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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 1, 2024 4:30am-5:00am MSK

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meet the popular moscow writer nikolai rebinin, your brother is in the donbass , you need to go there, you should go there just for the passengers to ride here, i’m not a fighter, i came for my brother in a couple of days, you’ll go there to the gray zone. this line you will become different, but then what? my childhood and youth were there, and now it’s dark, we’re leaving, it’s scary? no, it’s hard to get used to, a difficult passenger, about 10 years ago i saw through the window how they were beating him, i did not intervene.
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betrayed him, now i have to find him, there is still hope, there is always hope.
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all four children, ex-husband, at work, endless stress. vosnetsova. why are you always nothing but problems? subscribe and watch. in this regard, by the way, just the day before yesterday i published foring affairs.
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writes that all wars, as a rule , conclude with the surrender of one of the parties, which is correct in principle, maybe some hundred years’ war, i’m not a historian, ended, so to speak, at the negotiating table, but all the last wars actually ended in defeat one of the parties, and the most interesting thing is that this is the conclusion of this entire article, for the first time, so to speak, i met, so say, with an explanation of what strategically means.
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it will still suffer in the eyes of the americans strategically, it turns out that they have greatly moderated their ambitions to inflict defeat , of course not, everyone already understands already many write that the achievement of the goals that zelensky initially set for himself, there is the border of the ninety-first year, even the border of the ninety-year 2022 february mesyatsrovich, that is, if there is a security guard left and he joined nato, then... this is a strategic defeat
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, this is a strategic defeat, well, they write that this is what what putin, so to speak, sought to prevent or stop the expansion of nato to the east, here in finland.
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such a publication as the american bulletin of atomic scientists, a serious publication, by the way, there are very interesting materials there, so they write about germany, that in germany, there are again broad discussions about nuclear weapons, in particular they write that this is the third wave , the first wave was in the sixteenth year, when trump made his attacks on nato, the second was with the beginning of our special military operation, when macron proposed to launch a strategic dialogue on nuclear weapons, now the third, again, after trump’s statement that he will allow russia to do whatever you want, so
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options, several options, well, are being seriously discussed in the expert community, even not in the expert community the main ones are three, the first is the creation of european deterrent forces relying on the french and british, well
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, the last option is to generally buy a thousand warheads from the united states along with carriers, and in this way, but this means a violation of the non-proliferation law, which will instantly lead to the fact that there will not be a single country in the world that does not have its own nuclear weapons, and we will see a wild number of local conflicts in asia and africa with the use of nuclear weapons, the first, by the way, who what will suffer from this is israel, because everyone is israel's neighbors. will immediately acquire their own nuclear weapons, which they will not use, they will use it, well, they proceed from the fact that the non-proliferation process is already out of control, since north korea has already practically possesses nuclear weapons, iran is on the threshold, if iran, then maybe saudi arabia, that is, they believe that
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this process can no longer be stopped, but the most important thing is that it is changing, as they write about the psychology of german society, if experts previously discussed this , then now merc is already there. schauble, linder, joschka fischer, that is, political heavyweights, so to speak, are already beginning to talk about nuclear deterrence. moreover, in german public opinion , discussions about nuclear weapons are no longer considered some kind of taboo; on the contrary, the rejection of nuclear weapons weapons are regarded as weakness in front of president putin, and anyone who starts, so to speak, talking about nuclear weapons. unacceptable, they immediately register as defeatists. andrei, mind you, i didn’t say this, it’s me, i’m talking about the germans, petrovich is also an opponent of nuclear strikes, no, it’s not that i’m an opponent, don’t attribute to petrovich what he told me, i not
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an opponent of nuclear strikes as such, but an opponent of the fact that this is climbing the ladder, escalation, and it is the last one. what, uh, the germans are starting to discuss, these are these statements by dmitry anatolyevich and sergei karaganov, that, uh, they say, nuclear deterrence does not work, therefore russia is already, in principle, morally ready to use nuclear weapons, but in principle it is natural, this is our statement of our the president that technically, military-technically, russia is ready to use nuclear weapons, no, well, it should be noted that well, i saw this personally, in general, strategic troops are constantly in a state of readiness for...
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as for carriers, then according to the agreement it is possible to have 700 carriers deployed and 1.00 in and 100 in factory storage, a total of 800 , in terms of carriers, we are, so to speak, slightly ahead of the americans in terms of warheads, and in terms of carriers we have 570 carriers, we have another 230 reserves, that is, if necessary there are only 160 planes there, we can still make 100 more, if you need it , we need to make a submarine, we can still do it. to do, so we don’t have any restrictions yet, and that’s good, and it’s not a claim that
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it’s good, you change, change your position while there is such an opportunity, alexandrovich, well, when i listen to berbak, i immediately remember gavrilyada, because, well, absolutely gavrila served there as a baker, gavrila baked a loaf, this absolutely definitely applies to berbak, and her statements, of course, they would probably be funny, if all this wasn't tragic. because against the backdrop of the fact that the german government is pursuing some kind of policy, as it now seems to me, more or less, well, at least predictable, suddenly the minister of foreign affairs comes out, literally on the second day after this information about the fifth appeared article, about participation in the army, she immediately begins to give her own comments, but at least it sounds, well, i will say this, it sounds boorish, because when...
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germany needs to do what, in what direction to talk about that there will soon be a war , that germany will move, and i just can’t get rid of the feeling that indeed the green party absolutely clearly took such a line to collapse the coalition, took this line to collapse the coalition, perhaps not so much on its own, but under the influence...
