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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 31, 2024 1:30pm-2:00pm MSK

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and now the series of working meetings between representatives of the cabinet of ministers and relevant committees has ended. preparations for the government report to the state duma are at the finish line. yana dobrovolskaya, maxim koul, sergei vergunov, anna melikyan, duma tv, parliamentary hour. the state of the housing and communal services sector was discussed at a meeting of the specialized working group. the deputies drew attention to the main problems of the industry, which require prompt changes in legislation. there are more than 20 items on the list.
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these are worn out elevators. he turned to the russians with the question: how big is the problem? is it relevant? the majority confirmed that it is time to change the lifting mechanisms in the regions. the responses of citizens and parliamentarians are used in further work. in the second part of our program, see: two records for the year, counting. reported to the state duma.
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kiev's crimes against children continue. how do survivors undergo rehabilitation? protection of labor rights, benefits on loans, advertising on spaceships? what laws do deputies pass? were you the one who stole your grandfather's cutlass when you were 7 years old? this is what the men from the yard told you: fighter! you were the one who was never afraid of a fight! it with you, she is calm everywhere, it’s you, friends can always rely on you, it’s you who can’t stay away, it’s you, and here you are, among your own, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia , russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia.
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prayers from heaven are helping us, guys , the memory of him continues his path, outliving your children is very difficult, we will hold on, we will continue what he wanted to do for our homeland, the parliamentary hour is on the air and we continue, two records: for the year, the country's accounts chamber
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demonstrated unprecedented numbers based on the results of the work done in 2023. the volume of identified financial violations more than doubled, the return of funds to the federal budget became the largest in the last 10 years. the head of the accounts chamber outlined the achievement by delivering a report to the state duma. first things first. alexander shavirin. the report of the accounts chamber this year was preceded by meetings of auditors with all duma factions. deputies sent. dozens of questions for each received an answer from the control body. with annual results each state duma committee became familiar with the work of the accounts chamber at its meetings. the accounts chamber is the highest body of external state audit. examination of draft federal laws on the budget and all other bills that affect it. assessing the effectiveness of using funds from the treasury is within the powers of the accounts chamber. last year, auditors identified about 5.
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the relocation of medical workers to regions with higher salaries in the industry and , accordingly, the presence of a significant difference in wages between subjects. the efficiency of work has increased noticeably, and the dialogue with the state duma is built on specific tasks. this assessment of the work of the accounts chamber was given by
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vyacheslav volodin. the accounts chamber is a body of parliamentary control, and we form it and legislatively resolve issues of expansion. representing the interests of citizens, through this institution we respond to the issues that voters pose to us, which we see on our agenda, which requires control by the accounts chamber. the speaker of the state duma emphasized that this is a full-fledged body of parliamentary control, which is not just checks how budget money is spent, but also conducts analysis, and also makes specific proposals. such feedback, according to vyacheslav volodin, makes it possible to effectively adjust legislation. we are working together with the government and the president to assess how effectively the budget ruble is spent; we have done everything to increase its impact, this is extremely important. on the initiative
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of vyacheslav volodin, the format of work itself changed, including interim quarterly reports, in board meetings the accounts chamber now involves deputies. main. in this work is that the auditor improves his work based on our wishes and proposals, in which we accumulate, among other things, the results of government hours spent, the wishes of the regions of our voters. the constructive work of the deputies with the control body was also noted by the head of the social committee, yaroslav nilov. he thanked the auditors for their impartiality and objectivity. you call black black, white you call white. today you demonstrated this with stands. this is precisely the fundamental tough position, it is the correct position, it is a sought-after position, there is no need to gloss over problems and say that everything is fine when it is not good. the chairman of the family committee, nina ostanina, agreed with her colleagues’ assessment; she especially noted the personal qualities of the country’s chief auditor. galina
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sergeevna, probably, your report would not have been so digital, if you had not been a woman, if not for your political charm, if, probably, not for the fact that...
