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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 1, 2024 12:30am-1:01am MSK

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president basirumai showed the former archdiocese the door, or the need to cut unemployment benefits and the period of time when they are paid from 18 to 12 months, due to a record french budget deficit, because of which financial analysts put france at the epicenter of the looming crisis in europe economic super-crisis, the crisis already exists. europe is not renowned for its dynamism, but today it looks stagnant by any standard. the eu economy, battered by the energy shock , grew by just 4% in a decade, from the end in 2022 , there was no growth at all in the eu or the uk. the 1.3% gdp growth promised to germany for the twenty-fourth year has been adjusted by leading economic institutions. now it is only 1/%, that is, a recession. it is not clear whether these forecasts take into account increased gas prices? by 11% already in april, because the government is finishing it. with tax benefits for
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private and industrial consumers. farmers appeared again in the government quarter of brussels this week. a video of a battle between a police water cannon and farmer's manure blower. the latter clearly did not have enough jet pressure and the battlefield remained with the law enforcement officers, although in other places the peasants managed to achieve parity and even force the police to retreat. european farmers are not yet satisfied with the european commission's attempts to relieve pressure on the market from foreign producers. the problem is supposed to be partially solved by using products from russia and belarus by introducing virtually prohibitive duties. be that as it may, this will not solve the problem of ukrainian exports, which, on the contrary, enjoys gigantic benefits in the eu. the quality is junk, but the price is what european farmers would allow. they can’t imagine it,
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bloomberg wrote at the beginning of the week about reaching some kind of difficult compromise between participants in the european market, about extending the preferential trade regime for kiev, but after that, polish foreign minister sekorski announced that the preferences for ukraine were ending, it was just a gesture of solidarity on the part of the eu, so it’s time to call it a day, the signal is generally clear, for european friends, ukraine is gradually moving into the category of waste.
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in addition to increasing combat readiness, large-scale nato exercises on the eastern flank of the alliance provide an opportunity to write off combat losses that foreign mercenaries and trainers suffer in eastern ukraine. here, two infantrymen were accidentally run over by an armored personnel carrier, two sappers were blown up, and a special forces soldier also died and was caught in an avalanche. a string of misfortune haunts the polish army. first, two of our soldiers died... at the training ground as a result of an accident case and today, when another accident occurred, this time with explosives. this service to the republic of poland has a special meaning, especially when they serve in contingents somewhere far outside the country. the highest-ranking loss of the polish armed forces to date, general adam morczak, was also particularly tragic for its suddenness. it is with deep regret that we announce the death on tuesday 26 march 24 of brigadier
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general adam marczak, chief of staff of the eu operations command, althea in mons. the general's unexpected death occurred due to natural causes, during his free time from duty. general marczak commanded the nato mission in bosnia, and visited eastern ukraine more than once, from where in recent days news has come of successful strikes by the russian army on enemy headquarters, for example, in the yar area. considering the frequency and accuracy of the arrivals, the death of the general certainly does not look like something. impossible, unnatural, especially since they themselves admit the presence of nato military advisers, of various ranks and specialties in the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine, who, as scholz recently reported, are attached to nato weapons systems. in germany , the greens are hysterical that these weapons are not enough, that the russians are coming, if ukraine can no longer defend itself because we do not supply it with enough weapons, putin’s troops will be on the ukrainian-polish border tomorrow, just 8 hours away by car from...
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how could history be forgotten? alternative leader tina khrupala did not include scholz in the list of german hawks, although it is clear that besides taurus, the german chancellor has no other taboo on supporting ukraine. the german government has reserved taxpayers' money for the purchase of any types of equipment and weapons for the armed forces of ukraine, which, according to its
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estimates, do not put germany at risk of being drawn into a direct conflict with russia. scholz’s former party chief, the chancellor, pointed out this mistake this week. schroeder. putin and i have worked well together for many years. perhaps this can still help find a solution at the negotiating table, since there is no other option. i believe that it is completely wrong to forget all those positive events that happened between us in politics in the past. this is not my way. yes, i'm not like that. france and germany must take the lead. there is little chance that shrödor will be heard. there are practically none. france and germany are now competing to see which of them is better than kiev.
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and usmanov’s lawyers may well ruin their lives until the very end. europe is strict with arbitrariness and abuse of power, and this is exactly the thin ice that the european commission is trying to tread on. the soles are already very hot, it’s difficult to back up, so for now are stalled until the next eu summit.
