole country and for our family, who knows what it is, here they come at such moments, to really feel this unity, this is... cohesion people, for the musicians who performed today, it was, of course, not an ordinary, not an ordinary performance, people say that it was hard for them to get on stage, but they could not help but come to krasnogorsk today,
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a tribute to memory and respect for society, which , well, united, like... or the impression of speaking in front of such, well, it was hard, and morally too, well, first of all, this is a tribute to the memory of what happened, in fact , it was all very unexpected and regrettable, everyone was in shocked, here we are with the others the musicians are very happy to perform to honor the memory of the victims. there are now 144 names on the mourning list, this is a thousand destroyed destinies and millions of people who are mourning all over the world, foreign
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diplomats also express condolences to the people of russia, today they came here to honor the memory of those whose lives were lost life was taken by this terrible tragedy, these days i see own eyes that all russians are showing cohesion, unity in the fight against terrorism and i believe that such a strategy not only for russia, this strategy is for our entire planet. for any russian artist for many years, picking a crocus has been synonymous with people's love.
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the city of military glory, from lit candles they laid out the word we mourn. residents of yakutsk laid flowers and lit candles at the main city memorial on victory square. the russian army repulsed about 100 attacks in su in a week, the situation has improved in all directions of the front, and another settlement of krasnaya of the donetsk people's republic has been liberated. total formation losses zelensky’s number in a week amounted to about 5,800 soldiers, mercenary officers. another 22 tanks, 50 other armored vehicles, as well as about 100 self-propelled guns, howitzers and missile systems,
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mostly of american, polish, czech and german origin, were destroyed. air defense forces shot down over 1,200 combat drones. the troops also carried out about 50 precision strikes. at ukrainian military targets, all targets were hit. but western countries do not supply ukraine with the necessary weapons, because they do not want the kiev regime... in an interview with the washington post, vladimir zelensky admitted that without us help, the ukrainian army
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will be forced to retreat. if there is no support from the united states, this means that we will have no air defense, no patriot missiles, no electronic countermeasures, no 155mm artillery shells. this means that we will return step by step, small steps. vladimir zelensky complained to reporters that the conflict lasted for 2 years. kiev: if the ukrainian armed forces do not carry out a counter-offensive, then russia will move forward. earlier in an interview with cbs news, he first throughout the conflict, he allowed negotiations with moscow to take place. if kiev can reach the border in 2022, that is, before the start of a special military operation. the russian foreign ministry responded to this statement. maria zakharova emphasized the illegitimate position of the ukrainian leader. he’s nervous, he has an election coming up, or there’s no election coming up.
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russia is completely switching to a military economy and massively increasing arms production. i initially spoke out for the supply of weapons to ukraine, now i also advocate that we continue support them. more and more military equipment. however, the head of the nato military committee, ro
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bauer, does not agree with the general panic. he said that he sees no signs that moscow could attack one of the countries of the north atlantic alliance. he emphasized that in his opinion there is no threat of a direct conflict between moscow and nato. natalya goncharova, lead. vagonii, the kiev regime is trying to destroy everything it can reach. this time they decided to erase the decembrists from memory as well. independence, but bulgakov is a native he supposedly hated the ukrainian desire for kiev, but a pseudo-expert from the institute of national remembrance, apparently, does not seem to be an important fact, but they were in a hurry. remember that the writer was deserted from the army of the ukrainian people's republic, now they want to finally get rid of
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the writer's legacy, from books, monuments, geographical names, but suddenly, whoever opens the white guard inadvertently, and will not see the difference between supporters of the kiev regime and the petliurists, white gladia are quite harshly described by the petliurists, the petliurists for the modern ukrainian institute... a threat to the national security of ukraine, the amazing insight of the government officials.
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the institute of national remembrance, yes, it is a state structure, these are officials on a salary, they, russophobia is their profession. the decembrists also came under attack. they, as it turned out, were propagandists of russian imperial policy and were not for an independent ukraine, however, they did not even suspect its existence. it’s absurd to say that someone wanted to preserve ukraine as part of the russian empire when there wasn’t even... such a political concept as ukraine, here we are still talking about a cult or the fight against a cult, well, let’s say, of soviet origin, when the decembrists were used in soviet propaganda as some kind of revolutionaries.
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nobel laureates joseph brodsky and alexander solzhenitsyn did not pass the test for ukrainianism. humanism towards ukraine is enough, or is it taras shevchenko and his poetry in language, but he wrote prose and his personal diary in russian, so maybe he can cancel it too? why, say, theirs is almost their contemporary, let’s say, taras shevchenko does not use the word ukrainian anywhere, that’s how to deal with it, they don’t use it at all, and he doesn’t talk about the state anywhere, although it seems to be...
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sanctions will not be able to restrain rosatom, the head of the state corporation stated this alexey likhachov at the atomexpo site. in sochi, representatives of 75 countries discussed promising cooperation technologies. the results of the largest industry forum in our special report. all the flags are visiting us pushkin once said about such stories: more than 500 people of the more than 70 countries that arrived at atom
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expo 2024, this is the largest forum. in the entire history of this format, among the many numbers that were named during the days of the largest forum of the nuclear industry, the most frequently heard were one, four, fourth generation, the world is preparing to move to the power units of the future, the carmothermal synthesis line, the fabrication module is ready for testing, i ask for your permission for launch, we ask our colleagues.
