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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 31, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm MSK

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let's return to the news review, three bandits, who were detained in dagestan in the morning, lived in rented apartments . according to preliminary data, they were planning terrorist attacks on the territory of the republic, the head of dagestan, sergei melikov, announced this, the special operation took place in makhachkala and kaspiysk, these several hours in both cities. cto regime, according to
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sergei melikov, the special services left the suspects after strengthening security measures in connection with the terrorist attack in the town of sitikholi near moscow. this is what the national anti-terrorism agency reported about the progress of the special operation. committee. an inspection of the places where criminals were detained found automatic weapons, ammunition for them and a ready-to -use improvised explosive device. there were no civilian casualties among law enforcement personnel. ongoing. carrying out the necessary operational investigative measures and investigative actions. in the krasnodar territory, at this moment a fire is being extinguished at a recreation center in the absharon region, about 500 km away. according to preliminary information, the cause of the fire could have been an explosion of a gas cylinder. at that moment, there were vacationers at the camp site, 50 people were evacuated. it is unknown that one victim suffered a fracture and was taken to the hospital. according to eyewitnesses, the fire started so quickly that people, fleeing the fire, did not even have time to take personal belongings and documents. the open fire has already
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been extinguished, and fire crews continue to work on the spot. in russian regions, spring floods are gaining strength. big water came to the altai territory, and a state of emergency was introduced there. the number of flooded houses is growing every day an hour. according to the latest data, there are already about 500 of them . there are almost a thousand household plots in the water. melt water from the fields poured into the village of mikhailovskoye. rescuers go to help residents, pump out water, and build dams. in the neighboring village, three were flooded at once. streets, stormy streams washed out roads, people had to be evacuated. about 80 people are waiting out the storm at temporary accommodation centers; in order to reduce the risk of flooding in the region, river beds are being cleared, and rescuers are blasting ice in dangerous areas. tense flood conditions now in orenburg areas. in some rivers in the region , the water level has already risen to critical levels, highways and three dozen bridges are flooded, and traffic on them is limited. due to the flood of the or river , village residents had to leave their homes. so
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temporary accommodation centers with hot meals were organized for people. starting tomorrow, warm weather will set in in the region, and the snow will melt even faster. all emergency services have been placed on high alert. in kazakhstan, where they are also eliminating the consequences of floods , almost evacuated from flooded areas. 13,000 people. about 5,500 are in temporary accommodation centers. assistance to the population in emergency zones is provided around the clock, including with the assistance of aviation. and now. you see footage that was posted online by residents of kazakhstan, where on one of the highways the steely waters literally washed away multi-ton trucks, the driver of the truck tried to overcome the water barrier, but drove onto the side of the road, his car overturned, followed by three more trucks that covered the road , local publics report this, according to preliminary information, no one was not injured, large-scale floods began throughout the republic, a state of emergency was introduced in a number of regions, on the eve
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of the floods the authorities restricted the movement of transport on sections of highways on the border with russia, today some of them are already open, including the omsk, maykapchagai highway , coming from the east of kazakhstan, dad, you’ll be home soon, soon , i won’t be late now, there are many vacancies on avito, work will be found not just a job, but its place, deposit - cent in sberbank with clear conditions - this is a reliable and profitable way increase your savings at a rate of up to 16% per annum. quick registration in the sberbank application online, deposit - better interest rate, more profitable with prime. they say that life is like a journey. embark on it with the jettour crossover, your new companion on the path to discovery and vivid impressions. bold design, functional interior and comfort technologies. choose your jetur. special
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thank you. hurry up to get a loan with cashback. it's more profitable with beris prime. what is your dream car? the answer is very simple. it should have everything, style, dynamics and first class comfort, on any road and for my whole family, cherry tigo 8 pro max, dream bigger, cherry, update and renew with a big spring sale at the megamarket, buy pet products at a discount up to 50%. we take out loans, it’s easy to apply for. we at sofcom-bank, we take out loans, they were approved quickly, we at sofcom-bank, loans that everyone knows. flight tests of the domestic passenger aircraft have been resumed in the moscow region. aircraft il-114300. it is being prepared for
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regional flights, including to replace the an-24 in the arctic regions. the second prototype aircraft assembled at the lukhovitsky aviation plant took off. the flight continued. let me remind you that the il-114 testing program started at the end of 2020, but
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was suspended in the summer of the twenty-first. i will add that the new airliner consists entirely of russian components, according to the pilots, it has already shown an advantage compared to the previous model. russian engine, which was created for a turboprop aircraft, and today the results of a lot of work done since the twenty-second year, when we received the initial certificate, the engine has been brought and refined to a state where it not only has a certificate of growth aviation, but can
