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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 31, 2024 1:30am-2:01am MSK

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drugs, here they are analyzed , tested, and after receiving registration documents they are sent for mass production. here on one of the lines they produce a medicine that is used in gynecology. 16.00 bottles per hour, all production and quality control are automated, they even take a photo of each bottle. the screen displays images that are automatically obtained from the inspection machine. which are stored in the memory of the equipment confirm that the drug was produced of high quality, with the appropriate level capping order. the moscow endocrine plant produces 150 types of drugs in fourteen different forms, from the usual capsule tablets to innovative forms, pre-filled single-dose syringes, transdermal patches. this is tens of millions of packages per year. already now we have an increase in the need for domestic ones.
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of the drug, we are actively engaged in import substitution and supplies to 15 foreign countries, so we need new production facilities, we need additional warehouse space, laboratory, and we are extremely interested in the speedy successful completion of our investment projects and construction projects. first of all , we are talking about a new building, which is being built next to the main building of the plant. there will be new laboratory storage facilities equipped according to international pharmaceutical standards. and for the construction of a laboratory-administrative-warehouse complex on sites on novokhakhlovskaya street , maypa has been given the opportunity to participate with a preferential rental rate, and this is a significant assistance to the enterprise in development production capabilities and development of product localization. mayb or large-scale investment project. this is a
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support tool for those companies that are building new or modernizing existing production facilities in moscow. with the help of this program, the construction cycle is shortened, jobs are created faster , budget revenues begin, which means the city’s economy is growing. the whole set of benefits allows investors to quickly enter into the procedure for constructing new production sites, quite cheaply build these production sites. an industrialist, as a rule, has a fairly modest initial capital for the creation and implementation of the technology that he is going to implement. investors whose projects receive maip status receive a reduction in income taxes, are reimbursed for part of the costs of engineering communications, are assisted in paperwork, and most importantly, program participants can rent land for construction without bidding. from 2022 it is only 1 ruble per year. an unprecedented measure for moscow, because ...
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this is the finished product of our plant, a large-sized reinforced concrete module with finished finishing, flooring, the area of ​​such modules reaches up to 100 km, overall dimensions are 6.5 by 15 15 m. and this module represents itself as a ready-made cell of the future kindergarten, floor to
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socket plumbers are installed directly at the factory. at the construction site, such ready-made modules only need to be assembled into a single building. this kindergarten was recently built in izmailovo, it took 11 days. while large-sized blocks are being produced at experimental production, but the craftsmen are already settling into the new workshop, it is very close. the plot for construction was provided under the mayf program. the launches are now underway. this is a full-fledged conveyor, like the auto industry, pallets move in 43 minutes, the specialist who performs the work stands still, does not move anywhere, everything necessary is at hand, a pallet approaches, the operation is completed in 43 minutes, the pallet moves on, a huge area of ​​​​1000 km , when the plant is launched at full capacity, 2,500 will work man, everything here has been thought out so that
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the conveyor works without delays. you still have a second floor here, what is it for? the second floor is pre-production, where reinforcement products and embedded parts are produced. facade structures, engineering systems, but how will they be supplied here from above? for this purpose , special elevators are provided that move both vertically and horizontally. now a residential complex is being built from such modules in new moscow, there are plans to build a residential complex in the north of the capital, plus two schools, two children’s garden and government building. facade structures for your company's facilities. to produce independently, for this purpose another production facility is being built across the road from the main workshop, this site was also leased without bidding, the supply was 1 ruble per year. here we plan to produce façade structures, and one of the unique lines is the decoration of façade cassettes, that is
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, absolutely any pattern can be applied to cassettes or metal cassettes, imitating wood or stone, which is visually indistinguishable from natural material. it is planned that already the workshop will begin work in october. it will be possible to launch the object faster than usual. businesses use the green corridor. this is a special regime of approvals and examinations for companies that are building or reconstructing factories and factories in moscow. in total , the investment and construction cycle was reduced by 49%. this means that we have doubled the speed of construction of an industrial facility thanks to this. that they removed unnecessary procedures that certainly had their own content, but they can be performed in parallel with others procedures, which actually gives us time savings and saves money for the investor. this company has just begun