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look at the idea of ​​doing some part
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monthly payments from citizens specifically for the purpose of repairs and modernization of engineering infrastructure are often associated with all wear and tear problems. given that these simple networks are not really serviced or are serviced very poorly, a comprehensive solution is needed for the overall development of the housing and communal services sector. vyacheslav volodin proposed to analyze pricing in the sector and the objectivity of tariffs in the accounts chamber. colleagues, in this case, our dialogue with the accounts chamber and its capabilities will be strengthened and will benefit citizens, and we, perhaps, based on this information, we will make the decisions that our voters expect. our heat tariffs in moscow are often high. lower than in the regions, and wages in moscow are higher
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than in the regions. the state duma speaker also asked the accounts chamber to analyze the system of targeted training in medical and pedagogical universities. based on the results of this audit, the state duma will ask relevant questions to the relevant ministers. alexander shavirin, anna melikyan, andrey tarasov, elena bogdan, duma tv. parliamentary hour. bill on mentoring for the difficult the state duma plans to welcome teenagers during the spring session: the involvement of minors in criminal activity has halved over the past 10 years. at the same time , repeat crime is growing among this category. the document will help reduce the number of relapses. we will tell you about other initiatives of deputies in our review. guarantees of labor rights for widows of svo participants. the bill, adopted in the second reading, prohibits dismissal due to...
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marriage or repeatedly committed gross violations of labor discipline, in the state duma exceptions, if the woman has re-entered , we are confident that everything must be done to support the families of the fallen heroes. recently, changes were made in relation to single parents who have children under 16 years old, the president has already signed this existing norm, now we are talking about widows of military personnel and... accordingly, such an additional measure of protecting the labor rights of this category of citizens, it is extremely in demand today in connection with an ongoing special military operation. another preference for the mentioned category - reduction of credit burden. benefits will be provided to svo participants and their family members. this way , interest on loans accrued during the credit holiday will be written off, but if this interest or part of it has already been paid, the funds will be counted towards repayment of the principal debt. the bill was adopted in.
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the number of criminals in the country exceeds 700. a bill prohibiting them from visiting places where children are in large numbers, schools, kindergartens, playgrounds, areas of children's sanatoriums and holiday camps, was adopted in the second reading. this is probably the first part of the necessary measures that will limit repeat pedophiles’ access to children; they should not approach places where children study, play sports, play, and so on. unless they themselves are the child’s parent or person of interest.
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internet providers will receive free access to high-rise buildings. deputies exempt telecom operators from paying for placing their equipment in apartment buildings. according to the document, the decision of the general meeting of residents for this no longer required. roscosmos may receive the right to place outdoor advertising on its infrastructure facilities. the corporation is given the right to enter into contracts. for advertising on space technology, including federally owned ones. the conclusion of such agreements will be carried out without tendering. the bill was adopted in the first reading. the first joint meeting of the working group under the inter-parliamentary commission on cooperation between the national people's congress and the federal meetings. at it they discussed issues of ensuring state sovereignty and...
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what we know very well is that not all countries or representatives, especially european states, were not always treated by their colleagues there. corresponding to the status, yes , the level of hospitality, let's call it that, in our case, from the very beginning of our arrival, it was demonstrated that we were expected guests, that we came to work, and the fact that we were received by the head of the national people's
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assembly, we can say that this is enough high level of trust and demonstration. readiness to discuss the most complex issues, it was emphasized that the attitude of the two leaders, our president, and vladimirovich putin and mr. sidipinnya , is so close, so constructive, that they set the tone for everyone who must further, at their own level, implement the tasks that they formulate for them. as far as we know, the first meeting of the working group was devoted to security issues and ensuring state sovereignty. i would like to know in detail what was discussed at the meeting? first meeting connected with what was once formulated during the visit of vyacheslav viktorovich volodin to the people 's republic of china, at a meeting with findipin, and this broad security in general, as such, it is relevant, but further blocks have already gone on, this is biological safety, or
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opposition to the attempts of the west and the americans , first of all, to spread these biological bases. and generally illegal actions in this area, these are issues of information security, this is primarily the internet, the experience of china, our legislative initiatives, these are issues related to defense and security, both sides voiced not only specific examples, but also specific proposals on how both countries could formalize all this, and most importantly , it was concluded that there is clearly room for the exchange of experience in legislative sphere , we need to exchange...
