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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 1, 2024 12:00am-12:31am MSK

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even the president kissed him, yes, so we are kissed, how old are you, 10, will you wake up as a star in class tomorrow? at school,
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we're on vacation now, great answer, why were you standing right here today, and we somehow chose this place, we 've been standing since 11 o'clock today, now we're here, wait a second, 6:20 p.m., angelina, look , here he comes, and then there were several hours of meetings, meetings, it got dark, in the dark too, it was still crowded here, they wanted to see putin again, this is the news for the week, later in the program. can russia return to the death penalty, and what would be a fair punishment for the terrorist attack in crocus? as macron realized that he had landed in puddle with his initiative to send western troops to ukraine, america went downhill. china
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sberbank with clear conditions is a reliable and profitable way to increase your savings with a rate of up to 16% per annum, quick registration in the sberbank online application, the best deposit. it's more profitable with prime. horrific terrorist attack in krasnogorsk caused a terrible stir among the whole society. there is no one who sympathizes with this. it is clear that one wants retribution right now , such a topic as the death penalty has again arisen in society, caught terrorists must be sentenced to death, thirst together, however, should not cloud the mind, because even
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if the possibility of the death penalty is now returned, then the four who committed mass murder you cannot be sentenced to death, since the law does not have retroactive effect. and if you insist, then you will need to abandon the fundamental article of the first our constitution, which says that russia is a rule of law state. of course, in our history, in soviet times, there is a case when khrushchev reversed the effect of a newly adopted criminal article. this was the famous case of currency speculators, rokotov, feibishenko, yakovlev. at first they were convicted under article 88 of the criminal code of the rsfsr. violation of the rules on currency transactions, but then nikita sergeevich decided that the punishment was too lenient; on his instructions, the supreme court of the ussr added the death penalty to article eighty-eight, already at the new trial, the trinity rendered a verdict, according to which everyone was shot. we
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want such orders in modern russia, but no, with all the depth of grief of each of us. that is, it won’t be possible to shoot the terrorists , but what do they still get, a guaranteed life sentence served in a special regime colony, not sugar, here is the terrorist salman raduev, sentenced to life imprisonment , a white swan in a special regime colony, who died in salikamsk in the same place 2002, the conditions are such that this is exactly the case when the living envy the dead. so that they would be shot , and they say it themselves, vladimir mukhankin to life for the murder of eight people, i’m already degrading in this prison, with all that, of course, i’m a coward, i’m afraid of a lot of things, i can’t get away with anything, you know , i
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may have already lost my teeth and gift of speech, because i only have commands like a dog, so there’s absolutely no way to walk sideways like that, but it’s better, of course. “it would be better if they shot me, but there is no such choice, the choice is already freedom, life imprisonment, without any choice at all, is it even amenable to awareness, the mode of existence, the tongue does not turn, this is called the harshest life, here is a fragment of the story of our correspondent ilya filippov on the topic, shown in vesti nedeli some time ago. every killer's hands are pale because sunlight never falls on them. they are unnaturally turned out so that it is visible whether anything is hidden between the fingers. the prisoner waiting for the command looks like a mannequin. in this position, every day
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several times the convicted person waits for permission. stand up, sit down, turn around, everything on command have lunch and work. attention, this is your second post, get to work. every person sentenced to life imprisonment dreams of getting a job; they give it no earlier than 10 years after the start of the sentence, and only if the convict has never violated the regime. in the black dolphin colony, there are two types of cells for lifers, double and quadruple, the bed, bedside table, bench and table are screwed to the floor. in the morning the bed is carefully made and untouched until lights out; he leaves here only for three reasons: for an hour’s walk, for the roof of the prison block, to work, and the road to the work shop and... to the walking perimeter will be covered in three deaths with a blindfold, sometimes they are taken to remote court hearings in the next room, where they are immediately strapped to a stool. suzhennyvich, born in 167. a prisoner must always say how many people he has killed. convicted under articles 12, 46, 44, 40,
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killed five people. the black dolphin is 700 people with a sentence of life imprisonment , abbreviated as pls. they sit exactly where the katarzhans lived out their lives after pugachevsky. without exception, all lifers write a petition for pardon; theoretically , it is possible to be released on parole or parole after 25 years in prison, but this is just a theory; you can hold out for a quarter of a century. in such conditions , no one has succeeded so far, andrei smekhov , lifelong for triple murder, after all , the same thoughts are like this, you get up like this in the morning, look around the walls, think, oh-oh-oh, the whole day, the whole life here like this spend among these bars, but it would be better for me, one way or another, in the vast majority of countries in the world the death penalty is prohibited, out of 193 of un member states, death sentences are imposed only in 52 countries, this is china, where
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even money or drug trafficking can take a life, then iran, saudi arabia, egypt, belarus and the usa, the use of the death penalty in the usa is generally a separate issue, they are practicing more and more new methods murders of convicts, from new products, nitrogen asphyxiation, when a person is deprived of oxygen, death is painful in convulsions. occurs 19 minutes after gas supply starts. the global trend is the abolition of the death penalty. the un general assembly raises this issue almost every year. the majority is against the death penalty. russia votes the same way, although in fairness there are also reverse processes. just two weeks ago, the democratic republic of congo, formerly zaire, abolished the ban on the death penalty that was in force in this african country.
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as a summer schoolgirl, investigators caught kravchenko, who was caught stealing, and he
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incriminated himself in rape and murder. the rostov court handed down a death sentence, but kravchenko filed a complaint, alleging a false confession under duress. the punishment was commuted to 15 years, but the victim’s relatives they insisted on reconsidering the case and the punishment was increased to a higher level. later, the tragedy with the girl is all.
