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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 31, 2024 2:00am-2:30am MSK

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we had nowhere to run, we didn’t want to run away from the city, we had just arrived, and our car burned down, they are giving out compensation, we have already received 180 thousand, of course there are more people, many are returning, at the moment we are engaged in the private sector , apartment buildings, bloody glazing, all the houses, you have to work, because everything here is original. nine days have passed since the monstrous terrorist attack in kroku city hole, at a spontaneous memorial next to the concert hall, a rally was held in memory of the victims. total victims of terrorist attacks 144 people were killed, 551 people were injured.
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19:52 at this moment on march 22 , the first shots were heard in the concert hall in krasnogorsk, on the ninth day after the monstrous terrorist attack there was a minute of silence and music near the walls of the krokuhol. orchestra conducted by valery gergiev. performs, barely holding back tears , natalya skisova tells about that terrible evening, she received tickets to the picnic concert as a gift, she remembers her salvation as a miracle, we survived thanks to the security guard alexei, who did not abandon us in difficult times.
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igor tolpekin was just approaching concert hall, when the terrorists had already left it, they rammed the whole family in a car; eight-year-old ilya suffered the most. after two operations, the boy is recovering; the young hockey fan, his father is sure, is greatly helped by the support of sports stars. you can’t imagine how it heals my son when he sees idols who say hello to him, who help, who come to the hospital. they give up all
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their business, preparing for the playoffs, guys, you have no idea, i want to end with the words of the hero from the iconic film brother, i found out that i have a huge family, it’s you, low bow to you, the rain could not interfere with the funeral ceremony, the petals of the crocus, which comes off the flower, turn into white cranes and fly up, these are the souls of the dead, go to heaven. orthodox believe that on the ninth day, when purification begins for the soul of the deceased, those who continue their earthly path should pray for consolation for the deceased. panekhidas were held throughout the country, including at the walls of the concert hall. let's pray to the lord.
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they came to honor the memory of the dead crocus representatives of 130 diplomatic missions and international organizations working in russia, even those countries that have been pursuing openly hostile policies towards moscow in recent years. the world shares the pain of russians for the people of our country, the tragedy of march 22 is thousands of ruined destinies, the pain of millions of people, but russia will never be able to intimidate anyone, millions of russians respond to such attempts with even greater unity. khramtsova, inna loshonova, dmitry arkhangelsky, danila klishchevsky. to the action of memory, we are together, residents from different areas joined. in rostov
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, nadano laid flowers at the monument to mother and child, laid candles on the square, and an image of a crane, the word we mourn. in berabidzhan, residents brought flowers to the spontaneous. memorial at the cathedral, they honored the memory of the victims with a minute of silence. residents of khabarovsk gathered on komsomolskaya square and lit a fiery picture with the silhouette of a crane with the inscription “we mourn in khabarovsk.” the russian army repulsed about 100 attacks in so in a week, the situation in all directions of the front has been improved, and another settlement has been liberated
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red donetsk people's republic. the total losses of zelensky’s formation over the week amounted to about 5,800 soldiers and mercenary officers. another 22 tanks, 52 other armored vehicles, as well as about 100 self-propelled guns, howitzers and missile systems, mainly of american, polish, czech and german production, were destroyed; air defense forces shot down over 1,200 combat drones. but there is an opinion: western countries do not supply ukraine with the necessary weapons, because they do not want the kiev regime to win. german military observer bilt julian wrote about this on social networks. röbke. it is impossible to suspect him of sympathizing with moscow. honestly admitted that zelensky’s actions led to the destruction of the country. dreams of a successful offensive in the ukrainian armed forces ended in complete collapse. ryobkie believes that the russian army will achieve its goals. the western press is describing kiev's failures more and more frankly. with details natalya goncharova. the situation at
