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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 1, 2024 8:30am-9:01am MSK

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we will talk in detail about the heated debate about the return of the death penalty in russia. the topic came into the spotlight again after the terrorist attack in crocus. how likely is it that capital punishment will be used again, and what do those who are serving life sentences instead think about execution? the authors of the vesti nedeli program, dmitry kiselyov, studied the issue. hello, as promised, today we are preparing a flow. hey, hey, the oil is not the first thing, oh, i need to transfer money home. by the way, it’s better to transfer from vtb online, it’s faster and more convenient. thank you for teaching me, this is who else taught whom vtb, together everything will work out. new big special bbq bacon is already in combo for 469 rubles. well, credit card debts are hanging, interest is dripping, you need help. you take out credit cards, transfer debts. conveniently repay, make purchases or
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russia, are you going to throw out the trash already or not, so pay attention, we have a replacement, a replacement for the younger generation, a legend is entering the field to win, you made a wish, discounts, that ’s how much you made, up to 50%, fitness bracelet huawei band 8 for only 2799 and eldorado. from a dream to a home, one home is just a click away. the horrific terrorist attack in krasnogorsk caused a terrible stir among the entire society. there is no one who has compassion for this scumbag. it is clear that one wants retribution right now, in society once again, such a topic arose as... the death
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penalty for caught terrorists must be sentenced to death, the thirst for space, however , should not cloud the mind, because even if we return now...
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"we want such orders in modern russia, but no, with all depth, grief, of each of us , that is, it will not be possible to shoot terrorists, but what do they still get, a guaranteed life sentence serving in a special regime colony, no problem, here is the terrorist salman raduev, sentenced to life in a special regime colony white swan mode, what? kamsk, died there in 2002, the conditions are such that this is precisely the case when the living envy the dead, it would be better if they were shot, and they themselves say it, vladimir mukhankin to life for the murder of eight people, i am already degrading in
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this prison, with all that, of course, i ’m a coward, i’m afraid of a lot of things, i don’t share anything anymore, you know, already... and i’ve lost my teeth and gift of speech, maybe i’ve lost a normal human being because there’s just a command like a dog, so there’s absolutely no way like this doggy style it would be better to walk here, of course , it would be better if they shot me, it would be better if they shot me, but there is no such choice, choice is already freedom, life imprisonment, without any choice at all, is this even amenable to awareness, a mode of existence? i can't help but call this the harshest life. here is a fragment of a story by our correspondent ilya filippov, shown in vesti nedeli some time ago. every killer's hands are pale because
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sunlight never falls on them. they are unnaturally inverted so that you can see if anything is hidden between your fingers. the prisoner waiting for the command looks like a mannequin in this position, condemned several times every day. permission to stand up, sit down, turn around, everything on command, have lunch, work. pay attention, second post, get to work. every person sentenced to life imprisonment dreams of getting a job; they give it no earlier than 10 years after the start of the sentence, and only if the convict has never violated the regime. in the black dolphin colony, there are two types of cells for life prisoners, double and quadruple, the bed, bedside table, bench and table are screwed to the floor. since morning. the bed is carefully made and inviolable until lights out, takes you out of here for only three reasons: for an hour’s walk, to the roof of the prison block for work, and the road to the work shop or to the walking perimeter will be covered in three deaths with a blindfold, sometimes they take you to a remote meeting court into the next
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room, where they immediately fasten him to a stool. kosatko anatolyevich, born in 1973, was convicted. a prisoner must always say how many people he has killed. we will condemn you according to article 102, 46, 44, 40. killed five people, the black dolphin is 700 people with a sentence of life imprisonment, abbreviated pls. they are sitting exactly where the katarzhans lived out their lives after the pugachev rebellion. all, without exception, lifers write petitions for clemency. theoretically, paudo can be released on parole after 25 years in prison, but this is just a theory. for a quarter of a century, no one has yet managed to survive in such conditions. andrey smekhov, for life. for a triple murder, still the same thoughts, this is how you get up in the morning, you look around the walls, you think, oh-oh-oh , spend the whole day, the whole life here like this among these bars, but it would be better for me, one way or another, in the vast majority of countries in the world the death penalty is prohibited, from 193
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un member states there are death sentences they are sentenced only in 52 countries, this is china, where they can take a life... even for a bribe or drug trafficking, then iran, saudi arabia, egypt, belarus and the usa. the use of the death penalty in the united states is generally a separate issue. they are practicing more and more new methods of killing convicts, among the new ones is nitrogen asphyxiation, when a person is deprived of oxygen. death in painful convulsions occurs 19 minutes after the start of gas supply. global trend: abolition of the death penalty. the un general assembly raises this issue almost every year; the majority is against the death penalty. russia votes the same way, although in fairness the opposite is true. processes, literally 2 weeks ago, the democratic republic of the congo, former zaire, abolished the ban on the death penalty,
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which had been in force in this african country since 2003. in the 21st century, this is the second time planet when the state returns the death penalty. the first was pakistan, which 10 years ago lifted the moratorium on the death penalty, which lasted only 6 years in the country, that is, we returned to death. executions would mean that we would become the third country in the world, following pakistan and congo, to lift the current moratorium. one of the arguments of opponents of the death penalty is the possibility of a miscarriage of justice, and such cases have happened in history, here in america and in other countries. probably our most famous case of miscarriage of justice in a death sentence verdict, the case of a resident of the city of shakhty , rostov region, alexander.
