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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 1, 2024 9:00am-9:30am MSK

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skidists won four medals at the tournament in antalya. let's show how it was. powerful floods began in several russian regions at once, with more than fifty settlements in the flood zone. in the orenburg region, river levels have risen to critical levels, and traffic on 34 bridges is limited due to overflows. the electrical substation went under water. consumers have connected. grain source. and the situation will only get worse in the coming days. forecasters expect the flood to peak only in two days. there is a lot of water in the samara region, where there was anomalous rainfall. amount of precipitation. the last time such an indicator was recorded was almost a century ago in 193. in the moscow region , terpukhov, lukhovitsy and kolomna were at risk. last year the bridge was flooded due to spring floods. but the most difficult situation is in altai. during the day, the number of buildings under water increased by four. about 500
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residential buildings and almost a thousand household plots have already been flooded. a state of emergency is in effect in the region; people are being evacuated to temporary accommodation centers. on rivers, rescuers undermine the ice and clear the riverbed. we will return to this topic more than once during release, but for now let's move on to other news. and now to the situation in the special operation zone. russian artillery destroyed the fortification of the ukrainian armed forces' ammunition depot in the donetsk people's republic. ukrainian units tried to disguise their positions. in a forest belt, but this did not stop our fighters, they covered the enemy with the very first salvo, such accuracy was ensured by the krasnopol adjustable projectile, and it was brought to the target using a laser. our war correspondent eduard punikov has all the details. at first glance, this revenge no different from similar howitzers, seemingly routine combat work. only
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military experts will notice that in fact the crew uses not ordinary, but smart ammunition, krasnopol guided artillery shells, under laser guidance it hits targets, but there is no deviation of the target, it is accurate, it hits up to a meter, that’s exactly where the uav will highlight. krasnopol was developed back in the soviet years, but mass use began precisely in special operations. the projectile consists of two parts: the combat head and the control unit. krasnopol shells significantly make life easier for our artillerymen. soldiers spend less time shooting, which means they can leave the danger zone as quickly as possible; accordingly, the likelihood that the installation will be detected by enemy reconnaissance is reduced. artillerymen always work in conjunction with the orlan drone operator, it is he who directs the laser beam to the target, and the krasnopol control unit corrects the flight path. the target is illuminated the entire time the projectile is flying, until it hits. a shot is fired and the jet engine fires. la lights up the target
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and he’s right on target, the fighter ’s call sign is a novice, in fact he’s already an experienced gunner, during his military service he worked on the same installation, then he signed a contract, in april of the twenty-second year he came to a special operation again sat on the spot, a bridge with something like? yes, it is mobile, convenient, the main thing is not to fuss around, everything will go well and easily. the soldiers say that they have never missed, the shooting accuracy is almost one hundred percent, yes...
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immediately after the shot, the gunners immediately leave their positions. calculation quickly is working out, my task is to leave quickly, because there is a response and, as it were, the safety of the calculation also depends on the mechanic. the thirtieth artillery brigade of the thirty-sixth army from buryatia has hit hundreds of targets, and now that krasnopol shells are being massively supplied to the front line, the effectiveness of the crews’ work will only increase. the russian economy is growing while the european economy is sinking, this is how experts from the british daily mail assessed the consequences of sanctions against moscow. does not bring the desired results and aspirations the west will arm the kiev regime; moreover, ukraine risks losing key allies in europe in the near future. artem krasurin will tell you why. ukraine risks losing key allies in the eu as early as june.
