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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 1, 2024 3:00am-3:31am MSK

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due to the special legal regulation of the federal territory of sirius, we will be able to minimize the period from identifying a tumor to administering medications to the patient . we are partners here in this place to develop the legislative framework. sirius is a paradise for smart people. we watch to understand the world. educational programs and documentaries. films, we watch, we watch, on the app or on the website, it’s interesting that we are in our stories about the olympic tradition. péra da coubertin
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was always imagined as standing outside like this politics and such a handsome man about sports and the world faster and higher stronger. he once went to berlin when he was retired before the 1936 olympics. and then he returned from there, believing that he could go there as a frenchman, completely fascinated by hitler, believing that he was powerful.
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when we need to destroy you all, as our colleague, deputy tolstoy said, we will do it, just try to send your troops, face us in military clashes, and europe will tremble, and we will no longer show restraint hope that you will come to your senses, you europeans
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, isms, anti-semitism, russophobia, that non-ism, colonialism, and passionate love for a good life, at the expense of those whom you continue to consider your slaves or unturmens, like all of us, do not hope, all your preparation for war will not help you, as always, you can do as much as you like. photoshopovron with
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enlarged biceps, this will not help accelerate your rockets to hypersonic, so paris, if you don’t want to accept our athletes, accept our hypersound, quickly, very reliably unpleasant. alexander mikhailovich, well, i completely agree that, of course , it is important for the west today to promote its agenda.
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ideological, you know, i can tell you that we met at the level of our parliament and their assembly of people’s deputies , or as a national assembly, i can tell you that it was so clear how they were waiting for a conversation on these topics, how they understand well that the result is that they did not say this, but interpreting the fact that all over the world today we find hundreds of biological laboratories that actually do not pursue a goal other than to prepare an aggressive impact.
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china, does anyone else still have
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the impression that china built this only from what it managed to accumulate or earn, is there really an idea that working like the original one, like a global factory and... producing absolutely everything and consumer goods and many industrial products, he accumulated enough money to build high-speed railway, high-speed railway - what are you, high-speed highways, 42,000 km, 2/3 of the world, world volume, by the way, in russia so far zero, but we are moving in this direction, so don’t we understand that a completely different approach to the economic model of china, yes, as the experts there correctly advised me, they built money for the first 50 km. they used, among other things, the skills of siemens, all the remaining 41,950 km, they built by issuing money aimed at the development of the economy, do we really think today that the issue of the development of today's china, i will now name some figures, it is connected with one thing, this
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earned, hard-earned money put into production, but nothing like that, this cannot even be by definition, and when we hear that today our central bank said that cheap loans will not help expand production in russia, but i there aren’t even any comments, i tried, and in the other direction in chinese it didn’t work, you know, but you can ask a question, have any of the people who work at the central bank done at least a penny of entrepreneurial activity in their lives? earned money, for example, in industry, well, created something, did something, can they somehow confirm these brilliant statements that they make? well, can they at least bring a certificate that they are mentally healthy? i would not like to pay much attention to our central bank today, except for one thing: i believe that if the central bank took responsibility and said that it fully shares the obligations together with the government for the economic growth of our country, i
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think that many questions would be would have been removed, but then he would not be able to utter this kind of quotes, excuse me, say that with cheap loans we will not solve the problem. so, returning to what i... wanted to say, russia, the chinese economy, it has set an example, we don’t need to copy, we just need to approach the use of a similar mechanism, let’s see what china is working on today, why us surprises at the level of tourism, there are specialists and so on, this is a high-quality habitat, when we talk about a high-quality, high-quality environment there habitat, this is the category that we should strive for, by the way, in the president’s message, if you look closely at the text, this is what the task is about, it is said, because this is a completely different education. healthcare, the development of the country as a whole , and so on, and so, using the example of china, you can see what results it has achieved in the shortest possible time; by the way, it built the same high-speed highway of 42 thousand km in just 20 years. 20 years ago, china did not know what a high-speed railway was. if we can
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to say that he built the largest bridge in the world there, 160 km there in 2.2 years, the distance from kaliningrad, relatively speaking, to yekaterinburg there also in 2.5 years, that is, all this is feasible, but again at expense. what, through the use of universal economic mechanisms that exist, that they built as a distance from kaliningrad, i mean, that they have from beijing to shanghai, this road here is not a bridge to the threshold, no, to the road. listen question high high level habitat question this is not a question does not pay off
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pays off, this is a matter of life, if this is the life of our country, our people, what kind of payback can this life have? naturally, we are talking about something completely different, that in the approaches to creating a high living environment, everything plays a role, in this environment any product is created and it costs much more, build a unique house, which stands there conditionally on new riga near moscow. build it, for example, in somalia, the same, maybe even better, well, it’s clear that the cost of these products will be completely different, why, because one is located in one habitat, another in another, today we just need to do everything so that our country spreads this habitat throughout the whole country, then we will have a different quality of life, and china is demonstrating how to do this, and there is no need to be shy, not to learn what he did, and the mechanism for using it, here we are, when we speak, i have a train to china the day before, i encountered another...
