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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 31, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm MSK

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drank, i notice that he is simply mocking my child, my daughter, then you sat down wrong, then you washed wrong, well, in general, he just found fault with her about everything. maria thought about divorce, but it was scary to decide on it; she couldn’t imagine how she could be left alone with a modest salary and small children. another beating almost became her last. i had a concussion, he dragged me up and down the wall by my hair, then i fell on the floor, again protecting my head, and he kicked me and broke my ribs. it’s good for me that without a headache, having recovered from the torture, maria pavlovskaya still filed for divorce, but even after the court’s decision , roman’s ex-husband remained living in her apartment, the beatings continued so that... roman had to
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move out soon for his actions he will have to answer before the law. our correspondents contacted the man, but there was no dialogue with him. hello, raman, hello, please tell me how you would comment on your criminal case? all the best. the film crew went to the house where, as they say, roman pirogov now lives, but the accused was not found there, there is a dog, maria pavlovskaya, who suffered for many years , is now building her life from scratch. husband, she
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will now see each other only in court. when a man, a husband, systematically beats his wife, regardless of whether he is sober or drunk, he does it, sooner or later close relatives, including relatives of the beaten woman, find out about it. but, unfortunately, if the woman herself, yes, the beaten woman herself, takes the position of tolerating, remaining in this relationship at all costs, then unfortunately, some parents become in a position of such calming. this aggressive man, this scheme , unfortunately, does not work effectively, so i will say directly that the expansion of living space there or greater financial assistance in such cases, it only usually inflames the aggressor, men, in fact , feel even more at ease, realizing that they are feared to lose, further in the program, how actress inna koleda came to her senses after a severe beating, i had a concussion.
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imagining your ideal home is easy, so just imagine and it will do the rest. house-click, from dream to house one house-click, mom, guess who started a new job today, a lot.
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up to 16% per annum, quick registration in the sberbank online application, deposit - the best interest rate, more profitable with prime. in the kitchen, theater and film actress inna koleda trains her beloved corgi dogs, kai and gerda. voice. well done! erdochka, house. it seems that these cute four-legged animals can melt the heart of any snow queen, or heal emotional wounds, but koleda has not been able to recover from a brutal
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beating for 2 years, says former lover, producer aleksandryshev, who proved with his own example, from love to hate. just one step when you get into such a relationship, at first they are very romantic and i read one phrase that really triggered me, that not a single insult begins with a black eye, this is very accurate, because it begins everything with a very rapid development , some kind of incredible love, and you think, probably, it’s like in a fairy tale, like a handsome prince , a month after they met , he already confessed his love, after a month and a half i want to introduce him to my parents, after two, let's live together, and you're a little stunned by such speed, you think, probably, it's just because true love, everything is clear right away, in her story everything was like in the movies,
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bouquets, poems, tenderness, and it didn't seem like she was finally i met the same one the only thing, alexander was sensual and passionate, you naturally... it starts in the other direction, screams, insults, accusations begin, each time more and more in one other direction, until it swings to this sun on a swing, when when there is simply physical violence, after outbursts of rage
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, ryabyshev apologized, promised to carry the actress in his arms, again declared his love, on one of these days inna alexander, it would seem, for... there were all grievances, they began to plan a common future, but as soon as the conversation began o children, alexander lost his chain, well, that’s where the first slap in the face took place on the sofa. i later threw away the sofa , this is where i went, i remember, this is how i walked, well , open the door, right about here it hit the back of my head, he’s left-handed, and he hit me somehow, well somehow he hit me so hard that my head flew into this corner, he hit my head against this corner of the wall several times, i ran here, but while i was opening the door, actually this lock, he caught up with me and... and i open the door and to me flies again into the back of my head, so i fall , you know, he kicks me several
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times in the hallway, in fact , the neighbor saw this through the peephole opposite, well, that’s it, and there i already passed out, it turns out, according to the actress, after what happened i contacted her the mother of the aggressor asked for forgiveness for him, alexander himself wrote, nona koleda did not believe him, i had a concussion, a traumatic brain injury... i had an eye injury, and then i had an injury to the cervical vertebrae, i had an injury abdomen, blunt trauma to the abdomen, because he beat me kicks on the stomach. inna contacted the police, but despite the injuries recorded by eyewitnesses, no criminal case was ever initiated. we have at our disposal a recording of the girl’s conversation with the police station inspector. at least that's what she claims. in general, there is no harm to health, i would say , to be of moderate severity, of course, it
