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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 31, 2024 9:30am-10:01am MSK

9:30 am
russia has gained a place and authority in the outside world. it is usually written in school textbooks that russia became a world power as a result of the victory at poltava in 1709. moscow called itself the third rome, following the roman and byzantine empires. in a letter to grand duke vasily ii, composed in... russia, this led to the emergence of the concept of a messianic orthodox state as holy russia. the fairies, sitting in their monastery, knew what events would follow these lines in history. moscow kingdom,
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the future russian empire, the future ussr, and the russian federation, as well as the whole of europe. well, that's my opinion. by the way, i wouldn’t have written anything without these lines. in the feeling of being an empire, an important moment was 1726, when an alliance treaty was concluded with austria, when russia. joined one of the european coalitions. the next moment is the seven-year war, in which russia, helping austria, fights with prussia and quite successfully. russian troops enter berlin for the first time. these victories were important for russian identity. they gave the russians people have confidence in their abilities. by the way, russian troops entered berlin for the second time in 1913 during the war with napoleon. well, for the third time...
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not by the needs of the economy or the development of new lands, by the idea of ​​ensuring the country's security on its distant approaches, this concerns the foreign policy part, as for the internal political component, here the situation is much more complicated. we have
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a multi-component, multinational state; it is quite natural that it strives to ensure unity of this space is trying to form a unified consciousness among its citizens. by the way, in the imperial consciousness there is an idea that the entire people are some kind of single community, a state. this is a family, it may sound primitive and archaic, but i think so, and i think so, i am sure, the majority of russian people, the father and mother hold the family together, ensure the existence and development of the children, i think this is clear to everyone, the family must be strong, and any encroachments on the fortress or structure of the family are considered by its members, the majority, at least as an encroachment on her... devices and therefore ultimately on
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their lives. and what is surprising is that when , at first glance, good and useful ideas were introduced that violated this archaic structure, great troubles followed, and the state fell apart almost completely. it is also interesting that after the seemingly complete destruction of the state, it was assembled in the same form as before. examples: destruction of the muscovite kingdom, vague. time, the creation of the russian empire, the collapse of the russian empire, the revolution of the seventeenth year, the creation of the ussr, forgive me, the same empire, perhaps stronger, the collapse of the ussr, 1991, i think that no one will argue that after some hesitation, the russian state is being created again in its original, centralized family form, why is this? but because
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it is impossible to live any other way, otherwise there will be chaos and general massacre, but because our family consists of different children, russians, yakuts. tatars, bashshkirs, chechens and eighty other peoples, under the firm rule of the father, the five-hundred-year existence of this family is quite normal, but having left the will of the father, children can fight for a moment, and they mixed up and live together, and god forbid, this means we will serve our father and live together, and by the way,
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for centuries, and most often in polish packaging, which led to the weakening of autocratic power , which made it possible to weave intrigues to overthrow it, because
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there are plenty of people who like to sit in the royal seat, sitting in this place, it is important to be able to preserve it, examples, please, tsar alexander i...
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there is a fear of a change in the direction of the traditional movement of the country. we have an imperial consciousness, just like the americans and the chinese. it happens feelings of your country, from thousands of things and events that have surrounded you since childhood. violation
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of this feeling leads to frustration in the broken consciousness of the people, the desire to rectify this situation, to recover. 1830, russian empire, despite the liberal constitution and the admission of polish aristocrats to the highest government positions of the russian empire, polish patriots did not give up attempts to restore the old polish-lithuanian commonwealth. under the impression of the july revolution in france , open warfare began in the kingdom of poland in 1830. insurrection. it is known in polish aristography as november. suppression of the polish uprising of the russian empire.
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i’m annoyed by the news of varshavskaya’s betrayal, what a pity that i won’t have to exchange bullets
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with the gentlemen, the blood will flood them forever, god willing. pushkin writes one of his best works: to the slanderers of russia. the reason for this poem was speeches in the french chamber of deputies, with demands to provide assistance to the polish people. and... why are you making a fuss, people's vets, why are you threatening anathema in russia, what has outraged you, excitement lithuania, leave it, this is a dispute between the slavs among themselves, a domestic, old dispute, already weighed by fate, a question that you will not resolve, these tribes have been at enmity with each other for a long time , it has bowed more than once under thunderstorms, then their side, then our side, who will stand in unequal dispute, the arrogant poles or the faithful ros? yan streams will merge into the russian sea, it will dry up, here’s the question: leave us,
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you haven’t read, these bloody tablets, you don’t understand, it’s alien to you, sowing family feud, for you silent, cream or prague, meaninglessly suits you to a desperate struggle courage, and you hate us, why are you responsible, is it because on the ruins of burning moscow we did not recognize the insolent will of the one under whom you trembled? for the fact that they would have thrown into the abyss gravitating over the kingdoms of the idol, with our blood they redeemed europe's freedom, honor and peace, you are formidable in words, try it in practice, if the old hero, deceased on his bed, is not able to mount his izmail bayonet, or the russian tsar, the word is already powerless, or it’s new for us to argue with europe, or the russians are unaccustomed to victories, or there are few of us, or from perm and taurida, from the finnish cold rocks to flames. colchis from the shocked kremlin to the walls of motionless china, sparkling with steel bristles, the russian
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land will not rise, so send the branches of your embittered sons to us, there is a place in the fields of russia among alien coffins. russian people admired this poem, even such a sharp critic of the russian order, a supporter of western european civilization. as pyotr chaadaev wrote to pushkin: here you are, finally, a national poet, you have finally found your calling, i cannot convey to you the satisfaction that you gave me to experience, i would like to tell you that the russian dante has finally appeared. bakunin, being a world revolutionary, is wonderful, isn’t it? they are full of fire and true patriotism. this is how you should be feeling russian, adoevsky salvation of the russian people. this is the odoevsky who sparkled the flame. what is this? and
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this is the imperial consciousness, my friends. imperial consciousness appears before a country officially becomes an empire. actually, that's why she becomes. before the russians realized themselves as a nation, they realized themselves empire. thanks to the powerful expansion of the russian state from the middle of the 15th century, the russian state arose. the empire and its values ​​became the values ​​of the consciousness of the russian people. the idea of ​​​​creating barriers to encircle russia, by some kind of layer, was maintained from the beginning.
