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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 1, 2024 10:30am-11:01am MSK

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why is there always nothing but problems from you, subscribe and watch, i welcome everyone who joined us on the air at studio five, the place where we traditionally have the opportunity to look at what is happening around us. everyday life a little more closely than the dry news format allows. let's start with this: moscow demanded that kiev hand over everyone involved in the terrorist attack of the russian revolutionary federation, including the head of the sbu. the russian ministry of defense submitted to the ukrainian authorities demands within the framework of the international convention for the suppression of terrorist bombings and the international convention for the suppression of financing terrorism on the immediate arrest and extradition of all persons involved in these terrorist attacks. it is clarified that we are talking about the mass murder of people at a concert in krasnogorsk.
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on their territory, so they believe that some of our new territories are theirs, the same crimea, the same zaporozhye, donetsk, donbass, and here is the center of russia, the capital of russia, the heart of our country, they are organizing a monstrous terrorist act, they understand that in in the eyes of the world community they will not be able to wash themselves off; sooner or later they will have to answer for it, and of course, they understand that there is no way back, they...
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through a coup, this also happens in ukraine and often, new people who come to classes will very quickly betray their former leaders, using this as an indulgence. for all my past sins, but i think that everything is still ahead, because now there will be no turning back, i think there can be no istanbul or other agreements with the current regime, and the president has already clearly said this, just like the minister of foreign affairs, i believe that this regime should be removed, either way in another way, then we will have to negotiate with other people who will even... in any case, disassociate themselves from their predecessors and, in general, hand over these criminals to us. we will talk about the legitimacy of the regime later, i would just like to dwell on the negotiations that you mentioned, suddenly zelensky, who in general with his own decree forbade any
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negotiations with russia, then started talking about the possibility of negotiations, now he dreams not of the borders of the ninety-first year, but of the borders of 2022, he believes that if...
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he slips into exactly the image from which he came, he can change his decisions almost every hour, he begins to pine for his staff, expel some, appoint others, he is surrounded by people absolutely unworthy, i think that many of those around him have long been they regret that they joined his team when he came to power, because it seems to me that for this entire team of zelensky, the outcome will be the same, it will be...
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it means he, well, an illegal figure in the political arena, is deceiving them, he is losing them, there will be chaos in the country, so i think zelensky is speaking. the united states allocated funds to kiev for a very, very, frankly speaking, large amount, almost 400 million dollars, and sent the apparatus, in fact, the inspector to the naval forces with recommendations that will eliminate the consequences. there is
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an opportunity to close this overspending, but in the future let’s be more careful, does this mean that the money that was allocated to kiev with a generous hand, it just seemed that there would be no end to these funds, the amounts are huge plus, i’m not even talking about weapons of all kinds, and we... you are absolutely right, because i am sure about
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the misuse of the overspending funds, the americans knew from the very beginning, they track almost every dollar that leaves the treasury, but they were silent because the ukrainians assured them that with enough weapons they would break russia , they will force you to fall to your knees, in fact, they will inflict a strategic defeat, since nothing came of it... moreover, the situation is different, now, now ukraine can suffer a strategic defeat, and the west with it they immediately began to count the money, but not the horse ’s feed, so i think that this is only the beginning of the corruption scandal that will now begin in the united states of america, and in ukraine itself, as well as in many european and western countries that sponsored , ukrainians to war with russia. the last one. i have a question for you, vladimir mikhailovich, in connection with the trap you were talking about, zelensky’s trap, and
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the stalemate situation in which even if you bring elections, you find yourself a loser, and they don’t hold them, you find yourself a loser, elections did not pass, the elections did not take place, therefore, well, in fact, zelensky today is on the hook of the west, as he was probably all the time recently, but now the situation is becoming more and more obvious, and is there, in general , a serious danger today for the current kiev regime ? even from russia, who love kiev so much to scare europe and the united states, talk about aggression and a possible invasion after ukraine into some other states, and the danger primarily comes from those who are zelensky himself fed? there is, of course, because huge amounts of money, huge capital were invested in it, it did not justify the trust, moreover, it undermined the ukrainian state, it is now more than ever...
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thank you very much, vladimir mikhailovich, thank you for being in touch with us today , we continue to talk about the situation, including in ukraine around ukraine, where i will remind you once again, presidential elections were supposed to take place, on the eve of march 31 there were no elections, oleg anatolyevich tsarev in our studio, a deputy of the verkhovna rada in the past, during how many three convocations, four convocations, and you know very well how the legislative branch works in ukraine, really. kiev had no options to hold presidential elections, as zelensky says, and martial law, excuse me, please, not
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now, or is this still such deceit? i just want to note that we in this studio, many months ago, raised this issue for the first time, it had not been raised before either in ukraine or in russia, no one expected such a thing, zelensky, we discussed it here, i was just talking about where is this all going? so far yesterday is the first day, this is when they were supposed to take place.
