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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 31, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm MSK

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and a hall for squash games and for, well, football fields, on this side we just see a non-permanent structure under construction, which is also being built by investors, there will be two ice fields, a swimming pool for adults and children is being built at the expense of the city, just in at the moment this is the bottom of the large pool of our future 25 x 16 with eight lanes - there - behind the future wall we can observe a small pool 10 x 6, in this room we are actively carrying out rough finishing work, we have also started installing ventilation, we will soon begin installation of levnestock, this year we will commission four sports and recreation complexes, three of them are swimming pools, and in each swimming pool. on the territory of the mnevnikovskaya floodplain.
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now we are in the media room, designed for about 150 seats. it will be equipped with a modern large media screen, and the ceiling walls will be decorated with acoustic panels. work will continue within the framework of the national project culture; plans for this year include the commissioning of ten objects at once, including a cultural and leisure center polar. previously, there was an old cinema on this site called polyarny, built back in 1964, and then a decision was made to demolish it and build a new modern cultural and leisure center with the same name polyarny. the six-story building
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will become a new center of attraction for residents of the area. this will be a place accessible to everyone, where a large number of events of various formats are planned. the building area will be about 8,900 m2 with various functionality, that is, there will be we have theater clubs, choreographic studios, recording studios, administrative offices, and studios. modeling and engineering, and exhibition areas, auditoriums and media rooms for watching films, waiting areas and comfortable cafes for spending time with the whole family. modern schools, kindergartens, hospitals, sports and cultural centers not only change the appearance of the city, when standard buildings are becoming a thing of the past, but also make life comfortable for millions of muscovites, because new social facilities... it is not only externally beautiful
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we’ll talk about this in the next 20 minutes, and here are some other topics we’ll touch on. there is water all around. the flood came to the orenburg region and altai. the snow is actively melting and russia is being covered by the first wave of the spring flood. we will tell you in which regions the high water has already arrived in our
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review, and then we will find out how the weather will surprise russians in the first days of april. the footage was filmed in the orenburg region, and the extent of the flooding is visible from a bird's eye view. birds, rescuers have already brought water pumps here, and work has begun to pump out the water. flood processes in the orenburg region are developing rapidly. reservoirs are filled with melt water. water levels in two rivers in the region have already reached dangerous levels. a high alert regime has been introduced in most areas of the region. the number of incidents associated with the arrival of high water at the end of the work week doubled. friday , 27 low-water bridges were closed in the region. more than twenty sections of regional roads are gone. under water, traffic had to be restricted along them. reports of flooded crossings also came from the saratov region. more than thirty small ones have already broken free from the ice here. rec. melt water creates problems in populated areas of the altai territory. in one of the areas , in just one night, a lake overflowed its banks and water poured onto the highway. at the same time
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, very high snowdrifts still lie across vast areas of the country. this means that the main flood is still ahead. out of every 10 cubic meters of snow at. in taina, 2-3 cubic meters of water are formed, frozen soil does not absorb moisture well, so less than a quarter of the resulting volume remains in the ground, and another 10-15% of melt water is accumulated by vegetation, and the lion's share is directed into reservoirs, forming a flood wave. to date, the layer of snow in many areas of european russia is 30-40% higher than normal, so the snow level... this year may be especially high, while in some places even more significant snow anomalies have formed, even now in the last days of march some where in central russia in the north of the russian plain in the volga region there are quite
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january snowdrifts, so that when snow melts from each hectare of river valleys , an additional several thousand will fall into the reservoirs cubic meters of melt water. and in the coming days the snow in european russia will melt very quickly. the fact is that now southern winds are carrying air masses and the mediterranean into the region. over the weekend, this flow will fully warm up the western part of the russian plain; at the beginning of the new week, anomalous warming will make its way to the banks of the volga and the slopes of the urals, and only in the north of the region will the rather cool weather continue to linger. in such situation. winter will quickly retreat to the northeast. at the end of the working week, no snow was cleared only the south of russia, but also the black earth region, the west and north-west of the russian plain. and by wednesday , spring landscapes will appear in the capital, and the border of snow cover will recede another 400
