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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 1, 2024 7:00am-7:31am MSK

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the russian military destroyed a fortified ukrainian armed forces warehouse with ammunition in the donetsk people's republic, the target was hit with the first shot by the msta s self-propelled gun. it fired into the krasnopol adjustable shells. spring floods. in twenty-two regions of russia , more than fifty settlements were flooded , the situation is most difficult in altai, in one day the number of buildings where water entered increased fourfold, and residents were evacuated to temporary accommodation centers. in turkey, the ruling justice and development party admitted defeat in the municipal elections. for the first time in 20 years, victory in almost all the largest cities of the country went to the opposition republican people's party. the passenger an-26 rolled out of bounds. landing strip in
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kamchatka, there were 23 people at the port, no casualties reported: there is now a powerful cyclone in the region, wet snow is falling, school classes have been canceled in petropavlovsk-kamchatsky. in the donetsk people's republic , the russian military destroyed a fortified point of the ukrainian armed forces, a warehouse with ammunition. accurate strike a combat crew of an m100s self-propelled gun hit a target in a forest belt. to be sure to hit the militants with the first salvo, our artillerymen chose the krasnopol adjustable projectile; it will be equipped with a laser homing head. operators of the arland 10 drone helped in eliminating the enemy. this drone illuminated a strong point with a laser, which helped krasnopol hit the target directly at a distance of 25 km. krasnopol, maximum range up to 25 km. well, if they illuminate us accurately, then the projectile will fall accordingly. clearly, a stronghold for him -
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this is a light, easy target, but it will dismantle without problems, it will also penetrate light equipment, and it will penetrate heavy equipment, and it will penetrate combat armored vehicles, and it will penetrate tanks. in the donetsk direction of the special operation, the crews of t-80 tanks, with the support of attack drones, ensured the advancement of the assault groups of the southern group of forces. on one of the sections of the line of combat contact... enemy movement was noticed. tankers, together with attack drone operators, quickly moved to firing points and struck a strong point apu. as a result of an accurate hit , the nationalists' manpower and equipment were destroyed. moscow demanded that the kiev regime arrest and extradite those involved in the terrorist attacks in russia, including the head of the sbu, vasily malyuk, among the likely culprits. a statement from the russian foreign ministry says that the tragedy in crocus city is not the first attack by ukrainian special services. other
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ukrainian crimes led to the deaths of journalists daria dugina and vladlin tatarsky. five people died in the explosion on the crimean bridge in october 2022 . the ministry recalled the murders injuries to civilians that occurred during attacks by militants banned in russia, the so-called russian volunteer corps. moscow demands that the kiev regime stop supporting terrorist activities and compensate the victims. house of representatives of congress. the united states will consider a bill to help kiev in april, the chairman of the special intelligence committee said. according to him, the document will be the next key item on the agenda after the adoption of funding laws. but in in europe, there are fewer and fewer people willing to help the kiev regime. why? anton dadykin will tell you. ukrainian formations are not able to do anything to oppose russian adjustable aerial bombs - reports the american forbes, calling it kaby. weapons, thanks to which,
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including the ukrainian armed forces, were knocked out of the super-fortified avdiivka. ukraine's attempt to resist failed. kiev brought expensive western air defense systems closer to the front, but lost them, including the american patriot, forbes admits. now zelensky’s hopes are tied to f-16 fighters, the supply of which the west keeps delaying, primarily because they will not help in the ssu. under no circumstances that would allow ukraine to win, there is not a single real option, there is nothing magical in the f-16, they can be shot down like any other plane. russia has about a thousand combat aircraft, and even an entire squadron of f-16s will not change the strategic balance. the german welt laments. russian units have found a way to use systems against vysu satellite internet from the american company starling, which kiev had previously asked for. for a long
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time, only we used starlink; ruska did not have access to it, but now we have lost this advantage. in germany they make good money on arms supplies, but the chancellor remains. fears of transferring long-range taurus missiles to kiev, pressure from the allies is growing, as a result , the production of these missiles was simply stopped. a representative of the gunsmiths told auxburger allgemay that this happened because that there is no government order, without it it is prohibited to produce such weapons. meanwhile, the profit of the military concern mbdda over the past year jumped to four5 billion euros, and the volume of orders broke all records, rising to 10 billion euros. militarization is happening at a pace not seen since the second world war, with incredible billions of euros in profit, but when we are told that this is necessary because of the threat from russia, we are being lied to. we know that nato defense spending rose to record levels even
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before the conflict began. demonstrations with the demand to stop military aid to kiev and begin peace negotiations took place in dozens of german cities. during easter peace marches, activists, among other things.
