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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 31, 2024 5:30pm-6:00pm MSK

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the owner will return, then we will gladly give back what we saved. the first rehearsals took place in the second floor fayera of the philharmonic, which was also in a deplorable state. there was a rush here, well , it was so romantic, it was raining, everyone went out there, ran for a run, the wind was blowing, nothing, just in raincoats, in sweaters. who are in sheepskin coats, now the troupe theater staff has 28 actors and six dance group members, the previous composition can no longer be restored, so the theater welcomes everyone and does not refuse help, and st. petersburg residents are helping with the restoration of our building, evgeny vitalievich mironov is helping as much as he can, he supplies us with equipment, costumes, and some of the scenery.
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whoever can, helps. the theater won a grant from the presidential fund for cultural initiatives, they are preparing a production based on ostrovsky’s play poverty is not a threshold, by the summer the troupe is going on tour and is really looking forward to the restoration of its home, the drama theater. that the first question was, where will we work, not how will we survive, but where will we work, there is no building, and then when i saw everything in my eyes while driving around the ring, of course it was terrifying. it was truly a shock, a construction loader was driving through the future main entrance, an excavator was spinning in place of the auditorium, there would be chairs here, the builders managed to save only that part of the publication that relates to the audience, the side where the service entrance was, the dressing rooms, the stage was destroyed to foundation, new walls are being laid out of brick, the builders are now secretly dividing the theater into red and... the stage remains the same
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the same as it was, that is, we make up for it completely, as from well, existing, before the bombings in the drama theater. at the moment, the brick lining of the first floor is being completed, as well as the partially monolithic covering of the second floor. the steps, black with smoke, lead to the third floor, where the boxes were once located. in this part there will be - well , there will be a balcony from which they will watch the performances. in place of the stage there is a huge round hole, this is exactly the part that will rotate to change the scenery; a rotation mechanism will be installed inside, which will move the turntable, which will create a special dynamics in the scene. above the main entrance under the roof is an ensemble of plaster sculptures, blackened by the fire, but not completely destroyed; they will be carefully removed and given to restorers. no one
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got there, they just climbed up on an aerial platform and looked at the possibility of, well, complete dismantling and restoration. some parts , such as the balusters and railings, cannot be restored, they are too crumbled; copies of them will be made in the workshops, and they will try to preserve the appearance of the original as much as possible. on on the white side, we tried to preserve the existing part of the building, which can still be improved. straighten the structure to make it safe. the area near the drama theater and the entire theater square have been turned into a large construction site. the fountain was restored here, based on soviet designs, the landscape design was changed, a new children's playground and attractions were built. the mariupol theater is not only the center of the city, but also the crossroads of the main streets. prospekt mira, now lenin street from a bird's eye view. almost all building.
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here there was destruction from direct hits, good bombs landed here, fav 250-50, so the destruction here was very serious, the fact is that they were already in this building.
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made from old brick, from the second second production, so to speak, and as for the partitions, they are from new brick. in the 19th century, the building was built by local residents of the mariupol tamaz dynasty; material for construction was brought from various brick factories, as evidenced by glued bricks found at the construction site. we found them in basement, it says here, here is foster and ramsay, this is probably it.
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or a looter was dragged away, but we order these railings precisely from those old photographs that we managed to get from local historians, something was preserved on video in the media, so using old photographs we are trying to restore the railing exactly in its original form, in which they were on this staircase will be left in its original form and the historical elevator, which is located in the basement. where first the printing house was located, and then the restaurant kitchen. according to evidence, our historians, this is the first electric elevator in mariupol, which was used in this premises, when it was a restaurant and a hotel, products that were stored here were lifted from the basement to the restaurant kitchen. in
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the basement, the builders discovered a secret hole, where it leads, no one knows, they did not check. it was made to look like a fireplace and we thought it was just a chimney there, yes. and then, when they already saw that there was no chimney there, why? because the walls are all clean, if there was a chimney, they would be covered in soot, and the walls clean, so it’s not a chimney, that’s for sure, it’s just a passage into some kind of dungeon. local resident eduard khudokormov helped the builders determine that it was a fireplace and not a fireplace. vyacheslav abramov came to inspect the house where eduard lives, he told him about the secret city passages, they were laying a stash here somewhere, he came out of our yard here, here there, it was dug up.
