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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 31, 2024 4:00am-4:30am MSK

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everyone, four children, ex-husband, at work, endless stress, vasnetsova, why are you always nothing but problems, let’s sign up and watch. protect your home by installing a fire alarm. safety starts with you, russian emergency situations ministry. 9 days have passed since the monstrous terrorist attack in crocus city hall. a memorial event was held at a spontaneous memorial next to the concert hall.
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dead. in total, 144 people became victims of the terrorist attack, and 551 people were injured. 19:52. at this moment on march 22 , the first sounds were heard in the concert hall in krasnogorsk. shots. on the ninth day after the monster. minute of silence and music. the orchestra conducted by valery gergiev performs sergei prokofiev. natalya skisova, barely holding back tears, talks about that terrible evening. tickets for the picnic concert. she received her salvation as a gift and remembers it as a miracle. we survived thanks to. to the security guard
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alexey asanushkin, who did not abandon us in difficult times. when he felt bad, he still came back for us and took us out of there. i am grateful to him for not leaving my children without a mother. i am also grateful to alexey kolobanov, who pulled me out of the smoke when i fell, when we ran to save ourselves, i fell, lost consciousness, he pulled me out. also grateful to the traffic police. who helped us along the way when i fainted - the hospital named after inozemtsev, to all the doctors who met us there. igor tolpekin’s family was just approaching the concert hall when the terrorists had already left it; they rammed the whole family in a car; eight-year-old ilya suffered the most. after two operations , the boy is recovering, young fan hockey, his father is sure, the support of sports stars helps a lot. you have no idea how this is healing my son. when he sees
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his idols who say hello to him, who help him, who come to the hospital, who drop everything they’re doing and their preparation for the playoffs. guys, you have no idea, i want to end with the words of the hero from the cult film brother, i found out that i have a huge family, it’s you, low bow to you, the rain could not interfere with the funeral ceremony, the crocus petals, which tear off from the flower, turn into ... v white cranes fly up, these are the souls of the dead, go to heaven. orthodox believe that on the ninth day, when purification begins for the soul of the deceased, those who continue their earthly path should pray for consolation for the deceased. panekhida was served throughout the country, including at the walls of the concert hall. let's pray to the lord.
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russia, even those countries that have been pursuing openly hostile policies towards moscow in recent years, share the pain of russians all over the world. for the people of our country, the tragedy of march 22 means thousands of destroyed the fate of millions of people will be painful, but russia will never be able to intimidate anyone. millions of russians respond to such attempts with even greater unity. khramtsova, inna loschonova, dmitry arkhangelsky, danilo klishchevsky.
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to lead the memory action, we were joined together by residents of different cities, as well as volunteers of the victory. in rostov-on-don, flowers were laid at the monument to mother and child. it's laid out on the square. made from flowers, an image of a crane, the word we mourn. in berobidzhan, residents brought flowers to a spontaneous memorial near the cathedral, we honored the memory of the victims with a minute of silence. residents of khabarovsk gathered on komsomolskaya square and lit a fiery picture with the silhouette of a crane with the inscription “we mourn in khabarovsk.” in a week, the russian army repelled about 100 attacks in so, the situation in all directions
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of the front was improved, another settlement was liberated - krasnaya in the donetsk people's republic, the total losses of zelensky's formation in a week amounted to about 5,800 soldiers. another 22 tanks, 50 other armored vehicles, as well as about 100 self-propelled guns, howitzers of missile systems, mainly american, polish, czech and german production. air defense forces shot down over 1,200 combat drones, and troops also carried out more than fifty precision strikes. from march 23 to march 30, the armed forces of the russian federation carried out one massive attack. and 57 group strikes with high-precision, long -range land-based, sea- based airborne weapons, including hypersonic zircon missiles , kinzhal aroballistic missiles, as well as unmanned aerial vehicles on ukrainian military facilities
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and the infrastructure supporting them. in as a result of the strikes, enterprises of the military-industrial complex, decision-making centers of the armed forces of the security service of ukraine, and the workshop were affected. production of unmanned boats, arsenals, fuel depots, air defense, energy facilities, as well as temporary deployment points for special operations forces of foreign mercenaries. strike targets achieved: all designated targets hit. well, here’s another opinion: western countries do not supply ukraine with the necessary weapons, because they do not want the kiiz regime to win. about german military observer bilt julian wrote this on his social networks. ryobka, it is impossible to suspect him of sympathizing with moscow. honestly admitted that zelensky’s actions led to the destruction of the country. dreams of a successful offensive in the ssu ended in complete collapse. the roebks believe that the russian army will achieve its goals. those who try to criticize the zelensky regime in ukraine
