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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 1, 2024 6:30am-7:01am MSK

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news, the middle of the hour is short: the russian military destroyed a fortified point of the ukrainian armed forces and an ammunition depot in the donetsk people's republic. the target was hit by the mstas self-propelled gun with the first shot. she gave the hall to the corrected projectiles krasnopol. spring floods in 22 regions of russia flooded more than 50 settlements. the situation is most difficult in altai. during the day, the number of buildings where water entered increased fourfold. residents are evacuated to temporary centers. turkey's ruling justice and development party admitted defeat in the municipal elections, for the first time in 20 years, victories in almost all the largest cities of the country remained with the opposition republican people's party. a passenger an-26 skidded off the landing strip in kamchatka, with 23 people on board and no injuries reported. there is a powerful cyclone and wet snow in the region; classes have been canceled in petropavlovsk-kamchatsky. school. now a short
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advertisement. next, we will talk in detail about the heated debate over the return of the death penalty in russia. the topic is back at the center attention after the terrorist attacks in crocus city hall. how likely is the new use of capital punishment and what do those who serve life sentences instead think about execution? the authors of the leading program of vesti nedeli, dmitry kiselev, studied the issue. when buying a car , you can do without an auto library, if you have scanning vision, you could at least buy it, and those who don’t have superpowers have an auto library and a complete history of the car according to 25 criteria, it’s safer to buy with an auto library on avito auto, you have a form, you need it for baking ? you
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a terrible stir among the entire society. there is no one who has compassion for this scumbag. it is clear that one wants retribution right now; such a thing has arisen in society again. topic like the death penalty caught terrorists must be sentenced to death, thirst for space, however, should not cloud the mind, because even if the possibility of the death penalty is now returned, then the four who committed mass murder cannot be sentenced to death, since the law does not have retroactive force, but if you insist, then it will be necessary abandon the fundamental article one, our constitution, which states that russia is a rule of law state. of course, in our history, in soviet times, there are cases when khrushchev reversed the effect of the newly adopted criminal article in sleep. this was the famous case of currency speculators, rokototov,
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feibishenko, yakovlev. at first they were convicted under article 88 of the criminal code of the rsfsr, violating the rules on currency transactions, but then nikita sergeevich decided that the punishment was too lenient. on his instructions, the supreme court, the ussr adds the death penalty to article eighty-eight, and at the new trinity trial they reach a verdict, according to which everyone was shot. we want such orders in modern russia, but no, with all the depth of grief of each of us, that is, it won’t be possible to shoot terrorists, but what do they get anyway? a guaranteed life sentence served in a special regime colony is not easy, but the terrorist salman raduev, sentenced to life imprisonment in the white swan special regime colony in salikamsk, died there in 2002.
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the conditions are such that this is precisely the case when the living envy the dead, it would be better if they were shot, and they themselves say so. vladimir mukhankin for life. for the murder of eight people, i am already degrading in this prison, but with all that, of course, i i’m a coward , i’m afraid of a lot of things, i can’t get away with anything, you know, i’ve already lost both teeth and the gift of speech, maybe i’ve lost a normal human because there’s only command like a dog, so there’s no way to walk sideways like that, but it would be better, of course, to be shot , it would be better if they shot me, but there is no such choice, the choice is already freedom, life imprisonment, without any choice at all, is this even amenable to awareness, the mode of existence, the language cannot be turned , this can be called the harshest life, that’s on the topic
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a fragment of a story by our correspondent ilya filippov, shown in vesti nedeli some time ago. lights out inviolably, takes you out of here
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only for three reasons: for an hour's walk, on the roof in the morning the bed is carefully made and to the prison block, to work, and the road to the work shop or to the walking perimeter will be covered in three deaths with a blindfold , sometimes they drive to remote ones. the black dolphin is 700 people with a sentence of life imprisonment, abbreviated as pls. they are sitting exactly where they lived out their lives. katarzhans after the pugachev rebellion. without exception, all life sentence prisoners write a petition for clemency. theoretically , you can be released on parole after 25 years in prison, but this is just a theory. for a quarter of a century, no one has yet managed to survive in such conditions. andrey smekhov. life for a triple murder , after all, these are also the thoughts, you get up like this in the morning
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, you look around the walls, you think, oh-oh-oh , spend the whole day, the whole life here like this among these bars, but it would be better for me, one way or another , in the vast majority of countries around the world the death penalty is prohibited, out of 193 un member states, death sentences are imposed only in 52 countries, this is china, where only... iran, saudi arabia, egypt, belarus and the usa. the use of the death penalty in the united states is generally a separate issue. they are practicing new ways of killing convicts. among the new products is nitrogen asphyxiation, when a person is deprived of oxygen. death is painful in convulsions, occurring 19 minutes after the start of gas supply. worldwide trend. case against the death penalty. almost every year the un general assembly raises this issue with a majority against death.
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executions. russia votes the same way, although in fairness there are also reverse processes. just 2 weeks ago, the democratic republic of congo, formerly zaire, abolished the ban on the death penalty, which had been in effect in this african country since 2003. in the 21st century , this is the second time on the planet when... the state is returning the death penalty. the first was pakistan, which 10 years ago lifted the moratorium on the death penalty, which lasted only 6 years in the country. that is, returning to the death penalty in our country would mean that we have become the third country in the world, after pakistan and congo, which lifted the current moratorium. one of the arguments of opponents of the death penalty is the possibility of a miscarriage of justice, and such cases have happened in history. here, in america, in other countries. probably our most famous
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case of a miscarriage of justice when imposing a death sentence is the case of a resident of the city of shakhty , rostov region, alexander kravchenko, who was accidentally shot in 1983. in an effort to close the sensational case of the rape and murder of a nine-year-old schoolgirl, investigators prosecuted kravchenko, who was caught stealing. and he... made a reservation himself in rape and murder. the rostov court handed down a death sentence, but kravchenko filed a complaint alleging a false confession under duress. the punishment was commuted to 15 years, but the victim’s relatives insisted on reconsidering the case and the punishment was increased to a maximum. later, the tragedy with the girl was still further investigated. as follows, the guilt of a serial killer, rapist, and pedophile was proven.
