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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 1, 2024 6:00am-6:31am MSK

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the russian military destroyed a fortified point of the armed forces of ukraine, a warehouse with ammunition in...
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helicopters hit new enemy targets, our pilots received the coordinates of the ground and set out on a combat course, they acted as a group, it included the famous k-52 alligator strike mi-28. the crews flew helicopters at extremely low altitudes to avoid nationalist air defenses. the pilots fired unguided missiles at a concentration of ukrainian armed forces personnel, and then returned safely to the airfield. there was a flight to the zaporozhye direction in order to support ours. ground forces completed a group air strike on enemy personnel, according to the reports of the forward air gunner, all the missiles hit the target, well, it turns out the target was hit. the technology is modern, it allows a lot, forgives a lot, you feel absolutely confident and safe in it, also , well, largely thanks to the on-board defense complex, which has already proven itself more than once. very good, saves, takes away,
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everything is safe. in the donetsk people's republic, the russian military destroyed a fortified point of the ukrainian armed forces and a warehouse with ammunition. the target was in a forest belt, but this did not stop our artillerymen. the enemy was eliminated with the first salvo. the krasnopol adjustable projectile helped. our war correspondent eduard punigov will tell you how it happened. at first glance, this is revenge. only military experts will notice that in fact the crew uses not ordinary, but smart ammunition, krasnopol guided artillery shells, under laser guidance it hits targets, but there is no deviation of the target, it is accurate, it hits up to a meter, that’s exactly where it will highlight. was krasnopol developed? also in
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soviet years, but mass use began precisely in special operations. the projectile consists of two parts: the combat head and the control unit. krasnopol shells make life much easier for our artillerymen. soldiers spend less time shooting, which means they can leave the danger zone as quickly as possible; accordingly, the likelihood that the installation will be detected by enemy reconnaissance is reduced. artillerymen always work in conjunction with the orlan drone operator, it is he who directs the laser beam to the target, the krasnopolia control unit. the newcomer is in fact already an experienced gunner; during his military service he worked on the same installation, then he signed a contract, in april of 1922 he came to a special operation and sat on the bridge again, do you like the bridge in any way? yes, it is mobile, convenient, the main thing is not to fuss and...
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everything is calm and the work will go well and easily. the fighters say that they have never missed, the shooting accuracy is almost one hundred percent, the range is approximately 25 km. this is his stronghold. light, easy target, but will disassemble without problems, also penetrates light equipment, heavy equipment are being penetrated, and combat armored vehicles are being penetrated, and tanks are being penetrated, in these frames the next combat mission is being carried out, the enemy has set up a fortified point in the forest belt, plus ammunition was stored here, when krasnopol was hit , they detonated immediately after the shot. the artillerymen immediately leave their positions, the crew quickly works out, my task is to quickly leave, because there is a response, and as it were, the safety of the crew also depends a lot on the mechanic. account of the thirtieth artillery brigade of the thirty-sixth army from buryatia, hundreds of targets were hit, and now,
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when krasnopol shells are being massively supplied to the front line, the effectiveness of the crews’ work will only increase. eduard pungov, alexander botkin, lead the south donetsk direction. moscow. demanded that the kiev regime arrest and extradite those involved in the terrorist attacks in russia, including the head of the sbu, vasily malyuk, among the likely culprits. a statement from the russian foreign ministry says that the tragedy in crocus city is not the first attack by ukrainian special services. other crimes of ukraine led to death journalists daria dugina and vladlen tatarsky. five people died in the explosion on the crimean bridge in october 2022 . the ministry recalled the killings and injuries of civilians that occurred during attacks by banned militants. in russia the russian volunteer corps. moscow demands that the kiev regime stop supporting terrorist activities and compensate the victims. spring floods in twenty-two regions of russia at once, the situation there is under the special control of the ministry of emergency situations in the flood zone of more than fifty populated areas
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points. the most difficult situation is in altai, in one day the number of flooded buildings increased by four, about 500 residential buildings and almost 1.00 household plots were already flooded. a chis regime is in effect in the region; people are being evacuated to temporary accommodation centers. in dangerous areas, rescuers undermine the ice and clear river beds. great water came to the samara and tver regions. a high-alert regime was introduced in orenburgskaya, over 80 residential buildings were sunk there, an electrical substation went under water, and an emergency switch was made to backup energy sources. in some in the rivers, the water level rose to critical levels, highways and three dozen bridges were flooded. limited, the situation according to forecasters will only worsen in the coming days, with warming and rain ahead. in kamchatka , a tank-26 plane rolled off the runway, there were 23 passengers on board, there is no information about injuries. the prosecutor's office is investigating the causes of
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the accident. a powerful cyclone hit the region that night, bringing sleet and strong winds. several flights were delayed at petropavlovsko-kamchassky airport. classes have been canceled in the city. in schools , snow removal equipment has been brought out again on the roads, the entrances to houses are being cleared, bus stops, roads on descents and ascents are treated with special reagents, the sea is rough, a storm warning has been announced, strong winds can raise ten-meter waves, it is dangerous now in the mountains, the threat there has increased avalanche progress turkish president recep tayyip erdogan admitted the defeat of the ruling justice and development party in municipal elections. for the first time in 20 years, victory is almost...