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we will propose the topic of demography, perhaps education, we will go through those topics that are common to us, this does not mean that we will solve them together, but an exchange of views and this will enrich not only legislators, but already now to the executive branch, you also conveyed greetings from the chairman of the state duma vyacheslav viktorovich volodin and an invitation to visit moscow to hold a meeting of the interparliamentary commission on cooperation, tell us what the reaction was to the invitation? saying that he accepts this invitation with pleasure, he even fixed the dates when he will arrive, on the one hand, this all took place in a rather dry formal form, but on the other hand, always with a smile on his face, you know, after all, not everything is decided there in the formal, dry language of the apparatus that is being prepared, it is very important to fill these contacts, these
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relationships with a human, some kind of human element with some kind of feelings. kiev's crimes against children continue. in about a month, the ukrainian armed forces killed six and wounded 16. the number of attacks from their country has increased by 33% since january of this year. this was stated by vice speaker of the state duma anna kuznetsova at a meeting of the parliamentary commission to investigate criminal acts against minors by kyiv regime. in addition, ukrainian militants began to use prohibited projectiles. what our commission gives today in numbers.
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spends time on the peninsula. see the story for details. april 2022. google blocks the parliamentary television account duma tv on youtube. the court recognizes the actions of the american company as illegal and obliges them to restore access. decisions are ignored. the corporation is punished for this. google turned off parliamentary television duma tv on youtube, we went to court, went through everything courts. won, the company is obliged to pay 1 billion rubles. let's
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take control of this issue, we ask the relevant security committee to monitor the work of bailiffs so that money from the american company goes to the state duma. and we will already dispose of them, as we previously agreed, the committee for the protection of motherhood, childhood, family must think about what purposes these funds should be used for, the strength is not in money, in truth, and the committee decides to use the money for the recreation and health of children affected by the actions kiev regime, the duma council supports the idea, 16 million received from google are going as intended. are you undergoing treatment? yes, i like it?
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yes, what do you like better? exercise machine or go to treatments? go to more procedures. was it better there, at school or here? it is better here. here at least there is homework, here at least they don’t assign homework. they treat, teach, entertain in the health centers of the crimea with vacationing children, as if they were their own, and select procedures individually. start to scatter, i looked at my hand and realized that it was no longer there, having survived this horror, the guys have not lost the main thing - the smile
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on their face, they joke about themselves with their peers , test the intelligence of adults, how many pancakes can you sit on, well, with a person , who exactly is the person, perhaps everything, but there is, and after injuries, shell shock and death relatives learn to trust again. in crimea, children are being restored morally and physically at the evolution sports center and the ala and parus children's center , special streams are organized. there are equipped educational buildings for them, psychologists, art therapy rooms, and exercise therapy. process rehabilitation is being studied by a deputy.
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started working literally in the near future. the head of the duma committee explains: the task in the year of the family is to improve the health of as many children as possible, and to do this, organize locations that everyone else can look up to. thank you, i have something to tell my colleagues in the state duma, because we are placing our children in safe hands. dear deputies, colleagues, thank you to everyone who supported yacheslav’s initiative to direct these funds to children, thank you for being able to, well worthy. to meet these children when i heard that we don’t want to leave, we won’t want to in 2-4 days, but isn’t this the highest assessment of what you do? there is nothing to add to the results summed up in one phrase from children’s lips,
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except perhaps the feeling of security that is literally in the air. you feel safe here, that is, when you go out into the street, but there is no feeling that maybe, or maybe there might be a shot, maybe it will hit you nearby or there will be an arrival and... you just walk, breathe deeply chest and you don’t feel any danger. the program organized by the deputies will not end in the spring. crimea has great potential for rehabilitation. the entire summer period has already been distributed among shifts. elena zhelnina, elena bogdan, duma tv. parliamentary hour. and that ’s all, you watched the parliamentary hour. see you live.
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fyodor mikhailovich dostoevsky, it was as if he foresaw that in the 20th century there would appear a layer of people who are called foreigners and whom he described in the person of his hero pavel smerdyakov. friday is birthday inogent. these same people, there is nothing to respect them for, they are enemies, but they are pathetic.
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.
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counter-terrorism operation of the fsb in dagestan detained persons preparing a terrorist attack, including ammunition and an improvised explosive device. footage of searches in
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our correspondent's report. satellite, it features ultra-high resolution and imaging capabilities to create 3d models. spring floods in the regions of russia, the most difficult situation is in the orenburg and chelyabinsk regions. on on the border between russia and kazakhstan , traffic is limited due to flooding of roads. indirect negotiations between israel and hamas are being resumed in cairo, and thousands of people are demonstrating in tel aviv demanding the release of the hostages. will it be possible to agree on a truce? forecasts in the report of our correspondent in the middle east.


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