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construction of a new plant under the maip program; the company produces wooden facades and also makes boards for terraces. such products are used in construction and improvement of street spaces. it is important that the material is strong and durable; this is achieved through heat treatment. heat treatment temperature of about 200°, after which the wood acquires innovative properties, polysaccharides evaporate from it, it is not subject to rotting, that is, putrefactive processes are slowing down, and bugs cannot eat the nutrient medium that is no longer there. this is why the board becomes... now the production is located in lukhovitsy near moscow; about 10 thousand km of innovative materials are produced there every month. after construction is completed, the difficult stages of wood processing will be left in the region, but the finishing stages will be transferred to the capital, to a new workshop. and
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already here we will give precisely this the board has a profile, that is, profiling - this is this drawing, that is, or it will be a smooth board. it will have slots depending on the tasks, and here highly qualified employees are required to ensure that everything is neat there with a minimum amount of cancer. this meat processing plant is also a large-scale investment project. the workshops are cold so that the meat does not spoil; the room temperature does not rise above +4°. about 300 types of pork, beef and chicken products are produced here. we do it both for their brands and also for the needs of other companies. what does this mean? we sell meat to meat processing plants for sausages, we also sell meat in bulk, so that this meat simply ends up on the counter of either stores or markets. the company started operating last year, now employs more than 300
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people, and plans to recruit another 150 employees. throughout 2022, we have been introducing modern technologies for meat quality control and the ability to track it. from the conveyor to the end consumer, at this time we are currently processing 2,500 tons, but we plan to eventually reach 5,600 tons per month, and a year ago, under the mayb program, the company leased another 2.5 hectare plot next to the existing workshop, the outlines of the new production are already visible. you could say this is a new plant for the production of canned food in a tin, stewed meat. well , you will also produce animal feed here, and what volume do you expect, we expect to produce up to 10 million cans per month, and how many people will work here? it is planned to work from 400 human. as for the timing of the project, when will construction be completed? we are on track, we will complete the project in 2026. according to
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the mayb program, the capital's first industrial complex of food production is being built. this four-story building will house confectionery shops, bakeries and... kitchen factories; the complex is being built taking into account all sanitary and technological nuances. there are separate elevator groups that allow you to move finished products separately. which gives greater flexibility to enterprises for the placement of technological processes. the complex is being built near the northwestern highway. transport accessibility is a fundamental factor, because for the food industry it is especially important to deliver products to customers or to the counter as quickly as possible. according to the technology, this building provides for an underground floor, where there is a delivery area for the courier. recently
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, the moscow caffeine chain received permission to build its own complex; on the site, which is located in the west of the capital and was leased without bidding, land work is already underway, as will be, technical the director shows on drawings and sketches. the first floor is a nariya, the second floor is a confectionery and bakery, and there is also a four-story built-in administrative and amenity complex. the total capacity of the facility is approximately 13 tons per day. more than 500 highly qualified people will work here. food , building materials, medicines, as well as cosmetics, clothing, electronics. measures to support large-scale investment projects were in demand among investors in various fields. directly. currently under construction more than 25 new production facilities with maip status
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, this is the best indicator in the entire history of the program, and the city continues to accept applications for participation, and we are with gifts, where did all this come from, you’re retired, the vtb pension rate for pensioners on a vtb savings account is already up to 18% per annum vtb together everything will work out. we are going on vacation, and we are going, for the third year, so open a vtb savings account, the rate is 16%, save up faster, this night our friend has already been forced to get up several times to admire the stars, my friend, if more than twice you get up at night, apalase, at the first symptoms of the prostate, afalase. afalase is a modern drug for early treatment. prostate adenoma, let's do it this way, and now
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it's a beast, there's another idea, of course, let's count the payment, legal, without a qr code for a long time, with vtb online, the camera itself calculates everything, well, how did it happen, of course, also 10% cashback received from a free vtb debit card, vtb, together everything will work out, with yota you can speed up, with yota you can do anything. for a maximum of 50 gigs per 2,000 minutes for 399 rubles you can yota want to become a modern individual entrepreneur and not pay commission from the transfer to a cash account, then open a business account at sportmaster has collected all sports in one application. turn on the activity tracker to run, walk, receive prizes and bonuses for your activity and spend them on purchases. sportmaster is a digital sports platform.
