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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 31, 2024 4:30am-5:00am MSK

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well, you know, when i came to the academy of the general staff, for me it was: i’m a sailor, well, i encountered officers who fought, who also fulfilled their duty everywhere, on the ground, i mean, not only the pilots there, so i understood , that division...
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there is a captain of the first rank - a colonel, it is insignificant if you understand what you are doing, uh, yes, they cannot become only for one simple reason, they followed the path of the land - command, and our ships, uh, in what ways are they heavier, our uh, submarines can do anything build russia, america, france. and england, and many of us can already build spaceships, boats are an alloy of the highest technology, this cruiser, which we are going to, is a cruiser where import substitution is 100%, that is, the materials made it possible to make it so that let’s say we have a clean set, these are the ones that were before him, there were two missile compartments, and we... today we’ll go, i’ll
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show you, here the missile compartment is solid, plus on ships we have all the aggressive environments in a confined space at once, that is everything high-pressure air, and hydraulics under a pressure of 150 kg, high-pressure air 400, so there are only contract soldiers on board, yes, we don’t have conscripts - and this is very good, because i also saw conscript service, uh, although the conscripts were also interesting. when there was the soviet union, we had conscripts with incomplete higher education and a minimum technical education, that is , there was no one lower, the central post was designed to control the submarine, maneuver it, and most importantly, of course, to direct the use weapons, which means that the main control panels are concentrated here in the central post.
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this is the control panel for general ship systems, from here the commander of combat unit five sets the course of the submarine, from here the submarine is controlled by the main boss, both by vertical rudders and, accordingly, by immersion, control comes from here, which means that the remote control and control complex for missile and torpedo weapons are also located in central post, a combat information and control system that allows us to calculate basic divergence tasks.
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these are completely different opportunities, this is a global step for our state in terms of nuclear shipbuilding, it is now possible to see on these ships, including the spatial position of the ship, of course, none of this happened before, this is a new century, i’m telling you as a person who went through three ship projects, and here is the sonar control room, formerly the commander. i was constantly running there, they brought everything here, and there you can clearly see how the targets are coming, that is, the commander is sitting in his chair, you can see right away the route, this is the target that they are walking past the ship, that is, the commander is sitting here right away, that is, they don’t even know that they are the target, they were just walking past the ship, but as in submarines, there are only two types of ships, their submarines goals, and how do you differentiate them, how do you understand what and what by brightness, hydroactic determines classifies contact, what do we offer? and now we have
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a retractable device, a perescope, lifted up, this is now our floating crane, which is the minimum, yes, and you switch the magnification here, right? yeah, well, the attraction is the opposite shore, which is good, the fact that the commander, sitting here, can control the surface situation, missile control, who is located, commander2, sets general parameters, that is, you therefore must be as calm as possible, and he, calm . the length of the compartment is more than 40 meters, previously it was divided in half by a bulkhead for since metallurgy did not allow us to make compartments, well, the metal is of that viscosity and strength, which can not just
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uh, when we dive, if you pull a thread, it sags like that, then there she is will be tense in the surface position, so when we dive to the limit, it sags, that is, the hull is being compressed. that is, there is viscosity, uh, the ductility of the metal and so on, now our scientists have created something that allows 42 m, here you go, here you go, that is, this is gorikova street, yes, nevsky prospekt, yes, yes, yes, nevsky , there are our st. petersburg residents, uh, this, these are the missile silos, here they are, here, but fortunately not named, yes, that is, no, and here...
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when this shudder happened, let's say so, the whole feeling of unreal power, yes, yes, i say again, that is, well, probably, for a person who goes to such moments in life, it means a lot, that is, roughly speaking, from his youth there, being as a boy, you go, you go, you go, there for certain positions, including here , as if to have such happiness, to do what you were going to, well, probably for a real man, how it would mean a lot, at 16 years, my mother wrote a letter to the minister of defense so that i would be allowed to take the oath, here at the school, yes, embankment 17, city
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st. petersburg, and what was the first boat, immediately a submariner, immediately a submariner, yes, i started with the ship of the 971 project, there was a gorgeous, wonderful crew, yes.