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georgy khabarov, falsely accused of the rape and murder of a girl. at first, the court gave him a term of imprisonment of 14 years, but the mother, who was raped by the murdered woman, attracted public opinion and began collecting signatures from her colleagues at the plant demanding the execution of the maniac khabarov. people compassionately supported my mother. khabarov was shot in 1983 under a new court verdict. later, in the case of this rape, the court proved the guilt of the syrian killer of the rapist nikolai fefilov, did not live to see the trial, was killed by a cellmate in 1988. but they shot someone else? the list of such cases goes on and on. american example. reuben kant of texas, executed by lethal injection in 1993 for allegedly
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committing robbery and murder. 12 years later, the local newspaper houston chronicle proved that reuben kant was slandered by a single witness. he later retracted his testimony and admitted that he was simply lying about a man he didn’t even know. what's this concerns miscarriages of justice as an argument against. the death penalty, but the main argument is still the inapplicable human right to life, as a basic and irrevocable right to life is enshrined in our current constitution. russia. part one of article twenty. everyone has the right to life. but then part two, as a temporary measure pending abolition, provides for the death penalty. the death penalty, pending its abolition, may be established by federal law as an exceptional measure of punishment for especially serious crimes against life. at
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granting the accused the right to have his case heard by a jury. that is cancellation. the death penalty was included in our constitution from the very beginning, this is the course taken back in 1993, the goal is abolition, and we, i must say, moved along this course quite steadily, although there was some twitching with this topic in soviet times. already on october 28, 1917 , lenin abolished the death penalty, but not even a year had passed before capital punishment was returned for those involved in white guard organizations, conspiracy. riots in january 1920 again canceled, but already in may the revolutionary military council of russia issues a decree on revolutionary tribunals, where the death penalty. stalin abolished the death penalty in 1947, but already in 1950 it returned for the most serious offenses,
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such as treason, espionage, and murder. towards the end of the ussr. the death penalty is added to dozens of articles, including economic crimes, and is used quite widely. from 1962 to 1989, more than 20 thousand people were shot in the ussr. in new russia, the last person executed was odintsovo maniac sergei golovkin, nicknamed fisher, serial killer, pedophile and cannibal, with victims. russia to the council of europe. before this, russia, by order of yeltsin, signed the famous
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protocol no. 6 of the convention for the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms.
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russia was unwaveringly moving towards the final abolition of the death penalty, going through difficult trials with the most severe terrorist attacks, be it the explosions of houses in moscow, valgodonsk and buinaksk, the drama with the taking of hostages and the death of people at the nord dost musical in the moscow concert hall on dubrovka, the seizure of a school and the execution children in beslan, explosions of passenger planes, metro neva express crash. every time in society. this topic arose: a return to the death penalty, and so far all polls show that we have more people who are for the death penalty than against, but this position is still rather emotional and does not take into account the risks of retreating to the bloodthirsty practices of the past, and indeed in general , did
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n’t we fulfill the plan regarding executions, let’s remember our history, the return of the death penalty will mean something completely different...
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the russian federation received the right not to be sentenced to death. tell me please, what should i do in these cases
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in order to introduce the death penalty now? but listen, the death penalty is a harsh instrument. it’s good that we now have putin as the leader of russia, and for him the life of each of our fellow citizens is priceless, for putin our historical experience, his professional past in...
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this week, presidential press secretary dmitry peskov said that the kremlin is not taking part in the discussion about the return of the death penalty, and indeed vladimir putin does not state his position now, but this does not mean that it does not exist, it exists, it has been expressed and confirmed more than once, rest assured that it has not changed even now, a direct line with the president of russia in 2013 , then still fresh.
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deputies about this, but we need to talk with specialists, with criminologists, and experts believe that the toughening of punishment itself does not lead to its eradication, to a reduction in the crime rate. i have already given this example in the roman empire, this is, in my opinion, almost on a straight line once upon a time the roman empire was out of pocket.
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it is clear that the investigation must now to get to the bottom of everyone in this very complex case, to find out all the chains, to find those who have not yet been found, and the court will have to inevitably punish the murderers of all those involved, to the fullest extent of russian law, it will not seem like much.
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macron had to change his tone in brazil, because he wanted to go to the brix summit in the south, where he was ultimately not allowed, and now he is trying to turn russia’s partners against it individually, and at the same time push french nuclear energy into a new south american market, it turned out that don't wait they don’t plan to set it up there and against russia. president macron, tell the french people that brazil does not need nuclear technology for war, we want all countries who want peace to know that brazil
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will... it turns out this way if we accept the psychological image of macron proposed by the former french minister of defense, hervé morin. macron is a narcissist, as is often the case with narcissists, there are always useless provocations, this is a provocation of the king. child, which he has been doing since the first days of his mandate. strange a story very similar to a provocation happened just this week. a website was launched online, allegedly affiliated with the french ministry of defense, which was recruiting volunteers for the war with russia. they planned to recruit 2,000 people, priority for migrants. advertisements for the resource were even broadcast on central television channels, but after encountering a wave of negativity online, the site closed. very similar
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to a psychological operation, as if. someone from above was trying to test the public reaction to macron’s well-known ideas. request sent, response received. leave france in peace. and this is the only logical option. russia did not start a war with nato. russia is conducting a special military operation in ukraine. peace is possible if ukraine is demilitarized, if nato remains in its place and does not move forward. and if we understand with the little minds of western people.
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decent by any standards, the energy-shocked eu economy grew by just 4% in a decade, and neither the eu nor the uk has grown at all since the end of 2020. promised to germany for the twenty-fourth year gdp growth of 1.3% has been adjusted by leading economic institutions, now it is only 1/%, that is, a recession. it is unclear whether these forecasts take into account rising gas prices.


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