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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 1, 2024 2:00am-2:31am MSK

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why are you always nothing but problems? subscribe and watch. you won't see any tears on his face, that doesn't mean he's not in pain. a frank statement, i’ll tell you a little secret, and rare footage. week, special look. good evening,
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it has been a busy week, the president continued to be briefed on the progress of the investigation into the horrific terrorist attack on koroko city hall and all the measures that are currently being taken. we know by whose hands this atrocity was committed, vladimir putin said at a meeting on monday. we are interested in who the customer is, who benefits from this, who was waiting for the criminals in ukraine? there are many questions, but it is also clear what it is.
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allows such tragedies completely through himself , believe me, if you don’t see tears on his face, this does not mean that he is not in pain, and what he is going through is unlikely to be understood by anyone, including you and i, despite our general pain and legitimate desire to punish all the perpetrators of this brutal crime, the investigation must be carried out in the highest degree professionally, objectively, without any political...
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commitment, so that criminals receive fair punishment, as required by russian law. of course, we need to answer the question why the terrorists tried to go to ukraine after committing the crime, who was waiting for them there? the united states, through various channels , is trying to convince its satellites and other countries of the world that, according to their intelligence data , there is supposedly no trace of kiev in the moscow terrorist attack. you said that ukraine was definitely behind this terrorist attack, but what about that? indicates, points a lot, only the islamists prepare such they couldn’t carry out the action, of course, they were helped, and we see, firstly, the ukrainian trace, here, the primary data that we received from the detainees confirms this, the bandits intended to go abroad, specifically to the territory of ukraine, according to our preliminary operational information , they were waiting there, the president said that there was even some kind of window being prepared, but cat, i’ll open a small one. secret on the other side they wanted
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to be greeted as heroes. this atrocity can only be a link in a whole series of attempts by those who have been fighting our country with their own hands since 2014 neo-nazi kyiv regime. and the nazis, as is well known, never disdained to use the most dirty and inhumane means to achieve their goals. moreover, today, when their advertised counter-offensive has completely failed, this is already recognized by everyone. it is not disputed that bloody acts of intimidation, such as the terrorist attack committed in moscow, quite logically fit into this series. the goal is to sow panic in our society at the same time to show our own population that all is not lost for the kiev regime, it just needs carry out the orders of their western curators, fight to the last ukrainian, carry out the command from washington and... adopt a new
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law on mobilization, create something like hitler yugand in its new edition, of course, get new weapons and additional money, a significant part, for this how...
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it is imperative to take control of all the people who need support, because different life situations occur, to analyze everything related to this terrible crime, to be sure to help people, to approach this informally, in fact, then in the morning, not early in the morning, but just in the morning the work continued and the meeting. the president is constantly , as they say, sitting on the remote control, that is , the leaders of the security forces, first of all at that time, contact him directly via direct communication and report to him about how the preparations were being made, how the detention took place, that is, that night in general was a hell of a time , of course, and there’s an appeal there, it
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’s most likely also that by that time i hadn’t even arrived yet, no, no, well, at such moments, in fact, it’s not enough for anyone, especially head of state, there are no changes, there is only one... we know by whose hands this atrocity was committed against russia and its people, we are interested in who the customer is, who benefits from this, because of the terrible terrorist attack, we have extended all measures of this kind, but it would hardly be right to cancel meetings with cultural figures completely, because at such moments the role of culture increases even more, high feelings are revealed, folk codes are exposed during periods of such dramas. our cultural code does not allow us to react to tragedy otherwise, this is conscience, this heightened sense of justice and truth, culture plays a very important role in such critical turning points, even tragic ones, because they give strength. words from one of
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the recipients, i serve the fatherland. the articulatory gymnastics of the kremlin announcer before and during the ceremony are all clear in the literal sense of the word. prizes for young cultural figures were awarded. young cultural figures, of course, do not have the training of a speaker , so first one unfolded a speech prepared in advance, then the other did the same. here's what this.