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servants of the people, the list was formed by kolomoisky and bogdan and there were many teams, of which there were approximately 5-6 teams, which formed the government, the lists were now in power, but now everyone was squeezed out by ermak, everyone else was in the opposition, kolomoisky is in prison.
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from your point of view, what could this lead to, well, that is, poroshenko’s ambitions, in general, do you think, are to lead the state, why does he need this, given that the situation in ukraine today, frankly speaking,
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very, very difficult and it's soft. with the oligarchs and with all schaefer, but when the svo began, schaefer said that he first left kiev, then he came and said that zelensky was going the wrong way, that it would all end very badly, that the west would let him down, there was no hope for the west , and that it’s better to leave now, and he sells all his assets, it turns out he thinks it’s better to leave
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now, why, because this is the situation with deputies, servants of the people who don’t want to vote, who write a statement so that...
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a little earlier, you say, among other things, yes, about zelensky’s advisers, about people very close to him, who, including in recent days, were relieved of their positions, who tried in the twenty-second year.
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already mentioned, yes, you are right, you know, another, another important factor, besides what you say, this is monstrous fatigue, here you are, for us the nwo is coming, 2 years, for me , it all started, starting with the maidan, the fourteenth, then donbass does not stop, i am monstrously tired, in ukraine. same situation, they live in a state of hysteria, russophobia, whipping up hatred, and there they
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are at war with russia for more than 10 years, yeah, they are at war, it’s straight from tv, a resolution of the verkhovna rada, they are at war with the russian federation, yes, they didn’t attack crimea, but, but the atmosphere in society was like that, they all burned out psychologically, 10 years, 10 years. hatred pours from the screen, and zelensky’s biggest threat is not only, it’s not only the betrayal of the elite, which he is now observing around him, and which will be the betrayal of the west, the betrayal of the elites, but this change in mood, i monitor it all the time, call up friends, watch the ukrainian media, watch telegram channels, it’s this fatigue now,
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the mood in ukraine i’ve conducted more than a dozen election campaigns, i’ve come across this when the mood of the population changes like this trigger, today it’s like this, tomorrow it’s like that, and in april hitler had monstrous support in germany, at the beginning of may there was already zero, this could be zelensky’s, and this is the worst thing for him, because this is the offensive that is going on.. . grinding of the russian army at the front, it can at any moment of time, these are the moods that society has that are even worse than the mood in the army, the army can simply stand up
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and turn around and stop resisting, before that moment has come, while every settlement is still coming to us, we are finishing with blood, but if the situation moves like this, then this moment will definitely happen.
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international, secondly, no matter what agreements he signs, based on the position of the russian federation, this will not lead to a change in territorial integrity ukraine, the most severe condition is in the constitution of ukraine, i know it very well, and this is decided in a referendum, then to change the constitution, and changes to the constitution of the verkhovna rada vote in two sessions: the first is an amendment to the constitutional court. the second, then 2/3 of the constitutional majority of the next session, this is at least six months, at any moment, either the constitutional court, or there were not enough deputies for the first
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vote, or for the second.
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were terribly shocked when, after the terrorist attack on the crimean bridge, the people of kiev came to be photographed, if you remember, against the backdrop of a stamp with a blown-up bridge, it seemed unthinkable to us, and after that we saw a whole series of terrible murders, daria dugin and vladlen tatarsky saw the reaction of ukrainian social networks, where there was great joy. the terrorist attack in crocus, russia's statement about ukraine's involvement, do they have any response at all? in society, does the fact that ukraine is simply openly engaged in terrorism today, and not just military operations, somehow affect ukrainian citizens? well, russia could just issue a warrant to detain the ukrainian heads of the special services, this is the easiest way, but not the surest, because we need
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political resonance, so...
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throw all our efforts in order to win over these contracts, for this reason this stigma is very, you know, for them , there, there, when malyuk did his interview, where he began to list and talk about previous terrorist attacks, by the way, they asked him a question about me, and then they tore him apart inside ukraine, you’re an idiot, you’re doing something, you’re doing it anyway ... but now we must in every possible way disown this, for them, this is what they did, it ’s so out of their reach, out of hand, out of time, but they couldn’t do anything, because there was nothing with them, they couldn’t help themselves, i remember the situation when it was the first time, you know, i was there a long time ago, i’m now a member of parliament, this
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happened north of the second president, i was in shock. when grief, i just, i turned black, i began to be forced to interrupt you, our time is running out, but it is quite obvious from our conversation that, unfortunately, ukraine really holds back can’t stop anymore, unfortunately, he can’t. thank you for your attention. sergei shaigu presented awards to military personnel who distinguished themselves during a special military operation. for their courage and heroism , they received gold stars of heroes of russia from the hands of the minister of defense. the officers were also presented with personalized weapons, a saber and a pistol, and irygina. shaigu thanked the military personnel for their exemplary performance of duty, and also wished
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for new ones.


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