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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 31, 2024 6:00pm-6:30pm MSK

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let's return to the news review, let's start with footage from rostov-on-don, a two-story building caught fire in an industrial zone, it is reported that this is a warehouse of a book publishing house. the fire spread to
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the roof of a neighboring building. according to the latest data, the fire is localized to an area of ​​800 m2. 50 specialists and 16 pieces of equipment are working on site. the russian armed forces launched a high-precision group strike on energy infrastructure and gas production facilities in ukraine. all goals, as reported by the treason defense, were achieved as a result of the disruption of work ukrainian defense industry enterprises. at the voznesensk airfield in the nikolaev region, our military destroyed three su-25 aircraft of the air force. ukraine, and russian air defense shot down 178 ukrainian drones and 23 missiles during the day. in the belgorod region, a woman died as a result of shelling from ukraine. according to the governor of the region , vyacheslav glodkov, at the time of the attack the civilian was on the street, and died from her wounds before the ambulance arrived. several houses and gas and electricity lines were also damaged. on the spot operational services are working. previously, the armed forces of ukraine with the help. the village of dolgoe, also in the belgorod
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region, lep was also damaged there, no one was hurt, to our credit. well, continuing with the topic, an urgent message from the ministry of defense, air defense systems at about 17:00 destroyed a ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicle in the belgorod region. massive assistance to the victims in crocs showed the spiritual strength of the people. the patriarch of moscow stated this all.
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let me remind you that the past week has passed under the sign of grief for those killed as a result of the terrorist attack in crocus siticholia near moscow. on march 22, before the concert, several men in camouflage burst in, shot visitors, and threw incendiary bombs. according to the latest data , 144 people were killed, 551 were injured, all four direct perpetrators of the terrorist attack were arrested, and investigators consider five more to be participants in the crime. consequences. the committee
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stated that they had proven the connection of those who carried out the terrorist attack with ukrainian nationalists. presidential elections were supposed to be held in ukraine today if zelensky had not canceled them, having previously asked the west for $5 billion and was refused. the ukrainian leader has not received support from the electorate lately. according to opinion polls, at the beginning of march less than 25% of respondents were ready to vote for him. will continue the theme of evgeny petrukhin.
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zelensky there is no such rule of law, i mean in relation to the president, there was a conspiracy on november 30, all the leaders of factions and deputy groups. a memorandum was signed in parliament stating that presidential and parliamentary elections would not be held, but would be held after martial law, ending in 6 months, this memorandum was essentially approved by the americans alexander soros, who runs the golos faction, zelensky’s team refers to article 108 of the constitution of ukraine, saying the president is exercising his powers. before the newly elected head of state takes office, but he is not, the fact that zelensky is unlikely to be re-elected, especially after unfulfilled promises of peace with russia, merciless graveyard, and endless communal collapse in the country, a protege of the extremist kolomoisky and washington, it seems clearly understood, and now he, apparently, is at
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a dead end. our opponents grind their teeth, erasing them to the very roots, but they are forced, at least, if not to admit, then to realize that they have succeeded.
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perhaps only the ukrainian dancer, who appeared on the air of the german tv channel ard during the broadcast of a service dedicated to good friday, could surpass this. the girl twitched as if in convulsions, rolled on the floor and scattered
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white powder. the audience immediately made analogies and even wrote, they say, here he is, the next president of ukraine, ukraine, who will choose the president this sunday.
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those who, in the name of saving our democracy, are destroying it. i don't say these
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words lightly. each of us who loves our country and cherishes peace and freedom should be very alarmed by those who, driven by and insatiable lust for power, are actively undermine everything we stand for. and almost every single day, if you pay attention to the news headlines, they are exposed.
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she probably would have gotten something out of it, she would have been very rich, but no, tolsi gabart, probably the least wealthy famous person in the united states, she is not swimming in money, quite the contrary, she suffered greatly due to a change in sympathies. so, what was the process that turned congress woman from a democrat 11 years ago into a sirek headliner this year. this is a very interesting story, she described it in book just released, out of love for the country,
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why i left the democratic party, she joins us to talk about it. tulsi gabart is with us now, yes, thank you very much, congratulations on the release of the book, i must say the first thing that caught my eye, tulsi is one of the most unwavering, noble people i have ever met, says joe rogan, and i can confirm it's, it's true, i think so too, and but i also understand when people ask what's the matter, gabart is from hawaii, probably the most democratic and liberal state, you can argue, but subjectively it... god, has it really only been, it's only been 10-11 years, but i think it shows how crazy the democratic party has become today, really crazy, and it's sadly unfortunate that this
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party has gone so far from its origins, from the party. a party that celebrated freedom and fought for civil liberties, and came to the conclusion that the biden-harris administration and the democratic elite in washington are deliberately politicizing and turning into weapons and tools of our own government and their cronies in the tech giants and social media, as well as in the mainstream media, to take away our freedoms, take away our right to free speech, take away... our civil liberties, they have become a war party in every way, unfortunately, privacy and democracy the party has become an association that undermines the very structure of our country, our freedom, our constitution and the rule of law, which is why i ultimately left the democratic party, which is why i am sounding the alarm
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now as we enter a year of very important election, talking about what... is at stake, when i was first elected to the primary in 2012, it was a race that i shouldn't have won, if you listen to anyone who knows anything about politics, and i won that election, without the support of any dem party figures at the local or federal level or the party as a whole, it was just a thought that people's voices were heard thanks to the elections. they were fed up with venal, corrupt politicians and wanted to see a new, fresh direction in leadership. victory on those the election was a lot of difficulty, but i had no idea what awaited me when i went to washington, and what did you see there? i mean, now we are naturally very far
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from there, we are very far physically from the capital, yes, that’s right, and you might think that...
