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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 31, 2024 6:00am-6:30am MSK

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let's start with the progress of the special military operation in the kupinsky direction , the camouflaged dugouts of the ukrainian armed forces were destroyed, the attack was carried out by the crews of the rapier anti-tank guns of the western group of troops. footage from a reconnaissance drone confirmed that all the shells landed. exactly, artillerymen work
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almost around the clock in any weather. enemy cover and strongholds are not the only targets. a few days ago, one of the crews knocked out a western- made tank. its distinctive features are primarily sniper accuracy, tanks we burn them, the boys are working, the poultry houses are working, that is, we don’t give them a chance. the river level in the orenburg region is rising, drowning everything. there are more populated areas, the entire region is on high alert, the or river overflowed its banks, near the village of oshchebu, it exceeded the critical level, most residents left their homes due to severe flooding. the village of krylovka is preparing for evacuation; large waters have also arrived there. in the village of berdy, where the flood zone is located , gardening companies are pumping out water. in total , 34 were closed in the orenburg region due to flooding. bridge. on more than 28 sections of the routes,
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traffic is limited due to overflow. the flood came to the altai territory, and a state of emergency was introduced there. meltwater has already flooded almost 90 houses. 600 plots, washed out roads, you can’t drive on them. the ice on the rivers is being weakened to prevent even greater flooding. and we will find out all the details from our correspondent ekaterina kisser, she is in direct contact with us. ekaterina, i greet you. in which areas is the situation most critical and how are floods dealt with in the region? good morning tatyana, yes the situation in the altai territory is still very complex, an emergency situation has been introduced in the region, they continue to deal with the consequences of the spring flood, from which nine settlements have already suffered, eight sections of roads are blocked, among the most affected areas is the mikhailovsky district, here the water in the field has flooded
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the homestead plots of the cellars and basements of local there is flooding of residents and residential buildings, currently there are more than 80 people in temporary accommodation centers, mainly those who have no relatives nearby, the rest are still living temporarily with relatives and friends, now the district authorities and the regional group of the ministry of emergency situations are doing everything possible to divert melt water from the streets of the village into lake mikhailov. for this purpose, several roads have been dug up, there is also destruction, so the water washed away a section of the regional highway near the village of rakity, thereby cutting off the regional center from large regional medical centers and cities. tatyana, ekaterina, thank you, it was ekaterina kisser, she spoke about the flood in the altai territory, where a state of emergency was introduced due to flooding. a
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tropical cyclone in madagascar killed 18 human. tens of thousands of people were forced to leave their homes due to flooding. in addition, according to local media reports , a large number of buildings were destroyed. at least seven people were killed and more than thirty were injured in a car explosion in a market square in the syrian city of aazaz. the agency reported this with reference to the rescue service and locals. they laid out candles in sochi, in the zaporozhye and kherson regions, in idegei they made cranes out of paper, in grozny they handed out stickers with these birds, how the funeral was held action in moscow.
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19:52 at this moment on march 22 , the first shots were heard in the concert hall in krasnogorsk, on the ninth day after the monstrous terrorist attack there was a minute of silence and music at the walls of the city hall. the orchestra conducted by valery gergiev performs sergei prokofiev. natalya skisova, barely holding back tears, talks about that terrible evening. she received tickets to the picnic concert as a gift and remembers her salvation as a miracle. we survived thanks to the security guard alexey asanushkin, who did not abandon us in difficult times. when
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he felt bad, but he still came back for us and took us out of there. i am grateful to him for not leaving my children without a mother. i am also grateful to alexey kolobanov, who pulled me out of the smoke when i fell, when we ran to save ourselves, i fell and lost consciousness, he pulled me out. i am also grateful to the traffic police, who helped us along the way when i fainted, to the hospital named after inozemtsev, to all the doctors who met us there. igor tolpekin's family was just approaching the concert hall when the terrorists had already left it and rammed it in a car. all family, eight-year-old ilya suffered the most. after two operations, the boy is recovering, a young hockey fan. his father is sure that the support of sports stars helps a lot. you can’t imagine how it heals my son when he sees idols who say hello to him, who help,
