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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 31, 2024 1:00pm-1:30pm MSK

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before the napoleonic wars. soon after the capital of france passed into the hands of alexander i, napoleon abdicated the throne. the soyuz soyuz launch vehicle launched from the baikanur cosmodrome, the launch took place as usual at 12:37 moscow time, the new resource p satellite has already been launched into low-earth orbit, it is a remote sensing device.
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land and monitoring its surface, it will help control environmental pollution, monitor protected areas, as well as assess the state of ice conditions and monitor the territory in case of emergency situations. in dagestan , the counter-terrorist operation regime in makhachkala and kaspiysk was canceled. it was introduced early this morning. during these few hours , fsb special forces blocked and then detained three militants who, according to the agency, were preparing to commit...
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confirmation that the operatives’ information turned out to be correct was an explosive device and several machine guns found in blocked apartments, the regime who is preserved. sarkar magomedov, salikh salikhov and abdulla magomedov, lead dagestan. vladimir putin signed a decree on spring conscription for military service. the document was published on the official portal. the same decree stipulates the dismissal of those whose conscription term has expired. the government and executive authorities in the regions have been instructed to ensure the implementation of all activities. the spring conscription starts tomorrow and will last until july 15. during this period , 150,000 people should go to units. the age of conscripts is from 18 to 30 years. as before.
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stated in the ministry of defense, the service life will remain the same, one year, to attract recruits to will not serve in the special operation zone or in the territory of new regions. russia is collecting materials about the crimes of ukrainian western politicians in order to present them to the world community in the future. prosecutor general igor krasnov spoke about the prospects for such criminal cases in an interview with the author and host of the moscow, kremlin-putin program, pavel zarubin. very often we see reports that checks are being carried out, cases are often initiated based on the actions of, for example, western politicians, on the actions of ukrainian politicians, but they are all are abroad, and how will we deal with them then, how will we bring these criminal cases to an end? pavel, you are asking a very correct question, you will probably see them all on the bench of justice, and in a court hearing, well, it’s unrealistic for now, but i can tell you that in these investigations... there is another
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side. it is necessary to collect all documentary evidence of the atrocities of neo-nazis, their curators, accomplices, ideological inspirers, in order to prevent anyone from distorting the circumstances that took place in reality in the future. well there is certainly a principle of inevitability of punishment. in the future, we will present all our collected materials for consideration in a fair court and present them to the world community, forever staking out what is legally significant. circumstances, i am convinced that this will happen soon. twenty-two russian regions are currently in the active phase of flooding. the situation is under special control of the ministry of emergency situations. the situation is especially difficult in the altai territory and the orenburg region. a high alert regime has been introduced in dozens of municipalities. behind the situation in orenburgskaya the region is being monitored by our correspondent, anastasia kubatko. she's in direct contact. anastasia, greetings, what restrictions have you introduced in connection with the flood? does rising water now threaten populated areas? yes, daria
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, hello, in the orenburg region the situation is really unstable, the water keeps rising and you don’t even have to go far, you literally left the house, but here i have a lake that i’ve never seen before. was not, therefore, on the territory of orenburg the day before, a high alert regime was introduced, and it was also introduced in another twenty eight municipalities , on the territory of 22 low-level bridges are closed due to the threat of flooding, and as for the situation at the reservoirs, in just 4 days the inflow into the oreklinskoye reservoir increased 58 times, and just a few hours ago news came from the village of tsiliny from svetlinsky district. there the local dam could not stand it, it broke, and the water went into the village, thereby the ministry of emergency situations evacuated two people from the village, a mother and child, now they are in a local school, and several more people they left their homes on their own, now