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“i don’t know anything about this, what do you really want from me, what are you talking about?” are you asking me? i ultimately told them yes because it was an opportunity to promote positive change, but then in the summer of 2013, my first year in congress, as you know, one of the main reasons i running for congress was an experience i gained while serving in the middle east, where i had first-hand experience in a medical unit. learned the cost of war, i wanted to be in a position where i could influence foreign policy decisions that directly affected my brothers and
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sisters in uniform. i had no idea that the opportunity to do this would come to me so soon, but it was in august 2013 that president obama, while president, announced that he was going to get congressional permission to application. military force to start dropping bombs on syria, which eventually served as the beginning of the wars for regime change there, and at that time i was a member of the foreign relations committee, august, most of the members of congress were at home on parliamentary recess, and i was at home myself in the area and i remember like it was yesterday, i arrived at a gas station and a woman came up to me, and i had never met her, it was a local lady, she grabbed me. by the hand and looked at me with such tension in her eyes, said that her son had just returned home from iraq, before that she was afraid that
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he would not return, finally he was home with her, but now the authorities wanted, wanted to send him back to a new war in a new country, she begged me , please, don't let them take it from me. and just walking around the city, they were terrified, i went back to washington, we had committee meetings, open hearings, secret briefings, and i went to them with an open mind, give me all the information, i want...
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what will you do, when will they answer? they, they they said, well, we don’t think, we don’t think that there will be an answer. and this is your plan, you don't
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think there will be a response. if someone came up, they would hit you in the stomach. you would n't respond if they didn't respond. they have quite well-armed strong friends. do you think they won't answer? what if they don’t answer us, but attack ours in retaliation?
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that's all, learned nothing, learned nothing, then i wrote the article , published it, and i definitely became the first democrat, perhaps the first member of congress, to oppose the request president obama, a couple of hours after the publication of this article, they called me from the white house and essentially said in the spirit of, how dare you, how dare you go? your president, how dare you go against the president who grew up in your home state, not for a second in a conversation, not that it was a conversation at all, but they were not at all interested in the reason for my disagreement, which i expressed quite clearly in my article, how well my decision was thought out, i didn’t make it at random, they weren’t
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interested in my experience, which... helped me make this decision, i've already served twice in the middle east, and that told me a lot about them, what they were most concerned about was, like, being a good team member, go team obama, go team democrats, they weren't interested in the real consequences of this very serious issue. , with which he was going to address congress. so, you still remained in the party. at what point did you think: i can’t represent this party anymore? this was in the fall of 2022. a lot of important midterm elections took place during that year. over time, more and more, there was no one reason why i made this decision. over time , several things led to this.
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in the primaries of the democratic party, but everything i talked about about returning the party to its roots, about making it again the party of the people and the party of freedom, the party of peace and security, all this not only went unnoticed, i was whistled by the party for that that i had the audacity to promote such views, yes, and this is also a restrained account of events, they didn’t just boo you, they accused you of
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that you are an agent of foreign influence for... branded disloyal americans and villains, yes , i mean, i saw it, it's all like that, and you know, this is such a crazy, crazy accusation, obviously completely baseless, the media never asked hillary clinton for proof this treasonous act of which she accused me as a sitting member of congress and as a soldier wearing the uniform of our country. you're an officer, right? yes, that 's the problem, it works, that's why they even now go on and on come back to this. can i digress a little, but this is relevant and interesting. do you kind of answer on everyone's mind, who runs the government? obviously, this is not joe biden. do you think hillary clinton? i think it’s not difficult to assume that this is exactly the case if you look at the people in the joe biden administration. these are the same people who worked for...
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president obama's administration for hillary clinton, because hillary clinton herself once spoke about this. she said, "yeah, i talk to the white house every day, so we're not it should be surprising who is behind the policies emanating from the current administration in the white house, which many call the most radical and left-liberal in the history of our country." but there is no doubt about it, i have changed a lot in 20 years, i just mean we have all changed , what can we say, but how have you changed, what are your ideas now that differ from those that were 5 years ago? you know, the fact is that over the past 5 years i have become increasingly...


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