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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 1, 2024 9:30am-10:00am MSK

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and the price was definitely not higher than the neighboring rostov region, this is exactly the goal we set for ourselves, it is worth noting that the ministry of industry and trade also carried out its work, continues to carry out the task, and for goods and products, our prices are fixed even lower than in the rostov region region, but these are only individual types of goods, but i would like the overall situation to be favorable for our residents, because, well, for all of us the prices are on the shelves. it doesn’t matter, but denis vladimirovich, when do you think it will be possible to talk about the return home of local residents of ovzeevka and artyomovsk? the issue of security, here it is dominant alexandra, i won’t say anything new in this regard, but still the situation in avdievka and the situation in artyomovsky are different. in avdeevka, well, people, i’ll tell you, had the opportunity to stay there, and they are already receiving very serious support there, well, if you take it. within the framework of what
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is happening there, what avdiivka looks like now and what residents need now directly in terms of providing medical care, in terms of providing social support, assistance in submitting documents, a humanitarian component, restoration of life-supporting, probably infrastructure facilities related to both electricity and gas supply.
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27 regions of the chief are assigned to our municipalities, and these are, of course, schools, these are, of course, hospitals, these are roads, these are other objects of social significance, but last week there was an opportunity with the minister of public utilities construction faizulinvarovich to discuss plans for this year, to analyze and what is done.
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last year, well, let’s just say, but to put the right emphasis, to choose the right priority areas relating to all cities and districts of the donetsk people ’s republic, this year, by the efforts of the regional chiefs , it is planned to restore about 45 kindergartens, 81 educational institutions, and 30 health care facilities and more than 1,300 a...
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here - and if we take it as a whole, then more than 1. also, 300 objects were restored last year, installed, repaired just by the efforts of the regional chief of the city of moscow, so the plans are big, people they want changes, visible changes, after all , there is a difference, this is the kind of work being done, it may be more expensive and more labor-intensive, but not so visible, but i say as a replacement. networks, replacement of water pipelines, improvement of infrastructure, well, which , well, let’s say, these are not only facades, these are not only objects, well, let’s say, and these are not only public spaces, in general , an integrated approach is planned this year, and we are counting on visible results as well. denis vladimirovich, thank you, i let me remind you that the head of the dpr denis pushiliin was in direct contact with us. now let’s take a break for a couple
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of minutes and then continue to talk about the main topics of this monday.
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in moscow 9:37 onwards, briefly about the main thing. spring has begun in twenty regions of the country. the flood situation is the most difficult in altai, almost a thousand areas and about half a thousand houses have already been flooded, people are being evacuated and restrictions have been introduced on the roads. communications in the orenburg region have been disrupted; three settlements are in the flood zone. difficult situation in the european part of the country. prosecutor's office
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is conducting a check at the petropavlovsko-kamchatsky airport, where an an-26 plane rolled off the runway. were on board. the ruling justice and development party admitted defeat in the municipal elections; for the first time in 20 years, victories in almost all the largest cities of the country remained with the opposition republican people's party. the head of state regarded the voting results as a turning point and promised to work on the mistakes. and now, to
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one of the main topics of the issue, we will continue to discuss the flood situation. active phase the spring flood is now taking place in 22 facilities across the country. rivers are beginning to overflow their banks in the capital region. we'll talk more about this with our meteorologist ekaterina gregorova. she joins me, good morning. your colleagues previously said that today in the capital region we can expect june temperatures, right? well, in some places, yes, it’s really just june. but basically the weather, of course, will be like may, it will be not just warm, but record warm, and of course, in such conditions the snow will rapidly melt, of which, alas, there is still a lot. to we'll come back to the flood situation in a minute. first, a few words about the facts. april in the north-west and in some cities of central russia, thunderstorms began, rumbles, thunder, lightning flashes after midnight were recorded by weather stations in pskov, in the cities of the leningrad, tver, vologda and yaroslavl regions. at the same time, the night turned out to be warm like summer, the temperature did not drop below +9-10°. another spring manifestation is
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fogs and haze. in the morning hours they were observed over a large area. appearing through the veil looked very impressive at dawn crimean bridge. in the south, donbass, west, north-west, as well as in the regions of central russia in lugansk, donetsk, orel and kaliningrad, the air warmed up to 23-24° in tula to 19, in kolomna near moscow to +17. in the moscow region, against the backdrop of warming , flood processes have intensified; in the ramensky district , the setovka river has overflowed its banks and is flooding local areas; the region is at an orange level of weather danger due to floods, but on its own. the most tense situation with rising water levels is still in the altai territory in for about 500 houses in forty-two
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settlements in the mikhailovsky district, it has not yet been possible to restore transport links. in some villages, water washes away the soil they tried to fill with. those who dug there this morning tried to install pipes to allow water to pass through. at the same time, the local branch of the hydrometeorological center warns about the imminent rise of water in rivers to dangerous levels in other regions. well, let's open a synoptic map and see how... what processes shape the weather today? so, the south of siberia, southern the urals, the caspian immutability of the caucasus and the black sea coast under the influence of anticyclones. the strong, bright sun turns the snow cover into rivers of melt water. a small cyclone in the urals prevents the movement of heat, but a vast atlantic vortex with a center over the baltic, on the contrary, sends more and more portions of mediterranean heat inland. this afternoon in the kaliningrad region in the west of the central region. in the black earth region in the reaches of the don and in the kuban, the air will warm up to 20-24°.