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russia, the situation there is under the special control of the ministry of emergency situations, in the flood zone of more than fifty settlements, the most difficult situation is in altai, within a day the number of flooded buildings has increased by four, and about 500 residential buildings have already been flooded, almost a thousand household plots. a state of emergency is in effect in the region; people
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are being evacuated to temporary accommodation centers. in dangerous areas, rescuers undermine the ice, clean river beds. high water has come to the samara and tver regions, a high alert regime has been introduced in orenburg. over eighty residential buildings were sunk there, the electrical substation also went under water, and it was urgently necessary to switch to backup energy sources. in some rivers, the water level has risen to critical levels, three dozen bridges are flooded, and traffic on them is limited. according to weather forecasters, the situation will only get worse in the coming days, with warming and rain ahead. an an-26 plane in kamchatka during takeoff, it skidded off the runway. there were 23 passengers on board, no one was injured, the plane was supposed to fly to magadan, now people are waiting for a reserve plane, and the prosecutor's office is finding out the causes of the accident, one of them is bad weather. a powerful cyclone hit the region that night, it brought wet snow, strong winds,
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several flights were delayed at the petropavlovsko-kamchatsky airport, school classes were canceled in the city, snow removal equipment was again brought out on the road, entrances to houses, bus stops, and roads were being cleared. descent in
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egypt, israeli prime minister benjamin netanya announced. hamas and the israeli army press service claim that weapons were found in the maternity ward, including dozens of mortar shells and explosive devices. but the world health organization has called on israel to allow doctors access. to the hospital, from there it is necessary to transfer patients to other institutions. director vos reported that during the military
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operation, more than twenty civilians were killed in the medical complex. meanwhile, in jerusalem, tel aviv and other major thousands of protesters took to the streets in cities. they burn fires and block the roads. a tent camp was set up between the knesat and mido buildings. the protesters are demanding a deal to release hostages from the gas strip. at least four people died. more than 360 were injured during a storm in eastern india, the times of india newspaper reported , citing local authorities. the two cities suffered enormous material damage, and meteorologists are already warning of a new threat, with a high probability that a tornado will hit the region in the coming hours. state governor reported that the relatives of the victim of all those hospitalized with injuries would be paid compensation. i came here to personally assess the situation and talk to the victims.
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they will increase the size of state pensions for certain categories by 7.5%, increase the salaries of doctors and nurses, while maintaining additional payments. the exact amount of the premium is determined by regional authorities. the rules for obtaining a driver's license will change; a cnel will be required to pass the exam. at the same time, it will become easier to pass the test, the number of penalties the points at which it is counted will be increased from five to seven. but the retake period will increase from 3 months to six. changes for
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owners who rent out their apartments; according to new standards, renting out housing without meters is now prohibited. and they are also horrifying about tobacco control. in addition, smuggling of alcohol and tobacco products from eac countries is subject to criminal penalties. changes are also coming for air carriers; penalties for delaying flights and baggage delivery to their destination will be tightened. today the spring conscription starts, it will be held for the first time according to new rules, they relate to conscription age, young people will now be sent to serve, from 18 to 30 years old, summonses can come both in traditional paper form and electronically, according to the plan, the troops will be replenished with 150,000 recruits, this is on 3,000 more than last spring, the dispatch of conscripts from assembly points will begin on april 15, the service life does not change, one year, conscripts will not be sent to the special operation zone... they will not be sent, now economic news, maria filippova joins me, good morning
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morning, the assets of a large russian manufacturer of macaron were arrested. good morning, roman, yes, from the persons and companies associated with him, we are talking about a very large amount, and then all the details. assets worth 100 trillion rubles were seized in search of the seizure of shares of pasta manufacturers makfa and affiliated companies. this figure is given by tas with reference to the resolution on interim measures, including those arrested. assets of relatives of ex-deputy vadim beloosov, ex-governor of the chelyabinsk region mikhail yurievich. they, as shown verification, they were the actual owners of companies, information about which was not declared, and they used their position in regional structures for business interests. the assets were managed through relatives and proxies. both are now on the run and put on the international wanted list. in addition to physical assets, the prosecutor general's office's claims apply to 100% of the shares of eight companies. mcpho is the largest in russia. in the current geopolitical conditions, food enterprises of this scale are considered
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strategically important and can temporarily be transferred under state control. from now on, russian organizations and individual entrepreneurs will be able to conduct mutual settlements through the fast payment system. banks are now required to provide them with this opportunity, the central bank’s instructions say, but this service will not be available to legal entities with accounts in territorial bodies of the federal treasury, as well as those with bank accounts. there is only a deposit account, the new requirement, experts say, will allow businesses to save on transactions, what is the advantage, ups, yes, is it speed?