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a river of creativity, an endless river of talent, it fills the soul of the peoples of russia, makes our people invincible, confidently standing on their feet and looking into the future, it was thanks to you that many whom the awardees wanted to thank were right here in the hall, before the ceremony began, seconds, and communication is therefore already signs and gestures, because everything begins. such ceremonies always follow a certain protocol, but this time putin changed it. he invited all the awardees
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to go and talk with him in another room, where there are no longer prying eyes. finally, a meeting with family and friends with awards on their chests. and this is the city of torzhok, historical and ethnographic.
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the bottom of cultural institutions, but excuse me, this is a quarter of all the masses, it cannot be a quarter, we only have 42 libraries, no, 500 have been reduced from the total number, this is a quarter of the total large, as we only have 42,000 libraries, as this start at 588,000 - these are all municipal cultural institutions, 1%, 1%, 1%, well, no, well, not a quarter, well, cultural workers, people, you’re just scaring me, don’t be afraid. it's you in how many times have they exaggerated something like this a lot, a lot, apparently, we’ll improve
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, it’s okay, maybe the severity of the problem, indeed, it’s been embellished a little, yes, that’s why it’s so much more majestic in our country, i agree, you’re right, this is of course a very painful thing , here, of course, there are also things of a purely objective nature, when there are simply no means, but no means, there are means, we only put in an additional 9 trion for 6 years in advance, somewhere a settlement has already ceased to exist, everything needs to be done, so that the network is preserved, that's for sure. and cultural figures, apparently, are once again concerned about the fate of music schools, if this is not the first time and not the first year that they have raised the issue. music schools in the traditional sense of the word dating back to the soviet period, we will under no circumstances destroy them and turn them into some kind of clubs. with what love they talk about their schools,
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museums and theaters, actresses from the city of kimry, and here, like on a stage, this is how the story about the life of her theater looked like. it was, of course, difficult to stop smiling. now we're playing ours performances to full houses. i was driving , i was also talking about the city, he thinks that he is a prompter , don’t throw me off, this is the atmosphere of this conversation right away, here are the shots even before the start , the governor has a seat at the table at the end, putin should arrive soon, he immediately signals that he has me from behind , that i won’t fall, apparently, in order not to fall , he decides, he foresaw, it would seem, everything except one thing, when putin came, he, of course, thought that his place was here, whoever
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sits in the head pays , a lot of finance is definitely needed for infrastructure development, because more and more tourists are coming, but it is becoming more and more difficult to cope with the flows, press center for journalists. the pool was placed, for example, right in the local courthouse. there are many infrastructural restrictions for the development of tourism throughout russia, it was decided to create new resorts in nine regions, the president was shown an exciting demonstration video, they showed it beautifully, now we need to create 10 water parks that have received support, nine ski resorts and three amusement parks and many thousands of new hotels numbers. in conditions, when millions of tourists are now actively traveling around russia,
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competition is developing between regions for them, the degree of competition is sharply increased at the very top, for some reason, in our country, st. petersburg is only in third place in popularity, after moscow, the moscow region of the krasnodar territory, how so, aleksandrovich , well, we have a cold sea, let’s say, compared to the krasnodar region, but nevertheless, we have acquired infrastructure, the first government of russia and much more that is not there, but you have it all, development this mega-project will add more tourists to us and we will take first place, i promise you that, okay, let’s see, okay, in the far east there is also something that is not in other regions, the ocean, but in the ocean sometimes you come across those whom tourists will definitely see if you don’t want to,
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what can you do with the sharks, they bite you and attack you, there was only one case in all of my life. and this, this is not enough, or something, there is no need for repetition, it is necessary, no, jokes and jokes, we also need to think about this, in advance, about safety, we need to think about it, i’m getting ready a couple of years ago, i went swimming there with an underwater fisherman, my colleagues went, but i really didn’t have enough time, but still we saw sharks there on the islands, especially, there are sharks, but they are herring, they, they don’t bite, yes, i understand , yes, i understand, everyone says that so as not to scare off tourists, but i ’m joking aside, and you need to think about it in advance, i’ll definitely do it. the most striking fragments of the presidential meetings were published in the zaruvin telegram channel. sign up directly for the meeting in torshka. some of the participants obviously unexpectedly turned on at full volume, do not reflect the thoughts of the author, all the psychologism does not reflect the work. a recording of what was happening in the city a few minutes earlier.