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from st. petersburg to astrakhan + 15:20, from from petrozavodsk to orenburg , the thermometers will rise above the thermometer mark and rise above the +10 mark. under the influence of cyclones, we will not survive without precipitation. look how interesting it is, how they are distributed: the warm air that comes from the south and southwest falls to the northeast, and the rain that will fall in the north of the russian plain. in southern siberia it will only accelerate the disappearance of snow. on the following map, the forecast for the destruction of snow cover: the solid line indicates the boundaries of the snow cover according to the data on yesterday evening, that is, to the east of this line there is still snow, to the west it has already melted. the dotted line indicates the forecast for the position of the snow cover boundary on march 3, on april 3. in 3 days, the spring sun will have time to completely melt 10-15 cm of snow. in barnaul within the limits. in the city the height of the snow cover is 5 cm, today cloudy with clearings, snow with rain during the day +4, tomorrow cloudy with
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clearings, probably light precipitation, the air will warm up to 7 degrees celsius, on wednesday afternoon +4 snow with rain, on thursday precipitation will stop and warming will begin, by the end of the week up to +15, there will not be a trace left of the snow cover in the city, but the snow will actively melt throughout the entire region, the height of the snow cover in some places reaches 32 cm, but in moscow. today is partly cloudy with a chance of short rain, the first thunderstorm is not excluded, its probability is 70%. but all this will not prevent the temperature from rising to 19, or even 21°. this will break the daily record. so far it belongs to 1983 and is +17.8°. with a high degree of probability, the weather statistics will be rewritten tomorrow, when the air warms up to +21°. no more residues are expected, only on wednesday, under the influence of the atmospheric front , normal rains will resume in moscow and
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the maximum temperature will be only +15, well, in the future the temperature will return to the more usual values ​​for april +8 +9 daytime hours, that’s what we have thanks katya , it was ekaterina gregorova with a story about the course of the flood in the russian regions and the abnormal heat on the russian plain. we will talk in more detail about the situation in the altai territory with the head of the region, viktor tomenko. vktor petrovich, hello, hello, alexander, hello, dear viewers, what is the situation at this hour, how many settlements are flooded, how many houses and garden plots? well, in general, the information that was just announced, it continues to remain so, i must say that the forecast that could have been made during the winter told us that yes, the flood will be unusual this year in altai and will be accompanied by , of course , flood phenomena. to date , 478 houses and 943 household plots have been flooded.
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areas where the water entered, well , i must say that basically all this is concentrated in just a few settlements, in most settlements such moments are noted one-time, well, out of 478 houses, 431 houses are located in mikhailovsky at the beginning there were severe frosts, the ground was frozen, frozen about 50-70 cm higher than what usually happens, in some places even more, about a meter, twenty meters, which means this is the first second, it so happened that in winter the warm weather somehow alternated with sharp frosts, that is, it literally rained several times
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, that is, there were above-zero temperatures up to +5 +6 with rain, which through...