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a single customer in the construction industry, but this house too, it is old, only here there is a setting, three floors, in fact, this is an old house, and it was an apartment building, so people live here, if you look, there is very interesting architecture here, which means that so-called passage galleries are made here, and from these open galleries there are already apartments, but this, this, says that this is... this is a building old type, well, such buildings can still be seen, probably, probably in odessa. historically, there is only the first floor, which is covered with a thick layer of plaster, the year of construction is 1875, only walls 20 meters thick and four-meter ceilings give out. eduard khudokormov
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shows his apartment after the shelling; during the hostilities he did not go anywhere, he took refuge in the basement, now he lives in a burnt-out two-room apartment and is waiting for repairs. this is how i live, you see, the whole kitchen burned down, the palm tree is impossible , you can’t find it, you can’t, it’s all burnt down, you see , there was a hole at the top, the drywall flew away, they laid the masonry there, it was explosive up there at the top like a wave, that’s how the whole apartment was, we were already throwing everything out here, throwing out all sorts of lamps, here was water, then tools, then such. i moved everything that i could salvage from things into the second room, but essentially it needs to be thrown away, it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to get rid of the smell of gary, you know, during the war, when a person goes through this, values ​​change, you reconsider a lot in your life's attitude towards everything, values
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​​change, so it's normal, there is clothes to wear, there is food to eat, it's warm, everything is fine, there are only eight families left to live in the house, eduard, at the request of the neighbors, is behind some apartments. looks after here before the war was made it’s also a european-quality renovation, that’s it, here it is, it’s all burnt, you see the soot, come in. here’s an apartment, the owner left the apartment back in march twenty-two, they put out the neighbor’s fire, one room was completely burned out, there wasn’t even any furniture left, they managed to put out the fire in the kitchen, but they couldn’t wipe off the soot, but in principle everything is fine, everything is beautiful, everything is fine , i see what people will do now, there will be roofs, the roofs will not leak, i think everything will be fine, there is electricity, everything was neglected here, god forbid. now here i see that the tp was changed, there is new wiring everywhere, because no one here did anything after the collapse of the union, no one literally
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did anything here, for all the time here, that four or five houses were built here in mariupol in 32 years, no one did anything, when the builders came to the site, eduard showed them books of old photographs, where his house was mentioned as being built in the 19th century; it was destroyed during the war; this is the first floor that remained; they just left it and set it up. three more floors. vyacheslav abramov promises that when they begin repairs, he will try to take into account the historical origin of the first floor of the building. the façade from that part has already been scaffolded from the outside, plastering work is going on there, yes, we will restore it, we will strengthen it, we will clean it. and these are all, everything that is exposed, the fittings are working, they must be cleaned closed and must be preserved. 146
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years ago, the houses of old mariupol had their own names as living individuals, the nilson house on semenyshyn street, the building with the spire of the millionaire kharajaev, the neo-gothic gamper castle, named after the doctor and public figure sergei gamper, who rented an apartment here, treated people here, received people in this house, and so... and the house itself, itself of very interesting architecture, in such a gothic style, was built, and many perceived it as even a church. after the doctor's death in 1911, the house experienced both a sausage production workshop and redevelopment into a communal apartment for the poor. during the great patriotic war, wehrmacht soldiers were quartered here, in 2022 the house was occupied by militants from... from the azov battalion, well now, of course, this house was damaged during hostilities
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in 2022, well, now it’s being renovated, ivan kovbey bought an apartment in a building 17 years ago, this building, this is a small one, here there are 22 square meters, i think, is this what you had or what we had here, i had a fireplace , here. this is all a chimney , everything here was quite beautiful, this is what the apartment looked like before today’s renovation, there were tiles on the floor, the walls were covered with wallpaper, when the builders took them off, they tore off the plaster, secret doors and passages were revealed, well , you see, it’s arched , yes, apparently there was a passage concrete, and i’ll tell you more, this is what’s above me, this is all being filmed here too...