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the front for the ukrainian armed forces is becoming more complicated every day. in an interview with the washington post, vladimir zelensky admitted without us help, the ukrainian army would be forced to retreat. if not outside support. for the united states, this means that we will not have air defense, no missiles for the patriot air defense system, no electronic jammers, no 15mm artillery shells. this means that we will return step by step in small steps. vladimir zelensky complained to journalists that kiev had learned from the conflict in 2 years. if the ukrainian armed forces do not carry out a counter-offensive, then russia will move forward. earlier, in an interview with cbs news, he admitted this for the first time during the conflict. holding negotiations with moscow if kiev is able to withdraw on the border of 2022, that is, before the start of a special military operation. the russian foreign ministry responded to this statement. maria zakharova emphasized the illegitimate position of the ukrainian leader. he’s nervous,
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he has an election coming up, or there’s no election coming up. even though vladimir zelensky has started talking about negotiations in the european union, no matter what, they will try to prolong the conflict. the head of the german foreign ministry, annalena berbak, accused. every day is a day of death, and there is no end in sight; on the contrary, russia is completely switching to a war economy and massively increases arms production. i initially supported the supply of weapons to ukraine, now i also advocate that
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we continue to support them with more and more military equipment. however, the head of the nato military committee, ro bauer, does not agree with the general panic. he stated that he did not see any. signs that moscow may attack one of the countries of the north atlantic alliance. he emphasized that in his opinion there is no threat of a direct conflict between moscow and nato. natalya goncharova, lead. but in the carriage there is the kyiv regime tries to destroy everything he can reach. this time they decided to erase the decembrists, as well as bulgakov and brodsky, glinka and solzhenitsyn, from the memory. monuments were ordered to be destroyed and books burned. about the hysteria of the nazis by evgeny petrukhin. an imperialist and an ardent ukrainophobe, that’s how the commission of the ukrainian institute of national security presented mikhail bulgakov, he supposedly hated the ukrainian desire for independence, and yet bulgakov is a native of kiev, but a pseudo-expert from the institute of national memory, this is an important fact, judging by
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overall, it doesn’t seem, but they hastened to remember that the writer was deserted from the army of the ukrainian people’s republic, and now they want to finally get rid of the writer’s legacy, from books, memory. the described petliurists, the petliurists for modern ukraine, the institute of national memory, are ideal heroes, defenders of an independent ukraine against the damned muscovites. in bulgakov they are rather cruel to the point of senselessness. bulgakov really lived in kiev, he is closely connected with this city, but bulgakov’s kiev is a russian city. didn’t please either his music that... it turns out to be a quote:
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a threat to the national security of ukraine, the amazing insight of the government officials. the institute of national memory, yes, it is a state structure, these are officials on a salary, they, russophobia is their profession, the decembrists also came under attack, they, as it turned out, are propagandists of russian imperial policy.
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nibble within the power team, that’s why they are looking with all their might for the enemies of ukraine, they have to
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exterminate someone, it doesn’t work at the front, so at least on the website of the ukrainian institute national memory. evgenia petrukhina, olga alvukhina, lead. hurray, we’ve finally arrived, how much you’ve grown! and now to the point , this is for you, granddaughter, and this is for you, here you go, where did all this come from, you are retired, and you applied for a pension at vtb, and there the rate for pensioners on a vtb savings account is up to 18% per annum, how skinny you have become , and good, dad, i want to be like my grandfather, rich in retirement, vtb, together everything will work out, magnet, price, what you need, russian sausages 99.99, do you want to become a modern individual entrepreneur and not pay a commission? transfers to a personal account, then open an account for business on, we
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are going on vacation, and we are going, for the third year, so open a vtb savings account, the rate is 16%, save up faster, my friend, hello, as promised, today we are preparing pilaf, hey, hey, oil is not the first day, oh, i need to transfer money home, by the way, it’s better to transfer it from vtbl. it’s faster and more convenient, thank you for teaching me, this is someone else who taught whom, together everything will work out, it tastes better on fire, and we are with gifts, where did all this come from, you’re retired, vtb pensioner rate for pensioners on funded vtb account up to 18% a year, everything will work out.