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the rostov court handed down a death sentence, but kravchenko filed a complaint, alleging a false confession under duress. the punishment was commuted to... years, but the victim's relatives insisted on reconsidering the case and the punishment was increased to more severe. later, the tragedy with the girl was still further investigated, and the guilt of the syrian killer, rapist, pedophile and cannibal andrei chikatil was proven. his criminal record includes murder for the purpose of sexual gratification of at least 43 a man shot in 1994. some will say rightly, but what about the important classical principle of justice,
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according to which it is better to let 100 guilty people go free than to convict one innocent person? here they didn’t just condemn, they shot an innocent person. another case from the same series, the accidental shooting of twenty-eight-year-old georgy khabarov, falsely accused of the rape and murder of a girl, at first the court gave him a prison term of... 14 years, but the mother, raped by the murdered woman, attracted public opinion and began to collect colleagues signatures at the plant demanding the execution of the maniac khabarov. people compassionately supported my mother. khabarov was shot in 1983 under a new court verdict. later, in the case of this rape, the court proved the guilt of the syrian killer and rapist nikolai fefilov. he didn’t live to see the trial, he was killed by a cellmate in... 988, but someone else was shot, the list of such
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cases goes on. an american example, reuben kant, from texas, was executed by lethal injection in 1993, allegedly for robbery and murder. 12 years later, local the houston chronicle newspaper proved that reuben kant was slandered by a single witness. later he refused. from his testimony and admitted that he was simply lying about a person he didn’t even know. this concerns miscarriages of justice as an argument against the death penalty. but the main argument, nevertheless, is the immutable human right to life, as basic and irrevocable. the right to life is enshrined in our current russian constitution. part one of article twenty, everyone has the right to life. part two will follow, as a temporary measure until cancellation, provides for the death penalty. the death
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penalty, pending its abolition, may be established by federal law as an exceptional measure of punishment for particularly serious crimes against life , providing the accused with the right to have his case examined by a jury, that is, the abolition of the death penalty was included in our constitution from the very beginning, this is the course taken back in 1993.
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in 1950 she returned for the most difficult articles, treason, espionage, murder. towards the end of the ussr, the death penalty was added to dozens of articles, including economic crimes, use it quite widely. from 1962 to 1989, more than 20,000 people were shot in the ussr. in new russia. the last person executed was odintsovo maniac sergei golovkin, nicknamed fisher, a serial killer, pedophile and cannibal, whose victims were at least 11 teenagers, was shot in butyrka prison on august 2, 1996. the verdict came shortly before president boris yeltsin signs a decree
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phasing out the use of the death penalty as russia joins the council. europe. before this, russia, by order of yeltsin, signed the famous protocol no. 6 of the convention for the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms. article one of the protocol. categorically: the death penalty is abolished. no one can be sentenced to death or executed. since 1996, a moratorium on the death penalty has been in effect in russia. in the constitution, as a temporary measure for the transition. the period of the death penalty still remains, but as a passed stage, and law enforcement practice is different, death sentences are replaced by life sentences. in 1999 already the constitutional court of russia confirms the course taken; in 2009, with its ruling
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, the constitutional court makes the moratorium on the death penalty in russia indefinite and irreversible, and for the sake of... clarity it adds. point three. this determination is final and not subject to appeal. it is important to note that russia was unwaveringly moving towards the final abolition of the death penalty, going through difficult trials with the most severe terrorist attacks, be it bombings of houses in moscow, valgodonsk and buinaksk, a drama with the taking of hostages and the death of people at a musical nordost in the moscow concert hall above.