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at the last meeting in brussels, belgian prime minister droz demanded that the plan to steal russian money be legally bulletproof. out of despair. mikhail antonov, anastasia barkovskaya, denis lesitsina, andrey putro. news of the week. germany. insisting that responsibility for the terrorist attack in crocus cityhole lies with the islamic state terrorist organization banned in russia. in america they went so far as to insult russian officials. white house spokesman john kear. wanting to make fun of the russian version about the ukrainian trace, he stated literally the following. isis bears full responsibility for this attack. the united states will continue to remain vigilant and alert the authorities of other countries, regardless of our relationship with them, if we have information about
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a terrorist threat. my uncle often said, the best manure salesmen often carry samples in their mouths. russian officials seem to be pretty good salesmen of manure. our proverb is true: whoever hurts, talks about it. by the way, it has now become clear why it is common in the states expression wash your mouth with soap. however, not only john kirby should wash his mouth with soap in the usa. there is now the height of the election campaign and the candidates are throwing so much dirt at each other that there is not enough soap for everyone. about what is happening in the usa, our correspondent, valentin bogdanov. joe biden's failures from a to z, or rather, from to g, to this letter, until
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republican congressman brian mast got to his alphabet of failures of the democratic president, he started with afghanistan, where he himself served, b) is a crisis on the border, b ) - crime, swollen national debt, before america has completely reached the point, mast suggests that she quickly file a divorce from biden. the biden administration is once again telling the american people: meetings about low ratings in michigan and georgia. biden is also furious after
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being told states he narrowly won in 2020 are slipping through his fingers because of his handling of the gas crisis. biden lashes out at obama aides, angry at biden. many in washington are confident that the current 4-year-old former biden the boss perceives it as his own third presidency, and according to the plan, it was supposed to begin back in 2016 with hillary’s victory. clinton, but trump mixed up all the cards, so in 2020 they played the cards with him . it is not surprising that obama, who sees this as a continuation of his legacy, will become nervous when he realizes what the american people have lost. at times he warns biden that it will be more difficult than in 2020. and the reason is because they can't lie about what joe biden is going to do or who joe is biden, or what is his agenda? for heartfelt conversations. joint dinners behind closed doors in the white house dining room, which the press has been reporting on and off lately,
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were not enough. biden is a tough case, and obama has come out of the shadows. the level of guardianship is clearly visible in these shots at the new york airport, so that the elderly colleague does not become embarrassed, the former boss pushes him with his hand towards the door of the limousine; the beast itself sits down next to him on the other side. the gray head behind the armored glass of another beast rolling through manhattan is bill clinton. the third one will be. there are no greater political heavyweights than barack obama and bill clinton. they see what ratings the current president has and understand that he is in a difficult situation. obama and clinton can better explain what biden needs now than biden himself can do. clinton was added to the company to demonstrate the continuity of the democrats' course, down to monica's blue dress. was mistakenly mistaken for a symbol
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of freedom, only biden, who simply had no strength left to pretend, immediately began to personify where everything was going and coming. ladies and gentlemen, the presidents of the united states, came not only to share popularity, but also to raise money.
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says: you can't let him win, this guy who talked about leaving nato, he told putin he can do whatever he wants if they don't pay their dues, the rest of the world is wondering... what the hell what's going on with the us, i think they respect me, i think they listen to me, but the thing is that it's because they're scared to death for their countries if he wins again, this very time, cityhall radio is surrounded by those who are increasingly afraid for their american country, to hell with biden, to hell with biden. the radio
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city poster is not only the names of american presidents, it is also long. a list of their wars and conflicts, yugoslavia and somalia for clinton, syria and libya for obama, ukraine, and now the middle east for biden. the dissatisfaction that was simmering outside eventually burst into the hall; ordinary american liberals were sending curses from the back inexpensive rows to those sitting on the stage over the heads of the vip guests. shame on you joe biden, shame on you! biden was reminded of the threat of nuclear war with russia, the reason. the involvement of the states in the ukrainian conflict, so the speaker of congress, republican mike johnson, received a call this week from the kiev call center, from bankova street, a man in camouflage insistently demanded to vote for the allocation of military aid, intensified, frightening him with the fact that not a minute should be lost, okay , that there are those who can sober up a little, if the war lasts
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long enough, odessa will also fall, whether ukraine will lose access to the black sea or not, here in my opinion. they are burying officer jonathan diller, who was shot by a repeat offender, guyrivera; the policeman was trying to check his documents and was shot under his bulletproof vest. rivera was arrested 21 times; he walked free because he was again released on bail.