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hurray, we've arrived! finally, how you have grown! now to the point? this is for you, granddaughter, and this is for you, take it! where does all this come from, you are retired, and you registered your pension with vtb. and there the rate for pensioners on a vtb savings account is up to 18% per annum. how skinny have you become? fine. it's faster and more convenient. thank you for teaching me, it’s still who taught whom, vtb, together everything will work out.
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all the flags are visiting us, pushkin once said about such stories, more than 500 people from more than 70 countries arrived at atomexpo. 2024, this is the thirteenth forum, the largest in the history of this format. among the many numbers that were mentioned during the largest forum of the nuclear industry, the ones most often heard were one, four, fourth generation, the world is preparing to move to the power units of the future. line
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carpothermic synthesis, fabrication modules. ready for testing, i ask for your permission to start, we ask our colleagues to begin work on the first facility of the breakthrough project of the fourth generation of nuclear energy project, please start, initial temperature 20°, communications sochi, seversk, tomsk region , the site where the breakthrough project is being implemented. energy complex, the first in world practice, where both a nuclear power plant with a fast reactor and an on-site closed nuclear fuel cycle are built on one site. unique
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fuel supply, virtually inexhaustible reserves of uranium, plus natural security give rise to absolutely nothing. on the new economy, we are still in the middle, closer to the beginning in terms of the cost of electricity, i really hope that the fourth generation will be a leader not only in environmental and technological, but in economic parameters of electricity. the international atomic energy agency specifically emphasizes that these are new security parameters, and several of its aspects at once, from the point of view of non-proliferation, the plutonium burns up in the process, which means it cannot be removed from the site. from the point of view of the ecological footprint, another important feature of this new generation is that these fast reactors, they are capable of transmuting, burning out the most active elements, 0.1%, minor actinides, fast reactors are capable of converting them into stable states, and we
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will give radiotoxicity to the normal natural state, which one do we take? from the ground during uranium mining, we will return this. this stand tells what our megacities can become, the city of the future. some designs here are easy to guess, for example, wind turbines. some are even misleading: this object, for example, is somewhat similar to a beach or a recreation area, with some kind of cafe, an animal is even walking, but if we read the description, we find out that this is a production and technical complex, a high-tech facility to protect nature, waste should be recycled here, in general the topic of the environment is extremely
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important for atomexpo, waste recycling is only one of the aspects of the ecology track, in the business part. forms experts assessed the role business and the state in preserving it, what they do for this in different countries and how technology coexists with living nature. perhaps the most discussed stand at atomexpo is iceberg, it is dedicated to the northern sea route, here you can really feel as if you are walking on an icebreaker, the wind is constantly howling, and it’s really not hot here, only the most frost-resistant can withstand this temperature. according to magata's forecasts, by 2050 the installed capacity in the world will increase by approximately 2.5 times to almost 900 gw, but the share of nuclear generation in this volume will remain the same at about 9%. we need to find a solution that will allow us to increase this figure. russia is one of those
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countries that is currently building nuclear power plants within the country outside its borders. one of the most important tasks of the best physicists and mathematicians is being prepared by the tsarov mku, and obninsk is generally called a place of prayer for nuclear scientists. the number 200 is only for...