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be used and effectively used in tube-propeller aviation, today this engine has the best characteristics in its class , is in no way inferior to a foreign one. the flight went well, there were no failures, the task was completed in full, with excellent quality, the aircraft performed simply excellent. excellent traction, armament, much more than the previous model. france is strengthening security measures for easter, as the country's interior minister said, with more than 13,000 police guarding churches throughout the fifth republic. the maximum level of security was introduced earlier due to the terrorist threat on the eve of the summer olympic games in paris. millions of guests from all over france and from all over the world are waiting in the capital, to protect them all, a non-trivial task, but instead of... doing this, the mayor of paris went to kiev and there she said that she did not want to see russians and
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belarusian athletes, with details natalia goncharova. the mayor of paris, anna dalgo , decided to shake up the situation just months before the olympic games. i want to tell russian and belarusian athletes that they will not be welcome in paris, and i want to tell ukrainian athletes everything. to the people of ukraine that we support them very much. the russian foreign ministry responded to the statement of the mayor of paris. maria zakharova recommended that dalgo study the experience of other french russophobes and congratulated him on the memorable date. 210 years ago, russian troops took paris. the mayor of paris, anne hidalgo, happy holiday to the russian-phobic layer of the current french authorities. at one time, their predecessors did not appreciate russia’s peacefulness and paid dearly for it. we are for peace cooperation. but on an equal basis. however, dalgo’s fiery speech, as a number of french journalists note, is
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an attempt to shift the emphasis. on the main pages of leading publications there are discussions of security measures and a rhetorical question: are the intelligence services of the fifth republic ready to prevent the threat of attack? as noted in frenchinfo, the methods of terrorists have changed. employees intelligence agencies fear terrorist sleeper cells within the country. there is a high risk of attack by so-called lone terrorists. single person in this publication. the french info provides data from the police report.
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a sixty-two-year-old man was detained in paris, who, according to security forces, was planning an attack on the catholic church. the suspect collected data and took photographs of the site where he intended to carry out the attack. elite special forces units conduct large-scale exercises and practice attack scenarios by armed groups terrorists on a crowd of people. here we worked out a scenario for a mass attack by terrorists, we went through it completely from the moment of the attack until the neutralization of the four invaders, while the hostages were freed and they were able to be helped. one of the main goals of these exercises is to establish a system of interaction between different services during an emergency. france has introduced a maximum threat level. according to the ministry of internal affairs of the fifth republic from the beginning of the year, the special services. prevented two possible terrorist attacks in the country. expected that this summer,
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17 million people, including 2 million foreign tourists, will come to paris to watch the olympics. whether the french intelligence services will be able to ensure the safety of all these people, given that agents already have to work overtime, is an open question. natalya goncharova, lead. now there is a short advertisement, then watch the special report by natalia pantaleva. fiery breath, about how crews fight in a special operation zone ; a heavy flamethrower system of sleepers, which has no analogues in the world. contribution, best interest, up to 16% per annum in sberbank online. refresh and renew yourself with the big spring sale at the megamarket. buy household chemicals with cashback up to 40%. it’s not easy to catch the feather of a firebird, but
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was not afraid, but climbed under the bullets and was mortally wounded, if i were younger, i would have told him, work brothers, as the famous hero said, since i am already an old man, i told them, work, children, work, finish off the fascist reptile, look what is happening in the world , were here, you think , it’s still better here, well, at least... wherever you want, where you can’t, the kamaz is in the pit, otherwise in this place, yes, lech, tell him to start it, he’s good.
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ok, ok, ok, today we are getting acquainted with the fire fighters of the west group of troops, now they are preparing to carry out combat mission, they are loading six thermoboric shells, the weight of each is about 220 kg, let’s push further 1 2 3, take everything, he can handle it alone, push everything, okay. so you’re here, i’m there, let’s move the two of us now, basically the unit is now a full-time contract soldier , basically the average age of each soldier. well, up to 28-30 years old, everyone seems to be young, but at the same time already very experienced, well , guys, we are all like relatives here, like family, well, we can probably even
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communicate with gestures, everyone understands, mutual understanding, it developed between people, and no matter how it was, all people are simple, everyone understands what they have to do, young guys from the flamethrower unit, the radiation chemical and biological protection regiment, carry out combat missions in the kupinsky direction, work on heavy tos-1 systems asentsipok, who burn out everything in the destruction square with thermoboric shells, rare assault infantry do without their support, almost all the fighters in the zone from the very first day, each already has more than one state award. we usually we work quickly and also leave the position so that they don’t have time to notice us. how much does it take to do combat work? well, regular work takes on average 5-10 minutes, which means even more time is spent on adjustments; we are being adjusted with a drone.
