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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 1, 2024 1:30am-2:01am MSK

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he lived and worked in austria and switzerland and now holds a high position in afghanistan. it is clear that few people can afford a penthouse for birds in the center of the capital. i asked him not to film and not to name, but this man, his personal pigeon house. the sound inside
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is just some kind of magic, it really relieves any stress. afghans are very gambling, a flock of birds worth the cost of an expensive car now flies not only for the pleasure of the owner, the birds are on a mission, there is a hunt going on, there is food, yeah, that’s where the excitement lies, you can catch a stranger. he joins the flock, then lure him to catch him, he will live for another week in a cage , he will be part of the flock, the owner of the stranger will come and pay for him, there is something in this, good, yes, excellent, the view of kabul is not annoying at all, from above bird's eye view, and even in such beautiful weather, this is a huge, very beautiful city. all the contrasts begin there,
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below, there are even more of them outside the afghan capital, we are going to show you 100% pashtun kandahar, and jalalabad bordering pakistan, and the tribal territory with the baloch nomads, and underground tomb of the afghan royal family, we are already preparing material about how the taliban defeated one of the worst evils on the planet.
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they are cutting the taiga, now from yakutia to the sea of ​​okhotsk. alexander ragatkin about a grandiose construction project on permafrost. china has announced plans to launch mass production of the world's first flying electric car, the electric ice car. in general, an achievement of chinese.
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car, we used a lot of technologies in it that are not in cars today, for example, a transparent screen in the front, and more there is a large amount of carbon fiber products and seats here. properties, it is officially called , that is, electric ice for vertical take-off and landing, in china there is a real battle between workers, who will be ahead of whom in technology, in obtaining a flight certificate, there are no technical regulations yet, but the same air taxis in the middle kingdom are already flying, here everything is controlled by an autopilot , the task for which is set by the operator of the control center, there are three displays in the cockpit, two are the information board, here is all the information on... height, angle, position in space, well, the third monitor, a route is being built here, well , what about the propeller, or a helicopter, or an electric car with propellers, there are eight of them, but whatever you say, it’s still just a drone with a cabin for two passengers, now
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this is a car on wheels , you want to go, you want to fly , the blades are stored in a complex form at the back of the car, that’s why it’s so... 6 m long, well, it looks, of course, like something out of a science fiction movie, but not long ago even an ordinary autopilot in a car seemed science fiction , in beijing there are now taxis without drivers, the autonomous driving system is often generally included in the basic configuration of chinese electric cars, it copes well with driving in traffic, and with parking, it seems, too, here they are, the handles, and the steering wheel turns, the car itself is a great place. i didn’t choose two parking lots, i like it. smart chinese cars haunt the united states. biden accused them of potential espionage, demanding an immediate investigation from the department of commerce. in china, this was called unfair competition, especially since before this the states were outraged that chinese electric cars were more affordable. before
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europe was against it, but the attacks did not prevent china from becoming the world leader in car exports. last year, 5 million, almost 300,000, only... in the mobile application , the buyer sets the parameters of his future car, assembling it as a designer, body color, interior material, what wheels and other functions. after the order is generated, it is in the system, it begins to be collected instantly, and you get a car made to order. if only 10 years ago, these were entirely clones of famous car brands, but with technical characteristics and quality materials that left much to be desired, today chinese cars have their own face on it. the plant is in charge of kimal kul, a young turkish designer who, before moving to guangzhou, managed to work at mercedes at fiat. perhaps it all started here with copying, but now things are being created in china that look very modern, and the world is switching to chinese
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brands, which we can make cheaper. their team is completely international and has a desire to create a dream car based on the most advanced technologies. like this the head also set the task. aircraft and a body made of hydrocarbon fiber, the battery is the main thing in any electric car, and one car per day, tires and wheels like those here are also produced in-house. we are investing a lot of money in the production of rechargeable batteries
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, for example, we invested 10 billion dollars in another plant of ours, because this is an area that is constantly developing, capacity and power are increasing, technology is developing rapidly, battery manufacturers from china are already. occupied 60% of the growing world market and many well-known automakers in europe now also buy batteries in china , there is no question of where and how to charge the car, all parking lots are equipped with chargers, and there is also a station for not just charging, but for instant battery replacement, for example, for ordinary city ​​taxis drive onto the lift, the battery is changed automatically in a couple of minutes. electric cars in china are not riveted only... car factories, but there are no such cars in china, phone manufacturers have already joined in, here is the first model from xiaomi, it was the fiercest competition that led to rapid growth of the entire industry and government injections. in pursuit of reducing harmful emissions, the authorities subsidized the purchase of electric vehicles and robotized all
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production. at this car plant alone , a new car rolls off the assembly line every 53 seconds, and in general the entire car production cycle from a sheet of iron to a finished unit. this is 16 hours, it is not surprising that over the entire last year the entire chinese auto industry produced more than 30 million cars, a world record, now the chinese want to put it in the air as a series. flying electric cars promise to launch next year, it remains to decide on the category of rights. alexander baalsky, nikolai petrov, news of the week from china. in 2023, russia entered the top five fastest growing economies among the g20 countries. this follows from an analysis of data from national statistical services conducted by the ria novosti agency. the russian economy grew by 3.6%, which... fully compensates for the decline of the year before last by 1.2%.