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this is part of an experimental demonstration energy complex, the first in world practice, where both npp with a fast reactor and on-site closed nuclear fuel cycle. a unique fuel supply, virtually inexhaustible reserves of uranium, plus natural security are giving rise to a completely new economy, we are still in the middle, closer to the beginning of...
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the normal natural state, the one we take from the earth when mining uranium, the one we will return. what our megacities can become , this stand tells, the city of the future: some structures here are easy
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to guess, for example, wind turbines, and some are even misleading, like this one the object, for example, is somewhat similar to a beach or a recreation area, with some kind of cafe, animals are even walking, but if we read the description, we find out that this is a production and technical complex, a high-tech facility for the protection of...
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according to forecasts by 2050 , the installed capacity in the world will increase by about 2 and a half times to almost 900 gw, but the share of nuclear generation in this volume will remain the same, about 9%. we need to find a solution that... russia is one of those countries that is currently building nuclear power plants. power plants within the country outside its borders. so, if we are serious about plans to triple the amount of nuclear energy, i expect russia to play a very important role in this. an integral part of the development strategy of the entire industry is the training of personnel for rosatam and those. who will become nuclear scientists in partner countries, more than 2.0 foreign students from 65 countries are currently studying at the flagship universities of the state corporation, and the formation of the russian technological
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elite is one of the most important tasks: the best physicists and mathematicians are trained at moscow state university tsarov, and obnensk is generally called a place of prayer for nuclear scientists. the number “200 is just the beginning”, but to ensure staff sustainability and project implementation. there were a third more signings of agreements and memorandums than at the previous atomexp ; there were many directions from kyrgyzstan.
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the indian gas and oil industries were essentially founded by the russians and we would like to work with russia to close the modern ones. requests, now we are talking about nuclear energy, where you demonstrate special success, you have great technology experience, and we have a large market. if 10 years ago at atomexpo 2014 they discussed mainly the use of nuclear technologies, a third of the agreements in 2024 are not nuclear business. russia, russia has always supported us and led us to the fact that we are now an independent country, after all. we are one of the last colonies, now we need to save our citizens from diseases and provide them with new technologies. in our country, since 2015, about 20% of citizens suffer from cancer, we
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need new medicine, and we can only hope for friends who will not harm us. but it is, of course, impossible to talk about a fundamental improvement in the quality of life without new environmentally friendly energy sources. on the african continent there are countries with all the energy. the system of which fits into 200 mw, building large nuclear power plants for them is expensive and complex in infrastructure, and therefore the optimal solution for such states can be asm, low-power nuclear power plants, interest in them is only growing every year. they have low energy capacity not because they do not need electricity, but because it’s not there, and as soon as we start building something there, it’s like a chain reaction, setting the pace of economic development for the entire country. they have electricity, it appears. the opportunity to develop some kind of industry, this in turn provokes an even greater increase in the demand for electricity, providing opportunities for further chances. the same place where rosatom builds its
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or a whole family of floating power units for different conditions, with different capacities, for the northern territories we will have two capacities of 106 and 180 mw, for the southern territories we will have one capacity of 100 mw. primorye plans that the demand for electricity will grow significantly. today , approximately 200 to 400 mw of power are being discussed, that is , this corresponds to approximately three to four floating power units that must operate on site. at the forum there was a riot of colors with national motifs in the costumes of delegates and reporters, the latter of whom more than 130 from 27 countries of the world came to atomexpo. and no matter how much people on earth say that it is necessary to introduce sanctions, there are those who, despite the obvious populism, choose such rhetoric in favor of the interests of their countries. there are
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two main reasons. first, in europe there are many countries that use russian nuclear fuel and have similar opinions to ours. but they always agree with us silently, without officially voicing it. second, it is quite obvious that russia remains the main supplier of uranium for the united states. last year, the opinion of some supporters of the introduction of sanctions against nuclear energy russia began to sound less loud. which were nevertheless introduced against russia, it is worth saying thank you, the head of rosatom emphasizes. they spurred moscow and its partners to defend their technological sovereignty even more actively. thus , at atomexpo, russia and belarus signed a comprehensive program of cooperation in the field of nuclear, non-energy and non-nuclear projects. it has many sections, dozens of directions, many of them are already being implemented both in a bilateral format and
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in the format of a union state too. tasks, one of the main conclusions of all forum participants is that solving issues alone takes a long time and is ineffective, the key to success is working together. in the altai territory, a state
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of emergency was introduced due to the flood; approximately 1,000 people were sunk. 100 houses and more than 600 plots about the fight against the elements ekaterina kisser. tonight , more than 80 residents were evacuated from flooded houses in the mikhailovsky district. temporary accommodation points were set up in two schools and branches of the local polytechnic college. first of all, they tried to get pensioners and families with small children out. in to evacuate people, employees of the district administration, law enforcement agencies, the ministry of emergency situations, and social services were involved; a large number were involved. at the moment , more than 600 household plots and 87 houses in nine settlements have been flooded by meltwater in the region, and eight sections of roads have been blocked as a result of meltwater overflow. today a decision was made to introduce a state of emergency in the region. work to stabilize the situation is ongoing. in the mikhailovsky district, where the situation is most serious, they are working operational groups of the headquarters.


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