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we go on a mission in a combat vehicle, work on targets, on enemy manpower, on lightly armored vehicles, also on... signed a contract with the ministry of defense and went to the front, awarded a medal for strengthening combat. commonwealth, the first award was presented to him right on the front line, yeah, full, everything is fine, my job is to get to the point and bring back the entire
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fully alive crew, the biggest responsibility lies with the driver mechanics, you are only 20 years old, how do you cope with such psychological pressure on the team and sometimes i don’t even think about it, but the responsibility always lies with the driver's mechanics. how many people is the crew? crew of three people, driver, vehicle commander and gunner. how do you interact? and through the headset, i hear the commander of the vehicle, i hear the gunner, they hear me. and the noise is big, the intercom , they suppress the engine noise and are more associated with the voice of the gunner’s vehicle commander. serviceman. april 2022 in life, a balanced and friendly person, and received his call sign in honor of the hero of his favorite comedy series; at the age of 24
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, the fighter was awarded a medal for courage. the hardest thing is not to let down the people who put their hopes and expectations on us, that they sent us to study, that is, they have already placed hope on us that we will really come here trained, knowledgeable. when you you are going on a combat mission, the most important task is not to make a mistake with the guys, the most important thing is to find a connection, that is, so that it doesn’t happen that we are fighting, we don’t understand each other, no, everything is calm, said stop the car, the car stopped, everything was melted, opened up, the pumping part was raised , that’s it, you’re waiting for the command, one fire, that’s it, one fire, that is, no screaming, no extra noise, that there was no, nothing like that, that is, you try to remain calm, of course, your call sign is not justify. there isn't, there isn't, ready, 1, 2, 3, push, that's it, let's go, left, there, first lift it completely on the roof. under
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what conditions do you have to work? rain, mud, remember your trip, which you will remember for the rest of your life, this was my very first trip, either drones or tanks can shoot, always in different ways, very dangerous, sometimes there are calm trips, the adrenaline must go off scale. my first combat trip, we also went as part of the crew, we were driving along the road, there was a big puddle ahead, and he caught the so-called dolphin, that is, when a wave of water comes straight onto the tank , it floods the mechanic into the hatch , and it turns out that the gunner is in the hatch. my driver and gunner were all damp to the skin, and they used to leave at night, then come back and
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charge at night. that is, well, so that the car is in combat readiness, if some kind of task comes again, it’s all monotonous, so to speak, routine, everything one by one and it’s quite hard physically and psychologically it’s also hard, that’s it, let’s check the oil , let's open the lid and measure it, well, basically normal, even though the crew is young and new, but... when we fired, we had a consumption of four, all four shells were without adjustment, the next day we find out that after our shooting, the infantry entered the forest plantation and took the height and, accordingly, for her village, that is, the result is obvious, the result of training, the result of the crew, the consistency of its work, this is normal, look there, look there. yes, everything is also
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taut, the caterpillar is in order, the efficient car does not let you down, the car is very efficient, very accommodating, the engine is very torquey, the drone protection is very good, there is no other machine like this in the world, there are no more analogues to this machine, it is constantly being modernized, something new is being added, many thanks to the developer of this machine, i would gladly shake his hand, because it saves a lot, it leaves no chance for the enemy, even if he is in a shelter, in a trench, in a house, in basements, it will reach everywhere, at the scientific center of the ministry of defense they warmly welcome stanislav petrov, a retired colonel general, during his leadership of the rkhbz troops they adopted a heavy flamethrower system buratin, later significantly
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improved it. this is how tos-1 santsepek appeared, which successfully operates in a military special operation zone, hitting the enemy at a distance of up to 6 km. there was such a chief of troops, colonel general vladimir karpovich pekalov, a hero of the soviet union, who devoted a lot of effort to developing the direction, the use of thermobaric mixtures, the idea of ​​​​creating buratin appeared, he, as an artilleryman, himself wrote the technical specifications for this buratin.
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overhauled these buratino installations in omsk, produced several thousand ammunition, a detachment of buratin was formed , in rearguard battles, covering the exit of our troops from afghanistan, the detachment of buratin showed the highest efficiency, the glory of aburatin was already thundering, the dushman was called his big shaitan, but if the bumblebee flamethrower was


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