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didn't we fulfill the execution plan? let's remember our history. the return of the death penalty would mean a completely different nature of our society and state. this is the abolition of the right to life, which means a completely different humanitarian basis. and the constitutional court does not have the right to overturn its own decisions. otherwise, it turns out that today the constitutional court interprets the fundamental law as follows. tomorrow is different, where will we arrive? valery zorkin quite rightly says that then another one will be needed constitution. just like that, the right to life in article 20 cannot be abolished by one amendment. but let me remind you that this article twentieth refers to chapter two: the rights and freedoms of the citizen, man and citizen, and the fact
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is that the constitution is structured in such a way as to introduce changes to this article. to give it a different meaning, you need to practically adopt a new constitution, so if those authors who advocate this are ready, well, as they say, the flag is in their hands, but i could not help but say this, i want to say that this is not my subjective opinion, i spoke in this part on behalf of the judges, setting out the consolidated position of the constitutional court on this issue. the topic arose at the tenth congress of judges in st. petersburg the year before last. and today, the words spoken then by the head of the constitutional court, zorkin, were not an eye-opener. zorkin referred to the irrevocable ruling of the constitutional court of 2009. then the constitutional court said: a constitutional-legal regime has developed in russia, a constitutional-legal regime, within the framework of which citizens of the russian federation received the right
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not be sentenced to death. please tell me what to do in these cases in order to introduce the death penalty now. but listen, the death penalty is a tough instrument, that’s good. that now we have putin as the leader of russia and for him the life of each of our fellow citizens is priceless, for putin our historical experience, his professional past in the kgb is a powerful inoculation against cruelty, but after putin there will be another, who knows how much that other will change the country , how to put it this way, a humanitarian atmosphere, because it’s a fact that the personality at the very top has always colored us. the death penalty allowed us to expand the existing articles of punishment, up to the highest
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exceptional measure. now we have a constitutional-legal regime where the return of the death penalty is practically impossible, neither through a presidential decree, nor through a referendum, nor through a parliamentary decision , but there were times when the very presence of a constitutional court, but of course, could be broken with a very strong desire ... but everything and what kind of system our descendants will inherit from us is also a difficult question, who and what after? this week, presidential press secretary dmitry peskov said that the kremlin does not take part in the discussion about the return of the death penalty, and indeed vladimir putin is not expressing his position now, but this does not mean that it does not exist, it exists, it has been expressed more than once. .. it was confirmed, rest assured, that it has not changed even now, a direct line with the president of russia in 2013, then
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another recent event was a high-profile crime, a brutal murder in belgarad, where six people died from the shots of a recidivist in nothing innocent citizens, they asked putin about the death penalty, the issue of the death penalty has long been discussed in society, when you know, sometimes you come across... things, and your hand itself reaches for the second pen in order to sign some documents aimed at return of the death penalty or ask deputies about it, but you need to talk with specialists, with criminologists, and experts believe that the toughening of punishment itself does not lead to its eradication, to a decrease in the crime rate. i have already given this example in the roman empire, this is, in my opinion, almost on a straight line, once in the roman empire they were sentenced to
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death for pickpocketing, most of the thefts happened during these executions, because most of the people accumulated in the squares, this is such a textbook example from criminology, but i understand the indignation of citizens and the desire to punish... criminals, the question is efficiency, we have such a punishment as life imprisonment, i assure you, the conditions of detention there are far from being a sanatorium, but a resort. it is clear that the investigation must now get to the bottom of everyone in this very complex case, find out all the chains, find those who have not yet been found, and the court will inevitably have to punish the killers of all those involved to the fullest extent of russian law, it is not enough. if you don't feel like a headache, there is ascafen p at
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in russian regions, spring floods have flooded more than 50 settlements, where is the most difficult situation at this time? the russian military destroyed a fortified ukrainian armed forces warehouse with ammunition in the dpr, we will tell you the details. starting today , a number of innovations are coming into force in russia, which ones? our economic editorial team knows. elections were held in turkey; the opposition won in almost all major cities. republican people's party. the prince of jordan visited the chechen republic. what topics were the focus? the russians won four medals at the tournament in antalya. let's show how it was. powerful floods
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began in several russian regions at once, in the flood zone of more than fifty settlements. in the orenburg region , river levels have risen to critical levels, and traffic on 34 bridges is limited due to overflows. the power substation went under water, consumers were connected to backup sources. and the situation in the coming days is only will worsen, forecasters expect the peak of the flood only in two days. days. there is also a lot of water in the samara region, where there was an abnormal amount of precipitation. the last time such an indicator was recorded was almost a century ago, in 1933. in the moscow region , terpukhov, lukhovitsy and kolomna were at risk. last year the bridge was flooded due to spring floods. but the most difficult situation is in altai. during the day, the number of buildings under water increased by four. about 500 residential buildings and almost a thousand gardens have already been flooded.


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