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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 30, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am MSK

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my grandmother took him to work, and i was on another shift and had to go to her work and pick him up, but he didn’t want to stay at home, he went with his grandmother, some healthy man attacked his grandmother, he ran ahead of the train there , well, how can a child not walk by the hand, but run forward and run, there a man, some kind of maniac, attacks the grandmother, but he beat more than one woman, it turns out he beat up on this bridge, and he defended himself for... he hit the grandmother in a certain place, ran up and said to grandma, let’s run, and that is, in this way he saved grandma, didn’t beat grandma man, how old was he, six, well, it was 2001, we got a job at a construction site with helpers, we were plastering and painting this building. it’s just that we were just starting
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our careers, and the women who worked with us, they were already such cool specialists with great experience, that is, they used up the solution very quickly when they especially threw plaster, and we, our mission was to prevent the solutions from being fed to them with ropes forests, we just sat down there, not maksimushka, but he was the first to just settle down, he was, as he called himself the head of the bru, this concrete-mortar unit, not maksimushka. creative, it’s great for everyone that the daylight is held by you today from the st. george’s hall, now we are not just some abstract allied forces, we are russia with nuclear weapons, today i congratulate everyone, everyone who has lived up to this moment.
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he loved dostoevsky, he always said: “mom, re-read dostoevsky, because when we were young, we read everything, and then there’s no time, no time, i’ll re-read it, he says a lot about christ, well, how would we talk about these topics ?” talked about spiritual things. most of the family library contains history books, biographies, and research on military affairs. and here is the world one.
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he was a good businessman, but very trusting, small business, it also requires investing money, that is, such simple people, as we will say, did not have their own money, they took out loans, and these loan after loan it all came together to the fact that he committed a crime, he never hid his criminal record, but this episode. considered it a mistake and
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he probably decided like this with his friends, now we will win in this, no one, as always, let's say movies. they had seen enough, yes, they came out victorious, but still maxim was very repentant, so one rash shah ruined his reputation, and he repented, and he didn’t kill anyone, as they write on the internet, i personally read the comments myself that they killed everything there, he didn’t kill anyone, not a single person was hurt, i can now say that even those injured people, when i brought money for, well, moral damage, they refused, we say, we understand everything, they ran into the bank and said, you i'm sorry, we won't kill anyone, that's
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that the robbers are so desperate, well, how would they really act like boys, and of course i was just hysterical, but... even with him, of course, he was ashamed in front of me, he knows that i, well, i’m not enough for him something there, and you are so and so, i didn’t tell him this, i just looked at him, and he was already ashamed, and the investigator told me, please don’t scold him, i said it myself, mom, it was some kind of god's provision, that is, it was necessary for something, so that i might, well, know that god is near and get stronger, then there it was like...
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god, he didn’t see odessa on may 2,
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his husband died on april 1, 1914, glory , that is, i think if he had not died on april 1, he would have died on may 2, you know, he would not have survived this, how... they mocked people there, we were afraid, when these hostilities began, it was 20 minutes before us, they didn’t reach us, it’s just that when we arrived, these are women, yes, they’re my age, many said, i say it myself , i’ll take a rifle, i’ll go, he says, well, to fight, here, well , women of my age were against it, but... against this power, which is ukrainian, because they are already, well, people who are in donbass, i don’t know what they are there, how can i explain it better, well , they constantly said on tv, donbass, bandits, there are only bandits here, unworthy here, i
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remember the case, when i was working in a store, he calls me and says, mom, i’m near avdiivka now, we’re sitting in a mine. there’s such a battle going on, pray, please, pray, so, and he says, there’s a very strong shelling, that ’s what i remember, i remember i went under the hill with tears, i prayed, i didn’t know anymore, just how me to pray, he then helped in word and deed, but now i know that he - from heaven helps us with these prayers, because we are orthodox, we know that after physical death a person passes into eternal life, and warriors, they become the ranks of the orthodox army are our prayer books there in heaven, and these are our guardian angels here on earth. many of us who came
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voluntarily, for the most part came voluntarily because of his materials, at least i... before the start of the svo, i began to be interested in this topic, i looked at his blogs, looked blogs his joint streams with him when i was going good. that in donetsk such a phenomenon was formed as
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orthodox units named in honor of saints, we had just begun to emerge the topic of ethereal flying vehicles, we already had fighters who were actively using it, it was dual-purpose , on this combat vehicle max went to work in the donetsk direction, so he made adjustments cannon fire. armored personnel carriers in enemy fortified areas. and i clearly remember that day when max was sitting here, literally, and holding on to the antenna on which he was developing then it’s just a simple coup de grace of a miracle made by hands. and when he arrived at the unit, the guys who looked, they could not believe their eyes that the man who, since 1914, had stood on the borders of our republic throughout the active phase of hostilities, was defending ours. land, our faith, our fatherland, our culture, when the active phase
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of the northern military district began, after he completed combat missions in the mariupol direction, he came to their position in their cops, and not just, as it were, communicate, but one might say with he shared experience. after participating in the hostilities, vladlen understood well what the front needed and responded to people’s desire to help, helped himself as much as he could, because by that time he was already a very popular blogger, listen, well, we’ve been going to the front for a long time, the teachers didn’t know max from the first days, when he died, well , they talked to his wife, his mother, they agreed, they said their names a month later... well, somewhere in the month of may, probably twenty-three
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i don’t remember how you met maxim, the second or third trip here was just after the assault on mariupol had ended, they just wanted to help us somehow peacefully, but we didn’t know anyone here, we contacted max in a telegram, we wrote off, we arrived, he met us, he was there for the unit they brought some for the east...
