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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 31, 2024 11:00pm-11:30pm MSK

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it seems to me that you are on top of the world, you got up, dusted yourself off and went, is russia ready to change, a revolution is happening in any structure. can russia return to the death penalty and what would be a fair punishment for the terrorist attack in crocus? this is the news of the week and i am dmitry kiselev. good evening! look now how
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they were saved from bullets and fire, and how they were saved, there, there, there, but who can’t be returned, a barbaric terrorist attack, we mourn, so what... fate awaits these four now, for life, who else is with them and why is washington the loudest kiev excused itself from complicity in the terrorist attack, the latest on the progress of the investigation, massive strikes on the enemy’s rear, on the energy system and military facilities, what is on the front line from our military officers, and how are we protecting our border area?
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unknown afghan. there is any product in this market. sergei zenin from the most dangerous place in kabul , the dirty market. these are all exchange offices. yens, rubles, dollars, francs. but why should europeans not come here? and why do afghans value pigeons so much? and a new breath of bama, like rails stubbornly cutting the taiga, now from yakutia to the sea of ​​okhotsk, along the railway under construction , which is 530 km, there is not a single settlement, alexander rogatkin, about the grandiose construction on permafrost, what the record was, the largest was -72. the week
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passed under the sign of deepest sorrow for those killed as a result of a barbaric terrorist attack in krasnogorsk near moscow. on saturday , a memorial event was held at the site of the tragedy. following the minutes of silence, russian classics were performed by the bolshoi theater symphony orchestra, conducted by valery gergiev. burning candles light up the wall of crocus. the commemorative event begins. with the sound of a bell and a minute of silence. great music that sounds especially piercing this evening. fragments from sergei prokofiev's ballet romeo and juliet performed by a symphony orchestra.
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it’s hard to hold back tears here, all the thoughts about those families where trouble came, the sound fills both the space around the crocus and the hearts of those who gathered here this evening, and this is not just a tribute to memory, the music is intended to give strength to those who have lost their loved ones in as a result of the terrorist attack, and of course to support those who...
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children without a mother, we managed to escape, we ran out of the crocus, and here our family was overtaken by the same white renault of the terrorists, my little son ilya suffered the most, thank you very much to all caring people, ordinary , to our relatives who provided first aid, thanks to those doctors who worked their magic on him all night, now, i think, the worst is behind us. photos of those killed as a result of a terrorist attack are projected onto the wall, music is playing, and exactly at the moment when it started playing orchestra, it started to rain, indeed, nature is crying along with everyone else, people.
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and everyone who gathered for the memorial action gazed at the sky for a long time. alexey petrov, magomed otsaev, ivilina kornaeva, vadim prusov and arina trityakova. news of the week. fully confirm the planned initial results of the investigation of the nature of the terrorists’ actions, careful preparation and financial support from the organizers of the crime. as a result
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of working with detained terrorists, researching technical equipment confiscated from them devices, analyzes of information about financial transactions, obtained evidence of their connection with ukrainian nationalists. they are deliberately pushing only one version about isis, period. by the way, the version about isis looks strange, also because their cells have never received a fee for their work before. here, the financing of terrorists from ukraine is a discovered fact. but the west
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has no choice but to point to isis, because it is completely dangerous to identify with kiev here. for the west this is a question. politics for vladimir putin is a matter of facts. we know that the crimes were committed by the hands of radical islamists, whose ideology the islamic world itself has been fighting for centuries. we also see that the united states, through various channels, is trying to convince its satellites and other countries of the world that, according to their intelligence data, there is supposedly no kiev trace in the moscow terrorist attack. that the bloody terrorist attack was carried out by followers of islam, members of the isis organization banned in russia, the question immediately arises: who benefits from this? this atrocity can only be a link in a whole series of attempts by those who have been fighting our country with their own hands since 2014
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neo-nazi kiev regime, the nazis, as is well known, are the dirtiest and... eternal means to achieve their goals, of course, we need to answer the question why the terrorists tried to go to ukraine after committing a crime, who was waiting for them there? it is clear that those who support the kiev regime do not want to be accomplices in terror and sponsors of terrorism. about the progress of the investigation, vitaly karmazin. the area around crocus cityhall is still cordoned off, fire rescue crews have already left, and this week they completed the main part of the work, clearing out the rubble, and after that , employees of the investigative committee entered the concert hall, who with...