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not the end, in fact, it is a turning point. during the voting, the turkish people conveyed their messages to politicians, so regardless of the results, democracy is the winner. obviously, we will discuss the reasons for the decline in support levels and carry out the necessary work. israel has approved an offensive plan in rafah on the border of the gaza strip and egypt. this was stated by israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. according to him, the liquidation of the remaining hamas enclave in the south is necessary for victory. hamas central headquarters. the israeli army press service confirmed that weapons were found in the maternity ward, including dozens of mortar shells and
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explosive devices. and the world health organization called on israel to provide doctors with access to the hospital, from there it is necessary to remove patients and others to other institutions. director voz said that during the military operation , more than twenty civilians had already died in the medical complex. meanwhile, in jerusalem, telaviev and other major cities, thousands of protesters took to the streets. fires do not burn, block roads between buildings knesset and mid. we set up a tent camp. the protesters are demanding a deal to release hostages from the gas strip. two civilians were injured after israeli airstrikes near damascus in syria. this was reported by the syrian state agency sanaa with reference to the country's ministry of defense. according to a military source , the strikes were carried out the night before. syrian air defenses tried to repel the attack as a result of the raid. damage to civilian infrastructure, now footage from china, where
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a large fire broke out at a factory in the province fujian, emergency services are working on the site, firefighters have been trying to localize the fire for several hours, but it is difficult to reach the source, because look, thick black smoke, a powerful fire, there is no information about the victims and the causes of the fire yet. now economic news, maria filippova joins me. mash, good morning, the assets of a large russian manufacturer of macarons have been arrested. roman, good morning, yes, from the persons and companies associated with him, we are talking about a very large amount, right now all the details. assets worth 100 trillion rubles arrested in a lawsuit for the seizure of shares of macfa pasta manufacturers affiliated companies. this figure is given by tas with reference to the resolution on interim measures, including the seized assets of a relative. ex-deputy vadim belousov, ex-governor of the chelyabinsk region mikhail yuryevich. they, as
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the audit showed, were the actual owners of the company, information about which they did not declare, and used their position in power structures in business for business interests. assets were managed through relatives and trusted persons. both are now on the run and put on the international wanted list. in addition to physical assets, the prosecutor general's office's claims apply to 100% of the shares of eight companies. mcpho is the largest producer of pasta in russia, currently. in geopolitical conditions, food enterprises of this scale are recognized as strategically important and can be temporarily transferred under state control. from this day forward, russian organizations and individual entrepreneurs will be able to carry out mutual settlements through the fast payment system. banks are now obliged to provide them with this opportunity, the central bank’s instructions say. legal entities with accounts in territorial bodies of the federal treasury, as well as those who only have a deposit in the bank, will not be able to use this service. account, new requirements, experts say, will allow businesses to save on transactions, what is the advantage, isps, yes,
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this is the speed of crediting funds, yes, so to speak, this is the absence of expensive acquiring, yes, when you pay, so to speak, there is enough intermediary there serious money for the fact that the funds, so to speak, are credited to your account, there through bank accounts, yes, that is, you do not lose. this money and thus, so to speak, well, it just simplifies the procedure, speeds up, so to speak, mutual settlements. another innovation in russia is the take-or-pay principle for supplies to gas industry enterprises. now the preferential right to conclude such long-term contracts has been granted to another category of recipients: the rule will also apply to companies that commission new facilities, produce products and also generate heat. take-or -pay principle for electricity. in this case, it works like this: if customers do not receive the required volume of gas,
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the supplier will have to reimburse the cost of the shortfall. for its part, the recipient, in the event of non-sampling of gas, must still pay the cost of the supplied volume. expanding the measure will accelerate the pace of social gasification and attract investors to large-scale gas processing and gas chemical projects. the final exchange rate for the dollar today is 92 rubles, 36 kopecks. euro 99.52 kopecks. roman, masha, thank you, immediately after the advertisement to the latest news, we will tell you why in may the leader of the kiev regime zelensky will cease to be the legitimate head of state. hello, buddy, as promised, today we are preparing a flow. uh, hey, oil is not the first day. oh, i need to transfer money home. by the way, it’s better to transfer from vtb online. it’s faster and more convenient, thank you for teaching me, this is who else taught whom, vtb, together everything