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liberal new york prosecutors are lenient with krasso's disadvantaged people, as are the authorities in general. which means it’s not in vain. state governor katie huchul, the relatives of the slain officer were not even allowed on the doorstep, unlike donald trump, who specially flew halfway across the country to the wake. i came from florida, the dealer's family is wonderful, they lost a true hero, they are very shocked by this, as are the police, the whole country. this happens more and more often, and it causes disrespect for law and order. our task is to bring back law and order. but to do this, according to trump, you first need to remove it. biden, he, obama and clinton were half an hour away from long island, where the commemoration took place, but none of them even dialed officer diller. three presidents are here to collect money, only one single president came pay tribute to the fallen police officer. our police officers know very well who supports them and who does not. that’s why
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they put tramp numbers on pickup trucks for us, and some even use airbrushing to paint us tied hand and foot. baide, because trump posted this video on his page, was accused of calling for violence, and of hypocrisy, of course, too. i don't remember donald trump attending any such funeral event before. it’s strange when a person is already 77-78 years old, suddenly he decides that he should support the families of police officers when they are killed. and already from some of our own, among the republicans there are many religious people. trump got it for starting to sell bibles. believers were especially outraged by the american flag on the cover and the motto: “god bless the united states.” he desecrated the bible by writing about himself and the united states when it was about god and jesus. the bible is clear that we must not add to or take away from god's word from deuteronomy. this is sacrilege, blasphemy, desecration
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bible. well, here again, for whom, how. he just. a good businessman, he found a way to earn $60 for selling a book that is free in every hotel room. moreover, the businessman, despite all the ridicule of his opponents, is successful. bloomberg includes trump in the top 500 richest people on the planet for the first time in history. donald trump's personal wealth has skyrocketed over the past week, at least on paper, thanks to his social media company going public on monday. on the first day of trading the company.
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to bet everything that was left of the party apparatus in abank on a potential criminal who pretended to be jesus by selling trump bibles during holy week, who biden pretends to be is scary to think about, since he officially proclaims easter sunday as transgender day, and to the military children who were invited at the annual easter egg rolling ceremony in the white house, it was forbidden to draw any religious images on the eggs, actually a symbol of the christian holiday sunday. this is absolute it's a shame that joe biden declared easter sunday a day of visibility for transgender people, something that hundreds of millions of christians in america and around the world will remember in
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november. they respect the minority everywhere; any other transport minister would have received a severe scolding for flying a giant container ship into a baltimore bridge in the middle of the night. because that's how he got the job, that 's the way it is, it doesn't matter to me, but it matters to the leftist stars, the left goes left, the right goes right, those who are desperate
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trying to keep balance, neck hurts , dizzy, 40% of americans don't trust either biden or trump, we need someone else, literally, my name is literally anyone else, and i'm running for president, a teacher from texas is all official, new name , a new id and a new life in... we are 300 million people, we can do better, all this for people like me who are simply tired of this constant struggle for
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power between two parties, which does not bring any benefit to the common man, there should be some kind of outlet. valentin bogdanov, ivan utkin and gleb napara, news of the week usa. this is the news of the week, next in the program. unknown. afghan sergei zenin from the most dangerous place in kabul, a dirty market, but why is it better for europeans not to come here, why do afghans value pigeons so much? in china, the world's first mass-produced flying electric car, an electric plane, is taking to the skies, so what is the secret of chinese technology? and a new breath of bama, like rails stubbornly cutting the taiga, now from yakutia to the sea of ​​okhotsk. alexander ragatkin, about the grandiose construction project. on verozlat.
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i suggest changing the passenger's call sign to his call sign. garibina, no, my brother’s sweetheart, you remain a passenger, that’s right, a fond passenger, fyodor mikhailovich dostoevsky, it was as if he foresaw that in the 20th century there would appear a layer of people who are called foreign agents and whom he described in the person of his hero pavel smerdyakov.
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.
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the belgorod region is constantly exposed to attacks from ukraine, enemy drones are shot down every day, unfortunately, civilians are killed , but... belgorod residents are difficult to break. on wednesday, at a meeting with the governor of the belgorod region, vyacheslav glatkov, the speaker of the federation council, valentin matveenko, thanked all residents of the region for their courage and heroism. the whole country is with you, we not only empathize, but are also ready to provide any support, assistance, and we, as the chamber of regions, this manifested itself in the implementation of your ideas, to transfer children for a while.


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