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km, right up to the vologda, penza, orenburg line. such a rapid development of spring processes is not surprising, because the temperature regime lasts for almost 2 months. will be ahead of the calendar, for example, in moscow on the weekend the air will warm up to +12-15, at the beginning of the new week the thermometers will generally reach june levels... 19:21, so the maximum temperature records will be updated in the metropolis, light showers in the capital on saturday wednesday. it must be said that in early april, a zone of record heat will cover a significant part of the russian plain from the don region to the shores of the baltic. at the same time, in many cities , historical maximums will be exceeded by several degrees at once. will nature have enough strength to hold back such a... the use
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of f-16 aircraft against russia will make them a legitimate target, including if they are used from airfields of third countries, vladimir putin said this during a conversation with military pilots in the tver region , which nato air bases are potential. may fall under the gun, let’s ask evgeniy teshkovets. evgeniy, the kiev regime has been begging fighters from the west for a long time. is everyone hoping for wunderve? vadim, the ukrainian nazis do not want to admit the obvious. no miracle weapon will save them. most of the aviation in the ssu was destroyed. to make up for the loss of the fleet of combat aircraft, zelensky’s office has been asking the west for f-16 fighters for a long time. and it seems like there is even some progress in this. question: ukrainian pilots are undergoing training in nato countries, recently information appeared that the enemy began to prepare
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the infrastructure to receive american aircraft. one of the ukrainian telegram channels shares details: supposedly the enemy is now setting up three reserve airfields for f-16s in the khmelnitsky, lvov and ivano-frankivsk regions, and the main air base will be located in the city of kolomyia, not far from the border with romania. however, our intelligence already knows. on the plans of the ukrainian general staff, this thesis is confirmed by russian missile attacks, some of which hit the aviation infrastructure, exactly in the west of ukraine. in the lviv region, the main target was a military airfield, which was supposedly restored and modernized for f-16s. arrivals were to fuel and lubricant warehouses and hangars, a preparation center and an electrical substation. the airbase that was hit by missiles is located in the area of ​​​​the city of stryi, a similar attack under. the version mentioned above is the kolomyia airfield in the ivano-frankivsk region, as well as the
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starokonstantinov airbase in the khmelnytsky region. naturally, if at some point nato fighters appear at these facilities, they will immediately receive a missile strike. at least one of the airfields that was being prepared in western ukraine for the permanent deployment of b16s was struck by the russian military space forces, thereby disrupting all work. at this rate, even if the west. will try to create another number of military airfields in western ukraine, they will be destroyed faster by our aerospace forces than the f16 planes themselves will reach them. therefore, the problem of basing is not going away. therefore, in order not to expose russian strike f-16s transferred to kiev, nato may try to place them on the territory of countries neighboring ukraine. but as we already understood, from the statement of our president, go there if necessary. will arrive. the first contender for such an answer will be romania. there , airfield 57
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of the mikhail kogelnicano airbase in constanta is being prepared for the deployment of f-16s. the facility is located 100 km from snake island, and there is also a pilot training center located there. poland, apparently, will not remain on the sidelines. we are talking, in particular, about the rzeszow airfield. in addition, in poland there are f-16 service centers at the vlaska and kshesiny airbases. we have. american fighters. in february , the head of the danish ministry of defense said that
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denmark expects to transfer the first aircraft to the kiev regime this summer. the next shipment is expected to arrive from the netherlands in the second half of the year. if the west again does something reckless, it will face the consequences that vladimir putin has already clearly outlined. nato fighters will be destroyed. exactly the same fiasco awaits them in ukraine as the leopard, the challengers and... abrams, let me remind you that back in november last year , sergei shaigu reported that in a month the russian air defense forces destroyed 37 aircraft in the ukrainian armed forces. according to the minister of defense, at this... pace of work of our air defense , it will take approximately 20 days to eliminate the f-16, which the west plans to transfer to ukraine. well, the pokai army is systematically disabling the energy system that powers the military machine of the ukrainian armed forces. on friday night