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how to answer people who say that china is your friend, partner, back to back , shoulder to shoulder, in ukraine in full chinese
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goods, including dual -use goods, shoulder to shoulder, back to back, friend, they are supplied to america with all their might, i in no way want to offend anyone, because china is a pragmatist, well , i just want to sort of understand, but it’s good if there, why do we suddenly have such problems with financial transactions , solve them ourselves with support, the second thing i have to say, given that here the military often don’t say everything, but i ’ll probably say that too, carefully, that well, well , probably these should be some processes implemented in silence, that is, well, there is no need to go both in one direction and in the other direction. comment, maybe, well, it’s just impossible to solve them so quietly that those counterparties who are interested in the operation
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don’t know anything about it, otherwise it’s such a frightening silence, people are simply going bankrupt, we need to work on this, i know that at the level financial institutions, i just hope that this will be resolved, because we wait all the time, when we talk about friendship, about camaraderie, we expect something completely different than how the chinese country understands it, in this there is also a problem, of course there is, so there is no need to see in china someone who will solve our problems. it’s embarrassing, it’s embarrassing, i’ll tell you, just don’t tell me anything about avtovat, who
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’s in the way now, 20 years ago china had nothing either, in 20 years we could have done something, well, finally do it, who’s in the way now i’ll tell you, you understand one thing, i’m asking a simple question, avtovaz belongs to whom, to whom? who do you think? we have such an organization , the automotive research institute, these are the people who should understand everything, but is it really impossible to choose simply? it’s clear that sokolov is working there, it’s clear that he’s trying to do everything he can, it’s clear that it’s hard for him, i’m talking about the beauty of the approach, but why on the one hand is this, that
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you have a large number of options, on the other hand, nothing , reliable, well , nondescript, well, not scary, the heritage of renault is chinese. an example of both high-speed highways, as well as shipbuilding, this, by the way, is from the government during the preparation of the report, we met with them, i heard at least at least, well, approaches related to the fact that today you can, well, you have to worry, but you can definitely be sure that we will go the right way, why is this planning for years, for decades, second, when i mentioned high-speed highways, just like the auto industry, yes, this is not just the production
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of cars, this is generally the totality of the development of dozens, if not hundreds of industries, and here... you need to know exactly when, where why, i was in china now, when they hit the top ten, we were brought to the largest their car manufacturing plants, you you know what they did, they showed us five models that they made for russia in a year, because they took into account the frosts there and something else, in general, we asked the prices, well, they will please our manufacturers, because the price is already in russia will be significant there, but it is measured adequately by the quality of the machines, when we heard about what is being done for this, the answer to your question, the institute. tens of thousands of small medium-sized enterprises integrated there that received robots for production that were not born in central asia, but robots and the human factor based on of this there is reduced to zero and the prices are completely
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different, while the question is this: but the state, as they say, is the state, the state, and just the people who do this. must formulate the goals of the task, create prerequisites , and both people and private capital must really implement it, hence the private public partnership, i am sure that today we are on the right path, these are not empty words, i see today that the chinese, in my opinion, have more faith in us than we ourselves, and i see, at least what they say, they firstly talk about complete localization, they are not trying to impose.
