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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 31, 2024 9:00am-9:31am MSK

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[000:00:44;00] a counter-terrorist operation regime has been introduced in two districts of the capital of dagestan and in kaspiysk, and according to the operational headquarters of the national anti-terrorism committee in the region, the armed people were blocked by fsb special forces, here is
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the department’s statement. during the conduct of operational investigative activities by security agencies in dagestan, information was received about the location of armed persons involved in terrorist activities. tonight they were blocked by fsb special forces in several apartments in residential areas makhachkala and kaspiysk. in order to ensure the safety of citizens in the area where criminals were detected, the head of the regional department of the fsb introduced a legal regime for counter-terrorism operations. implemented. and in the sky over the belgorod region, 10 shells of the vampire rocket system were shot down, this is information from the ministry of defense. the governor reported on the consequences of the shelling by the ukrainian armed forces. according to vyacheslav golotkov, one civilian was injured and 18 houses were damaged. and
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we are in direct contact from the region. igor pikhanov, igor, i greet you, tell me what the situation at these moments? hello, tatyana, the situation in the belgorod region is still difficult; at about 7:00 in the morning , ukrainian militants fired at the regional center and its suburbs from a reactive fire system. vampire, most of the shells were destroyed by air defense units, the rest hit the residential sector. now there is a residential building behind me, a shell hit. right into it, at that moment the owners were there, after the explosion a fire started, the woman received burns on her hand, a burn on her hand, those who arrived on alarm emergency situations ministry employees extinguished the fire and prevented the fire from spreading to the neighboring building. the injured woman is currently receiving medical assistance. and there is also damage to the damage itself in other populated areas in the suburbs of belgorod, and there is damage to the private
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sector of the regional center itself. now the operational services are finding out and eliminating the consequences of the morning attack, let's give the floor to a local resident, when the message of a missile danger came and the siren immediately began to howl right at that very second, one might say there was an arrival, i immediately heard an explosion, we were sleeping right next door, we ran out into the corridor , the explosion happened instantly, they say three shells, what hit there? yesterday, ukrainian militants also attacked the border graivronsky and shibikinsky districts and fired from cannon artillery, as a result of which a residential building was damaged there, as well as power lines, fortunately the local residents were not injured, on the road to the village of krasny it was reported that a kamikaze drone attacked a moving car, to fortunately , no one was injured either; the car was riddled with fragments from
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projectile. according to regional data. since march 11 , more than 4,500 residential buildings and apartments have been damaged in belgorod and the belgorod region, now local authorities are eliminating the results of these shellings, repair and restoration work is going on in a rush. tatyana, igor, thank you, our correspondent, igor pikhanov, was in direct communication from belgorod. in the altai territory, the number of houses flooded by floods has increased to 127. also in the water. almost a thousand areas in the region have been declared a state of emergency. melt water from the fields poured into the village of mikhailovskoye. rescuers go to help residents, pump out water and build dumps. in the neighboring village of rocket. we had to evacuate people; three streets there were flooded at once. stormy streams wash out roads. in total , there are now about 80 people in the temporary accommodation centers, in order to reduce the risks of flooding in the region, they are clearing river beds and loosening the ice on them using
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blasting. there is a tense flood situation now in the orenburg region, in some rivers in the region, the water level has already risen to critical levels, highways and bridges are flooded due to the river flooding. their homes residents of the village of ashchibutak had to leave; our correspondent anastasia kubatko is monitoring the development of the situation on the spot. the situation in the orenburg region is really turbulent, the water keeps rising, for example, this is the picture right at the exit from my house, a huge lake has formed that never existed here. in the orenburg region, the flood situation is difficult; the water is still rising. already closer to night, a high alert regime was introduced in the regional center, and it was also introduced throughout the territory. close to the village of krylovka, however people don’t want to evacuate yet, but rescuers are actively helping the disabled and they were transported to the regional center,
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the flooding water of the dambarovsky district has already entered the houses, the or river, which has reached a critical level of 850 cm, is at risk of flooding 20 households, rescuers are evacuating now . residents and animals to temporary accommodation centers. the prosecutor's office took the situation under personal control. residents of snt are suffering from the flood, for example, in the dacha area sea buckthorn flooded the streets, so much so that huge holes filled with water in them cars are literally drowning. so, according to local residents, five cars drowned in one of the puddles, went under the water under the steering wheel, and everyone was pulled out by snt. in the gardening partnerships of energy builders, the gardener is also restless. dozens of houses are flooded due to their location in the lowlands. residents even recorded a video message to the president, but now work is underway to pump water there, they should soon begin pumping water from their houses, rescuers are also on duty around the clock on the territory of snt, in 3-5 days we expect the onset of high water, that’s when it will arrive