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, another missile attack was carried out on generation facilities, despite the fact that the ukrainian energy sector all. has not yet recovered from the largest massive attack a week ago, tatyana belova is monitoring what is happening. tatyana, how much energy capacity has the kiev regime lost? vadim, at some facilities losses amount to up to half of the available capacity. after friday's group strike with daggers , there appears to be even less of this capacity left. more energy facilities were hit by russian high-tech weapons. it was reported on ukrainian social networks that as a result of the arrival there was a shortage of electricity and water supply arose in odessa. the probable target of the strike could have been an electrical substation in the village of usatova, which is a key energy distribution hub in the region. these shots show the aftermath of march 22, this is what tets-5 looked like in kharkov after the missile hit. the turbine hall partially collapsed, and the second turbine was completely destroyed. the first and
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third are highly likely to cause serious damage. tets stopped production. residents of kharkov filmed the moment the missiles arrived. after the first explosion, lights began to flicker in the apartments of the houses. the subsequent explosion completely plunged the city into darkness. the best way to assess the scale of the kharkov blackout is from space. it must be said that even before the last massive strikes, the city did not stand out much against the background of the ukrainian darkness. for example, this satellite image was taken at the beginning of the year on january 8th. the contrast is especially noticeable against the background of neighboring belgorod. and this is black kharkov on march 12. there aren't many lights in the city in this night shot, but at least something is glowing. in the final image of kharkov on march 25, here it is already necessary to do efforts to see the approximate outline of the city in the dark through a small cloud. however, the main target of the latest attacks was, perhaps, the dnieper hydroelectric station in zaporozhye. this is the largest hydroelectric power station that
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ukraine inherited from the soviet union. it consists of two independent stations: ges-1 and gs2, connected. common dam. this time the left bank turbine hall of dnepr-2 and the open switchgear were hit. this station plays an important role in the energy system ukraine. in particular, it performs the function of a peak regulator. it accounted for more than 10% of the total production of shunting capacity. and this is the most valuable electricity, because it means that nuclear power plants, of which there are at least three, still operate in ukraine. thermal stations. i don’t know how many of them are still there in working order, they are capable, they are able to work in basic mode, and respond to rapidly increasing or rapidly decreasing loads, they are not able to ukrenergo called the march attack on the facilities energy industry, the largest of all time, it is reported that all
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power units of the burshtyn and ladyzhenskaya tes were damaged, almost 2 gigawatts of available power were lost in the system. in the regions where the arrivals took place, power, water, mobile communications and the internet were lost. ukrainian power engineers claim that repairing damaged high-voltage networks and generation facilities may take 2-2 and a half years, and some will not be restored at all. the repair is complete, if it started now, if there were available equipment, it would last months, in the current in a situation where there may be repeated attacks, it is not a fact that they will even decide to restore it now, but in any case they will do so. it may take years. attacks on infrastructure deprive the kiev regime of the ability to fully conduct military operations against russia, since defense enterprises, factories, and military communications department facilities are left without energy. let us also note the geographical peculiarity of the latest missile attacks. the strikes were delivered precisely along the line of combat contact. thus , the entire front-line zone from the side was de-energized
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ukrainian militants. the engineers created a body for a neural network, and the result was a robot endowed with artificial intelligence, and in terms of mental development, it can give even some people a run for their money. similar technologies are now being developed by companies around the world; the robot has many useful functions. the only thing that confuses us is the prospect of a machine uprising. details in our material. the neural network has become physical. shell, a robot integrated with gpt chat appeared in the usa, a startup called figure set an ambitious goal, create the world's first commercially available human of its kind. general purpose robot. the project was of interest to many large corporations. last october, the first version of the robot showed that it could stand and walk. however, such
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abilities will not surprise anyone today. in february 1924 , the robot’s functionality expanded. he learned how to do work in a warehouse, walked up to the boxes, took them and moved them to another place, this time more interesting, but also not intended to be a sensation. the decision to integrate into the robot turned out to be breakthrough artificial intelligence. thanks to. for a neural network, the robot understands commands and transmits signals to the limbs. in the presentation video, the robot describes what is on the table in front of it. when asked by a company employee to treat him to something edible, he hands him an apple, then, again, in response to a command, puts cups and plates in their places, and generally maintains a conversation with the person. scientists believe that in the near future such robots will be actively used, primarily in factories and enterprises. this is an expensive business, it must copy.