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75 left, the elections came a week ago, then they told us that this is a wrong autonomy, you know, you are still 85, it was hard there, hard, yes, there, well, i was still young, a lot. i didn’t understand, so i was already visited by such thoughts in the second autonomy that, uh, all that i saw overboard there were fairy tales, you know, there’s a story, uh, by a science fiction writer, where there ’s a spaceship, so they were born there, i’ve already had something like this, because every day you fall behind, monotony, the worst thing is monotony, if you don’t read, you’re the enemy, that is, you have to read a lot and so on, that is, by and large you can take any submariner and send him into space. that is , psychologically he will be absolutely ready, and combat swimmers, that is, as it is considered, non-standard light divers, our duties include inspecting the submarine for the presence of some kind of explosive
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devices attached or detecting some malfunctions of the steering rotor group and evaluate if a problem occurs. the situation can either be resolved on the spot or it is necessary, of course yes, or it is necessary to involve third-party specialists, or if it is a threat from underwater, accordingly we have our standard underwater weapon, that is , it must be a knife, yes, yes, a knife... a knife in case of any problems under water, entanglement, the diver must take a knife and cut, suddenly he may get confused, yeah, any emergency situation can happen, and the knife should always be with the diver, it helps, shabs yours, that’s right, that is, you threw them off, as if i were arriving on command.
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he should work on boats, yes, no, a saboteur, well, saboteurs must be on
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something, maybe also combat swimmers, i like the weapon, of course, modern, well, it looks so straight, yes, take care of it, well done, you have to love the weapon, why did you choose it for yourself such a fate? since childhood i wanted to be a submariner, i entered the caspian higher maritime school, there was one in baku, at the navigation faculty, in baku, in baku, yes, but i didn’t finish it, what year are you birth, i am the second, well, that is, i am also a soviet person, soviet, yes, purely soviet, and the oath is soviet, everything is soviet, so i always have my own chevrons, okay, that’s it, let’s change. we do, yes, but there was a regular school, yes, yes, a regular school, i mean, not at the khimovskaya school, no, well
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, my dad was a military man, i traveled to garrisons, maybe that had an influence, but not a gunsmith, not a gunsmith, lord, excuse me, no, he was a tanker, but what rank did my father achieve, colonel, well, he already died, yes, the kingdom, 10 years ago, and i thought, where the moriks serve, st. petersburg, vladivostok, murmansk, in beauty, i traveled there barzo there, well, the country there is big, well, i did it, i didn’t know that there were such, uh, towns, well, i don’t regret it, i 25 years in the north, i don’t regret it, this is the flagship’s cabin and the ship’s commander’s cabin, many people ask why it’s always with the commander... the seniors on board walk, well, that is, uh, well, we have it written down that the first departure for combat service, to
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the senior always goes to the team, but lately , uh, he always goes with the senior commander, why, because he doesn’t make mistakes, here someone doesn’t do anything, so in order to exclude yes, mistakes, if in the twelfth year, remember the rule of three, that is, one spins, one reads, and one monitors what they read and what twist, this is yours, this is my senior set, here in this one. in a square of 70 days or more, it’s not easy, i’m even afraid to imagine what kind of competitions this boat is participating in, they are not athletes, we are now making sailors out of them, but they were athletes, we have to reforge, yes, yes, no, the crew is good, yes, no, here's one of them kukov, i’ll boast, uh, so, for winning the ice figure competition, which was held in the city...
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wow, this is the second joy of submariners, going to the bathhouse, besides, we all go on shifts. this is mercedes resting, mercedes resting, resting, well, now with the guys on the front end and the men are saying, the most important thing is to find a cook, yes they say, i’ll teach you how to shoot, but i won’t teach you how to cook for men, so
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there’s a real battle for the cook, vladimirovich, i’m here i always say that the only consolation for a submariner in an autonomous tank is to eat, because somewhere after two weeks - such apathy sets in, you don’t want to eat anything, that’s realistic, you come, dig deeper, and if the cooking is still bad, then that’s it, there’s not enough movement, well - the last time i went and counted, well, here i am last year there were days in the autonomous vehicle when i walked the entire 50 m, but so what? there from the cabin to the central one and back, nothing else, in this mode, for a month and a half, if you eat a lot, you become like this, then it’s all hard with you, it’s hard to unload up to the surface, but unload, we’ll unload, ourselves choke you start, well, the integral is called
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a submariner. that is, a white cloth is wrapped in hard-to-reach places, well , that is, dust, various dirt is removed, a very good, convenient thing, is this your idea or is this, no, this has been for a long time, but because, unfortunately, dust is ventilated onto electronic devices sits down and quickly breaks down, the short ones are your sleeping place, well, not yours, these are regular places where the personnel live in cabins, but they did it when the marching headquarters is with us, and the personnel are here, as they say, they always attached it, but here, what, here is a second spirit equipped for sports, weights, kontels, in principle, you yourself say, or yes
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, we are all slowly approaching and doing it. we are preparing to take the pt, the new ones are still sedentary, life is so to speak, well, what are you doing with yourself, you just have nowhere to squeeze out with your growth, i look at this in this regard, why? i ’m taking it like this, i still need to find a place, god forbid, chop it up, hop, hop, pick it up, hop, put it down, i’m just seeing that you have all this here, that is, you need it all the time look, because you’re tall, big, we ’ve already gotten tired of it, or do you usually stand in my place, right? you have more space, what conditions do the sailors live in? in my garrison now we were renting out the ninth house, that is, new housing is being built, their living conditions are, we try to make sure they are