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india's economy has advanced the most, accelerating from 7.2 to 7.3%. further china is moving ahead with growth of 5.2%, after 3% a year earlier. the top three is completed by indonesia, whose gdp increased by 5.1%. turkey grew by 4.5% last year. the worst situation is in europe. in britain. growth is only 0.1%, in france and italy 0.9. in germany there is simply a decline, a downward movement of 0.3%. against this background , russian indicators are simply brilliant and we continue to work. on tuesday, prime minister mikhail mishustin held a meeting on the development of shipbuilding. the industry was seriously damaged by anti-russian sanctions, but we coped with the difficulties, the state helped. under the conditions of sanctions , the industry, of course, faced the most serious challenges from our
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transport services market; all foreign ships that were involved in transporting russian goods left, which simply required an early renewal of the build-up of the domestic fleet. the long-term plan until 2037 provides for the construction of over 1,700 units in the civil segment. well, the government is in the area of ​​special attention. plans to complete a new branch of bama pacific railway, 531 km of new
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railway track from the elga coal deposit in yakutia to the shore of the sea of ​​okhotsk, where a new port is being built. about the people who lay the bam. report by alexander rogatkin. tons of explosives lift up layers of rock. as soon as it settles down. coal dust, oleg klevan immediately sits down at the levers of his huge machine. excavators are usually wheeled, tracked, or walking, but at the elga coal mine in yakutia there is a completely unique singing excavator. be happy, alas, i’m not ready yet, so let others be happy, be happy for now. unfortunately, i’m not ready, so let others be happy. driver oleg klevan,
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an incredibly talented man, writes songs right in the cabin of his excavator, travels around the country with concerts, performs at music competitions, i write songs on an excavator, to this monotonous, as if the rhythm plays, and i write songs, the words somehow themselves form into a song to the music thundering next to the railway. at the beginning of the two thousandth oleg klevan completed the construction of the severomushsky tunnel, the baikal mainline assures - this will last a lifetime. bam is progress, bam is strength, i don’t know, this is some kind of freedom, this is nature, this is, well, i don’t know, this is the heart of the country. if they had not decided to build baikal-amur 50 years ago. highway, then it would be impossible to develop the south yakut coal basin now. the elga
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coal deposit is one of the largest in russia. premium quality coal with low sulfur and phosphorus content is mined here. it is this type of coal that most metallurgical plants in the world operate on, and it is this kind of coal that is now most in demand in southeast asia. the country has huge reserves of coal, but we are extracting it. we have it 10 times less than china. the whole problem is that it is impossible to export all the coal. both bam and transip are overloaded, trains stand for hours waiting in line. russia does not produce even close to the volumes that china produces, why? but because there is no opportunity to develop deposits, there is no transportation, there is no opportunity to withdraw this coal, if we produce 400 million, and china produces 3600, the celestial empire buys another billion tons in other countries, our country exports only 200 million
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tons, there is room for improvement, so russian coal miners decided to build their own. the road is being developed very actively by coal deposits and the volume of transported coal is growing every year, more and more, so it is necessary to develop the bama, while at the moment, well , they don’t have such opportunities, with our investments we are helping to make a bama our additional branch in private hands will thereby increase the carrying capacity, this is how the rails are laid on... the northern branch of the bama pacific railway, 300 km of track have already been laid here, this road will pass in yakutia from the elgin coal deposit, through the mountains of the stone range to the okhotsk seas. a modern coal terminal will appear at cape manoorsky, in fact it is a new russian port with several berths, it is
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already accepting ships with equipment, an icebreaker recently arrived, with its help a portelka. it will become year-round, about 80% of the port facilities have already been poured there, simultaneous work is underway on three berths, it is entering the fourth berth, and at the moment another berth has been built for receiving cargo. the railway is being built by two brigades facing each other, both from the field and from the port itself. 200 km left. should be done by the end of the year.