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are quickly silenced. this is already reported by the french figaro. he notes that more and more ukrainian journalists are being pressured and receiving threats. if you can't intimidate, reporters are eliminated. over 2 years, over 70 press workers were killed. journalists were also denied access to information about problems in the ukrainian army. this adds figaro. the western press is increasingly describing kiev’s failures in all areas. with details natalya goncharova. the situation at the front for the ukrainian armed forces is becoming more complicated every day. in an interview with the washington post, vladimir zelensky admitted without us help, the ukrainian army would be forced to retreat. if there is no support from the us, this means that we will have no air defense, nor missiles for the patriot air defense system, no electronic jamming equipment, no 155mm artillery shells. this means that we will return step by step in small steps. vladimir zelensky complained to journalists that
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kiev had learned from the conflict in 2 years. if the ukrainian armed forces do not carry out a counter-offensive, then russia will move forward. earlier, in an interview with cbs news, he admitted this for the first time during the conflict. for the supply of weapons to ukraine, now i also advocate that we continue to support them with more and more military equipment. however, the head of the nato military committee, ro bauer, does not agree with the general panic. goncharova, to lead. in germany, thousands of people took to the streets and demanded that
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the scholz government not drag the country into the ukrainian conflict. anti-fascist songs were sung in branenburg. the protesters carried posters demanding a reduction in arms costs. there was a march for friendship with russia. in berlin, people carried common russian-german flags, there were many posters against nato aggression and anti-war slogans. including, berbak go to the front. behind the fact that the head of the german foreign ministry has forgotten about diplomacy and actively advocates the continuation of the conflict in ukraine. in the capital of germany , about 6,000 people joined the anti-war protests, demanding to immediately begin peace negotiations, what else can be reached? this time they decided to cross it out. from the memory of the decembrists, as well as bulgakov and brodsky, glinka and solzhenitsyn. monuments
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were ordered to be destroyed, books were to be burned. about the hysteria of the nazis by evgeny petrukhin. imperials and an ardent ukrainophobe, like this, were presented by the commission of the ukrainian institute of the national security, mikhail bulgakov. he supposedly hated the ukrainian desire for independence, and bulgakov was a native of kiev, but to pseudo-experts from the institute of national remembrance this is an important fact, apparently. it doesn’t seem, but they hastened to remember that the writer deserted from the army of the ukrainian people’s republic, and now they want to finally get rid of the writer’s legacy, from books, monuments, geographical names, but suddenly, whoever opens the white guard inadvertently, and they won’t see the difference between the supporters the kiev regime and the petliurists. in the white gladia , the petliurists are quite harshly described, the petliurists for modern... ukraine, the institute of national memory - these are ideal heroes, defenders of independent ukraine
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against the damned muscovites. in bulgakov they are rather cruel to the point of senselessness. bulgakov really lived in kiev, he is closely connected with this city, but bulgakov’s kiev is a russian city. he didn’t please, either with his music, which was the anthem of russia from 90 to 2000, or with his opera ivan susanin, the nezalezhny and mikhail commission. he turns out to be, quote: a threat to the national security of ukraine, amazing insight of new people. the institute of national remembrance, yes, it is a state structure, these are officials on a salary, they are russophobia - this is their profession. the decembrists also came under attack, they, as it turned out, were propagandists of russian imperial policy, and were not for an independent ukraine, however, about its existence... this is generally the height of absurdity, to say that someone wanted to
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preserve ukraine as part of the russian empire, when there was not even such a political concept as ukraine, here after all, we are talking about a cult or the fight against a cult, well, let’s say, of soviet origin. when the decembrists were used in soviet propaganda as some kind of revolutionaries. nobel laureates joseph brodsky and alexander solzhenitsyn did not pass the test for ukrainianism. either spontaneously, or in the sss, there is not enough humanism in relation to ukraine, or it’s taras shevchenko, his poetry in language. but he wrote prose and his personal diary in russian, so maybe that can be canceled too? why, say, almost their contemporary, say, taras shevchenko he doesn’t use the word ukrainian anywhere,