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introduced the “take or pay” principle for supplies to gas industry enterprises. now the preferential right to conclude such long-term contracts has been granted to another category of recipients. the rule will also apply to companies that commission new facilities, manufacture products, and also generate heat and electricity. the take- pay principle in this case works like this: if customers do not receive the required volume of gas, the supplier will have to reimburse the cost of the shortfall. from my side, receive. in case of non-supply of gas , the pace of social gasification is still the same and the attraction must pay the cost of the supplied volume. expanding the measure will speed up investors’ access to large-scale gas processing and gas chemical projects. the final exchange rate for the dollar today is 92 rubles 36 kopecks, the euro is 99 rubles and 52 kopecks. roman, mash, thank you, now to
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the latest messages: more than fifty settlements fell into the zone of spring floods, they are now all at once. regions of russia, the most difficult situation is in altai, about 500 residential buildings and people are flooded there evacuated to temporary accommodation centers. great water also came to the samara, tver and orenburg regions. as of today , a series of plans comes into force in russia; the size of social pensions will be indexed by 7.5%. payments to medical workers will also increase, the rules for passing the driver's license exam will change , and the responsibility for apartment owners will increase. russian artillerymen destroyed a fortified ukrainian armed forces ammunition depot in the dpr. the target was in a forest belt. the blow was struck by the combat crew self-propelled gun mstas. we used the krasnopol projectile, it is equipped with a laser homing head. israel has approved an offensive plan in rafah on the border of the gaza strip and egypt. this was stated by prime minister benjamin netanyahu. meanwhile,
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protests spread to jerusalem, tel aviv, and other cities. thousands of demonstrators demand imprisonment. 5 years after his inauguration in 2019, the elections in the square were canceled under the guise of martial law in the country, but does the constitution of ukraine allow this? cannot be carried out elections and is clearly stated there in the constitution, not ambiguous, of the parliament of ukraine, until the end of the war or martial law. there is no such rule of law in relation to zelensky, i
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mean in relation to the president, there was a conspiracy on november 30, all the leaders. factions and parliamentary groups in parliament signed a memorandum stating that presidential and parliamentary elections would not be held, but would be held after martial law, ending in 6 months. zelensky’s team refers to article 108 of the constitution of ukraine, which says the president executes their powers until the newly elected head of state assumes the post, but he does not. especially the fact that zelensky is unlikely to be re-elected. after unfulfilled promises of peace with russia, merciless graves, and endless communal collapse in the country, the protege of the extremist kolomoisky and washington seemed to clearly understand, and now he, apparently, is at a dead end. our opponents are forced to at least, if not admit, then realize that the recent presidential elections in russia demonstrated phenomenal support from the entire population,
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which rallied around its leader, against this background, the ukrainian president has now turned into... before everyone’s eyes into a dictator and a tyrant, in these conditions it is quite possible to play against him, to get rid of him, that is, to decide to be or not to be zelensky in the head of ukraine will be the west, and zelensky is still imitating vigorous activity, conducting a purge in his office, taking his friends out of the game, but for this reason, he removed his first assistant and friend shefir and eight other officials from his post. shefir is his closest comrade. this is essentially zelensky’s wallet; all assets and zelensky’s offshores are transferred to it. meanwhile, zelensky in kiev, sitting on a modest office chair against the backdrop of a destroyed house, is already telling the body.
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would like to fulfill the order, but the west, it seems, is not ready for it yet. as for ukraine, zelensky, apparently, is not leaving elections to it, but there are those who are ready to joke about it. ballots with the name of only one candidate
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were posted in dnepropetrovsk and they did not forget to mention his stage past. i could probably only surpass this ukrainian dancer who appeared on the german tv channel ard during the broadcast of a service dedicated to good friday. the girl twitched as if in convoy. rolled on the floor and scattered white powder, the audience instantly made analogies and even wrote, they say, here he is, the next president of ukraine, ukraine, which was simply not allowed to choose a president this sunday. evgenia petrukhina, olga albukhina, lead. now sports news in the studio alexander abramov, sazh, good morning, in the russian premier league the matches of the twenty-second round have passed, tell us about the program and schedule for this week. roman, good morning, in the middle of the week the russian cup matches will take place, the decisive stages are already beginning there. at the end of the week there will be the twenty-third round of the championship. following the results of the twenty-second round of the rpl, the krasnodar football club did not take advantage of the chance to bypass zenit and return to first place in the table.