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they’re torn, but that’s okay, sometimes we manage without technology. diesel locomotives are already running along the laid track, delivering equipment, fuel, building materials, rails and sleepers. this is the pantry of our homeland, here is the entire table mendeleev, but it is very difficult, try to get it and get it out of here. driver sergei khadygin from the amur region, he is no
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stranger to frost, he simply says that the diesel locomotive should not be turned off, otherwise it will freeze completely and will not start. and it’s so interesting here , taiga romance and bears, the diesel locomotive is not afraid, you’re driving next to it, it’s walking next to you, you can feed the bear, it’s from the deck, well, even from the window , they’ve already been fed, they’re not afraid of anything, although you don’t have to do it to feed them, along the railway under construction, which is 530 km, no not a single populated area, only taiga, rocks and permafrost. an incredible project, even by the standards of modern russia, trains with coal, while locomotives developed with the help of the americans are transported here, after the imposition of sanctions, components along with a diesel generator from general electric were no longer supplied to russia, but the bryansk machine-building plant has already begun
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to produce a completely domestic one the 3t-28 locomotive is in no way inferior to american and western technologies, and in many respects it is superior. 12 newest locomotives in the black and white livery of the elgotrans company will soon... go to the pacific railway, and another 12 diesel locomotives in corporate colors are already working on bama, this is only the first batch. our cargo transportation has increased. bam is developing, a second track is being built, and the most modern diesel locomotives are being delivered here. while the coal mined at the ilginskoye deposit is exported via
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the baikal-amur mainline, the railway line to the bamov station ulak was also built by the coal company. when will they strike the road to the sea of ​​okhotsk, coal production will be able to increase almost three times. we are at kilometer zero, you see the bend, this is where it begins. the pacific railway is the most ambitious project on a global scale over the past few decades, when a private shareholder, realizing that transportation capacity is necessary for the development of the field, he decided on such construction with his own non-borrowed funds, from yakutia, the pacific railway has already came to the khabarovsk territory, the head of the region is considering a grandiose construction site from the airplane window, he recalls that the project was actually drawn on a napkin during the st. petersburg economic forum, just 3 years ago.
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there have never been such precedents in the history of russian transport construction, and already at the end of next year at the beginning of the twenty-fifth we will receive a road port with a total capacity of 50 million tons per year. for comparison, all the ports of vanin and the soviet harbor today load 40 million a year, the railway is laid manually, without involving a rail-laying train, this is to don’t wait until all the embankments are done and the bridges are built. well, it all depends on the weather conditions, well, on average, about 100-125 m. but i mean, well, that’s the day shift, the same for the night shift, well, about 250 m, that’s in 24 hours. we pass, well, that is, we meet the standard, everything is there, of course, it’s still a long way from the komsomol volunteers of bama, the builder of the pacific ocean road.
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the team of the famous alexander bonder, in august 1984, set a world record for the speed of laying railway tracks, almost 5.5 km per day. but the drummers capitalist labor is still great. and we will replicate this experience. the next project could be the development of the melkant iron ore deposit, it is here,
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literally a few hundred kilometers from the deposit to the port of elga, the next stage the company can begin its development. if this happens, the largest mining and metallurgical plant will appear here. so far there are only shift camps for 1000 people, but there is already an airfield with a reinforced concrete landing strip, it is capable of receiving heavy transport silts and passenger superjets with boeings. previously, people took 3 days to get here from yakutsk, but soon there will be direct flights from moscow, irkutsk and novosibirsk. 2 years ago there was just a swamp where equipment drowned in the summer.
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a bakery and a dairy shop have already been opened, they are pouring yoghurts and kefir for employees, they even started making cheeses, after training in the gym there are continuous benefits for the body in such a climate, so gradually the uninhabited regions of russia are becoming quite suitable for life, like an old frigate, across the seas, across waves, where even steel cables crack, i will find mine.
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well, that's all for today, all the best and see you next sunday. touch crooks everywhere burger on fire is tastier well, debts on credit cards are hanging, interest is dripping, you need credit cards, you take out credit cards, you transfer debts to holwa, you divide them into 24 months, you conveniently pay off making purchases or getting rid of
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credit card debts easily. dad, you ’ll be home soon, soon, i won’t stay late now, there are many vacancies in ovito, work will find not just a job, but its place. meet the popular moscow writer
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nikolai. rebinin’s brother is in donbass , you have to go there, you have to go, just ride here as a passenger, i’m not a fighter, i came for my brother, in a couple of days you will go there , to the gray zone, beyond this line, you will become different, and then what, there was my childhood and youth, and now it’s dark, that’s it, we’re leaving. “it’s scary, no, it’s hard to get used to, about 10 years ago i saw him being beaten through the window, i didn’t intervene, i betrayed him, now i have to find him, there is still hope, there is always hope.”
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we look before everyone else, four children, ex- husband, at work, endless stress, vosnetsova, why are you always the only problem, let’s subscribe and take a look.
2:00 am
you will not see tears on his face, this does not mean that he is not in pain, a frank statement, i will tell you a little secret and rare footage, presidential week, a special look.


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