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to divert suspicion from kiev and maximize the false trail that leads zelensky’s non-special services to somewhere else, this is exactly the task that european, american and ukrainian media are performing, literally flooding the information space with misinformation about the terrorist attack in crocus city hall, we will tell you more about everything right now in the program stop fake. on russia-24. so, don’t you dare blame ukraine, the isis group is to blame. identical publications appeared in most popular magazines within a few days. foreign publications, be it or not. the german newspaper bild, the british guardian, the french france 24 or the washington post, whose authors, perhaps, worked out the methodology especially clearly, say that russia plunged too deeply into a special military operation in ukraine and missed the blow from radical islamists. the narrative is obvious: it would be better if our military and security forces focused on militants with black banners instead of
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dealing with the ukrainian threat. it just sounds weird. firstly, because that is directly in the ranks. the fsu has enough characters with the symbols of the same isis and the western media, for example, danish, talked about them, and secondly, it itself lost the territory that it had a few years ago, that is, essentially as territorial structure, it has not existed for a long time, but in essence it is a networked international terrorist organization, of course, a terrorist attack of such a scale, well, with such an idea and carried out in such a way, it’s already... for many years - isis has not demonstrated anything like this, and that means i can immediately say, what it was him in the first minutes, but it was of course very, very suspicious. someone may object, if the pseudo-caliphate has nothing to do with it, then how can one explain the photo where the attackers of the crocus take an oath to him, however, here too the content is frankly dubious , the oath is accompanied by the index
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finger of the left hand raised in the air, in the east it is considered dirty, and must be raised accordingly right finger, picture. definitely not mirrored, the arabic inscription on the background is readable as it should be from right to left, but if these are at least nuances for connoisseurs, then the video, in which isis seems to take responsibility, any amateur will expose it. we will kill kefirs and mushliks wherever we can until all muslim lands gain freedom and establish sharia law. to allah, this video, like any ukrainian fake that comes from tsypso, was made by hand, in a hurry, there are, of course, ... human errors, there are inaccuracies, there is, including an accent that does not correspond for those who were detained, this is a cover operation, but in order to show the whole world, here look, our versions are still working, there are already videos where representatives of isis declare jihad, declare a holy war on the infidels,
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including russia, which fought against isis, the long ears of a chick are poor to the naked eye, but they give themselves away... of course, kiev's cover-ups in washington. notice how the white house managed to change its shoes several times. first, they recalled that they warned moscow about upcoming terrorist attacks, specifically at the concert, then they abruptly turned on the reverse, supposedly they really didn’t know anything, but the warnings were disseminated just like that, just in case, well, the speaker of the biden administration, john kirby, in the first minutes after the terrorist attack, made a very peculiar statement. obviously, there are people in moscow and russia who do not agree with this. the united states against the so-called armed opposition, here, of course, the question arises, where did such assumptions suddenly come from even before the version about isis. please note that at the same time the attack on the belgorod region begins, at 19:55 there is an attack on crocus city hall, at
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the same time there is a powerful blow to belgorod roll forward, that is, they... worked in two directions, and this version, it could have remained the main one, if the militants had left for the territory of ukraine, and it is no longer clear what they would say there, they were preparing to be greeted there as heroes, which means they if they were given a platform , they could say that they are against some kind of russian occupation, meanwhile, the count of small stuffing goes into tens, if not hundreds, which is worth the speculation of garbage dumps, probably associated with the oligarch foreign agent khodorkovsky in the spirit of, as if near.. .rokus were on duty the police and they didn’t come to help, in fact the van turned out to be a carriage, but the cunning schemers did not hesitate to cover up the cross on its back door and the typical ambulance markings on the side doors, in addition , the special transport of the ministry of internal affairs has different glazing and body shapes, or so. foreign agents ilya korosilchik and morat gelman simultaneously write on social networks: the detained terrorists are not real, and