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krasnodar played a draw in moscow with lokomotiv the night before. the guests opened the scoring already in the tenth minute. a corner kick to the near post led to timur's own goal suleymanova. in the second half, krasnodar was close to increasing their lead. eduardyan even scored a goal, which, however, was canceled due to... the coach has his own vision for the game, and i would like to change some points, which would relate to a more aggressive high block in defense, i would like to play more vertically
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during tackles, attack more dynamically, that is, not after the tackle, do not go into a positional attack, play a little faster. in other matches of the tour, dynamo lost heavily to rostov 1:4 at home, but remained on third place in the table. dynamo still claims the championship. wings of the soviets and zenits played with the score 1:1. sochi came back from a 0:2 deficit in the match against cska. baltika beat nizhny novgorod. spartak again failed to score 0:0 against ural. fakel and orenburg played with the same score, and rubin beat akhmat 2-1 and rose to seventh place in the table. at the end of the round, zenit remained in first place, krasnodar is one point behind, dynamo is three. and late this evening, watch the next episode of the football program on our channel. russia, his guest was lokomotiv midfielder artem karpukas. with these tackles, especially in that season, when i made the most tackles in the season, everyone
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asked me what the secret was, how did it happen, i was in youth football, i didn’t even know what it was to tackle the ball, i didn’t know , what is this, i say, i played like this in the youth team, give me the ball, i’ll do everything, i’ll pass between the lines, i’ll do everything, i was more like that on the sword, to me, i remember the coach of the youth team, well, the youth team maxim yuryevich mishatkin comes up and says, everything is there, but we need to take away the balls, probably, that conversation remained in my head, until now some 3 years have passed , probably from that moment i realized that without this it will not work in big football, in a single league. st. petersburg zenit turned out to be the most successful team in group a in march. javier pascual's team won their fifth victory in six matches the day before. this time zenit confidently beat krasnoyarsk
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yenisei away. the most productive zenit defender in the match was trend fraser, who scored 30 points. the determining factor in zenit's attack in this match there were three-pointers, the guests repeated the club record of the season and made 16 long-range shots. the second stage of the regular season in the vtb united league will end in exactly 2 weeks, after which the playoffs will start. russian judaists won four medals at the grand slam tournament in antalya, one of the most prestigious competitions in the world series. more than 600 dudaists from 97 countries performed at the tournament. 23 russian athletes competed for prestigious awards and qualifying points for the olympics in paris. ayub bliev brought gold to our team,
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easy. category up to 60 kg. ahead of the russian judo team is preparation for the european championship, which will be held at the end of april in zagreb, croatia. the tournament will also be an important stage in qualifying for the 2024 games . that’s all about sports for now, see you next hour. wars are ending. for peace to be lasting, we need people with strong character, ready not only to stand up for their homeland, but also to crawl through. jump and run, and most importantly - to win for it, there is such a job - to be a defender when you you become a professional, it becomes your life’s work, a military matter, serve your heart’s call, join your people! in 2014 , the site of the winter olympic games,
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today it is a federal territory. how did the interests of science and business combine on the basis of the olympic heritage? the creation of an innovation center and the creation of a university are a direct order of the president. thanks to the special legal regulation of the federal territory of sirius, we will be able to minimize the period from identifying a tumor to administering the drug to the patient drugs. we are partners here in this place to develop the legislative framework. sirius is a paradise for...
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hello, i'm boris akimov, and i'm oleg
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stepanov. and we, the creators of the russia 2062 project of the headquarters of free thought. together with experts , we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years. see you in the future. investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people. we talk often. about money, the amounts are serious, there is a clear and clear signal in russia, whether russian industry is capable replace foreign suppliers, it is necessary to mobilize all resources, give me a recipe in general, this is how to achieve what you have achieved, it seems to you that you are on top of the world, you got up, dusted yourself off and went, is russia ready to change, is evolution taking place in any structure?


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