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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 1, 2024 3:30am-4:01am MSK

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but i’m worried about something else, of course you ask me, when will they imprison those bastards who brought these people here, who did not conduct an inspection, who simply turned a blind eye to everything, someone is behind this gigantic industry, crazy money, at least once, at least once .
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we have a patent, so you know, in yakutia the most expensive patent, in yakutia, it is the most expensive than in moscow, and they are all in moscow, mostly moscow, well, naturally, we are not communicating on these issues right now, i i still can’t understand what valuable profession these people have, whom brought here, and who surfaced among the terrorists of kroku city, one of them has a valuable profession, a hairdresser, and the second has a valuable profession, he has six classes of education, yes, yes,
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how many branches of the confucius institute are there in russia? a couple of dozen, probably, yes 14, 14, yes, and how many, well, let’s say, branches of the pushkin institute in china, five or six, well , given the disproportion of the population, well, yes, yes, yes, that is, what’s stopping me, i think china would study russian with interest with joy, i would like to say, you showed this a smiling president who will soon not become president zelensky, well, let him not, he won’t.
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it’s not in his competence to say such phrases, but in his, they, you know, they’re intimidating everyone, we can’t lose, we can’t lose, because this is an existential threat to us, that’s what they also said in afghanistan, we can’t lose, they they said from there, yes, but
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in vietnam they didn’t say, we can’t lose by hiring and killing vietnamese, and then they brought many tens of thousands of their own people to afghanistan. a country that is not a member of nato was attacked, you saw and you saw anullen berbok, that’s exactly where you think she has logic, well, yes, yes, there is no logic, i knocked out all the advertising from her with a trampoline,
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hello, i’m boris sakimov, and i’m oleg stepanov , and we are the creators of the russia 2062 project of the headquarters of free thought. we are discussing with experts how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years. see you in the future. by the way, there have been several of these, it would seem, well, not very loud, in our case, at least not very significant, but very significant moments, for example, we... didn’t give approval to carry out inspections under the sanctions regime in korea, north korea, and china abstained, finally, well, yes, they blocked the mandates of the compliance group, and this is already serious, this is already very serious,
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well done, how much did they say on your show , that’s right, i think that this is just the beginning, i would generally give north korea now, for example, maximum agricultural assistance, we have record... we have a lot of indicators, why not help the north korean people, who directly said, yes we are in the same trench with the russians, if necessary, we will be in the same trench, and i generally believe that now we are reaching a phase of confrontation when we don’t have to be shy about taking our side, take, well, listen, well, if we see from the other side, france wants to lead troops, but i think , that, for example, north korea would march with great interest in berlin, warsaw, paris, but so what? brilliant knowledge - acquired at school - will be useful in order to restore order to those who think that they own the world? and that north korea has no right for military tourism? that is, france allows itself military tourism and permission, khavyk
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is going to fight with us right here with all his might, well, that is, this is what is in these people’s heads, well, although on the other side there are citizens who absolutely honestly warned everyone about everything. it was just that everyone then thought that they were joking, that’s what the vile bastard, who is now pretending to be the president of the independent, said, to live, they want to live better, to live, but just think about how you can survive when i live, and have you ever thought about me, you at least once thought about how to make it so that my life has become better, they didn’t think, but i thought and came up with it, i do everything for this, and you are included in this scheme. you don’t fit in, but i fit in, i fit in the way i want to fit in, everyone thought he was joking, everyone thought it was extremely funny, but now it doesn’t seem that way, please, ah, vladimirovich, well, if
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we’re talking about the auto industry, i know what happened, 10 years ago, do you remember what chinese cars look like, remember, yes, the front is from a mercedes, the back is from... something else, a braid, crooked, ugly, and so on, everyone laughed, and then they hired several teams of young french and italian guys and sent them to shanghai.
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a point of no return, a point of no return in all respects, and what is happening in our country, and what is happening at the front, and what is happening in the west, this point of no return, i think it is connected, connected everything these things form into one lump, which begins to slowly move , grow and roll down the mountain, and if you look at society, you will remember how the elections went, right? remember, literally these 9 days ago, what unity the country had
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after the terrorist attack, you can imagine that 5 years ago this happened, i can’t, i remember what kind of country it was and how many squeals there would be about this, that, the third, now there are no such squeals, yes, there is a feeling optimism, as fedorov said, half of those who left returned, yes, it’s a fact that people. having been distracted by this for 20 years, yes, they probably formed not just a fifth column, they also formed terrorist cells, it’s simply more profitable to use other people’s terrorists than their own, maybe not so professional, but in case of murder tatar, they used their liberalistic networks, returning, returning.
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and it’s not bad that there is no such sharp understanding that something happened there, we are losing the war, no, they are still resisting, they are still mentally saying: no, no, if we put even more weapons there in ukraine, it’s still possible -stabilize this front, somehow lead putin to negotiations, but the point of no return has also been passed there, because serious people understand that there will be no victory.
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and this process proceeds on one more very important background: you see what is happening on the american stock market, on the cryptocurrency market, everything else, yes, it feels as if they have been injected with something very serious, they are being carried right along without any borders, this is what, and the economy of the united states the united states is not currently developing at a very fast pace that would...