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another terrorist, then it turns out that this is from the russian federation, that is, one pedophile,
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there was a whole network, that those who rented out an apartment to them , were aware that they were preparing a terrorist attack, they were also arrested, the father and sons of the islomovs, who sold to terrorists, the islomovs related to fariduni, are in custody and alisher kasimov, who for 60 thousand a month rented out to the killers a three-room apartment in putilkova a couple of kilometers away from crocus, here are the executioners they wrapped rash tape around the accused; he was detained on the day of the tragedy right outside crocus for defiant behavior.
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at first he was given 15 days of administrative arrest. and when it turned out that he was connected with terrorists, investigators demanded that his accomplice be sent to a pre-trial detention center. in moscow, he worked on construction sites, but quit 2 days before the terrorist attack. he is the only one of those detained who has a higher education. set the period of his detention for 1 month 24 days. financing was provided through cryptocurrency in the offices of two commercial organizations occupying the investigation has already clarified that the terrorist attack itself lasted 13 minutes , the shooting began on the street, it is clear that four people enter the complex, three have machine guns in their hands, after the shooting in the lobby one of the terrorists can be seen passing a weapon with a lit flashlight to another, apparently the machine gun is jammed, and what happened next was accidentally filmed by photographer kirill smolyaninov; his footage shows how visitors built barricades from tables and...
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now we can say exactly what roles, which terrorists performed. here twenty-five-year-old fariduni, indicates the direction of fire to the other killers, he was generally responsible for the route of the executioners and the escape route , he knew the situation in the hall well, because back on march 7 , he walked here in a noticeable brown jacket and got into the lens of a random photographer, crocus employee alexander zhurik saw him, he i just walked around the foyer and looked around, i thought his behavior was strange. the second terrorist with a machine gun in his hands , wearing a cap in the american style with the visor back, a thirty-year-old kramima
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rudalirada, the same one across bryansk forest fled to the ukrainian border, but he was caught by intelligence officers. it can be easily identified by the print on the t-shirt. the third, this one with a knife in his hands, was in blue jeans, thirty-two-year-old dalerjon mirzoev, and the fourth was the one who filmed the video, nineteen-year-old fayzov. but here they are already in the hall, rachabala with a multi-colored machine gun.
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what is generally nonsense for fundamentalists, and their terrorist attacks are usually carried out by suicide bombers, this attack was well prepared and is unlikely to be carried out without the assistance of foreign intelligence services? really terrorist today acts on the territory of russia have been mainly dealt with in recent years, mainly by the ukrainian services, intelligence services and sabotage services. a few days before the terrorist attack, criminals were constantly cruising in the area around crocus city hall, for example. according to some reports, on the 21st they were seen at this gas station, which is only a two- minute drive from the concert hall. instructions were received from the curator. they reported that their actions, both at the preparation stage and after the armed attack in crocus city hall, through voice messages via messenger telegram was coordinated by a man who introduced himself to them under a pseudonym. and
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he suggested the escape route, but two policemen, dmitry novikov and maxim mikhkov , were in the burning building. bryansk region, they shot at the wheels from machine guns. the driver, as i understand it, lost control and had to stop on the roadway. one terrorist was detained, the jacket of the second was torn off, and there were documents in his pocket. dog handlers arrived and the dog colt followed the scent on the jacket. the dog turned into the forest, and having walked into the forest in a straight line for about 40 m, it began circle in place.