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will retreat incomprehensibly. traditionally, not only, i think, for orenburg, teenagers test ice on rivers for strength. on the eve, employees of the ministry of emergency situations carried out an operation to rescue two teenagers who almost drowned in the ural river. we made it to the middle, but the ice began to crumble back, but everything ended well. anastasia kubatko, leader of the orenburg region. and now the footage that was posted online by residents of kazakhstan shows that on one of the rivers, multi-ton trucks were literally washed away by the steel waters. the driver of the truck tried to overcome the water obstacle, but drove onto the side of the road, and he the car overturned on its side. following her , three more trucks overturned, which covered the road, so reports. local pub. according to preliminary information, no one was injured. large-scale floods began throughout kazakhstan. a state of emergency has been introduced in a number of regions. the country's president kassym zhamar takaev severely reprimanded the
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officials who allowed such a situation to happen. and in the usa, a barge crashed into a bridge again. this time the emergency occurred in oklahoma. the collapse was avoided. after inspecting the structure, engineers came to the conclusion that the support could be restored. interestingly, the american television channel cbs found that only a third of bridges in the country are protected from such collisions with ships, including the structure that collapsed this week in baltimore, but this did not save the loss of the bridge from disaster. and now about the work of a promising corn processing enterprise in the volgograd region, the output is valuable products for the food industry and pharmacology. she is in demand externally. maxim has all the details akhmetova. this is how a sample of corn grain is taken. the requirements are the most stringent. after
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verification, processing begins. this plant in the north of the volgograd region is one of the most modern in the world. here, corn grain is converted into maltodextrin, glucose
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syrups, and molasses starch. all this is not. the technological process of processing is impossible, everything happens inside, but you can see how corn starch appears through a small glass window. the plant's products today can meet all the needs of the domestic market. according to the issued products, namely maltodextrin, dry glucose syrup and related products, we definitely cover the entire need of the russian federation completely. the products of the volgograd enterprise are in demand on the foreign market. glutens, maltodextrins , corn pataca are exported to dozens of
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countries. maxim akhmetov, dmitry shutos and dmitry belyansky, lead the volgograd region. in the united kingdom, they doubted that kate middelton, the wife of the heir to the throne, was really diagnosed with cancer, all because they had previously tried to hide serious illness of the princess. see how the crisis of the monarchy is developing in britain immediately after a short advertisement in the program of our supcor in the country. alexandra khabarova. a deposit is the best interest rate in a savings account with clear conditions - it is a reliable and profitable way to increase your savings at a rate of up to 16% per annum. quick registration in the sberbank online application. deposit is the best interest. it's more profitable with prime. a credit card is beneficial in any situation. interest-free period - 120 days. starts every month and service
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cheaper. compare on your side. refresh and refresh yourself with the big spring sale on megamarket. buy household chemicals with cashback up to 40%. royal family in britain. a stable supplier of scandalous news and various kinds of incidents, but now a truly dark period has come for the british monarchy, and for medical reasons independent of the crown. u... the king and his daughter-in-law kate middelton have been diagnosed with cancer. both were diagnosed with it in the same london hospital, where they were staying at the same time. charles ii underwent prostate surgery here. the princess of wales had abdominal surgery. if with karl everything is simpler, and his illness was announced
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immediately, although without any specific details, then with kate middleton the situation turned out to be more confusing, if not ridiculous. this. her condition gave rise to the most incredible assumptions, not only in england, but due to her lack of any information about the limits. on a popular spanish tv show, a version was voiced that the princess almost
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died as a result of an operation in london. the operation went well, but then complications arose, the situation became more and more critical, and the doctors had to make a very dramatic decision. they put her into an induced coma. her life was in real danger, so the fears of the royal court were understandable. it was about saving her life. on social networks, they discussed a version of a serious rift between william and kate. the prince was persistently accused of having an affair with a family friend, forty-year-old ros hanbury, despite all denials. it's not just the tabloids' endless pursuit of sensations. royal the family poured it themselves. fueling the fire with its difficult to explain actions, the publication of a photograph of kate middelton, allegedly taken by prince william, turned out to be a real pr failure. the photo was supposed to convince doubters that everything was going well, but it turned out the opposite; the world's leading agencies quickly realized that the photo was a fake. british publications, having forgotten about