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should be three crowbars of some kind with displacement, with fragments there, well, something like that, well, that is, even usually ordinary wounds will be spread out eyebrow hit there her face and well, her eyebrows smudged, they stitched her up, it would be an easy fix, yeah, kolida filed a complaint with the prosecutor’s office, but they didn’t take the matter seriously either. and producer alexander ryabyshev, as they say, has found himself a new passion. we tried to contact a famous gentleman, this is what came of it. and you know, i do not comment on these events, yes, these, this issue is in the vision of the competent authorities, which, as far as i know, made a procedural decision, yes, in which the words of the kolya are not confirmed, to put it mildly, by anything. i tell you i recommend contacting the police, the authorities and getting all the comments on this issue there, but she has medical certificates,
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well, certificates, what else is there on the arrays of these certificates, after that examinations were made that did not reveal what she stated ms. kluda, that’s why you wrote her a text message saying, “i’m sorry, please,” and your mother also wrote her a text message, excuse me, i ’ll repeat it again, i don’t comment on this story, for all questions, please contact to the competent authorities, with this i say goodbye, until goodbye, goodbye, let's return to the terrible story of olga simonova, let us remind you that she killed her tyrant husband and spent time in a colony... 5 years, now simonova performs in comedy shows and podcasts, and also sells her own
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course for women who, by the will of fate, ended up in a pre-trial detention center or colony. the main consumer of these stand-up services are girls under thirty, i have to warn them that there is such a danger, i go to the hottest places, sometimes to a hookah bar somewhere far from the city center. and i go and tell firstly, i warn the girls about the dangers, and secondly, i tell the boys that there is a possibility that if they beat the girls, the stick will also shoot once a year, here is a fragment of simonova’s speech, let’s listen to it very carefully, me my name is olya simonova, i’m 40 years old, i haven’t been drinking for five of them, well, in prison, a lot of things are prohibited. yes, it happened, i served 5 years for the murder of my husband, it so happened that i
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had a difficult relationship with my husband, first he beat me, and then i beat him once, and found out, that i can do better. on the one hand, olga simonova is an unhappy woman who suffered humiliation from her husband for many years, on the other hand, as proven in court, she is a cold-blooded killer who tried... to hide the traces of the crime by hiding the knife, let’s not forget that now she makes money by parasitizing on the story of her own tragic fate, receives money for...
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the problem of domestic violence is not new, but it is still relevant, it is not customary to talk about it loudly, as a rule, women are ashamed or afraid to wash dirty linen in public, he disguises bruises and abrasions with cosmetics, doing his best to pretend that everything is fine in the family, this is... our next film dedicated to the problem of domestic violence, and we can say that a cure for this disease has not yet been found. our film crew works in a crisis center for helping women and children; those who at some point despaired and decided to share
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what happened with professional psychologists come here. the most important thing for a girl. for a woman today, status, status: normal family, good job, everything is fine with me, but for such problems happen behind closed doors , as a rule, all our clients who come to us said that, first of all, we did not want to harm the children, so that they knew at school, surrounded by children, that there was such a problem, i did not want to know , that at work my colleagues, employees found out that i have some problems in the family and... this can still be hidden, as you say, the first, second, third, fourth, fifth year, but if the relationship becomes more and more destructive, if physical violence already occurs in family, and you can’t cover up bruises with foundation. as crisis center specialists note, physical violence, as a rule, is preceded by constant insults and ridicule, and the woman’s opinion is not
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taken into account at all, if he hit you the first time, then apologizes. stands on his knees and says that this is an accident, and you have forgiven him, pay attention, whether in a month or two or three, a second third time, because violence has such a cyclical nature, first he hit, then they ask for forgiveness, this could be to return in six months, if this happens, well, i would even say after two times, it will be constant, in order to help herself and the children to save herself, the situation must be brought to light, and for this a woman needs nerves of steel and real courage. indeed, these myths still remain , yes, that this is a family matter, an internal matter, a private matter of people, and there we will now initiate a case, she will withdraw the application, make peace, indeed, a woman is even often dissuaded when filing an application so that she i didn’t apply, this is such a common occurrence,