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all its architectural moments are in the gothic style, as it should have been, we don’t demand here that the atlanteans stand and hold some canopies, that’s right , but let them do it easily, restore all these architectural nuances, restore the buildings according to the old bti plans, and of course, take into account the wishes of the owners, a total of eight families live in the house, but they should have everything there in a big way. new, because everything they had was dilapidated, shaky, and still in connection with the arrivals, everything was destroyed
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, well, here is the entrance to the apartment, since the entrance to the apartment , but it is closed, you have to knock it out and it is not clear what is there, then here is another entrance to the apartment, here is another entrance in front of you, here is the entrance into the apartment, and here there should have been an entrance to the apartment, but here’s another opening, but here it’s destroyed, it all needs to be restored again, but this one lives here from svetlano, right? svetlana lives here, yes, this is her entrance, her entrance is also walled up, svetlana lives here, she made it for herself streets, it’s hard to imagine that here on the second floor there once were three apartments, partitions.
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move the fighting. rais bashko shows the rescued exhibits that were found after the fire and transported to the kuindzhi art museum. this vessel is approximately 4,000 years old, this is the era of the timber-frame culture. all vessels changed color under the influence of high temperature. the temperature was so high that some vessels
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simply melted. this is how photographs and documents of the museum are dried right on the floor. the foundation has lost more than 50 thousand items , now our task is to take it all into account, that is , we are now compiling, we have a commission working to identify surviving items, and we are compiling lists, lists by group, items that have been preserved have registration designations , items that have been preserved, but there is no accounting documentation, because unfortunately there is no documentation. we , too, have lost and unpreserved objects; by the way, we have begun exhibiting the local museum, if 2 years ago we could not even think about it, because for us the task was, i say , to provide the residents with basic conditions, now we have begun to found the krovey museum,
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we made, first of all, a park, which also faces the center, we made a part, we made... a completely azov university, which is also part of the central part of mariupol. miraculously, school paintings from the alexander men's gymnasium on georgievskaya street survived. since the twenty-third year, the mariupol vocational college has been located here. this is what we managed to preserve after all these barbaric actions after the looters in our educational institution. the history of our educational institution begins in 1901, which was opened due to the fact that metallurgical plants began to operate in the city, and there was a need for personnel who would be trained to work for these
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enterprises. in the twenty-second year, the building was damaged by fighting, fighters of the azov detachment. they set up a military base here, everything, of course, was terribly sad, it was a sad sight, yes, they were destroyed on the edge where the gym with the library was, several hits, generally speaking, it was in the building of our institution, restoration work at the college began in the twenty-third year, a message to descendants was found in one of the destroyed walls, here the builders discovered a capsule.