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a forecast pleasant for the kiev regime is published by observers of the daily telegraph. the publication cites opinion poll data that predicts victory for eurosceptics in at least nine upcoming european parliament elections this summer. countries, the leaders of these parties oppose military assistance to ukraine, and some of them, as journalists note, they call for the lifting of anti-russian sanctions that are harmful to the economy. forbes analysts argue that the funds allocated to the ssu do not bring the desired results. they note that the ukrainian army and equipment cannot do anything against russian guided bombs. experts call them a miracle weapon, thanks to which the ukrainian armed forces were knocked out of the fortified avdiivka. the authors emphasize that kiev. there is no way under any
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circumstances that would allow ukraine to win, not a single real option, there is nothing magical about the f-16, they can be shot down like any other plane, russia has... scenarios will become russia's targets if nato declares war in response, every military facility in europe will be targeted by russian missiles, while russia has enough capabilities to hit targets. the us will also suffer greatly in this conflict, so the aggressive rhetoric of leaders like macron is a very dangerous
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game. the good news is that his initiatives are not supported not only among the population, but more importantly, among the military command. the gloomy prospects for confrontation with moscow are understood in berlin; despite the enormous profits of military-industrial concerns, chancellor scholz is in no hurry to transfer long-range taurus missiles to kiev. the production of these missiles was simply stopped. the media explains this by saying that it is prohibited to produce such weapons without a government order. protesters on the streets are also calling for kiev to refuse military assistance. easter marches for peace took place in dozens of german cities. and in amsterdam , more than a thousand people came out to... a rally against arms supplies to ukraine; after the rally , demonstrators marched through the city center with posters saying “no, there is no war for nato and no weapons for peace.” the desire of the united states and allies to fight to the last ukrainian, explained
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claudia senik, professor of economics at the university of sarbona. in her opinion, the west is trying to fight because of its own powerlessness in the new world order. everywhere the western world is under attack for its values ​​and for its hegemony. the west is losing. my relative material, symbolic power in the face of new emerging powers. there is no optimism in the ranks of the ukrainian armed forces themselves. new york times journalists write: officers complain that their subordinates are old, sick and do not want to fight. according to media reports, on average, out of 200 mobilized in ukraine, only 25 people are truly motivated to take up arms. artyom krosulin, anton dadykin, host. let's do it like this, and now bastard, there are other ideas, of course, let's count the payment, legal, without a qr code for a long time, the online camera itself calculates everything, well how it happened, of course, you also received 10% cashback from a free vtb debit card,
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with it innovations in the lives of russians. so social pensions will be indexed by 7.5%. who exactly will this measure affect, maria filippova will tell you, she joins me, mash, good morning, tell me, what else will change from the first? hello sasha, the income of health workers will increase about everything in order right now. social pensions are increased by 7.5%. this is annual. the government approves its size depending on the growth rate of the pensioner’s cost of living over the past year. the increase in social pensions will affect more than 4 million people, among them disabled people who have lost their breadwinners, military personnel with their families, veterans of the great patriotic war, residents of besieged leningrad who suffered as a result of radiation or man-made disasters, and cosmonauts. for these purposes in the federal budget for 2024, 37.5 billion rubles are provided. growth. salaries of medical workers in the regions vladimir putin instructed the subjects to increase the salaries
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of all doctors to 50% from april 1, additional payments should remain or increase, as in the case of some categories, so monthly payments to primary care employees, that is, clinics in sparsely populated areas, will increase points. in cities where 50-100,000 people live, additional payments for doctors will amount to 29,000 rubles. for nursing staff - 13. if in a populated area. in a place of less than 50 thousand inhabitants, payments are higher, for doctors 50,000 rubles, for middle management - 30. among the april innovations is the expansion of opportunities for transferring funds between entrepreneurs. according to the instructions of the central bank, all russian banks must provide the opportunity to carry out such transactions through a fast payment system. previously, the option worked in test mode; transactions between legal entities and individual entrepreneurs will be carried out through qr codes around the clock. the size of the commission will be set by banks participating in the sbp, and when there are limitations to the use of sbp. in