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will work out, what is a good car for you, mileage, condition, comfort, for each their own good car, find it on the author, this night our friend has already had to get up several times to admire the stars, my friend, if you get up more than twice at night... afalaza. at the first symptoms of the prostate - afalase. afalase is a modern drug for the early treatment of prostate adenoma. well, what are the interest rates on credit cards? need a holwa. you take out credit cards, transfer your debts to the bank, divide them into 24 months, conveniently repay them, make purchases or get rid of credit card debts easily with holvoy. new big special barbecue is already in combo for 469 rubles. one of my friends decided to relax in a place where there is no connection. look, this is lucy
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from monaco. lyusya, nowhere, because the megaphone is even here , where can we get away from this connection? hello, nowhere, catches. megafon is the number one mobile operator in terms of coverage and speed. copies are not your style. your uniqueness deserves more. choose avita premium. original items from famous brands. attractive prices await you in the avita app, 100% originals are now more accessible on avita premium, you have a form, for baking, for squatting, try it, like this, so, i liked the trial lesson, but save up your vtb savings account for a subscription,
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replenish it regularly and you’ll save up 16% faster. why aren’t you in shape yet? let’s take care of the debt, save up quickly, open a vtb savings account with a rate of 16%. at vtb, everything will work out together. more than fifty settlements fell into the zone of spring floods; they are now in twenty-two regions of russia. the most difficult situation is in altai, about 500 people are flooded there residential buildings, people are evacuated to temporary accommodation centers. water also came to the samara, tver and orenburg regions. starting today , a number of innovations will come into force in russia; the size of social pensions will be indexed by 7.5%. payments to medical workers will also increase, the rules for passing the driver's license exam will change , and the responsibility for owners renting out apartments will increase. russian artillery
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destroyed the vesu fortified point and an ammunition depot in the dpr. the target was in... egypt, the country's prime minister announced this benjamin netanyahu, meanwhile, protests swept jerusalem and other cities. thousands of demonstrators are demanding a deal to free the hostage. march 31 in ukraine is the day of failed elections, president zelensky’s term expires on may 20, 5 years after his
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inauguration in 2019, the elections in square were canceled under the guise of martial law in the country, but is it really the constitution? parliament of ukraine until the end of the war or martial law. there is no such rule of law in relation to zelensky, i mean in relation to president. there was a conspiracy. on november 30, all leaders of factions and deputy groups in parliament signed a memorandum stating that the presidential elections would be held. and do not hold parliament, hold them after martial law ends, in 6 months. zelensky’s team refers to article 108 of the constitution of ukraine, saying that the president exercises his powers until the newly elected head of state takes office, but he does not. the fact that zelensky is unlikely to be re-elected, especially after unfulfilled promises of peace with russia,
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merciless graves, and endless communal collapse in the country, protégé of the extremist coloma. at least, even if you don’t admit it, then realize that the russian presidential elections demonstrated phenomenal support from the entire population, which rallied around their leader; against this background, the ukrainian president has now turned into a dictator and a tyrant before everyone’s eyes; in these conditions, play with him against him, it is quite possible to get rid of him. the west will decide whether or not zelensky will be at the head of ukraine, and zelensky is still imitating vigorous activity, he's cleaning out his office, taking his friends out of the game, but that's why he took it off. positions of his first assistant and friend shefir and eight other officials. shefir is the closest one, his comrade. this is
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essentially zelensky’s wallet; all assets and zelensky’s offshores are transferred to it. meanwhile , zelensky in kiev, sitting on a modest office chair against the backdrop of a destroyed house, is already telling the cbs television channel that he is supposedly ready for negotiations without the condition of ukraine returning to the borders of the ninety-first year, is it really from...