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they were making their legs, which means they still intended to leave, to leave, and i’ll tell you a little secret, on the other side they wanted to be greeted as heroes. after these statements , the head of ukrainian military intelligence , kirill budanov, a man who had already organized more than one terrorist attack and promised to kill russians anywhere in the world, became nervous, and he sharply changed his rhetoric. after this, patrushev’s explanations appeared. there were explanations from patrushev and bortnikov, who accused me personally and that ukraine did all this. if we touched this question. even though this is an enemy, i do not approve in principle of terrorist acts against civilians, all because the director of the fsb, when asked about the consequences for possible customers of a terrorist attack, answered this way: where are we? our legitimate goal is the leadership of the intelligence services of ukraine, well, everyone who commits a crime in in relation to russia and russian citizens, are a legitimate goal, that they are still alive, everything is ahead, that
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the arrested terrorists have a clear future ahead, and so, for the murder of more than 140 people, they all face life imprisonment. on the first, serene happiness, lyova turned 16, her mother smiles, on the second, done the next day, they are simply alive, savior, they were late. we stood at the metal detector frame, there were still a lot of people crowding behind us. lev looked at his watch, 19:57. a minute later we heard shooting, rushed in all directions, it was impossible to turn back, the crowd, the glass
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doors were closed, they were already shooting here in the front. leo picks up mom and leads her onto the escalator. the shots were getting closer, and it was incomprehensible, i couldn’t turn back, there was this feeling that now, probably, that’s it, and i... so high, and i can’t do anything , i can’t protect him in any way, he sticks up, my son was able to save dozens of people without letting them stop, corridors, stairs, a large dark hangar, all in smoke in the air, to hide in such a situation in such closeness did not make sense, since they would find me, we must run, we must run, yes, that’s what he said, he persuaded me, mom, please, we must run, mom, we will definitely get out. from the escalator, which lev and yulia had just climbed up, someone is filming footage of a man in wearing a green jacket, trying to shield himself from shots fired at the barricades and tables, in his frenzy , huseynov could have run away, but didn’t, covering
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his wife, lilla and those who were nearby. karen yangibaryan, here is a very short video from the family archive, he was outside the building, safe, saw wounded people running out, rushed to the rescue, pulled one of the victims out of the smoke... gave his jacket, returned home in the morning, felt bad, 29 march karen passed away, this recording was made in the city hall 4 years ago, maxim verbenin, actor, singer, wheelchair user, i performed there then, as if not noticing my pain, and always supported others. on march 22 , he came to a concert of colleagues and friends, he is no longer alive. the first thing pavel asked when he opened his eyes was: where is mom?
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he remembers, they entered the hall, shooting started, panic , someone hid behind the chairs, the rest started running, i saw my mother rushing somewhere, i lay down on her to cover her, i lost my father, then i felt my hand was pierced, my father helped pull the wounded son out into the faye, then out into the street, an ambulance quickly arrived with his mother. inna was transferred to the ward from intensive care, serious wounded, one bullet hit her in the back, it was in the back that the terrorists shot at the running people, someone completely unfamiliar shouted to her, run, holding her hand, not letting go, people helped her... she was holding her, she was trying to talk, they were holding her hand, everyone was very united, someone drove up a car and said: let’s take it in a car, well, the idea is
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just to survive, they smiled and it seems they didn’t even believe it right away when a very familiar person, actor steven segal, came into the room. i'm glad you're feeling better, because... it’s very important for them now, emotions are kind.
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that they simply went into dead ends, there was panic, but i don’t know if something inside told me that i had to save and help people, because they are just like me, they are also afraid. in st. petersburg,
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a memorial concert was held in the october hall. victims of the terrorist attack, this is a concert of the picnic group, before which an attack occurred in moscow. thanks to the victims of the terrorist attack in moscow, we declare a minute of silence. thank you. i know that some people came from moscow specifically for this concert today, who were in krokos.
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