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who come to the hospital, who drop everything they’re doing, preparing for the playoffs. guys, you have no idea, i want to end with the words of a hero from a cult film. brother, i found out that i have a huge family, it’s you, low bow to you, the rain couldn’t stop me funeral ceremony, crocus petals, which come off the flower, turn into white cranes and are carried up, these are the souls of the dead, go to heaven. orthodox believe that on the ninth day, when purification begins for the soul of the deceased, those who continue their earthly path should pray for consolation for the deceased. ponykhids served throughout the country, including near the walls of the concert hall. let's pray to the lord. we also pray for the repose of the souls
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of the departed servants of god, all of them in a terrorist attack, innocently killed and died from their wounds. representatives of 130 diplomatic missions and international organizations working in russia came to the rokus to honor the memory of the victims. even those countries that have been pursuing openly hostile policies towards moscow in recent years share the pain of russians all over the world . for the people of our country, the tragedy of march 22 - ruined destinies are the pain of millions of people, but no one will ever be able to intimidate russia. millions of russians respond to such attempts with even greater unity. elizaveta khramtsova, inna loschenova, dmitry arkhangelsky, danila klishchevsky, lead. rage from weakness is how the french parliament
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called president macron’s hawkish policy. western military experts are already openly saying that no amount of nato assistance or new military supplies will save the kiev regime. the last chance is negotiations, which zelensky stubbornly refuses. emil mirsaev will tell you what other forecasts are being made. if kiev does not agree to negotiations with russia, ukraine may lose all access to the black sea, according to american billionaire elon musk. he is confident that the longer the conflict continues, the more territories will come under the control of moscow. if the war lasts long enough, odessa will fall. in my opinion, the main question is whether ukraine will lose all access. to the black sea or not, i would advise resolving the conflict through negotiations before this happens. the west is not ready for diplomacy now, military experts also admit. thus , retired us army lieutenant colonel daniel davis pointed out that military spending on ukraine will only lead to the loss of territory and the senseless loss of life. we
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're spending $60 billion even though ukraine mobilizes more people, this will only delay the end, at the cost of tens of thousands more men who will die in the coming days. over time.
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war economy, billions of euros are aimed only at masking the total panic in the system. according to the politician, nato has been defeated and the only reasonable solution remains peace negotiations, however , the chairman of the national assembly apparently ignores his colleagues during his visit to odessa and echoes macron. nothing is excluded, everything remains possible. it’s difficult to argue with the last statement, but it’s clear one thing, the picture that the collective west imagines is imposing on ukraine clearly differs from reality. the vysu are suffering huge losses at the front, losing territory day after day. the only option is to listen to moscow's demands, say political scientists and... donald trump's campaign demanded an apology from
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joe biden for the us leader's celebration of transgender people on easter sunday, the american media announced this, citing a message from aides to the former head of the white house. let me clarify, this year the catholic easter takes place on march 31; on friday, president biden announced that the day would celebrate support for people with non-traditional sexual orientation.
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and according to local media reports, no one was injured as a result of the incident. you won't see any tears on his face, that doesn't mean he's not in pain. frank statements, i’ll tell you a little secret and rare footage. we are interested in who the customer is, the presidential week, the special view that putin himself signed up for the widows of the heroes, and also pavel, you are asking a very correct question, why reasons the president's car can be reversed, who with such a commanding voice, write, and what do these shots mean? the kremlin, we reflect big politics, is better than others.
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a lot of things are not there, but you have it all. moscow, kremlin, putin. watch on sunday at 22:00. a group of businessmen in the stavropol region was detained for attempting to raid a plant, and a large drug syndicate was uncovered in the omsk region. all the details about the final release of the duty unit after the advertisement. a credit sbercard is beneficial in any situation. interest-free period 120 days starts every month, and service notifications are free forever. that is why the credit savings card is the best in the country. apply for a credit card, everything will be the way you want. touch kroks
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everywhere burgering votter on fire taste, hello, the main legal topics of the outgoing week and the big investigations of our correspondents. i’m with you andrey ivlev, watch now. the perpetrators of the terrorist attacks in kroku cityhole give testimony to those who ordered them.