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among the fields, he carried the presidential one to himself long before the motorcade on the intercity highway, in the center of torshka, began to revive, the earth is full of rumors, but how could one not find out, well, what does the whole city know?
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the president's name is now passing through the streets, here he is, it is clear that everyone here, of course, hopes, you can hear for yourself, that the president will come out to the people, but you and i will be there now watch together whether this will happen or not, so, the cartesh stops, we look, how far we have traveled, many have already managed to get upset, but then people began to witness a very rare sight. i also feel like it’s going somewhere, even for cameramen who always cover the work of the president, look, now the president’s card has even gone back, a few meters back, here he is, vladimir putin, coming out, of course, he couldn’t help but come out to the people , let's watch with you how this happens. alive,
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they say, alive, i told you he would be approaching the people, waving his hand, in order to approach the people, i had to get off the asphalt, hello, hello, this must happen, putin approached where perhaps one of the most active local residents was standing, journalists noticed her even before the president arrived, she gave numerous interviews. a loud cry , she decided that her notebook was being taken away, the scream was such that putin turned around, don’t misbehave, write to me, it turns out in that notebook, i have tereshkova’s kleidoscope, i have rudenia,
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yes, but most importantly, i didn’t have president, my dear, we have been waiting for you, i have been waiting for you for 20 years, these guys are not 20 years old yet, they took advantage of their physical form, thank you, others got closer, but not to hear the conversation, congratulations on your victory, on your victory we are with you, thank you very much, girls in general. my hands are shaking, i also shook his hand , he also has a very warm hand, then we are all already frozen, thank you, even the president kissed him, yes, so we kissed, how old are you, 10, tomorrow in class
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a star wake up at school, we're on vacation now, an excellent answer, why were you standing right here today, and we somehow chose this place, we’ve been standing since 11 o’clock today, now we have, wait a second, 18:20, angelina, look, here he comes, and then there were several hours of meetings, the meeting got dark, and in the dark the place was still just as crowded. they wanted to see putin again. very late in the evening, the center for combat use and retraining of flight personnel. how do you assess the actions of our combat aviation during the special military operation? great.
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quite a few, initially there were complaints about violations related to a lack of uniforms or non-payment of allowances, recently there have been many requests for delays in payments for injuries, in connection with the awarding of state awards, in each case we react promptly, where there is a need we react harshly , and we will continue this work. our country is fighting to protect its vital interests, unfortunately, our ill-wishers.
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meeting, well, it’s unrealistic for now, but i can help you to say that these investigations have another side: it is necessary to collect all the documentary evidence, the atrocities
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of the neo-nazis, their curators, accomplices and masterminds, in order to prevent anyone from further distorting the circumstances that took place in reality, well, of course there is the principle of the inevitability of punishment , in the future we will present all our collected materials for consideration.
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putin’s response to western statements about russia’s alleged desire to attack nato countries, although russia has only one desire: to stop the war unleashed by the west in ukraine. the president also said that we should single out names, he said this to his fsb colleagues, the traitors of the vlasovites, how is the work going? a large layer of work is indeed being carried out on the territory of the country, we see the problems that exist taking into account the events taking place in ukraine, unfortunately, this cannot but worry us, but nevertheless, there are those who left and organized, which means , combat units, well, there are those who intended to do this, at least all the country's law enforcement agencies and intelligence services are actively engaged in this, and, as he
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said, our president by name. we know who are the organizers of the preparation and holding of the action on our territory, we will do everything necessary to find and punish these scoundrels, i met with our guys, with helicopter pilots, when you meet such warriors, it becomes obvious that we are all we’ll solve our problems, flying a helicopter is much more difficult than everything else, i tried, i tried, let’s go.
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chechnya, dagestan, kalmykia, yakutia, mordovia, chuvashia, every republic, region, region, district of a huge country. the heroes of the past can be proud of the heroes of today.
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hello, i am boris sakimov, and i am oleg stepanov, and we, the creators of the russia 2062 project of the free thought headquarters. together with experts , we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years. see you in the future.
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