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it was decided that, in view of the use of central heating, it was covered with masonry after the great patriotic war. the educational institution is experiencing its third birth, in 1899, it was put into operation, then it was destroyed during the great patriotic war. and now the recovery after the events of the twenty-second of the year. we have a more serious hit here in this building, not only here, here behind the wall, there was the office of the deputy director, who... they won’t, they will put it in
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order right on the spot, but the chandeliers will have to be sent to the workshop, they are well preserved, but still there are not enough details, the staircase remains historical, here it is, as it was done in tsarist times, they plan to restore it in the same way, to ensure that it is there, but overall... it will be ready to continue to serve us, having completed the repairs, when this the institution will take on such a cool look, new, clean, modern, then of course it will be a pleasure to study here, georgievskaya street, the building of a former synagogue, built in 1882, the unique architecture is crumbling before our eyes only... in the twenty- third year the buildings were included in the list newly discovered objects of cultural heritage of local significance, but if we are talking about architectural monuments, then we had
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six objects directly with the status of an architectural monument, we had three more objects, conditionally they are there as newly discovered they are considered to be a former distillery , this is a former synagogue building, these are ruins , let’s say, well, all that was left of it at one time, and nilsson’s house, this is our most important architect of the city, a very revered figure in mariupol. only nine historical buildings today are officially protected by local authorities, despite the fact that in mariupol there are several hundred houses of the 19th century, most of them are privately owned and the owners do with them whatever they see fit. georgievskaya 16, late 19th century building, the owner added a second floor. lived with siding until 2022, there was a sauna there, a building across the road, the owner , of course, did a great job, he keeps the facade in a beautiful form, but this protruding part is
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a remake, the appearance of the building of the late 19th century has been changed, there have been attempts to recognize some buildings as architectural monuments in 1994, there was a decision about this by the city council of deputies, then 172 objects were included in the list, good. the initiative remained just on paper. nikita kovaleva’s department and museum workers translated the list in electronic format and supplemented with photographs. according to the law, all costs for the maintenance, maintenance, and repair of a monument of architecture are borne by the balance holder. that is, naturally there is a city, region, federation, they can accept some large social facilities. as for a private house, well, here it is. that’s it, well, this whole burden falls on the owners, again, this is one of the reasons why the owners don’t want this, because then they won’t be able to sell it, because there are restrictions, that is, well, this is it,
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well, the story is very complicated, unfortunately, the list of many houses from 1994 is no longer there, and those that remain may not be restored, they are in very poor condition. buildings that can be saved are included in the masterplan of mariupol. the document was developed by the moscow unified institute of spatial planning. these are recommendations for the design of a new engineering grid, architectural concept, proposals for the color scheme of buildings, their number and number of floors. along italianskaya street, on the top line the lost ones are indicated in gray building. we restored their appearance based on information from open sources. extant. we propose to preserve, but to replace the lost buildings, we propose to form them with a slight increase in the number of storeys, that is, if the houses had a roof height of 9 m,
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here we propose the construction of buildings 15 m. residents will have kindergartens, schools, clinics within convenient walking distance, which there will be stops within easy reach. and public transport, that public transport routes will be convenient, that there will be sufficient quantities in the courtyards children's sports grounds, that the percentage of landscaping will also be high. the restoration of mariupol is under the personal supervision of the deputy prime minister of the russian federation, marat akhusnulin. we have drawn up a master plan for mariupol.
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in terms of the level for all programs, the average russian level, that is, we must lag behind, we must catch up very seriously, already in the roads there, well, it will just be necessary to repair many times more, build a road, for example, already in restoring the engineering infrastructure, but there the last 10- 20 years nothing is being invested at all, the institute has, among other things, developed a plan for the severodonetsk agglomeration, general plans for the cities of rubezhnaya, severo-donetsk, lesechansk, by the end of this year another 35 projects will be presented... in 2014, the venue for the winter olympic games, today the federal territory of sirius
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as for... the creation of an innovation center, the creation of a university, this is a direct order of the president, thanks to the special legal regulation of the federal territory of sirius , we will be able to minimize the period from identifying a tumor to making an injection medication to the patient. we are partners here in this place to develop the legislative framework. sirius is a paradise for smart people. i propose to change the call sign of the passenger to the call sign of rebin, no, my brother’s call sign, you remain a passenger, that’s right, i’m a passenger.
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hello, i'm boris sakinov. and i am oleg
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stepanov and we are the creators of the russia 2062 project of the headquarters of free thought. together with experts , we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years. see you in the future. investment rating, economics. through specific stories we can reach people.
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let's return to the news review, let's start with footage from rostov-on-don. a two-story building caught fire in the industrial zone; it is reported that this is a warehouse for a book publishing house.


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