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the direction we are now determining the boundaries of the emergency regime in our settlements, which are suffering the most in order to already there is a direct , targeted decision to provide assistance and support from the state to those who suffered, thank god we have no deaths
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or injuries, this does not mean complete loss of property, there are 478 residents of the altai territory, all levels are working territorial subsystem of the rschs, that is , our entire system, which ensures the response and liquidation of emergency situations, the main thing... the ministry of emergency situations, their forces and groups, therefore, are advanced today to places where the most difficult situation is, they work naturally, all public services, special attention those categories of residents who have little mobility, who require constant medical care, for example, hemodialysis, since the roads were also flooded in some places, but everywhere there are alternative ways, which means getting there,
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this means that we use them today, that’s if. then the situation is as follows, thank you, viktor petrovich, you answered all the questions exhaustively, the governor of the altai territory, viktor tomenko, was in contact with us. now let's break through for a while. and we with gifts, where did all this come from, you are retired, in vtb pension the rate for pensioners on a vtb savings account is up to 18% a year, together everything will work out. your own sberbank business for each type of business, special services for retail trade, more information about clients, comparison indicators with competitors, finding the best place for a retail outlet, open an account in sberbank, use useful services for free forever, sberbusiness, you know, and i ’m really not a taxi driver, you know, and i ’m really not a comedian, i’m a real businessman,
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bridges are washed out, more than 13 thousand people are evacuated. a headquarters has been created in the republic to combat the consequences. the chief of the central asian news bureau, robert franz, is joining me for all the latest information. robert, welcome, what is the current situation in the region and which regions have suffered the most. hello, alexander, in general it must be said that the problem of floods is quite typical for kazakhstan, but the situation this year is truly force majeure, and it is impossible to say which region of the country suffered the most severely, since 12 regions were exposed to serious floods, the situation is close to critical, it turns out that approximately 2/3 of all areas of the republic of kazakhstan, entire villages. found themselves under water, melt water destroys infrastructure, washes away entire roads, bridges, even on the russian border, if we take the north of kazakhstan, for example the kustonai region,
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automobile checkpoints were closed due to the fact that they were exposed to strong flows of melt water, it must be said , that two breakthroughs of reservoirs in the west of kazakhstan were also recorded in oktyubinsk region in the southeast of the country near almaty. almost 13,000 people were evacuated by rescuers, more than 4.5 million cubic meters of water were also pumped out , actions to prevent and eliminate the consequences of the flood situation continue, the numbers are constantly changing, let's listen to one of the latest comments from the ministry of emergency situations of kazakhstan: 12 regions of the country were rescued and evacuated, more than 12,700 people, of which 4,728...
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the operation to save them is also carried out by rescuers, for this they use the military helicopters, climbing equipment , the ministry of emergency situations shared footage of people being pulled out literally from the roofs of flooded buildings, also quite creepy footage was published from the karaganda region, where several heavy trucks were washed away by water on the yekaterinburg-almaty highway, the trucks tried to overcome water obstacles at full speed, but not everyone succeeded. at the same time , passengers from the driver's cabin of one of the trucks are evacuated with an excavator bucket over the weekend, president strankaev emergency.
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an operational headquarters was also created for preventing and eliminating the consequences of spring floods, it was headed by prime minister jazz biktenov, and let's listen to his comment: immediately after this meeting with the president of the country. the head of state held an operational meeting on the situation related to floods. a republican headquarters headed by the prime minister has been created in the government. all questions will be monitored 24/7. the guilty officials will be subject to disciplinary action. citizens who suffered damage from floods did not. will
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left unattended, all damage will be compensated. now the fight against the elements continues, volunteers are actively involved in it, barriers made of sandbags are being installed, diversions for water are being dug, while the forecast is not the most comforting, meteorologists promise warming temperatures in the coming days in kazakhstan, while a significant part of the snow cover is still remains. thank you, robert, the head of the central asian news bureau, robert frantsov, spoke about the flood situation in kazakhstan. uralsip is a bank for business, and we work
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according to the all-or principle. well, everything for entrepreneurs, and nothing extra. we give free service for 3 months when opening a business account. bank ural sip - nothing extra. russian military personnel who particularly distinguished themselves during the special operation received gold hero stars. high.
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with the help of two tanks, seven infantry fighting vehicles, as well as up to 100 enemy personnel, but thanks to the coordinated actions of the battalion, this attempt was prevented and the enemy forces were destroyed. over the next three days, the enemy also made eight attempts to break through the battalion's defenses, it was revealed that the enemy lost 14 tanks, 22 armored combat vehicles, and infantry fighting vehicles, as well as up to 500 manpower killed. the battalion performed tasks according to its mission; this high award was made possible thanks to the coordinated actions of all battalion personnel. i’m very proud of what the minister of defense of the russian federation presented, this is the first time i’ve seen it in person. eh, to be honest, i still haven’t realized that i am a hero. six elite units stood. but we crashed all six elite units along with
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their commanders. task. was carried out unquestioningly, everyone knew their maneuver, everyone acted confidently, harmoniously, there was fear, of course, but everyone overcame it, everyone completed the task, not even 100, but 200%. the personnel fully support, fully support the goal of the special military operation, all people go and unquestioningly carry out combat missions. it’s 10 in moscow, we continue the morning broadcast, here’s what we’ve learned up to this hour. spring floods flooded more than 50 settlements in 22 regions of russia.


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