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close modern queries. now we and we would like to work with russia so that we talk about nuclear energy, where you demonstrate special success. you have
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great technology experience, and we have a large market. if 10 years ago at atomexpo 2014 they mainly discussed the use of nuclear technologies, a third of the agreements in 2024 will not be nuclear business. supported and led us to the fact that we are now an independent country, because we are one of the last colonies, now we need to save our citizens from diseases, provide them with new technologies. in our country, since 2015, about 20% of citizens suffer from cancer, we need new medicine, and we can only hope for friends who will not harm us. but talk about a fundamental improvement in the quality of life without new ones. eco-friendly energy sources, of course, are not possible. there are countries on the african continent whose entire energy system is 200 mw. building large nuclear power plants for them is expensive and difficult in terms of infrastructure.
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therefore, the optimal solution for such states may be acm, nuclear power plants, of low power. interest in them is only growing every year. they have low energy capacity not because they do not need electricity, but because she's not there. and as soon as we start building something there, it’s like a chain reaction, it sets. the pace of development of the economy of the entire country, they have electricity, it becomes possible to develop some kind of industry, this in turn provokes an even greater increase in the demand for electricity, providing opportunities for further chances. in the same place where rosatom builds its bestsellers, the reference power units vvr 1200, they note that cooperation with moscow is quite complete. at the end of last week, hungary began testing the casting technology the first concrete for asp2 already. the transfer of heavy high-tech equipment and melt traps is underway. in egypt , all four blocks of the future eldaba nuclear power plant are already at the construction stage. this year we
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are also expecting two big events. this is the installation of the melt trap of the third block asltba installation of the melt trap of the fourth block. we will implement this in accordance with the schedule. we are currently implementing all key events in the construction of asldba in accordance with the schedule. and, of course, the state corporation will have advanced technologies apply in russia. an agreement was signed with the authorities of the primorsky territory on joint work on the new development of the energy system of the far east through the supply of floating power units. we have developed a whole family of floating power units for different conditions with different capacities, for the northern territories, we will have two capacities of 106 and 180 mw for the southern ones. we will have one capacity of 100 mw. primorye plans that the demand for electricity will grow significantly. today, approximately 200 to 400
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megawatts of power are being discussed, that is, this corresponds to approximately three to four power units that should be operating on site. at the forum there is a riot of colors with national motifs, in the costumes of the delegates and reporters of the latter at atomexpo. they always agree with us silently, without officially voicing it. second, it is quite obvious that russia remains the main supplier of uranium for the united states. last year , the opinion of some supporters of the introduction of sanctions
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was against. thank you, the head of rusatom emphasizes, they spurred moscow and its partners to defend their technological sovereignty. so, at atomexpo, russia and belarus signed a comprehensive program of cooperation in the field of nuclear, non-energy and non- nuclear projects. it has many sections, dozens of directions.
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the new direction involves setting and solving new problems; one of the main conclusions of all forum participants is that it takes a long time and is ineffective to solve problems alone, the key to success is working together.
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hello, i am boris akimov, and i am oleg stepanov, and we, the creators of the russia 2062 project of the free thought headquarters, together with experts, we we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years. see you in the future.
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investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people, we often talk about money, the amounts are serious, in russia there is a clear and clear signal, is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers, it is necessary to mobilize all resources, give me a recipe in general, this is how to achieve what you have achieved, it seems to you that you are on top of the world, got up, dusted yourself off, is russia ready? change occurs in any structure evolution, arrival, artillery, these ukrainian gangs are hitting the city, we were waiting for russia, they fired at us heavily, it’s scary, i’ll tell you right away, the engine
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jumped out. this is a dog that survived the war, she is a combat veteran , we had nowhere to run, we didn’t want to run away from the city, we didn’t want to run away from our city, we arrived, just like that our car burned down, they are giving out compensation, we have already received 180,000, of course there are more people more, many are returning, at the moment we are engaged in the private sector, apartment buildings, blood glazing. the house is the whole house, we need to work, because everything here is original, 9 days have passed since the monstrous terrorist attack in kroku city hall, at a spontaneous memorial next to the concert hall, they held an action in memory
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of the victims, that’s all. there were 144 terrorist attacks there and 551 people were injured.


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