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rescuers from the ministry of emergency situations are working on the territory of the village, and also as for our other villages and snt, in the village of krylov. the day before, rescuers were on duty all night and the water came very close to residential buildings, but while the evacuation of people is not required, they do not want it. and another village of ashibutak, the situation there is extremely critical, because 20 residential buildings there are now flooded, and people are being evacuated along with their pets, and the situation has also been taken under control regional prosecutor's office, the situation is not simple, we still have some... snt, because there are also floods there now, for example, in snt vegetable plant, people the day before even recorded a video message to the president of the russian federation, but while local authorities are trying to cope on their own , they are pumping out water from the streets, as well as from houses, and of course, it’s spring, teenagers
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want to test the strength of the ice on the rivers, i think this applies not only to orenburg, the day before rescuers carried out an entire rescue operation, two of them. teenagers went to the river ural, we reached the middle , but we couldn’t get back, and so the local residents called the emergency situations ministry employees, the situation ended, of course, in a positive way, but still the employees warn that now the ice is very dangerous and it’s better not to do this. yes, thank you, anastasia kubatko is monitoring the flood situation in the orenburg region. the ukrainian military attacked the territory 19 times during the day. belgorod region, for this they used drones, and also fired grenade launchers at populated areas. russian air defense systems in the sky over the region, 10 vampire rszo shells were destroyed. our correspondent igor pikhanov is monitoring the situation in the belgorod region. the situation in the belgorod region is still
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difficult. at about 7 o'clock in the morning, ukrainian militants fired at the regional center, its suburbs and multiple launch rocket systems. vampires. most of the shells were destroyed. by air defense units, the remaining ones hit the residential sector, now there is a residential building behind me, the shell hit it directly, at that moment the owners were there, after the explosion, a fire started, the woman received a burn to her hand, the emergency situations ministry employees who arrived on alarm put out the fire, did not allow the fire to spread to the neighboring building, the injured woman is receiving medical assistance, there is also damage in other settlements in the suburbs of belgorod, there are hits and... the private sector of the regional center itself, now the operational services are eliminating the consequences of the morning attack, when a message of a missile threat came and immediately the air force siren howled right at that very second, you can say there was an arrival, i immediately heard an explosion,
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we were sleeping right next to us, we ran out into the corridor, an explosion happened instantly, they say three shells or something hit there, they heard a siren that went off in the city. the notification did not arrive on the phone, then my wife and i came up to wake up our daughter, at that moment glass flew at us, all these fragments, my daughter was held in her arms, she stunned us, we went down to the ground floor. yesterday, ukrainian militants also attacked the border grayvoron and shibikinsky districts, fired from cannon artillery, as a result, a residential building was damaged there, as well as a power line, fortunately local residents were not injured, on the road to the village of krasny it was reported that a drone... komikaze attacked a moving car, fortunately no people were injured either, the car was riddled with shell fragments. according to regional authorities, since march 11 , more than 4 thousand residential buildings and apartments have been damaged in belgorod and the belgorod region. now
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local authorities are eliminating the results of these shellings, repair and restoration work is going on in a rush. igor pikhanov, mikhail vitkin, victoria dadayan, vesti belgorod region. now our broadcast the channel will continue with the parliamentary hour program. the parliamentary hour is on the air, hello, we’ll tell you about the work of the state duma for the week right now. the tragedy at crocus cityhole did not leave anyone indifferent. a moment of mourning together.
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in the state duma. here, in this convocation , we have gained good experience in solving complex problems by inter-factional groups. we will continue to work. for information on the consolidated work that has already begun, see our story. the basis of the work is the exchange of opinions. in just these years, twenty-second, twenty-third, 1.347 law passed. the effectiveness of the format of interaction between the state duma and the government is obvious. the head of the cabinet of ministers meets with representatives.