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their testimony was extracted from them by some kind of intimidation. by the way, your absurd character posts. was not deleted even after the video from the phone appeared in the public domain one of the criminals, where the identities of all four are clearly confirmed, here are the fantastic speculations of the trash, according to which the terrorist attack was coordinated by an fsb officer in a blue sweater and he then detained the criminals. in fact, the man works as an ordinary builder, attended the concert with his daughter, and now, of course, he’s surprised. the fact that now they are drawing all sorts of pictures about me on the internet. well, this is, of course, vile, arrogant, i don’t understand with what words one can comment on all this miracle. well and the telegram channel war on fake news dug even deeper to compare the appearance of this person with the one who intercepted the terrorists. in the baryansky forest they differ in hairstyles, nose shape, and physique, the first does not have a beard, and the second does, there is a conspiracy theory, and not only normal people are shocked by it, but also the extremist foreign agent
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dobrokhotov, and even he , being the editor-in-chief of a foreign agent, a cia drain, the insider, knows a lot about the wildest conspiracy theories, this is the narrative that is now beneficial for splitting society, to show that presidents, authorities and security forces are separated from the people. this is the version that was promoted, promoted by the opposition , which fled to the west at the time of its beginning, it is, in principle, typical, nothing has been forgotten, we of course remember, yes, how it was 20 years ago, more than 20 years ago, now they use such the same technology, but the records of cannibalistic cynicism are perhaps broken by the ukrainian agency unian, its editors imagined the movement of a bag containing the body of a man killed by terrorists, which means there is a living actor inside, tired of lying on the ground, but the truth is not in the full version of the video... note that at the time of filming a strong wind was blowing, which caused part of the ill-fated bag to sway. and even with banal geography, knowledgeable fake-throwers have serious problems; some were smart enough to claim
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that the terrorists were not heading to ukraine, but to belarus. in order to be sure of this, it is enough to briefly study the map. the perpetrators of the terrorist attack took the m-3 highway near the village of hatsun, bryad region, from where it is about 140 km or an hour and a half at highway speed, right to the ukrainian border, and... the criminals could have proceeded to the belarusian border along a completely different route; they would have had to drive onto a country road near navli, then move in the direction of the specific villages, turn towards trubchevsk and further to the novozybkov area. this is no longer one and a half hundred kilometers, but as much as 260. the route is much more difficult and, unlike the federal highway, you can’t really accelerate along it. in addition, according to alexander lukashenko, the belarusian security forces at that time were already aware of the events and opened a window for the killers. not were going to, and why did they run towards ukraine, that’s what they wanted to see there and what they wanted to find, because they knew that they were waiting there, it also
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speaks in favor of the ukrainian version, the white house itself, the white house itself actually confirmed the ukrainian trace , when from the first seconds he began to deny the participation of ukraine, and third, these are the mailings that they carried out for schoolchildren, but this is a classic scheme of ukrainian agents who are engaged in this psychological... epic explosions in the capital of the independent on march 25 zelensky’s total censorship failed to drown out, so klitschko’s measure had to start the usual anti-crisis record. on the one hand, he said that three missiles hit...