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particular, they cannot be carried out on behalf of, or if a personal account is opened by the territorial department of the federal treasury. in this case , it is quite difficult to make such payments, but the risks are , first of all, that commissions may be charged, and also that it is possible that this measure will... also stimulate some procedures related to the withdrawal of money, also from april 1 the threshold for duty-free import of parcels from abroad is again reduced from a thousand to... 200 euros. duty-free threshold in 1.00 euros was valid until 2019, then it was gradually reduced and from the twentieth year it was 200 euros. against the backdrop of sanctions, in april twenty-two, the eurasian economic commission returned the previous limit to support consumers. now it's decreasing again. for a parcel over 200 euros, you will have to pay an additional 15% of the price, but not less than 2
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euros per kilogram. duty-free weight is also limited; the parcel without additional payment should not exceed 31 kg. the same devices, well, inexpensive devices, yes, all this now, so to speak, it will simply become more expensive, due to the fact that some of these goods will now be subject to, strictly speaking, duties. transactions for the sale of used vehicles will become easier, double collection of vat on the resale of used cars and motorcycles for
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dealerships will be abolished, now they will pay tax on the difference between the sales price of the purchase, and not on the full cost of the car. in order for there to be any benefit, it was necessary to add some additional amounts and sell these cars at a much higher price, all this interfered with dealers to resell cars to each other, and in order to avoid being subject to this two double vat, various gaskets were used in the form of individuals, well, in general it was such a slightly dark-gray scheme. at the same time , new rules for calculating payments for cars imported into russia from the countries of the eurasian economic union came into force. taxes and fees underpaid due to understatement of customs value will be taken into account as part of the tax collection. in addition, customs clearance of electric vehicles exported from eu countries must now be mandatory be held in russia. the innovation will affect only citizens and companies that imported cars cleared by customs in eu countries. for those who brought them from there,
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nothing will change with the customs clearance procedure directly in russia. also, the bank of russia extended for another... months restrictions on transfers of non-residents from unfriendly countries abroad from the accounts of brokers and trustees. the measure is valid in 2022 and applies to transactions of individuals and legal entities. the decision , the central bank explains, is aimed at maintaining financial stability. such innovations as sasha come into force today. thank you masha, it was maria filippova, she talked about what innovations will be in the economy from april 1st. and now we will discuss the latest news from donbass with the head of the dpr denis pushilin, he is joining us now. denis vladimirovich, hello. hello. hello, alexander. the security service of ukraine has charged you and the chairman of the dpr parliament, artyom uzhogi, in absentia with organizing the presidential elections in russia. how about this do you react? alexander, well, if our enemies
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value our personal contribution with artyom vladimirovich so highly. in the attitude of all our residents, well, including the leadership, well, we have been recording this since 2014, so we don’t pay much attention to this, we live, work and try to develop our region, and on march 31 , presidential elections were supposed to be held in ukraine, but because of the military they did not appoint positions, and now the legitimacy of the regime is in question,
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kiev’s western partners are paying attention to this, so what do you think about it? yes you do you know? ukraine, having lost its subjectivity and facing a lot of rubicons in relation to even the inhabitants of the remaining part of ukraine, of course, with the data and this, probably, legal nihilism, well, no one will pay much attention to this, including, of course, western partners, and someone then this indicates, but this is well... the countries that are in charge, and as for the internal situation in ukraine, well, i ’ll tell you that everything will depend on the military component, the situation in ukraine is worsening,
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and the country is not economically sound, those the amount of debts that have now arisen and were formed, as part of the insane actions of the ukrainian regime, well, they will not be able to pay off , i don’t know, three or four.