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which threatens that this economy will go into a nosedive at any moment, this does not mean that those who run it will lose a lot, no, they just, they are just calculating. on that that the suckers will invest in this whole thing, lose all the money, then they will calmly pick it all up, they have been sitting in the cache for a long time, many of them, yes, but we also see that there is instability there, this is the concept of a crisis - it’s already very close, it also exists there, at this point of no return and what
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we have gone through inside our country, what is happening at the front. and there, too, a certain point of no return has been passed, and what is happening in the west, and what is happening in the economy, what is happening in our economy, by the way, yes, there is also a certain point of no return, how much growth we have had in recent months, 5-6 percent, yes, in the industrial sector, it’s normal, well, they even calculated an increase of 3.8 for the year, now, yes, yes, according to statistics, no, well, that is, they recalculated.
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he will finally understand, realize, people there will help him, realize that there is no need to twitch, everything is already over, little by little, yes, and the dog is barking, but the caravan is still moving, the main thing is that this caravan goes in the right direction, so here's what we're talking about, but the caravan doesn't go in the right direction without driver, that’s exactly what the caravan is not going in the right direction, if the model on which it is built does not work, we
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will definitely... draw beautiful cars, this is the internal mechanism that forces me to offer a couple of solutions, right now, firstly, i think that the war will last for a very long time, i don’t take the ukrainian company, it will last for a long time, i mean, in general, as they call it now, we will have to deal with terrorism for a long time, which means that’s what we can say now, the situation is changing at the front in terms of scientific progress at a colossal speed, we see the introduction of new systems all the time, some... artificial intelligence, from airmobile clubs from children's toys and so on, various resets, now
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target recognition, swarm work, this is all what is needed every day, system. objectively different acceptance conditions, different verification conditions, the whole hierarchy is laid out differently, this is the experience that needs to be replicated and raised, because it’s all there, but these guys need help.
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but this approach is needed, and here, what do i need? i like it, yes, look how the defense ministry and the ministry of industry work hand in hand, i went to era and saw what was happening, there is complete mutual understanding, and they can quarrel there when it’s on business, and there, well, there’s a 24x7 level of contact, that’s all issues are being resolved with colossal speed, but i want it even faster, so that there is even more, the means are varied, there is simply a lot of means. well, when everyone is waiting for fab 3.04 is still in wide use, but when it falls, it doesn’t seem like much, that is, this feeling is still that, well , well, just now i was in belgorod, moreover
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i drove through, well, i spent a lot of time there over the last three or four weeks, moreover, i drove through small towns where there were battles, nearby, for example, there is a place where everything is generally calm, not a single flight, because... because this is the only place where exchanges and two hundredths take place, literally you drive away and there is generally one person there, everyone else left and broadcast live from belgorod on friday on nightingale, there are some ill-wishers there, obviously working there with ukrainian money, who do not have nothing to do with belgorod, they tried to write something there, come, came, looked, spent time, asked what was stopping him, how to make it so that people had everything, because... the feds allocated a huge amount of money, yes for this system to work, it turned out that a number of insurance companies are behaving strangely, there’s war everywhere, they have their own, it’s
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just really surprising, huh, well, it’s impossible to understand, here are some nuances just when you embroider, you look, but the city is a pony from old system, yes, but the city is fantastic, people come out after every flight and clean out the city, that is, the people are , of course, completely heroic. but i liked how one blogger, whom i caught outright lying time after time, eventually presented me with the most important explanation, what do you think, what is it, you’re a jew, you’re going to israel, i thought, well , bravo, there are people who don’t listen to putin and don’t understand when vladimir vladimirovich harshly criticizes russia’s phrase for russians, well, a real blogger, what’s wrong take her, if, by the way, you had not said on the program 10 times already that you are a jew, i would never have looked like you. you also talk about russians quite often, so when we talk about migration, about migration, they say to me: yes, here’s the national one, i say: well , wait, of course, we need to protect them too, but why not protect the russians, and russians need
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to be protected, but this is an important moment when, as a last argument, they tell you: you’re a jew, well, yes, yes, you think, well done, in fact, this is her first argument, well, in general, yes, well, you know how, how deeply true anti-semitism was hidden, and yet such a citizen, she worked for everyone, yes, she visited everyone, please. and about china, of course, i understand perfectly well that when everyone comes to china, the chinese are great, they don’t show off their advanced achievements, we only see the end point of this development, if you look at how it all began, why it all happened this way, began with the fact that china created an absolutely powerful, sustainable system for training educational personnel, in the end, these shots gave birth to the chinese auto industry, albeit with the help of french... and german designers, they gave birth to expressways, taking a lot of tracks and learning, that is, china was building a line for a long time, this was the main point of what
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it... we didn’t have it in russia, we walked in short bursts, it was like we were under fire, constantly telling me tactics, strategy, financial courses and so on, naturally, in fact, we now have a broken, torn economy, which is now really mishustin and the president are trying to collect, in general they are collecting quite successfully, this is exactly what is being done now in my opinion, this is what has been being done in china for 40 years, we are trying to do it there for 2-3 years, maybe a little more , this is the answer to the question why it works there, but not here. there is another point that must be well understood. eh, indeed, we said a lot on this program that china, we should not rewrite to china what china is not. china is not a reliable rear for russia and never appeared and did not claim this. china is a country that ensures the sustainability of its economic policies. and it dates back to densiopin’s times, it is based on three tables, more precisely on
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a triangle. russia, china, the usa, it’s only in this that the structure can be sustainable, in this sense, china is in no way interested in a noticeable weakening of russia, and even more so in russia’s loss, because the structure will collapse and it will crush china, that’s when they say: why is russia needed there? which is 10 times weaker than china in terms of economy? well, because the structure of the world is exactly how it is structured.
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the russian ministry of emergency situations warns, protect your home,
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install a fire detector. safety starts with you, russian emergency situations ministry. and what happened now, in my opinion, the americans made a serious, significant mistake in relation to china.


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