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someone will say rightly, but what about the important classical principle of justice, according to which it is better to let 100 guilty people go free than to convict one innocent person? and it’s not easy here an innocent man was convicted and shot. another case in the same series is the accidental shooting of twenty-eight-year-old georgy khabarov, falsely accused of the rape and murder of a girl. at first, the court gave him a term of imprisonment of 14 years, but the mother, raped by the murdered woman, attracted public opinion and began collecting signatures from her colleagues at the plant demanding the execution of the maniac khabarov. people compassionately supported my mother. according to a new court verdict, khabarov was shot in... in 1983, later in the case of this rape the court proved his guilt
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the syrian killer of the rapist nikolai fefilov , did not live to see the trial, was killed by a cellmate in 1988, but someone else was shot, the list of such cases goes on, the american example, ruben kant, from the state of texas, was executed by lethal injection in 1993. refused his testimony and admitted that he was simply lying about a person he did not even know. this concerns miscarriages of justice as an argument against the death penalty. but the main argument, nevertheless, is the unquestionable human right to life, as basic and irrevocable. the right to life is inherent in us into the current russian constitution. part
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one of article twenty. everyone has the right to life. but then part two, as a temporary measure pending abolition, provides for the death penalty. the death penalty, pending its abolition, may be established by federal law as an exceptional measure of punishment for especially serious crimes against life , providing the accused with the right to have his case heard by a jury. that is, the abolition of the death penalty was included in our constitution from the very beginning, this is the course taken back in 1900.
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from 1962 to 1989, more than 20 thousand people were shot in the ussr. in new russia, the last person executed was the odintsovo maniac sergei golovkin, nicknamed fischer. the syrian killer, pedophile and cannibal, whose victims were
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at least 11 teenagers, was shot in butyrka prison on august 2. russia to the council of europe. before this, russia, by order of yeltsin, signed the famous protocol no. 6 to the convention for the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms. article one of the protocol is categorical. the death penalty is abolished. sentenced to death or executed, and in 1996 a moratorium on the death penalty began to operate in russia. in the constitution, as a temporary measure for the transitional period, the death penalty still remains, but as a passed stage, and law enforcement practice is different. death sentences
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are commuted to life sentences. in 1999, already the constitutional court of russia. confirms the course taken, in 2009, with its ruling , the constitutional court makes the moratorium on the death penalty in russia indefinite and irreversible, and for clarity adds, paragraph three, this determination is final and is not subject to appeal, it is important to note that russia has been steadily moving towards the final abolition of the death penalty, going through difficult...
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more of those who are for the death penalty than against, but this position is still rather emotional and does not take into account the risks of retreating to the bloodthirsty practices of the past , and in general, haven’t we fulfilled the plan regarding executions? let’s remember our history, the return of the death penalty will mean a completely different nature of our society and state, this is the abolition of the right to...
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please tell me how in these cases to introduce the death penalty now? listen: the death penalty is a harsh instrument. it’s good that we now have putin as the leader of russia, and for him the life of each of our fellow citizens is priceless. for putin, our historical experience, his professional past in the kgb, is a powerful inoculation against cruelty, but after putin there will be another and... who knows how much the other one will change the, how to put it so, humanitarian atmosphere in the country, because this is a fact that the personality at the very top
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has always colored the law, but there were times when the very presence of the death penalty in our country made it possible to expand punishment under existing articles, up to the highest exceptional measure, now we have a constitutional-legal regime when...
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all the chains are clarified, those not yet found are found, and the court will inevitably punish the murderers all involved to the fullest
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extent of russian law. it won't seem like enough. uralsip is a bank for business, and we work on the principle of all or nothing. everything for entrepreneurs, and nothing extra. we give free service for 3 months when opening an account for a business. bank ural siib - nothing superfluous. fyodor mikhailov dostoevsky, it was as if he foresaw that in the 21st century there would appear a layer of people who are called foreigners and whom he described in the person of his hero pavel smerdyakov. friday is the birthday of the foreigner, these same people, there is nothing to respect them for, they are enemies, but they are pathetic.
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meet the popular moscow writer nikolai rebinin, your brother is in the donbass , you need to go there, you should go there just like that, passengers here are not a fighter to ride, i came for my brother
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in a couple of days, you will go there. into a gray wife, behind this line you will become different, and then what, there was my childhood and youth, and now murat, that’s it, we’re leaving, it’s scary, no, it’s hard to get used to, there’s a passenger behind me, about 10 years ago i saw through the window how he was being beaten. i didn’t intervene, i betrayed him, now i have to find him, there is still hope, there is always hope.
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we’re watching before everyone else, four children, ex- husband, at work, endless stress, vosnetsova, why are you always nothing but problems, let’s subscribe, watch.
7:00 am
the russian military destroyed a fortified point of the ukrainian armed forces and an ammunition depot in donetsk people's republic, the target was hit with the first shot by a 100 s self-propelled gun. she fired a salvo of guided projectiles from krasnopol. spring floods in twenty-two regions of russia drowned more than 50 settlements. the situation is most difficult in altai. during the day , the number of buildings where water entered increased fourfold, and residents were evacuated to temporary accommodation centers. in turkey, the ruling justice and development party admitted defeat in municipal elections. for the first time in 20 years, victory in almost all major cities of the country remained with the opposition republican people's party.


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