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today it’s becoming a reality, our task is simple, we’ve finally started building our own exchange here, suddenly, listen, well, it ’s all of a sudden, finally, that’s right, so the exchange is being formed, how many, how many years have we been talking about this, fair the price of our products, why we give away the delta of our earnings , everyone is talking about this today, we just need to support our president, i ’ll tell you even more, i was surprised, i’m talking to manufacturers of military products, well, i think, well guys, well, you have now probably money it’s unrealistic, it’s easy to expand, they say: everything is still going on there, but we already have such checks, that is, there is a feeling that you just want to immediately go and give up yourself, why, why, but then let the state determine what the normal rate of profit is there, but it turns out a situation where, on
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the one hand, we say that they must, as patriots , do everything possible, on the other hand, we begin to put so much pressure on them. yes, i agree with this, not only, not only, this is correct, of course we need to support the president too, that’s all, but you, you are already your eyeliner formulated, on the one hand you say , well... it’s not the state that should be doing this, of course not, but i’ll tell you, the state, unfortunately, in some infrastructure, for example, this is what alexander mikhailovich started talking about about
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high-speed highways , if you approach them from the point of view of economics, then they will never be a friend, about money yes , about help yes, i’m about drawing models, no, that’s right , volodya, i’ll get to that now, i just got me started , yes sash, well, i spoke on this topic several times, also there, when they talked about moscow st. petersburg. with minsk there, with kazan high-speed, and everyone told me, both the minister of finance, well , it’s not profitable for us, and the minister of economics, it’s not profitable for us, it’s not for us, i tell them, wait, in the railways, when it was built, the tsar began to build it with personal money , was also unprofitable, and the minister of finance then argued to the tsar that it was unprofitable, terribly unprofitable, she bought herself this road during the second world war, there in a few days, i was on obama, i worked on obama. and i am amazing to myself the student then discovered that the bam began to be built in 1936, in 1936 they began surveying, it just happened there that
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we got one seaplane with a drilling crew, which sank there on a lake not far north, moisko, and i supervised these works, which means komsomol youth detachment and suddenly i’m from here in such a wilderness, it means this brigade, it turns out they had already laid paths there then. on bam, this is this bam, in the forty-first year these tracks were dismantled, stalin dismantled them and near moscow in order not to deliver them there there was enough reality, this is about whether it is profitable or not, now i will return to high-speed, i also asked the chinese a question, why do you need to go to tibet, well , several thousand people live there, to tibet 4.00 m they paved this road above the level sea , they tell me it’s not about profit, only i drove this high-speed car, they are cunning...
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i’m promoting it now, which means experience, but i said, we can’t behave like that, why are we giving 980 thousand rubles a subsidy for an electric car , which is completely assembled in
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china, on an internal combustion engine, which is collected from us, we provide only 300,000 subsidies, but it is still collected there, so you are talking about localization, unfortunately, localization today is at this level, and the state here uses certain mechanisms, including subsidies. recycling, which means government procurement , government procurement, well, for example, renault is worse than bmw, yes the car, but renault runs a taxi, and ours runs, so i was on my way here just now , i looked, i think i’ll take a special look, kia, there, that means, various other cars, well , okay, that is, we kind of say that this is domestic car, but we still haven’t closed government purchases in the service sector, go, sell yours, and that also means 1/3 of this car, an expensive electric car, which is usually second to third. we are still returning the family to the chinese manufacturer, of course, the state is here and he told me, you know, leonid, you’re amazing, they usually come and ask me, and i
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wrote him a letter: remove this subsidy, you can’t do this, give it, give it, let’s ours, yes, one day the car will turn into, because i, here i have my comrades there kaliningrad, former vaz workers, what did they do with bmw, did the assembly, assembled for 30 years, bought everything from them and i think everything, everything, everything, everyone drove this car, bmw, which seems to be like ours, only the germans left, everything slammed shut, that’s it, the plant is not working, but this plant is working, the voska automobile plant, yes, it is not yet, maybe not as high quality as you, but the weight is already good, i’m talking about beauty, i’m talking about the state, i agree with you , of course, i agree with you, remember, remember, we argued, you say, what a lada, they can’t do it there , this castle, they can’t do it, i say, wait, volodya, well, we can’t drive people out into the street to do it. i never suggested driving people out into the street, i suggested that people there think with their heads, but i will come back who answers directly, no, i’ll tell you, this is a serious, this is a correct, deep conversation, it’s like this, so i remembered mishustin, we
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came to him. me too, we talked about mechanical engineering, about cars, about recycling, about migration, about the russian language, i i see how they respond, because you can yell about this migration without understanding anything, or you can talk seriously, you say correctly , sometimes, why, why, because cars - you know, i liked migration so much, we have such control above them, yes, the one they brought from us, it turns out, was so valuable...
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did she make you out to be a latino? yes, she made you a person with a latin american character, latin american habits, he told me, it’s better for you not to know, yeah, but i don’t i asked because i understood that there was so much there , not all of his forecasts were convenient, the information he sent here was 98%, it probably came true, all of ukraine was in his forecasts, that’s roughly how it all
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happened. i always dreamed of remaining a commandant, and this has to do with latin america and the mausaleum. these same people, there is nothing to respect them for , they are enemies, but they are pathetic, we are concentrated and evil, they seem to retain all their shares in the west, and many of them have property, funds invested, if you have any
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property in germany? yes, i have it here apartment. they all broadcast a certain agenda, finding victims in our country so that they commit an offense against the law. and i was the victim. we will take on this matter, it will happen. honest
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detective. but i’m worried about something else, of course you’ll ask me, when will they imprison those bastards who brought these people here, didn’t conduct an inspection, in which they simply turned a blind eye to everything, someone is behind this giant industry, of course, a lot of money, at least one once, at least once.


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