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the flight and the missiles, their condition, yes, their technical condition, leads to the fact that they simply take off, fall and thereby destroy houses, this is repeatedly captured on video and in photographs . however, if the peaceful development could really be damaged by the notorious calculations for the republic of kazakhstan, then the goals of our high-precision weapons were military. holy shit, it's right under the house. already after arrival. in the event of a fire, secondary detonations are clearly audible, which is quite typical for places where weapons and ammunition are stored, and another building, which they wanted to pass off as literally an element of a private residential sector,
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for some reason turned out to be surrounded by barbed wire, and in general the hit locations, no matter how much they were hidden, very eloquent in the pechersky district, next to the arsenalnaya metro station , the sbu directorate is located, and another headquarters of the kiev gestapo is located 2.5 km near the st. sophia cathedral, in addition, on mikhail boychuk street... according to available data the civil defense headquarters was destroyed, where the sbu officers were again hiding. it was loud in the dnieper region, near rybalsky island, and, as you know, the office of the gur terrorist budanov operates there. there are interesting targets in the solomensky district, this is the patrimony of the ministry of defense of ukraine, and finally it could not do without the defeat of the zhulyany airport. it is considered a convenient platform for air defense systems in the open area; nothing interferes with the radars; the vehicles themselves were repeatedly hidden in huge hangars, including. so that even the videos
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don’t leak too much, this speaks of work our intelligence that they eat their bread and butter not in vain, but at the right moment, when no one was waiting, they worked for these purposes, a similar picture in odessa, according to the assurances of the bandera authorities, russian weapons attacked a recreational area by the sea, which led to injuries four civilians, but let's listen. secondary detonations, hence the conclusion: it was not umbrellas and sun loungers that were stored on the beach, but the regime is shaking not only for the safety of weapons, because energy units are of no less interest to our daggers with iskanders, which in recent days have also been given a hard time, although the ukrainian departments responsible for their operation are putting a good face on a bad game, saying that the engineers manage to soften the shutdown schedules, or even create some kind of backup schemes , in short, everything is presented as if
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situation. role, but in this case, why did the junta increase the import of energy from abroad to record levels, and she herself admitted this, the same thing happened with the infrequencies that spilled across kiev, the same thing happened with the kiev metro, metro, yes, that is on any emergency, for any problem that arises in the kiev regime, they keep saying, everything is fine, everything is under control, there cannot be anything else, just not standards, not classical information sources, as such they are, strictly speaking social network. serves as a source of truthful information. and in some places the scale of destruction is so great that even the masters of averting their eyes, there is no way to hide them, a vivid example of the consequences of the attacks on the dnieper hydroelectric power station. it is known for certain that ges-2 received critical damage, the turbine room was blown up and electrical equipment was disabled, and the work of ges-1 was stopped even earlier. thus , the power system of the kiev regime lost about 1,600 mw, which is about. 10%
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of the total generation on paper seems to be not much, since 50% is generated by nuclear power plants, and 40% by thermal ones, but in reality only dnepro-hpp had the ability to carry out so-called energy maneuvers, for example, to cover the electricity shortage in the evenings in a matter of minutes, when everyone turns on the lights. now ordinary coal generators will have to take over this function, and they need from 10 to 12 hours to increase power in order to compensate for the load, so long-term... scouts are inevitable, especially since thermal power plants also came from the heart. the main generating capacity of kharik was tets-5, yes, in general, a gas thermal power plant, the power plant received very heavy damage, not a single hit, specifically on the generating capacities, it will not be possible to quickly restore it, because there - a turbine, a generator - these are not things that can simply be installed new within
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a short time. how does it work with transformers, but within a week or two, it will take them months, maybe even years. however, while the remnants of electricity and access to the internet, apparently, are still enough to concoct hokey fakes, here’s a new video with the participation of sergei lavrov, who swore obscenities in a recent interview with andrei kondrashov for the documentary belgrade. of course, politics is a dirty business and sometimes you have to working not just with morons, with... what is there to hide? look at the same joe biden, self-propelled grandfather, he doesn’t know where he is, and i ’m not even sure that he’s even washed. and i’m generally silent about the kiev farm. as they ironically noted on smolenskaya square, in essence , one could agree with much of what was said, but still the minister of foreign affairs prefers to keep his emotions to himself, and the video was re-voiced by artificial intelligence. we then declared loudly.
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it is open that we have no problems with countries joining the european union, in different from the expansion of the north atlantic alliance, but over the past few years , long before the special military operation, the european union has become different, what can you say, another reason to remind you that nowadays, when everyone has learned to use neural networks, absolutely everything needs to be checked for authenticity, otherwise it’s too there is a high risk of falling for ridiculous fakes or deep fakes,


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