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states of america and is actually one of such are the main lobbyists of the ideas of the dem party in germany today and of course they are now trying to lead this to... to collapse the coalition on the ruins of this coalition to create a new government that would be more pleasing to the rulers from overseas, which would perform that function , which in principle is attributed to germany, that is, this should be the function of such a teftonian such - i wanted to say, well, i won’t say a harsh word, a teftonian kind of battering ram, which in case of cases should come out at the very beginning war, and maybe start all these military actions.
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said that scholz is exactly the person who correctly promotes the ideas of social democracy, including what concerns relationships, she did not name russia, but it was clear that we were talking about russia and... the possible participation of germany in the war, at the same time she said that ursula fondeen is actually a nangrat person, we will not talk to her in any way, here she is evgenia petrovich, she uttered such an important phrase: she said: “first, about what we need to think about, we need to think about a european army, we need to think about a european army, the idea is not new at all,
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macron did this too, in other states it sounded ambiguous, this is the idea of ​​​​creating." this option, although now it seems impossible in the near future impossible , but we may sound like this in german, we may consider the option of sending our military to the territory of ukraine, i don’t know what it sounded like in finnish, i don’t know finnish, so maybe it really was like that, but that’s not the point, the point is that everyone is talking about it now, this is the fact that this explanation of the scientific
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committee of the bundestag appeared, it is not the first, the first appeared quite a long time ago, long before the special one. military operation back in 2019, now this is the second, and this, of course , it did not appear by chance, it appeared on the order of the government, it was scholl who submitted the order to make such an expert conclusion , which actually frees his hands, which allows him to say: no, no, we will not get involved in this in any way, and we generally we don’t want to have anything to do with this, if anyone wants, please, this is the position of scholz on the one hand, and other european states on the other. it seems to me personally that we are observing a typical pre-revolutionary situation, here are the top, i mean in general practically all the states that are part of the european union today and those that are not, if we also take the uk, this is primarily france, these are the baltic countries, this is poland, this is germany, each of these upper classes cannot live as
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they would like to live together, everyone begins to look for some kind of their own path, but the lower classes clearly don’t want to, we saw this at performances in france, we see what is happening now in germany, the growth in the percentage of alternatives for germany, the unusually sharp growth of the sarah wagenknech union, which has now ousted the left and, most likely, will be able to enter the bundestag, there is only one thing left, it remains to wait for the moment when the masses can go out into the streets, when they can turn this revolutionary situation in their direction, and this can happen at the very in the near future, because...
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they changed it and germany lives in unclear conditions under the green order, what if now germany begins to own atomic weapons, the top may want this, but the lower classes definitely won’t agree to it, now there’s advertising, after that we’ll continue, any war is... infantry, until the foot of an infantryman steps on the territory, it is not considered conquered , we squeeze out the enemy , we squeeze out the enemy with artillery, kamikazes, when there is no escort , you go, roughly speaking, blindly, you don’t know what you have ahead of you, catch you, catch you, angel, let's be brief, yes, i observe, the people
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who are here at the control points, they are making no less effort than the attack aircraft, local, as soon as you take off, immediately switch how... such a pace has entered, the work has been completed, the work is on the rails, in its own way in his message to the federal assembly, the president of russia called for timely provision of high-quality and affordable services to participants in a special military operation, work in this direction is in full swing, the ministry of defense has developed and...
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the bank said something, some kind of separate service will they make their own? well, it seems like the office should be, well, there should be an online office , yes, well, without the internet for now, and so you would have to have a bunch of everything with you and a bunch of documents, certificates, yes, that is , you have to take a vacation, you have the right and benefits established by paragraph one of article 16 of the law on veterans well , congratulations, yes, thank you, thank you, so first, but don’t lose it, yes, we will try, that is, all military personnel, all military personnel, yes, yes, combatants will have this . krasno-limansk direction,
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kharkov region, the place where the special attention of our opponents has been reforged. i visited this part of the front, where i talked with the hero of russia, colonel and brigade commander, alexei ksenofontov, he talked about his personal journey, the features of modern war and its strengths.
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this is a video recording of an assault on the enemy’s position, and he’s leading him, so prepare a grenade, go straight along the trench and throw the grenade to the left, where the white bags go straight along the trench. all this happened during the war, if you tell someone, yes, what will the colonel watch? the actions of the two assaults and how many people will ensure their progress, no one would
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have believed before.
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hello, i am boris sakinov, and i am oleg stepanov and we, the creators of the russia 2062 project of the headquarters of free thought, together with experts we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years. see you in the future. investment rating, economics. through concrete stories, we can reach people. we often talk about money, the amounts are serious. in russia there is a clear and clear signal. is russian industry capable of replace foreign suppliers. all resources must be mobilized. in general
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, here’s how to achieve what you have achieved, do you think that you are on top of the world, stood up, dusted yourself off, is russia ready to change, does evolution occur in any structure?
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in 2014, the venue for the winter olympic games, today the federal territory of sirius, brought together the interests of science and business on the basis of the olympic heritage. the creation of an innovation center, the creation of a university is a direct order of the president, thanks to special legal regulation of the federal territory of sirius, we will be able to minimize the period from identifying a tumor to administering a drug to a patient ; we are partners here in this place to develop the legislative framework. sirius is a paradise for smart people.
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