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and does the united states act somehow differently, like the actions of the great european ones? powers when they were still great. the same stereotype of legal intervention lay at the basis of russian imperial policy, starting with the demands of the russian authorities to the polish sejm at the end of the 18th century to choose such a king, which would not be opposed by russia, and ending with the concept of limited sovereignty, the neighbors of the ussr as the basis for relations with finland and the legal invasion of czechoslovakia, and then into afghanistan. “yes, i am a bad person, and i have been since my youth, because having learned about the vision of eight czechoslovakia, i internally felt the need for the justice of this step to ensure the security of my state, the interests of which were indisputably higher for me than any other ideas and values. true,
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the smartest neighbor in communal apartment, a really smart person who has a lot me..."
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this belief was shaken in afghanistan when i was filming the film "afghan evils". i remember getting off the plane at kabul airport and seeing swarthy people wrapped in blankets and wearing rubber hoses walking leisurely, i thought, what the hell are we doing here? so thought in the kremlin and withdrew troops from afghanistan. now i know that it was in vain. i hope the kremlin now thinks so.
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equestrian russian lands, and to be convinced of this, it is enough to read the tale of bygone years, in particular pay attention to the phrase: where does the russian land come from? began to eat, definition not mine, an empire is impossible without the utmost militarization of the metropolis, the army is the eternal love of the empire, it is an instrument of conquest, it is a model
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for society, but of protection, i say, but let’s turn to...
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the ussr is russia, russia is the ussr. the internal structure of the soviet empire was formally federal, but in fact it was unitary. the patriarchal stereotype of the state as a close-knit family, headed by an older brother, was established in the public consciousness. the elite of russia, which determined its politics, ideology, cultural life throughout centuries, was formed not as the elite of a national state, but as the elite
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of a multinational empire, it consisted, and now consists of representatives of many nationalities, the last russian tsar had an insignificant share of russian blood, and his was generally pure german, and yet they were truly russian people, like millions of other people who are not russian by blood.
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to the end, now in donbass we have nothing to apologize for, we are returning lost lands, ensuring our security. victory in
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world war ii ended the humiliation consciousness, inequality of russia in the fight against world empires. russia has reached the peak of its power and has begun a race with america, starting with nuclear missiles and ending with olympic medals. the title of superpower, won through heavy sacrifice, is real domination of the third europe. a country of civilization, as patriarch kirill says, is the only concept that takes into account national identity, that is , the predominance of the russian cultural element, on
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the other hand, tolerance towards representatives of other cultures, and there is no rigid connections with expansion, well, personally, i am ready to accept this interpretation of my imperial feeling, i am like you, at least the vast majority of those sitting in front of the tv now. no, not in the same way as the overwhelming majority of russians, i emphasize, not only russians, but the russian people, feel themselves to be representatives of the great empire to which they belong, and whose interests are their interests, so they have nothing to be ashamed of the imperial consciousness, it is in them with milk mothers, they are confident in its justice, as am i, my friends, total good, bye!
9:56 am
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9:57 am
why were you given the title of hero of the soviet union? don't know. vasenkov, mikhail anatolyevich, 1942, russian, your face is such that you could pass it off as anyone, well, practically, i was just such a wooden guy, but you are not this mikhail they knew, no, no, she was molding you
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into a latino, yes. america and the mausaleum. any war is infantry. until the infantryman sets foot on the territory, it is not considered conquered. we squeeze out the enemy with artillery, we squeeze out comics. when there is no accompaniment, you are walking, roughly speaking,
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blindly. you don't know what's ahead of you. zastava, zastava, yangel, let's be brief, yes, i observe, the people who are here at the control points, they are working no less than the attack aircraft, local, as soon as you take off, immediately switch the picture, they have entered such a pace, the work has been built, the work is on rails, i ’m not a fighter, i came for my brother, all the feelings are here. intensified to the limit, happiness has resurrected me, she loves me, call sign passenger, go, i’ll come back for you, do you hear?
10:00 am
one civilian was injured, 18 private houses were damaged, and a fire broke out in two of them. the governor spoke about the consequences of the morning shelling of the belgorod region by the ukrainian armed forces. according to vyacheslav glodkov, fragments of the car also hit utility networks. utility crews are already working. according to the ministry of defense, our the air defense system shot down 10 rockets in the sky. over the region. three bandits were detained in makhachkala and kaspiiskiye during a counter-terrorist operation. according to the operational headquarters of the national anti-terrorism committee in the region, they were preparing to carry out terrorist attacks. the criminals were found with machine guns, ammunition and an improvised explosive device. residents of adjacent houses were evacuated. spring floods have begun in russian regions.
10:01 am
the winter was snowy, now the sharp warming is turning into serious flooding in altai.


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