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that’s how to deal with it, they don’t use it at all , and he doesn’t talk about the state anywhere, although it seems to be an icon of style, that’s the ukrainian political style, but he doesn’t say it anywhere, he’s the word ukrainian, you know why doesn’t use, he just didn’t know him, you just need to distract people, and from the fact that they are robbed, caught on the streets, sent to... ukraine, you have to exterminate someone, it doesn’t work at the front, so at least on the website of the ukrainian institute of national memory. evgenia petrukhina, olga lvukhina, lead. the british army is unable to keep track of its property. over the course of 6 years, dozens of weapons have been stolen, including rocket launchers and machine guns. the data is provided by the telegraph publication. besides. more than 2 thousand computers and smartphones were stolen, including those containing classified information. a british commando was robbed of
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an suv, night vision equipment and even £32.00 worth of silverware . nothing could be returned. opposition house of commons calls for senior officers to be held accountable for flagrant negligence. in peru, police searched the president's home and her residence due to a corruption scandal. there is a journalist on dina buluarte's arm. noticed a luxury rollerblade, the prosecutor's office sent her a request about the origin of the watch, the president did not answer, there was a knock on the door, a representative of the prosecutor's office said that they were now studying the declarations of...
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the hostages held by hamas, at the second they advocated the resignation of the cabinet . a protest march took place near the prime minister's residence. activists burned bonfires and blocked several terraces. police arrested 16 people, they face a large fine. in the altai territory, due to the flood, a state of emergency was declared, about 100 houses and 600 plots were flooded. about the fight against the elements, ekaterina kissar. in mikhailovskoye they hardly slept, they tried to drain the water. which entered the village in a huge stream last night, in a matter of minutes it flooded courtyards, cellars, there is water in residential buildings, you simply can’t go out without rubber boots, but sometimes even such shoes don’t save you, it’s just like that, now you’re going to go out into the tights about a meter and a half of water there there will be a lot of water, water from the fields went through the entire village of mikhailovskoye, the main pressure
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fell on these streets of the pioneer sibrivkom, chkalovo, a few minutes away the street. literally turned into real rivers, temporary accommodation centers were set up in one of the schools and the dormitory of the local polytechnic college, first of all they tried to bring out pensioners, families with small children, what i was wearing at home, and left, to take some things, because i think so, it won’t last a day or two. in the evacuation of people and work to minimize consequences of the flood, all employees of the district administration, law enforcement officers, the ministry of emergency situations, social services were involved, a large amount of equipment was involved, including heavy equipment. even public transport cannot withstand the onslaught of water, a regular bus was carried away on one of the highways by the current, it had to be pulled out with the help of special equipment, people were evacuated, but the girl was taken in an obolon, in parallel, work is underway to create conditions for the drainage of melt water into lake mikhailovskoye, for this they opened several roads, this reduced the pressure, but water from the fields
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continues to flow, about 10 moscow gates and culverts were simply dismantled. in order to increase the permeability of water, but you can see the volume yourself, after the arrival of large waters, this no longer played much of a role. as a result of the overflow of melt water , eight sections of roads were blocked. today a decision was made to introduce a state of emergency in the region. at night, water entered another village in the mikhailovsky district, rocket, and in the morning the flow of water carried away a culvert to regional highway running through the village. there was a water pipe in this place. if there is a strong accumulation of water, we washed this pipe along with the road surface, we import rubble stone there, and when the water flow decreases , we will fill the road and restore traffic. the road was literally washed away, cutting off the regional center, traffic is completely blocked, no one is attempting to assess the scale of destruction now, but it is already clear that the damage is extensive;
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experts consider the cause of the disaster to be the abundance of melt water that does not go into the soil, due to frosts the ground froze. ekaterina kiser, alexander kiser, lead the altai territory, well , there is heavy fog in sochi, yachts and boats stopped going out to sea for a while, visibility is only about 500 m, but the airport regularly receives and dispatches flights, all city services have been transferred to an enhanced operating mode. a sandstorm swept across the sahara and then sprinkled spain, france, germany, in switzerland, experts believed that the storm brought 180.