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because they don’t have the right to refuse to accept an application, but they start to dissuade me, they say that he is a good man, for some reason or... the children will then have problems finding employment there if the father has a criminal record. some law enforcement officers prefer to brush aside such statements, saying that the situation is not serious enough, for example, there were beatings, but they did not cause significant harm to health. very often cases of violence, they end either she in prison, he in the grave, or on the contrary, he is in prison, she is in the grave. and we know such cases, that is, when it does not stop, it grows, it begins, perhaps, with slut beatings, but it ends, this is sometimes very tragic, the illustrative story of a twenty-three-year-old student vera pekhteleva from the kemerovo region. in january 2020, vera pekhteleva came to her ex-
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boyfriend’s apartment to pick up her things. vladislav kanyus mocked her for several hours. stabbed 56 times, the girl begged for help, the entire entrance heard the screams, the neighbors called the police seven times, but no one came, the recording made at the police department explains why: there is no police force in the city at all, there is no police force at all, everyone, everything, and you and i will be to blame, policeman. appeared only after the murder, when the neighbors, in desperation , broke down the apartment door themselves. from the materials of the criminal case, i directly understand that they had a real opportunity to save my niece. they had time, time to react. the message to the duty station was received early in the morning, it was recorded the operational duty officer of the leninsky
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police department, mikhail balashov, but did not send an outfit to check the information, supposedly there were no free cars, recordings from surveillance cameras installed in the duty department got into the network, there was a car, his colleague dmitry taritsin, who took over the shift. later the outfit was not sent either. together with the two officers, three women, dispatchers, maria dunaeva, anna panomareva and kristina yudintseva, were in the dock. as a result , the murderer vladislav kanyus was sentenced to 17 years in prison, and the former guards order, got off with a suspended sentence. victoria valetenko, a young mother from minusinsk, a woman turned to the police to social activists
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with a request to help her find her three-year-old son and five-year-old daughter, who were taken by force by father tiran, while he almost ran over the woman herself with a car, he snatched the children from me, he just he took a three-year-old child like that, threw him on... why are you mocking him? after this story was published on social networks , investigators opened a criminal case.
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chairman of the investigative committee alexander bastrykin took him under personal control, and the children were found quite quickly. according to victoria valetenko, her husband always behaved aggressively, but at first she even liked this behavior. it seemed like a man. he is very confident in himself and will never let his family be offended, many women like men’s rudeness, aggression, women are punished, that this is a manifestation of love, being jealous means loving, hitting, respectively, means loving, this is such a form of female self-deception, it is very characteristic to start a relationship, but of course, i pay less attention please note that if alarm signals are given even at the stage of friendship, there is no need to live in imaginary castles, there is no need to deal with...
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order, so to speak, or there, i don’t know, causing bodily harm to a citizen, so in any case, as a rule, if such a telephone message is received by the police, there is always a reaction, the district police officer must always react accordingly, invite his wife, for example, and accordingly take from her an explanation of what happened and why? in this program we touched on only a few stories of women, who were subjected to domestic violence found themselves in a difficult life situation. they weren't
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afraid. found the strength to tell the whole world about their difficulties. as for the men who were accused of domestic violence , for some reason they did not want to participate in the filming of our program. this is how we saw the problem of domestic violence, this was our investigation from moscow, only you can draw conclusions, see you on the russia 24 tv channel
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. hello, i am boris akimov, and i am oleg stepanov and we... are the creators of the russia 2062 project of the free thought headquarters. together with the experts we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years. see you in the future. investment rating, economics. through concrete stories, we can reach people. we often talk about money.
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the amounts are serious, in russia there is a clear and clear signal, is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers, it is necessary to mobilize all resources, give me the recipe in general, here’s how to achieve what you have achieved, it seems to you that you have completed the world, got up, dusted yourself off, went whether russia is ready to change, it happens in any structure evolution? march 31 is a memorable date in the military history of russia, march 31, 1814, the capture of paris. russian troops led by emperor alexander ii triumphantly entered paris after a bloody battle near its walls. our army lost 6,000 people killed and wounded, but the fall of paris marked the end of the entire period of the napoleonic wars. soon
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after... the soyuz soyuz launch vehicle launched from the baikanur cosmodrome, the launch took place as usual at 12:37 moscow time. the new resurs p satellite has already been launched into low-earth orbit. this is a device for remote sensing
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of the earth and monitoring its surface. he will ...


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