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this is with respect for a person who began his journey in one direction there, yes, that is, he illuminated, and fought there, these guys, in memory of him, yes, one might say, continue his path , help to the front, of course, this is important, stunned, take pictures. a large number are working, well, from kherson to here they are now along the entire front, there are a lot of them to kharkov, these drones, that is, as it were , that is, what he was developing, what with the supadovites there with the russian drone, it all started. well, it’s been going on all along, well, or rather , it’s now gaining momentum, well, very big even, now we even went with it, these
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cars, self-propelled guns, now that’s all, well, not just that it’s being developed, it’s already working, the cars aren’t not as big as drones, they’re just everywhere, tu, tu, tu, tu, they are simply released and issued to the unit , and many people have already learned how to operate drones themselves. this is an unmanned vehicle that allows you to carry out mining at a distance, lay down mines so that the enemy doesn’t... make a breakthrough, this is exactly one of those ideas that max actively developed, it’s not true that the light is weakening, but you don’t be afraid, let’s live, our life paths crossed with the
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tatar man, with the servant of god maxim, i don’t remember exactly.
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analytics, someone wrote stories feature films, in fact, i am among them in the future, maybe not now, but in the future it would be great to make a feature film about vladlen, it was an honor for me, i’m not sure that they will trust me with this, but i, i would like to with joy, yes, i
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always carry in my memory that i can say that he did for me, he did a lot for the units of the orthodox... saints, in principle, for the pro-military units, a lot of humanitarian aid was sent to the unit nwo zone, thanks to his word, thanks to his uh, help, assistance, here we come to the school where maxim studied, this is our school, ninety-third, uh, now it’s named here, when there were elections, a site named after...
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in history and loved to write essays on russian literature, maxim was a good father who loves children, just well, of course, i wouldn’t want to speak entirely for the children , because we all understand that this is dangerous, but the children are good, the children are smart, the children loved their daddy, and i think... they will also continue it business, well, great for everyone, evening vladlen, guys, so i’ll tell you briefly, he gave it to me... though he
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didn’t actually have a birthday, he sat for a while and we didn’t have time to take a photo, that’s the last time i saw him, he left on business, he said, mom, i ’ll come for a couple of hours now, went to donetsk on business, and he arrived late, called me, “mom, i won’t come to you, i’m so tired, so tired, and he had to leave for moscow in the morning, the last time we talked was about volunteer matters, with me there’s even a recording, i didn’t erase it, thank god, the guys who needed it arrived there were some things to give away, and he asked me when he..." wasn’t here, i always distributed, well, as if i were already starting to figure it out, where are the shanks, where is mavik-2,
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mavik-3, to whom what to give, that is , well, it seemed to help him with this , my heart was still there, of course, i was in a bad mood in the morning, i seemed to feel and say when he called, i was waiting for his call all the time, and he was on the way in st. petersburg.
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and i opened the internet, looked, i didn’t believe it, i thought, well, maybe he ’s alive after all, i ran out when i found out that he was already they said, i ran out into the street , ran, ran, i don’t know where, i basically , i just didn’t know what to do, first of all, alone, here my sister is coming towards me, they already found out and... and faster everything they started coming to me, what did you do? i brought a figurine there, which exploded, who gave you this figurine? can i
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tell you later, i was at just one trial, i couldn’t attend the hearings for health reasons, but i was at one and... this hysterical laughter, i then recovered from it for a week, that is, it’s in my ears it was, and i i just forgive her as a person, who is stupid, like this fifteen-year-old teenager, although she, excuse me, has an education, all this was thought out, well, i don’t even want to, i know that it was planned from the very first, my heart speaks to me about this, there ’s no need to even think about it, poor, unhappy, young, that is, how i would have gone through these
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trials with difficulty, cried all the time, well, in general, i can’t get my son back, well, glory god, he is my hero, he is my hero, my favorite one. hero, i'm very i am grateful to all the people who will not only remember now, but will later remember him, not for this great exaltation, but we simply need examples that young people can look up to, because he is openly everywhere. kept talking to himself, and he said that honesty and dignity and honor are the best things that should be in people, it ’s great for everyone, we’re in control of the evening, let’s
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pray for everyone... those who are now defending the kherson bridgehead, to outlive their own children - this is very difficult, but we will hold on, we will to continue what he wanted to do for our homeland, the enemy will be defeated, victory will be ours, everything bright and clear to everyone, so that everyone has a clear mind, a bright heart, so that god’s love will infuse... every heart and manifest itself through heart, our heart manifested itself to each other, as christ loved us, so we should love each other, great for everyone, this is a continuation of the evening settled, our dear brother, alexey, he came with gifts and said: i don’t want to play the guitar anymore, i want stagger, in short, enemies, he is where it turns pink. like snow
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dancing in the arms of the stars, you wait for me a little, where the fires are, someone is far away, here is god, here is the road so that we are not alone, lonely, we will win everything, bright, clear until the evening.
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fyodor mikhailovich dostoevsky, it was as if he foresaw that in the 21st century a layer of people would appear who are called foreign agents and whom he described in the person of his hero pavel smerdyakov. friday is the foreign agent's birthday. these same people, there is nothing to respect them for, they are enemies, but they are pathetic, we are concentrated and angry. they seem to retain all their attributes.
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.
12:00 am
9 days have passed since the monstrous terrorist attack on the internet. at a spontaneous memorial next to the concert hall, a rally was held in memory of the victims. in total , 144 people became victims of the terrorist attack, and 551 people were injured.


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