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citizens began to arrive to the country's leadership from the first minutes after the attack on defenseless people
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in the sitiholi crocus. the heads of parliamentary delegations of the csto member states issued a statement condemning the brutal terrorist attack in the shopping and entertainment center. the parliamentary assembly expressed its readiness to actively combat the spread of terrorist extremist ideology with all possible ways to counter terrorist recruitment. what instructions did the state duma speaker give? the whole country shared the moments of grief with the relatives of those killed at the hands of terrorists on march 22 ; people still bring flowers, soft toys and candles to the spontaneous memorial near the crocus city hall building. donated blood was collected at several points in moscow to help the wounded. the tragedy that occurred left no one indifferent. the first plenary
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meeting after the terrorist attack, deputies began with a minute of silence. it is proposed to honor the memory of all, who died in the crawl of the network. according to vyacheslav volodin, this terrorist attack was aimed at splitting our society. if you look at the history of our country, all external challenges united people, we united, no one could win, we have a huge consolidation of society today, it was precisely this consolidation that the terrorists hit, they hoped to blow up the unity.
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sow discord and enmity on an interethnic basis, including. we need to do everything so that you and i become even stronger. attempts by the united states to shift. responsibility for the terrorist attack on isis is nothing more than a provocation, the deputies believe, when now they are trying to persecute us for something completely false, allegedly following isis and the like, then this is not just a lie, this is an attempt to pit us against the islamic world, but in our country there are 44 world religions and confessions in the country, and for us peace and friendship are the main commandments
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that allowed us to create strong... fire on terrorists so that none of the terrorists leave alive. the new people faction proposed revising the regulatory framework on
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the circulation of weapons and requirements for private protection according to deputies, it is necessary to remove the burden from the national guard and provide security. there are solutions that will give an effect, then you will have to look further, and there are those that will give the opposite effect. we have gained good experience here in this convocation, solving complex problems with inter-factional groups. we will continue to work. this opinion was supported by vyacheslav volodin. the speaker of the state duma ordered the creation of a working group to analyze legislation in the areas of security and
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migration policy. it will be headed by irina yarovaya. and the relevant committees will take care strengthening issues. security, cultural and public events; representatives of the ministry of internal affairs, the ministry of culture and the national guard will join this work. alexander shavirin, anna melikyan, nikita kharaskin, vladislav alekseev. duma tv. parliamentary hour. a new format for the work of the state duma and the government. deputies note that now it involves more exchange of opinions. consolidation and improvement of joint work on bills was discussed during the week during the preparation for the report. government representatives met with the head of the cabinet of ministers mikhail mishustin factions, participants discussed the interaction of the state duma and ministries, summed up the results of cooperation over the past year, and agreed that the executive legislative branch of government should continue active coordination in decision-making. read more about the meetings maria burkova. the position of deputies is largely formed on the basis of the requests
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and needs of citizens. therefore, the government pays special attention to the opinion of parliamentarians , the prime minister noted. minister at meetings with duma factions, on the eve of the report, such a comparison of watches is necessary. efficiency the format of the state duma’s work with the government, which involves an exchange of opinions, noted the head of the united russia duma faction vladimir vasiliev at a meeting with the prime minister. over the years 22–2, the state duma held 18 government hours, five national reports, which were preceded by meetings of their deputy ministers. such coordinated work of departments affects the productivity of more than a third of laws.
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decisions that are made based on the results allow you to confidently carry out tasks that are heard within the framework of government hours, and before deputies and ministers, the president puts it. thanks to united russia, the country's main financial document for the current year for the next two years has been supplemented with decisions that are important for people. the amendments exceeded 138 billion rubles. they covered the integrated development of rural areas and the fight against cardiovascular diseases. and, of course, very important topics are science education. the duma faction of the communist party of the russian federation sent almost 140 questions to the government during preparation for the report. special attention at the meeting to gennady zyugan. addressed the sphere of education, demography, financial and economic policy, housing and communal services and training for the industrial sector. we must take timely measures,
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the political system must meet new challenges. our team is ready to help and support as much as possible. we believe your team is equipped to solve your toughest problems. let's really unite as much as possible to solve this. these problems. the prime minister praised the work of the faction. legislators from the communist party of the russian federation make a proposal for development domestic industry and strengthening the technological sovereignty of russia, and also actively contributes to the preparation of government initiatives. for example, this year, with the support of the communist party of the russian federation , budgetary allocations were made to workers in the agro-industrial sector in new regions of the country. the faction does a lot in the social sphere. together with your parliamentarians, we created a solid legal basis for defenders. during his speech, the head of the duma spravedrossov sergei mironov suggested that the government consider initiatives of the faction in the areas of education,
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mortgage lending, pensions , demographic policy, as well as support for svo participants. a constructive dialogue has been established between the faction and the government. you and i have a lot of work ahead of us to solve the problems set by the president of russia. i am sure that your faction also intends to present a package of proposals, especially taking into account how attentively and fairly russia
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treats its parliamentary duties in the regions, maintains feedback from citizens. the head of the ldpr faction, leonid slutsky, highly praised the government’s work in all areas. he noted that cooperation takes place almost daily. the faction works with all federal ministries and...