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if we take it in relation to donbass, well, for us it’s not cold, not hot. will this change anything inside ukraine? well, i’ll tell you that the corruption component and the lack of subjectivity are unlikely to bring any good, even with such changes for ordinary residents of the rest of ukraine. therefore, this is a distraction, the use of political technologies in such it’s a difficult period, because zelensky is still there, well, he’s nervous there. or his team of those who have enough brains also pays attention to this, because being illegitimate still carries with it certain risks, but again this
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applies to, well, let’s say, very narrow directions, well, which probably still they don’t foretell any global changes, but nevertheless , even this... statement by the president of ukraine on the admissibility of negotiations with russia can be done without even such political technological tricks, which he voiced in a television interview with american journalists. yes, indeed the rhetoric is changing, but at the moment, in terms of the fact that something can go along some reasonable track, i unfortunately don’t see it too much. the situation has reached a dead end, too much has been done, too much has been declared, too many crimes have been committed, including military crimes, which
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simply cannot be stopped at one moment , and moreover, we know that if it depended only on ukraine , wish there to end the situation, end the conflict , then it would be one situation, but now we... russia, how much longer will it be possible to stretch this out in time, let's discuss the situation as a whole in donbass in a little more detail, right now, what is the situation with
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the shelling , shelling, unfortunately, still takes place, under shelling, quite regularly, almost daily, this is also the kirovsky and petrovsky districts, this is the marinsko-kurakhovsky direction, say, also in... nikitovsky and the central city district of gorlovka, also periodically and a number of other settlements, but these areas, which i spoke about, and the cities are under shelling literally every day, but since the 25th we have had three dead and eight wounded, if we talk about casualties, destruction of infrastructure. the enemy is trying to work both on the residential sector and on critical infrastructure,
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so this is the situation for now. development of agriculture, now there are slightly different approaches, and year after year we record new harvest records, and this is not simply due to the fact that new lands are being put into circulation, that the territory is becoming larger, this is also due to the fact that our farmers are provided with new opportunities and new tools for development appear, and these are of various kinds...
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preferences are opportunities that are provided related to equipment leasing, these are opportunities related to the purchase of fertilizers, well, let’s say, productivity increases based on the totality of such measures, but the situation with those territories certainly remains difficult. where active hostilities took place and where there was a fairly large number of hazardous objects and... uh, over the past year , yes, indeed, now we can say that applications have been submitted for more than 30,000 hectares, but 5,000 hectares were surveyed last year, there’s a little more , and has already been put into operation, all conclusions have been issued for just over 2,000 hectares, this is due to the fact that most of the applications, those that come with 30,000, are too close to the contact line, and what can
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farmers say? we also have unusual farmers they are also quite rabid in terms of the fact that somewhere they go there with a certain risk, or somewhere, well, a little ahead of the event, so here everyone who ensures mine clearance and clears the territory of explosive objects, of course , proceeds from the security capabilities which are now taking shape near the line of combat contact. the dpr prosecutor's office has strengthened control over prices for socially important goods and medicines. how much does complexity today generally hold back valuable assets in the region? alexander, the situation is complicated, based on a number of reasons, and this is due to difficulty - relative difficulty in relation to other regions in terms of logistics, this is due to the unevenness of citizens’ incomes, this is due to certain
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transition periods, and of course... here you need to keep your finger on the pulse, an interdepartmental commission has been created for this purpose, local municipalities have been endowed by law with additional opportunities, this gives its results, but what is absolutely unnecessary here is absolutely such support in terms of checking the legality of certain actions from the outside prosecutor's office, it is definitely not only not superfluous , it is absolutely useful, it is absolutely adequate to the current circumstances, because we managed to very seriously reduce prices compared to what they were at peak moments, but nevertheless there is something to work on, and also very it is important to fix that prices do not increase, because as soon as an opportunity arises, well, unfortunately , there are also unscrupulous entrepreneurs, and there are also situations that have an adverse effect, this must be pointed out, appropriate measures must be taken, we must look for ways so that the price is definitely not higher
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than... even lower than in the rostov region, but these are only individual types of goods, and i would like the overall situation to be favorable for our residents, because well, prices are for all of us on the shelves are extremely important, when do you think it will be possible to talk about the return home of the local residents of avzeevka and artyomovsk? the issue of security, here it is dominant alexandra, i won’t tell you anything new in this regard, but still the situation in avdeevka, the situation in artyomovsk different, in avdeevka, well, people, i’ll tell you, had the opportunity to stay there and...


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