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we were fired heavily, scary, i’ll tell you right away, the engine jumped out, it’s a dog, who survived the war, she is a combat veteran , we had nowhere to run, we didn’t want to run away from the city, we were arriving, and our car just burned out, they were giving out compensation. we have already received 180,000, of course, there are more people, many are returning, at the moment we are working in the private sector, apartment buildings,
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hello, i am boris sakimov, and i am oleg skepanov, and we are the creators. headquarters of free thought. together with experts, we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years. see you in the future. investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people. we often talk about money.
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ready for the start of the pp in the mines from the first to the sixteenth, there is a transfer of the missile system to combat mode, which means there are no comments during the preparation of the mine from the first to the sixteenth, the first minute, the senior commander's assistance to begin control normally for the conditions, the starters are closed to the crews of the arcs vips readiness number one to the crew of the duk vips readiness number one torpedo tubes 1 2 3 4 switch to standby mode the covers from the first to the 16th are open. there is a plot irreversible operations 6 5 4 3 2 1 there is a start
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the first there is a start the second there is a commander one there is a commander2 there is a start the third there is a start the sixteenth point commander the salvo missiles started there is the commander two posts the course of evasion from the salvo point was given by
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torich captain of the first rank, where are you so snow-covered beauty? this is a mormon region, now we will approach the city of mormonsk, then we will go further to the main naval base of severomorsk, where the newest strategic cruiser - emperor alexander ii - is located. was raised in december naval flag. on the cruiser, the supreme commander-in-chief will rise, it will be part of the naval strategic nuclear forces, well , naval strategic nuclear forces are 1/3 of our all strategic nuclear forces, our main property is secrecy at the right time to deliver a nuclear missile strike on the orders of the supreme commander-in-chief , that is, it can arise anywhere in the world to carry out an order, yes, yes, where they will tell us...
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well, loud, well done, the commander’s voice, this is the missile deck of our cruiser, that means here, well, as you can see, there are 16 ballistic missiles, yes, these are missile silos, that is, by and large, this is the end of the world, yes, this is what, uh, a weapon of armageddon, well, yes, this is a transport
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container, right? well, the rocket is in it, it ’s packed, but the transition from transport to combat state, it’s just carried out quickly, very quickly, well, just so that people understand who they’re being rude to, yes, i think that in america those who make decisions, they’re doing great understand, those who make decisions are not those who wag their tongues, they they understand all this perfectly, because records of such ships and missiles are kept. the number of warheads, for us and for them. it turns out that serving on such ships is a high honor and a colossal responsibility. yes, i can say this, to make a comparison, you said, here is the commander of a multi-purpose submarine, imagine, this is a captain of the third rank,
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second rank there, aged there. 29 and 32 years old, so my average age of a commander is 39 years old, that is, higher, because, uh, command of such a cruiser imposes its own imprint and way of thinking, your task, the main thing is that when the order comes, you must , regardless of what your beliefs are, what uh, you must carry it out, of course, and what’s there after you... is already ashes will remain everywhere, but for this he teaches us, a captain of the first rank can become a colonel, but a captain of the first rank can never become a colonel, this internal division, how important it is for sailors, you know, when i came to the general staff academy, for me it was this i'm a sailor, well, i encountered officers who fought, who also, well... fulfilled their duty everywhere,
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the ground forces, i mean, not only the pilots there, so i realized that the division is somehow...


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