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about how cases of murder and banditry are solved in st. petersburg, even after 30 years, the investigation into the terrorist attack in the crocus city hall near moscow is the main topic of the outgoing week. on monday, vladimir putin heard reports from the heads of law enforcement agencies and senior executives. the conversation took place in a video conference format. the chairman of the investigative committee of russia, alexander bastrykin, reported to the president on the preliminary conclusions of the investigation. more than 200 inspections, searches and seizures were carried out, during which more than a thousand different objects relevant to the investigation were seized. we work closely with operational representations of the ministry of internal affairs of russia, the fsb of russia.
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the necessary investigations are being carried out . alexander bastrykin spoke about how it was developed. there is an event on march 22nd by the minute. investigators have reconstructed the full chronology of the terrorist attack. 18:54 minutes, four criminals in a renault car arrived at the kroku city hall building. at 19:58 , terrorists armed with machine guns opened fire on people, first on the street, then inside, in the hall of the concert hall. the bandits had plastic bottles with gasoline with them. after the shooting they staged. a fire that also killed many people. at 20:11, the terrorists left the crime scene, getting into the same renault car. the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov, reported to the president on the work of the rescuers. the building, according to the minister, was equipped with an automatic fire alarm system. there was a complex of four firefighters, robotic trunks and a
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software control system used in conjunction with other fire protection systems. she. moment of terrorist attack worked, according to experts, the system failed to extinguish the fire due to the development of combustion over a large burning area. already on tuesday, vladimir putin at the expanded board of the prosecutor general’s office stated that the task of the employees of the supervisory department is to do everything necessary to ensure that the criminals who committed the terrorist attack receive fair punishment. investigators are carefully establishing the circumstances of this barbaric crime, finding out its de. determine the role and degree of guilt of each participant, study the conclusions of criminologists and experts. the agencies of the federal security service and other special services are working out their questions under the coordination of the national anti-terrorism committee. i hope that prosecutors, within the framework of their powers, including when bringing
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state charges during the trial, will do everything necessary to ensure that the criminals. suffered fair punishments, as required by russian law. russian prosecutor general igor krasnov said in turn that the supervisory agency is monitoring the progress of the investigation of the case, as well as stops those who are trying to sow panic and spread slander. much attention is paid to internet resources and instant messengers, which are increasingly becoming a tool in the hands of terrorists. telegram has already responded, thousands of users have been blocked. prosecutor. they also check security systems in shopping centers, schools and hospitals. taking into account the obvious increase in the level of terrorist threats in the country as a whole, it is necessary , by means of supervision, to oblige executive authorities to update their safety data sheets. investigators , meanwhile, are working hard to identify the specific mastermind behind the terrorist attack; many things already point to ukraine.
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secretary of the security council nikolai patrushev stated this at the board meeting. immediately after the meeting. details of the bandits' escape, the bandits intended to go abroad, specifically to the territory of ukraine; according to our preliminary operational information, they were expected there.
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meet as heroes. so, the full interview of pavel zarubin with the director of the fsb will be aired on the moscow kremlin putin program this sunday on russia-1 channel immediately after the news of the week. the investigation into the terrorist attack in crocus cityhole is ongoing around the clock . the chairman of the investigative committee of russia, alexander bastrykin, at the next operational meeting on saturday, instructed his colleagues to study the entire circle of detained bandits, and most importantly, to find the organizers of the crimes.