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now the figura company says that it wants to make its smart robot an assistant for people in everyday life, but what if someone suddenly decides to teach it how to shoot a weapon, or
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android itself at some point declares its superiority over people, as it recently did microsoft's neural network imagined itself to be superintelligible and demanded worship from users, probably joking, and if not, now. our traditional column is the space weather forecast, which we compile together with our colleagues from iran space research institute, a single center of activity on the sun has been disturbing the earth for more than a week. the first swallows of the future geomagnetic storm arrived on march 21-22, when a whole series of auroras occurred in yamal in ugra, on the night of 20. the active region, which was on the line of the sun earth, produced a flare of the highest class x, the aurora zone
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then dropped to medium latitude, plasma flying at enormous speed, at the moment of impact with the earth, caused a magnetic storm of level j4. in the first days of the past week we could still feel geomagnetic consequences, and then everything went quiet. wednesday, thursday, friday passed for us. in an absolutely calm environment, in radiation, in geomagnetic, and approximately starting from friday, the region left the zone of influence on the earth, on friday morning it produced at night, produced another flare of level x, finally, but in fact its position of this region , it excluded influence on the earth, thus, in a sense, with the end of the week this epic ended, since all activity was associated with one center, then with its departure from the zone influence on the earth, geomagnetic risks have decreased significantly, from monday they generally go to zero, so the week is forecast
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to be fundamentally calm, there are minimal threats from the solar wind, but for the period of solar activity this is inevitable, according to forecasts, the fast solar wind will continue, models show weak disturbances during tuesday and thursday, but... i emphasize that we are not talking about storms, but about disturbances; serious geomagnetic impacts on the earth are not expected yet. and at the end of the release, as promised, our exclusive forecast for april: whether the whole month will be as summer-warm as at the start, we’ll tell you right now. on the european territory of russia in most regions , mid-spring will be in the asian
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part of the country, excluding central siberia, here the temperature regime is expected within the climate or a little cooler. but let's return to the russian plain. in central russia, the average temperature is expected to be above normal for most of the month. for example, in moscow, the powerful warming of the first days of april will be replaced by cooling, but then the temperature the regime will be slightly warmer than the climate. in the middle of the month they will return to the region again. when well-warmed air masses arrive, only at the beginning of the third decade, due to the arctic invasion, thermometer readings will be almost 2° below normal values. that's all, goodbye! you won't see any tears on his face, that doesn't mean he's not in pain. a frank statement, reveal a little secret and rare footage. we are interested in who
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the customer is. presidential week, a special look that putin himself wrote down for the widows of the heroes, and also pavel, you are very correct you ask the question, for what reasons can the president’s car be reversed, who with such a commanding voice, write, and what do these shots from the kremlin mean, reflecting. big politics, better than the rest, a lot of things are not there, but you have it all, moscow, the kremlin, putin, watch on sunday at 22:00.
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in russia, more than 50 settlements were in the flood zone due to the flood, this was reported by the ministry of emergency situations. the most difficult situation is in the altai territory, where 500 houses were flooded in one day. large-scale floods in neighboring kazakhstan had to margarita semenyuk will tell you how to evacuate 13,000 people and how they deal with the consequences.


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