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the crisis of life, migration and other topical topics, began to disassemble the image into megapixels. the most diligent expert. corrections, look at the cuff, with the sleeve there’s something wrong with the left hand, but why do it, there were marks there after wiping the nose? that’s the point, the picture was hastily edited, or it’s a fake photo, we don’t know yet, here we see a zipper on a cape jacket that has split in two, questions arise again, well, louis’s fingers, it seems to me, i can’t repeat this , and there is something wrong with the color in the place where the finger once was, or maybe? the winsers' sign, the family sign, these are his three cousins. it got to the point that the director of the world news service, agence france-presse, said that kensington palace - this is the main residence of the prince and princess, and as a source of information, it is not trustworthy. another photograph of kate, which appeared amid
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the scandal, raised serious doubts. in the photo, she was allegedly sitting in the car with wiliem, but her face could not
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be seen. even more. the press, i would like them to stay away from them, just think, everything is corrected by photographs, even they sometimes need a rest, i sympathize with them, it’s so unpleasant when everyone interferes with you, why can’t they be left alone? why then is there such a noise, do you think people are interestingly, culture, such a culture, three employees of the london clinic where kate was treated were suspected of trying to gain access to materials about her illness. an internal investigation is currently underway here, and it is possible that scotland yard will get involved in the case. who and why needed to steal information about
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the princess’s health condition is still unknown. since the time of queen victoria, britain has had not just one monarch, but an entire royal family. her job was to provide a decent show. the main thing for them was stay visible. “i must be seen to be believed,” said queen elizabeth ii. members of the royal family were well aware that they were obliged to participate in the tragicomedy. britain and the world enjoyed it. in the 21st century, there is little left of comedy, but
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there are no fewer viewers. valuable activity, and of course, he is still active, fulfilling his duties as head of state. every tuesday he meets with the prime minister, staying up to date with government affairs by reviewing official documents. the only thing he does not do, does not appear in public, which is quite understandable during a course of chemotherapy, when it is necessary to avoid any infections. all this is happening against the backdrop of difficult processes for the british monarchy. there are threats to finally get out from under the power of the crown. empires in the caribbean. jamaica generally intends to demand reparations from london for the years of the slave trade. republican sentiment
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is strong in australia. yes, in britain itself, according to polls, the number of supporters of preserving the monarchy today is less than half - 45%. 31% would prefer to see elected head of state, and 24 were undecided on the answer. refresh and renew yourself with the big spring sale at the megamarket. buy geox children's shoes with a cap of up to 40%. buy an osaga on the comparison site and win a car. only until april 26th you can insure one car with us and win a second one. or a million rubles. choose osaga or any other insurance and take part in the drawing. compare on your
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st. petersburg, where ice is now flowing along the neva. let us read the verses: moscow and the city of peter and constantine, this is the kingdom of russia , the cherished capital, but where is its limit and where are its borders, to the north, to the east, to the south, to the sunset, in the coming time the fates will expose them, seven inland seas. and seven great rivers, from the nile to the niva, from the elbe to china, from the volga to the euphrates, from the ganges to the danube, the russian kingdom will not come forever, as the spirit brought, and daniel predicted, and you say imperial consciousness, this is the poet tyuchev wrote, they study him at school, he was also a chamberlain and privy
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councilor, what is imperial? this is something inherent in the imperial power and its subjects, it is expressed in two ways: firstly, in relation to the surrounding world, and secondly in the perception of the country in which people live, as in empires. but is russia an empire now? we open the constitution and read, article one of the constitution of the russian federation. our country, the essence, is the russian federation or
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russia. i perceive the country as a whole, that is , russia is everywhere, and i live in it, from moscow, to the very outskirts, from the southern mountains, to the northern seas, then finish off yourself, what is the imperial consciousness, where does it come from? if we talk about this in relation to russia, then it would be correct to say that imperial consciousness was formed gradually as
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russia was gaining a place, authority in... the history of the moscow kingdom, the future russian what events will follow these lines in


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