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terrible crime. more and more information is emerging about the plans and movements of terrorists. a day before the attack on crocus setihall. according to media reports, they visited here on this az, it is located a five-minute drive from the site of the tragedy. here the bandits supposedly filled up their old renault, after which they went to a three-ruble ruble in putilkovo, near moscow, where they had their headquarters. the car that the terrorists used was sold to them by businessman islomov. on monday he was with his brother, his elderly father. basmanny court of the capital, the family is accused of aiding bandits, allegedly the defendants in the case not only provided the criminals with transport, but also knew about their plans. another accomplice of murderers,
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investigators name alisher kasimov. he was also sent to a pre-trial detention center for providing an apartment to terrorists. kasimov’s wife has three small children; the woman assures that her husband never discussed his affairs with her. she just said, they found the guy and put it on the house, that’s all, more. i set up my relatives in the premises as a headquarters for first i lived with my wife and child, then i took them out to prepare for a terrorist attack. here the bandits discussed their plans and, judging by the abundance of skeins of tape
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, they secured the magazines for machine guns together before moving to crocus on march 22. at the beginning of the week, investigators clarified this. the attack lasted 13 minutes. armed killers entered the building, shooting everyone in sight. these footage shows how people tried to build barricades in the hallway to protect themselves from the bandits. almost everyone captured in these photographs was killed; the criminals reached the concert hall, set fire to the chair and returned to the car the same way. while leaving crocus, they deliberately hit an eight-year-old boy, and now he is on the mend. according to experts, the withdrawal plan was clearly thought out, the terrorists did not change their transport; they were confident that they would only be searched for in the immediate vicinity. they believed that as soon as they moved away from moscow, well , at least 5-10 km, no one would look for them much further, while these orientations were studied, while posts were set up, by that moment they,
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in fact, had cruising speed 120-140 km/h, they will already reach, in fact, the middle of the bryansk region, and then, strictly speaking, all that remains is to get to the wooded part, the border actually, everything, then everything depends on your legs. thanks to modern technologies and the prompt response of intelligence services and law enforcement agencies, this number did not go through with them. traffic police officers were the first to find a car with criminals on the highway in the bryansk region, ask for permission from their superiors and open fire on the wheels of the car. after all the wheels of this car were damaged, the driver, as i understand it, lost control and had to stop on the roadway. they immediately left cars began to run away. per lane. dozens of security forces rushed in pursuit of the killers. one of the terrorists lost his jacket while running away. this made it possible to send a service dog to the placenta. colt has been serving in
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the canine unit for 5 years. having walked into the forest in a straight line for about 40 m, the dog stopped, it began to circle in place near one tree, at that moment i turned to one of the special forces officers and said in a slightly joking manner that it felt like he had taken off, at that moment with using a thermal imager on a tree... we found it, the security forces cut down a thick pine tree, detained a terrorist, it was a matter of the tree, why didn’t he climb down, immediately after the capture of the bandits, the fsb announced that on the ukrainian side they were preparing a corridor for the killers. military correspondent semyon pegov recorded an interview with those directly involved in the detention of terrorists. he spoke about the unprecedented activity on the part of the ukrainian armed forces in those days. the fact that they prepared the transition is unambiguous, because 2 days before this
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terrorist attack, 2 days they surrounded ours. positions on the border thought they might scare us so that we would all sit in dugouts and not look, they didn’t watch the minefields there for this nonsense, they deliberately covered us for 2 days. later, the investigative committee confirmed that a clear ukrainian trace had been found in the terrorist attack case. the accused perpetrators of the attack reported that their actions both during the preparation phase and after the armed attack in the crocus sitiholi. coordinated via voice messages via messenger telegram. who introduced himself to them under a pseudonym. at the direction of the coordinator, the terrorists, after committing the crime , drove their cars towards russian-ukrainian border, in order to then get to kiev to receive the reward he promised. another alleged accomplice of the lutfuloi bandits, nazrimada, was directly involved in the financing of the terrorist group. he became the ninth person involved in the criminal case of
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a terrorist attack. on friday nazrimadhu. taken to the basmanny court in handcuffs and shackles. there is evidence that the accused was detained on the day of the terrorist attack, right outside crocus for defiant behavior at the scene of the tragedy. at first he was given 15 days of administrative arrest when it turned out that he was connected with terrorists, investigators demanded that his accomplice be sent to a pre-trial detention center. by the way, he is the only one of those detained who has a higher education. i haven’t worked lately, i lived in a hostel in the capital near the shchelkovskaya metro station. our film crew was met in this shelter.
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tajikistan, another brother died in syria, months for attempting to rape a child while fighting for the islamic state, prohibited on the territory of the russian federation, that is, one is a pedophile, the other is a terrorist, then it turns out, that it was a whole network, that those who rented the apartment to them were aware that they were preparing a terrorist attack, there was also a network in tajikistan, which has now been identified, which
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was detained by the local... special services. on friday, tajikistan's media reported that nine people who may have had ties to terrorists were detained in the country. the special operation took place in the city of vaghdad, 20 km from dushenbe. among those detained were mainly relatives of the bandit saidokram, rajab alizada. some relatives of the suspects released, others are still under interrogation. one of the suspects is considered to be saidokram rajapa lizada, a native of the city of vahdat. tajikistan. after the terrorist attack , the tajik authorities took rajab lizada’s mother, brother, wife and two uncles to dushanbe.


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