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good, because the rear is the most important thing if a submariner knows that he has a wife. it’s arranged, children go to school - to all sorts of sections and to the family of submariners, these are probably also special people, but if you can have a husband there you can’t see them for 90 days, but here they are , in my division there are very strong women’s women, they help each other - uh, to the point where, uh , well, there’s a move, my boat was at sea, we were moving to a new house, well, the women’s women gathered there, they dragged everything, well they didn’t ask for the women themselves, that is , mutual assistance is constant, and what else is good, no, in closed cities there is a disease of big cities, that is, we have a fifth anniversary there, well , how did a first-grader go to school on his own, this is not nonsense, this is well, let’s go , and he himself has children, of course, well, they’re also boys, both of them, one serves as a submariner, and the other teaches
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, suffers as a submariner, suffers. how old is one, well, one is 32, and that is, he hurried right away, yes, well, i got married early, judging by if the guy is 32 then yes, here is the second one, he is now 21 years old, that is, a long break, that is, he will go down now, no, he he still has a year and a half, he’s been studying for 2 years, he’s also a submariner, does he want it? i ’m telling you honestly, i didn’t force him, he immediately said, i want to be a submariner, but he didn’t see anything else, what rank was he already senior in, uh, no, but he ’s in the military, he went to work as a citizen. finished murmansk university at sea still invited me, since i am the first commander
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of the ship, the crew was the first to start with the project 549 times, i encountered something that when the project was closed and opened just like that when the crews were disbanded. there are no memorabilia left , there is such a concept as historical objects, and accordingly they issue the appropriate orders and assign the objects to historical ones, which means that elements from torpedo weapons are presented here, and which were first used from this ship during state and sea trials, torpedo weapons for ships of this project, they are not the main ones, they are used only for self-defense, because we have already said that... they are located in another compartment; it seems that the price is incommensurate with these things, but the tasks of the ship are completely different, so this means that four classic torpedo
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tubes are designed for the use of torpedo weapons, they have the ability to set mine weapons, including tasks that are not entirely typical for this ship, here are classic tortilla tubes, that is, a shot, here you are leaned on, this is the key to open manually, exactly the same way and through it according to... the water level to control the water entering the torpedo tube, once, secondly, there is a special block for slowing down the opening of the front cover of the torpedo tube, so that
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the lid does not open abruptly and does not cause injury there are two respiratory organs and there is a special key that allows the back cover, by giving away special devices, to manually open it, that is , these three elements must be taken into account, and from what depth can you get out? well, that's all rescue devices, they are designed for rescue from a depth of up to 100 m. a completely autonomous, let’s say, device, designed for a large size, well , yes, enough, there are five tiers, so we must all sit here in unison and give it back exactly like that, and so that too again, that's it. happened without chaos, that’s what i’m saying, all this is marked here, the street personnel is and the first one is written where the combat number is in the books, if we are talking about personnel in
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the officers’ heads, starting with sweaters, starting with things, supplies vital functions, such as a sweater, respiratory protection, particulate breathing apparatus, food, food, water, everything is there, right down to the fact that at the top there is a so -called pencil case, there is a fishing rod and tackle. here everything is different loading and fuel and here we have everything and fishing rods and it has positive buoyancy, its weight is 90 and the tone is 90 tons buoyant. its positive buoyancy is 110, that is, roughly speaking, with a full crew, it provides floating on the water and 50 cm above the water, that is
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, up above the water, and how do you deal with a lack of vitamin d, well, there’s no sun, again, that is, uh, well , the most basic, primitive kind of equipment, let’s say the doctor has all this here? th state defense order is exactly as formidable, the emperor is formidable, but well, yes.
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fyodor mikhailovich dostoevsky, it was as if he foresaw that in the 20th century there would appear a layer of people who were called foreigners and whom he described in the person of his hero pavel smerdyakov. friday is the birthday of the foreign agent, these same people, there is nothing to respect them for . they are enemies, but they are pathetic, we are concentrated and angry, they seem to preserve all their shares are in the west, and many of them have property there, funds are invested, if you have some property in germany, yes, i have an apartment here, they all broadcast a certain message, finding victims in our country so that they commit an offense against
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the law, and i was the victim. we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.
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russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia. russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, 24.
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5:00 am
9 days have passed since the monstrous terrorist attack in crocus city hall. at a spontaneous memorial next to the concert hall, a rally was held in memory of the victims. in total, 144 people became victims of the terrorist attack. 551 people were injured.


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