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those who are ready to joke about this, posted ballots with the name of only one candidate in dnepropetrovsk and did not forget to mention his stage past. perhaps only the ukrainian dancer, who appeared on the air of the german tv channel ard during the broadcast of a service dedicated to good friday, was able to intertwine this. the girl twitched as if in convulsions, rolled on the floor and scattered white powder. viewers immediately made analogies and even wrote that he was the next president of ukraine.
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rpl did not take advantage of the chance to bypass zenit and return to first place in the table. zenit in this round lost points in the match with the soviet wings, and krasnodar played nichu in moscow the night before in the match against lokomotiv. my colleague stanislav radikultsev attended the match. barbecues, street fun and a warm sunday evening put the fans in a relaxed mood, although the match between lokomotiv moscow and krasnodar unexpectedly sparkled with new colors of integrity. both teams had not yet won in the spring, and the southerners, desperately clinging to the championship race, returned to head coach post.
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after the tackle, do not go into a positional attack, play a little faster. due to problems with electricity at the stadium, the game began with a five-minute delay, as in every match of the twenty-second round, the players honored the memory of those killed in the terrorist attack in crocus with a minute of silence. muscovites have serious losses. disqualified korpukas and penyaev, teknyazyan and dzyuba are injured. it was dzyuba’s goal that brought lock victory in the first round. from the first minutes , timur suleiman took the position of center forward. scored, but into his own goal. krasnodar closed, anton miranchuk tore open the visitors' defense with subtle passes, but when the defenders could not help, matvey safonov came to the rescue. in a tough men's game between two equal
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opponents, yellow cards flew from left to right. even musaev grabbed his warning. it's surprising that the teams finished the match with equal strengths. it became even more fun in the second half. the locomotive increased the pressure. krasnodar was about to catch the hosts on a counterattack, but the goal was rightly canceled due to offside. lantratov, draw march, both teams lived no victories. today i think the game was good, well, the first half was very good, the second was not so good, i think
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now with this draw everything will go better. on the other hand, none of the favorites of the championship race in the russian premier league is ready to take on the burden of leadership. dynamo loses at home to rostov, and devastatingly. zenit fails to cope with the wings of the soviets on the road, and krasnodar misses out on victory in cherkizovo. 18 million rubles, a million for each goal on the tour , will be transferred by the rpl to the russian red cross to help the families of those killed by victims of terrorist attack in crocus. from the results of other matches, we note the prolonged winter hibernation. spartak red and white cannot score and win in three matches in a row. sochi and cska scored four goals between them, but the winner was not revealed. akhmad has not been able to beat rubin for 11 matches. baltika scored three important points in the fight for survival. there is no less intrigue in the bottom half of the table than in the fight for the championship. zenit’s pursuers did not take advantage of the champion’s misfire, at least they came close to the leader, and the head-to-head match contenders for the title will be held in krasnodar.
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one hundred sredekul residents. i can’t explode and open up when i’m taller, i’m more confident when i’m a little lower, i have a slightly different job there, because my speed endurance is poorly developed, but in the position of a defensive player i can run quite a lot.
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in the vtb united league, st. petersburg zenit turned out to be the most successful team in group a in march. javier pasquale's team in canon won their fifth victory in six matches. this time zenit confidently beat away krasnoyarsk yenisei. the key moments in the match were the event in the third quarter, as a result of which zenit's advantage became double-digit. the petersburgers did not miss the advantage they gained, and during the final ten minutes they added more. as a result, zenit won +19. 98-79. the most productive zenit defender in the match, trend fraser, scored 30 points. the key factor in zenit's attack in this match was three-pointers. the guests repeated the club's season record and made 16 long-range shots. the second stage of the regular championship in united the vtb league will end in exactly 2 weeks, after which the playoffs will start. russian judaists won four medals at the grand slam tournament in antalya, one of the most representative competitions in the world series.
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he performed at the tournament. 23 russian athletes competed for prestigious awards and qualifying points for the olympics in paris. ayub bliev brought gold to our team, this is a light weight category up to 60 kg. ahead of our team is preparation for the european championship, which will be held at the end of april in croatian zagreb. the tournament will also be an important stage qualifications for the games 2024. that's all about sports for now, see you next time. happy to everyone.
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