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yana dobrovolskaya will tell you.
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engineering schools reported on the key areas of work in the field of science and higher education to the deputies of the relevant committee. by 2030 , more than a hundred modern universities, centers of scientific, technological and socio-economic development of the country should be formed in russia. in the priority remains to increase the accessibility of higher education. consistently increased. the number of budget places and brought it to an unprecedented high level; we had 365.6 thousand budget places distributed in 23-24, and this made it possible, will make it possible to ensure the availability of free higher education. school education was discussed at a meeting of the education committee with minister sergei krovtsov. the dialogue with the government in this regard is always open and intense. noted the head of the profile committee olga kazakova. everything in the government questions were sent, 308 questions were, yes, 38 of them related specifically to our sphere,
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that is, practically.
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of particular concern is the operation of so-called temporary solid waste disposal facilities, the validity of which has been extended until january 2026. the committee notes that there are risks of non-compliance with the deadlines for the creation of replacement facilities in the krasnodar, altai, primorsky territories, omsk, bryansk and novosibirsk regions. there are risks of failure to achieve targets for reducing polluted wastewater. support economy, improving the quality of life of people. key tasks for the territory of the far east and the north. this was discussed at a meeting of the relevant committee with minister alexei chakunkov. recently, the state duma has adopted more than 80 laws for the development of these regions. last year it was a historic law on northern delivery. there was a lot of talk about this at all levels, but we are glad that our committee made a worthy contribution, and the deputies,
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especially the elected ones. working to bridge the digital divide. at a meeting with deputies, the head of the department maksud shadayev said that the ministry paid special attention to small populated areas. in the twenty-third year, we connected to lte, which means networks, and provided the opportunity to receive high-speed mobile internet in 2,865 settlements with a population of 100 to 500 people. the number of it specialists in the country is growing, and income
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from the sale of domestic ones has increased by a third. developments in the field of information technology, the sector has experienced strong growth, largely thanks to the support measures provided by state. the committee highly appreciates the interaction with the ministry of digital development, we really speak the same language, we really have a very systematic and constant working interaction. of course, the topic of cyber security and the fight against cybercrime still remains one of the most important key ones, and here it is extremely important for us to continue working in terms of protecting our personal data. of people. one of the main issues at the meeting of the culture committee with minister olga lyubimova was the shortage of personnel. the regions require about 19 thousand cultural workers. the main shortage is in recreation centers and libraries. the zemsky cultural worker program should help solve the problem. according to the minister, the regions are already ready to get involved in this work. over the past few weeks , deputies have met with ministers almost daily. and here is a series of working meetings,
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representatives. the cabinet with relevant committees has ended. preparations for the government report to the state duma are at the finish line. yana dobrovolskaya, maxim koul, sergey vergunov, anna melikyan, dumatv, parliamentary hour. the state of the housing and communal services sector was discussed at a meeting of the specialized working group. the deputies drew attention to the main problems of the industry, which require prompt changes in legislation. the list contains more than 20 items, including insufficient specialist qualifications. the opacity of determining tariffs for services, the low quality of major repairs of apartment buildings and a number of others, noted the chairman of the working group, alexey gordeev. in my opinion, the housing and communal services sector fully requires and there is a direct need at the level the russian federation should have a separate state program that would...


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